Hangzhou AiXiangJi Technology TYWE1S Wi-Fi Module User Manual

Hangzhou AiXiangJi Technology Co., Ltd Wi-Fi Module


User Manual

TYWE1S-IPEX DATASHEETTYWE1S-IPEX  UserManual1. Product OverviewTYWE1S-IPEX is a low power consumption module with built-in Wi-Fi connectivity solution designed by Hangzhou  AiXiangJi  Technology  Co.,  Ltd. The Wi-Fi Module consist a highly integrated wireless radio chip ESP8266EX and extra flash which has been programed with Wi-Fi network protocol and plenty of software examples.TYWE1S also has an 32-bit CPU, 1M byte flash, 36k SRAM and various peripheral resources.TYWE1S-IPEX is a RTOS platform, embedded with all the Wi-Fi MAC and TCP/IP protocol function examples, users can customize their Wi-Fi product by using these software examples.Figure 1 shows the block diagram of the TYWE1S-IPEX.Figure 1. The block diagram of theTYWE1S-IPEX1.1 FeaturesIntegrated low power consumption 32-bit CPU, also known as application processorBasic frequency can support both 80MHz and 160MHzSupply voltage range: 3V to 3.6VPeripherals: 6×GPIOs, 1×UART , 1×ADCWi-Fi connectivity:802.11 b/g/n20Channel 1 to 11 @ 2412-2462MHzSupport WPA/WPA215.5dBm peak output power in 802.11b modeSupport STA/AP/STA+AP operation modeSupport Smart Link function for both Android and iOS devicesStandby power consumption is less than 0.1 mW (DTIM3)On-board PCB antenna, or IPEX connector for external antenna
TYWE1S-IPEX DATASHEETCE, FCC certifiedOperating temperature range: 0 ℃to 70 ℃(Commercial grade), -40 ℃to 85 ℃(Industrial grade)1.2 Main Application FieldsIntelligent BuildingIntelligent home, Intelligent household applicationsHealth careIndustrial wireless controlBaby monitorWebcamIntelligent bus
TYWE1S-IPEX DATASHEET2. Dimensions and Footprint2.1 DimensionsTYWE1S-IPEX has 2 columns of Pins (2*9). The distance between each Pin is 1.5mm. Size of TYWE1S: 18mm(W)*23.5mm(L)*4.1mm(H)Figure 2 shows the dimensions of TYWE1S-IPEX.Figure 2. The dimensions of TYWE1S-IPEX2.2 Pin DefinitionTable 1 shows the general pin attributes of TYWE1S-IPEXTable 1. The typical pin definition of TYWE1S-IPEXPIN NO.NAMETYPEDESCRIPTION1VCCSUART1 power (3.3V)2U1TXI/OUART1_TXD3U1RXI/OUART1_RXD43V3SSupply voltage (3.3V)5GNDSGround6IO14I/OGPIO_147IO12I/OGPIO_128U0TXI/OUART0_TXD(used to print module's internal information)9IO0I/OGPIO_0(processing during initials, caution when used)10IO5I/OGPIO_511U0RXI/OUART0_RXD(used to print module's internal information)
TYWE1S-IPEX DATASHEET12IO1I/OGPIO_1(status is uncertain during initials)13IO4I/OGPIO_414GNDSGround15GNDSGround16RESETI/OExternal reset singal(negative level effects)17TOUTAIADC terminal18GNDSGroundNote: S: Power supply pins; I/O: Digital input or output pins; AI: Analog input.
TYWE1S-IPEX DATASHEET3. Electrical Characteristics3.1 Absolute Maximum RatingsTable 2. Absolute Maximum RatingsPARAMETERSDESCRIPTIONMINMAXUNITTsStorage temperature-40125℃VDDSupply voltage3.03.6VElectrostatic release quantity (Human body model)TAMB-25℃-2KVElectrostatic release quantity (Machine model)TAMB-25℃-0.5KV3.2 Electrical ConditionsTable 3. Electrical ConditionsPARAMETERSDESCRIPTIONMINTYPICALMAXUNITTaTemperature for Commercial grade-30-70℃Temperature for Industrial grade-40-85℃VDDSupply voltage3.03.33.6VVILIO negative level input-0.3-3V3*0.25VVIHIO positive level input3V3*0.75-3.6VVOLIO negative level output--3V3*0.1VVIHIO positive level output3V3*0.8--VImaxIO drive current--12mACpadCapacitance of the input pin-2-pF3.3 Wi-Fi Transmitting Current ConsumptionTable 4. Wi-Fi TX current consumptionPARAMETERSMODERATETYPICALUNITIRF11b1Mbps170mAIRF11g6Mbps140mAIRF11n20 MCS0140mA3.4 Wi-Fi Receiving Current ConsumptionTable 5. Wi-Fi RX current consumption
