Raytheon IIS ARTU Air-Ground Radio System User Manual installation manual part seven

Raytheon Company Air-Ground Radio System installation manual part seven

installation manual part seven

FCC ID: CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT CMAGNASTAR  C-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE TELEPHONE SYSTEM9.1.10  UNWCKED  ONLINE  STATEThis test step is a mode change only.  Failure of this mode change will  only occur if the MMT  is notcommunicating with the ARTU.  This mode change will  place the C-2000 back into an operational modeand allow the installer to perform normal system functions.Symptom: ERROR=> MMT communications failure - ti~d  out.If this ~ssage is displayed in the Radio Responses window then check the cabling between theARTU and the MMT.  If the cabling is correct then press "R" to repeat the test.V4.0A  HHT  Radio  Responses-.Radio  8oftwere  .-.cutiDg  in  unlocked  online  state.+ +  ~  MMT  TUtorial : DfS1A205..:  ~t08:  'Radio  aof~e  executing  in  unlocked  online  state'  ia  not  shown:  e)  Check.-T  cable  connection.:  b)  Pres.  ...  to  repeat  test.Figure 9. 10. Unlocked On-line State MMTI Troubleshoot Screen.9-13 RevB
FCC 10: CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT CMAGNASTAR  C-2000  DIGITAL  AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM9.1.11  RECEIVE  SIGNAL  STRENGTH  MEASUREMENT  USING  GENSTAR  GROUNDSTATIONThis test step is a verification  of operational capabilities of the C-2000 if the installer is able to monitor aGTE Airfone Ground Station from the location at which the system is being installed.  If communicationswith a ground station is possible, the Pilot  Status screen will  indicate that the ARTU  is in sync with theground station Pilot control channel.---V4.0A  MIr1' Radio  Responses-: C-2000  reports  statua  update  ENABLED.I,PrM8  r2  to  Vi-  Status  Display:IHS1A115  :I  II  ,:~t_,  ay.t-  cSoea DOt  appear  to  be  monitoring  a  grOUDdatation.  ::  .)  Have  you  waited  several  minutes  for  the  pilot  scanning  to  complete  and  ::  tha  8Y8t-  to  lock  on  and  monitor  a  groundstation.  ::  b)  Are  you  8Ure  that  the  location  you  are  currently  at  will  support  ::  c.-micatioos  between  the  AR'n1 and  the  groundstetion?  Check  to  see  ::  that  this  .line  of  sight.  RP system  is  not  blocked.  i.e.  the  antenna  ::  i.  not  blocked  by  carta.  hanger.  door.  being  closed  or  a  building  in  ::  the  way.  :(a).turn:  -Figure 9. RSS Measurement Using GenStar Ground Station MMTI  Troubleshoot Screen.9-14 RevB
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT CMAGNASTAR  C-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE TELEPHONE SYSTEM9.1.12  MMTI  Troubleshoot  ConclusionThe MMT  installation tutorial is concluded with a troubleshoot screen that provides the telephone numberof the MagnaStar "ST ARLINE".  This number can be used to contact MagnaStar personnel concerningquestions about the MMT  or C-2000 troubleshooting problems. The ST ARLINE  number is 888-246-STAR (7827).r  0,+  o;  ~  v.  OA Iar1' Radio R.""""."-'.  c-;:.F~":CC-.  -r-: DfSlA1l6  c:,*,  .:  Pleas.  direct  questiOl18  or  c~ta  concerning  *I'I  operati-  ::  to  the  llagnastar  &1gineering  d~t  on  the  STARLDIB  at  ::  888-246-STAR (7827).  :~9. 12. MMTI  Conclusion Troubleshoot Screen.9-15 RevB
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT CMAGNASTAR  C-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE TELEPHONE SYSTEM9.2  Additional  MMTI  Troubleshoot  InformationThis section provides additional tests that may be used for troubleshooting or system check-out.  Tests inthis section require the use of the MMTI  commanded mode screens. See section 9.3 for informationdetailing navigation and description of the various MMTI  commanded mode screens.9.2.1  Data Cable Pull CheckThe data cable pull check can be a useful test for finding intermittent cable connections between CDBRs orbetween a CDBR and an ARTU.  This test is performed using the MMTI  commanded ~e.  This testinvolves monitoring debug messages on one of the MMTI  status screens while moving the data cables.The performance of this test requires the ARTU  to be placed in a "locked offline  state" in order to easilyrcvicw thc MMTI  debug messages. While in the "locked offline  state" the "71 P AB_BIT  TASK"  dcbugscreen will  display a message if the ARTU  detects an intermittent connection. The MMTI  will  display"AMX_IN_SYNC  message received from AMX  DSP LAN  Adr=xx"  on the debug screen if  an intermittentconnection is detected as shown in Figure 9.2.1.  The message "DQ2  DSP _ERROR_CODE rcvd from DSP#14, HDRI=I00  hex" message will  appear every 15 seconds on the debug screen when the ARTU  is placedin the proper mode and the correct debug screen selected. If an intermittent connection is detected, checkthe cable for proper seating, damage, and bad or broken solder joints.  