Metering Technology RFLAN RFLAN Module User Manual process format

Metering Technology Corporation RFLAN Module process format


Assembly Instructions

Tested and Report Prepared By:              FCC ID PDVRFLAN ITC Engineering Services 9959Calaveras Road, Box 543 Sunol, CA 94586-0543 Tel:  925-862-2944                           Fax:  925-862-9013 Email:                Web:  MTC CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PRODUCT:  ASSSEMBLY PART NUMBER:  REV: Puma          ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTION  FOR  LAN Radio and Meter  ASSY# PRD0900    CREATED BY:  DATE:   Kent Vogel  11/12/02   APPROVED: DATE: METERING TECHNOLOGY Carlos Cuturrufo  02  CORPORATION APPROVED: DATE: Scotts Valley, CA   QA: Kent Vogel DATE: 02        DATE: DOCUMENT NUMBER:  REVISION:  PAGE OF 11/12/02 ASI0021  A  1 2 FORM: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Tested and Report Prepared By:              FCC ID PDVRFLAN ITC Engineering Services 9959Calaveras Road, Box 543 Sunol, CA 94586-0543 Tel:  925-862-2944                           Fax:  925-862-9013 Email:                Web:  MTC CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PRODUCT:  ASSSEMBLY PART NUMBER:  REV: Puma     DATE: DOCUMENT NUMBER:  REVISION:  PAGE OF 11/12/02 ASI0021  A  2 2 FORM: xxxxxxxxxxxx      DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY   DOCREV REASON FOR CHANGE  DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE  DATE A Initial Release  Release of Instruction  11-12-2002                      Procedure: 1.  Place the meterboard on the top of the base assembly.  Attach the power connector assembly, CT connector assembly, and battery to the meterboard.  Snap the meterboard onto the base skirt. 2.  Attach the display bracket to the top of the board.  Install the flex cable from the LCD to the meterboard, then snap the LCD into the display bracket. 3.  Install the LAN radio card to the side of the base skirt using the plastic plunger rivets. 4.  Install the LAN antenna board to the display bracket using the pine tree rivets. 5.  Connect the flex circuit between the LAN radio and the meterboard. 6.  Solder the coax cable between the LAN antenna and the LAN radio. 7.  Install the cover seal to the base rib. 8.  Place the bezel over the meter base and align the slots so that it snaps into place onto the base skirt.  9.  Add label with the following notation: « Contains FCC ID: PDVRFLAN », MTC p/n. XXXXXXXXX to the top surface of the meter bezel  10. Install the cover assembly as the final step to the meter.

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