TYWE1S-IPEX DATASHEETPARAMETERSMODERATETYPICALUNITIRF11b1Mbps50mAIRF11g6Mbps56mAIRF11n20 MCS056mA3.5 Working Mode Current ConsumptionTable 6. MCU working current consumptionWORK MODECONDITIONTYPICALUNITModem-SleepCPU is processing, Wi-Fi modem turns off15mALight-SleepCPU stops processing, Wi-Fi modem turns off0.9mADeep-SleepCPU stops processing, Wi-Fi modem turns off, Wi-Fi disconnects10μAPower OffPower off0.5μA
TYWE1S-IPEX DATASHEET4. WLAN Radio Specification4.1 Basic Radio Frequency CharacteristicsTable 7. Basic Radio frequency characteristicsPARAMETERS DESCRIPTIONFrequency band 2412MHz to 2462MHzWi-Fi standard IEEE 802.11n20/g/b (Terminal 1-11)Data transmitting rate11b:1,2,5.5,11(Mbps)11g:6,9,12,18,24,36,48,54(Mbps)11n20:HT20,MCS0~7Antenna typeOn-board PCB Antenna (Default)U.FL RF external antenna4.2 Wi-Fi Transmitting PowerTable 8. Wi-Fi transmitting powerPARAMETERS MIN TYPICAL MAX UNITRF peak output power, 802.11b CCK Mode 1M -15.5 - dBmRF peak output power, 802.11g OFDM Mode 6M-14 - dBmRF     peak output power, 802.11n20 OFDM ModeMCS0 -14 - dBmThe Frequency error -10 - 10 ppm4.3 Wi-Fi Receiving SensitivityTable 9. Wi-Fi Receiving sensitivityPARAMETERS MIN TYPICAL MAX UNITPER<8%, Receiving sensitivity, 802.11b CCK Mode 1M - -91 - dBmPER<10%, Receiving sensitivity, 802.11g OFDM Mode 6M - -75 - dBmPER<10%, Receiving sensitivity, 802.11n20 OFDM ModeMCS0 - -72 - dBm
TYWE1S-IPEX DATASHEET5. Antenna Information5.1 Antenna TypeAntenna can be connected using On-board PCB antenna or an external antenna, the defaultway is using the On-board PCB antenna.User can modify the connection mode shown below: (TYWE1S has a resistance--0omh/0402marked as red)Figure 3. On-board PCB Antenna configuration Figure 4. External Antenna configuration5.2 Reduce Antenna InterferenceWhile using the On-board PCB antenna, in order to have the best Wi-Fi performance, it’s recommended to keep a minimum 20mm distance between the antenna part and the other metal pieces.5.3 U.FL RF ConnectorFigure 5 shows the physical parameter of the U.FL RF connector.Figure 5. The physical parameter of the U.FL RF connector
TYWE1S DATASHEET6. Packaging Information And Production Guide6.1 Mechanical DimensionsFigure 6. Top view of the moduleFigure 7. Side view of the module6.2 PCB Recommended PackageFigure 8. PCB Package Drawing
TYWE1S-IPEX DATASHEET6.3 Production GuideThe storage for the delivered module should meet the following condition:1. The anti-moisture bag should be kept in the environment with temperature < 30 ℃andhumidity < 85% RH.2. The expiration date is 6 months since the dry packaging products was sealed.Cautions:1. All the operators should wear electrostatic ring in the whole process of production.2. While operating, water and dirt should not have any contact with the modules.6.4 Suggested Reflow ProfileFCC Waring$Q\&KDQJHVRUPRGLILFDWLRQVQRWH[SUHVVO\DSSURYHGE\WKHSDUW\UHVSRQVLEOHIRUFRPSOLDQFHFRXOGYRLGWKHXVHU¶VDXWKRULW\WRRSHUDWHWKHHTXLSPHQWThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following twoconditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference (2) this device must accept anyinterference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.)&&5DGLDWLRQ([SRVXUH6WDWHPHQWThis equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolledenvironment .This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cmbetween the radiator& your body.FCC Label InstructionsThe outside of final products that contains this module device must display a label referring to theenclosed module. This exterior label can use wording such as: "Contains Transmitter ModuleFCC ID:2ANDL-TYWE1S or Contains FCC ID:2ANDL-TYWE1S" , any similar wording thatexpresses the same meaning may be used.

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