Swapping of a CDBR or AIU  maybe necessary to isolate intermittent or damaged connectors on the units themselves. The steps forperfonning the data cable pull check are as follows:Power up the ARTU  and let it complete Built-ln- Test.Connect the MMT  cable to the ARTU  and the computer.Start the MMTI  software and select commanded mode of operation.Select the Goto Radio Installation/f  est Menu.Select the Set Radio Locked/Offline  command.Press the escape key.Goto Radio Maintenance Operations Menus.Goto Debug Menu.EnablelDisable All  Debug Msgs.Enable All  Debug Msgs.Select No to Log Debug messages.Press the "F I"  key three times to scroll to the 71 P AB_BIT  TASK  Debug screen.The message "DQ2 DSP_ERROR_CODE rcvd from DSP#14, HDRI=IOOhex"  message willappear every 15 seconds on the debug screen.Move cables and look for intermittent connections on the MMTI  Debug screen.+  71  PM_an  TUK  +:1501.028  11102  ~_~COI8  ~  f~-  ~  11.,  ~1  .  100  ~  ::1501.0.3  1  DQ2 08  COI8  ~  f~_~.  11.,  ~1  .  100  ~  ::1501.058  1  1102 ~_--COI8  ~  f~-  DSP 11.,  ~1  .  100  ~  ::15015013  1  1102 DSP_--COI8  ~  f~-  D8P  11.,  BD8.1 .  100  ~  ::1501501'  1  nE_~  ---  ~i~  f~  AD  D8.,  La8  aAz: .  0  ::15015020  1  ~%--8YE  r8C.i~  f~-  AD  DSP,  La8  aAz: .  2  ::15015021  1  ~m_8YE  -_.ag.  r8C.i~  f~-  AD  ~P,  La8  aAz: .  2  ::15015028  1  1102 DSP_--CO~  ~~  f~  D8.  11.,  BDa1  .  100  hex  ::150150.3  11102  DSP oR_COD8  ~  fraa  08.,1.,  BDa1  .  100  hex  ::15015058  1  1102 ~---COD8  ~  f~  D8.  11.,  BDa1  .  100  hex  I:15011010 1 nE--  ---  ~_i.-4  f~  AD  D8.,  LA8 aAz: .  0  ::15011011  1  ~X8-8YE  r8C.i~  f~-  AD  DeP,  La8  aAz: .  2  1:15011013  1  1102 DSP_8aaOa_CO~  ~  f~  DBP 11.,  BDal  .  100  ~  ::15:11:28  1  1102 DSP_--COD8  ~  f~  DB.  11.,  BDal  .  100  ~  ~~Figure 9.2. 71 PAB_BIT  TASK  Debug screen for Data Cable Pull Test.9-16 RevB
FCC 10: CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT CMAGNAST  AR  C-2000  DIGITAL  AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEMTo return the C-2000 system to nonnal operation, use the following  steps:After completion, press the "F2"  three times.Press "ESC"  several times to return to the C-2000 MMT  Main Menu.Select the Goto Radio lnstallarion!r est Menu.Select the Set Radio Unlocked/Online  command.9.2.2  Fault  Counter  CheckThe fault counter check can be used to view faults stored in non-volatile memory.  The ARTU  will  storefaults detected during power-up BIT or operational background BIT.  See Figure for a display ofthe fault counter MMTI  screen. The following  commands are to be used to display the ARTU  faultcounters:Power up the ARTU  and let it complete Built-ln- Test.Connect the MMT  cable to the ARTU  and the computer.Start the MMTI  software and select commanded mode of operation.Select the Goto Radio InstallatjonfTest Menu.Select the Set Radjo Locked/Offline  command.Press the escape key.Select Goto Radio Configuration Menu.Select Report Fault Counters9.2.3  Flight  Test LogThe flight test log can be a useful tool for identifying problems in a dynamic environment.  By savingsoftware debug information in a log, the information can be reviewed at a later time.  By saving theinformation on a disk it can be sent to MagnaStar Engineering for review.  The following  steps are used toenable the Flight Test Log:Power up the ARTU  and let it complete Built-In-Test.Connect the MMT  cable to the ARTU  and the computer.Start the MMTI  software and select commanded mode of operation.Select Goto Radio Maintenance Operations Menus.Select Goto Debug Menu.Select Enable/Disable All  Debug Msgs.Select Enable All  Debug Msgs.Respond "Yes"  to Log Debug messages to the hard disk.Enter a filename to identify the debug log file.Respond "No"  to the store TSC Status updates.Respond "No"  to the store Pilot Status updates.In order to conserve computer memory, the debug log should be closed after completion of the flight test.The following  steps will  close the flight  test debug log:Select Enable/Disable All  Debug Msgs.Select Disable All  Debug Msgs.Respond "Ves"  to close the debug file on the hard disk.RevBQ.t7
FCC ID: CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT CMAGNASTAR  C-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE TELEPHONE SYSTEM9.2.4  L-Band  Interference  TestsBecause the C-2000 system operates in the 850.900 MHz  range, interference between the C.2000 and L-Band equipment (i.e. DME, Transponder, TCAS) can occur if  there is not enough isolation betweenantennas. Testing for interference can be done by making the C-2000 equipment transmit.  By monitoringthe Receiver Signal Strength (RSS) value reported in the Radio Status screen while the ARTU  istransmitting, it can be determined if the L-Band equipment interferes with the C-2000 system.The simplest test method is to use the MMTI  installation test mode and to stop at the Receive SignalStrength test step. By not connecting up the loop around test box, no signal level should be reported abovethe nominal no signal value.  Frequency agile devices like DMEs must be tuned and transmit across thewhole operating frequency range to assure that there are no frequency dependent interference problems.  Ifany change occurs in the RSS value then there is interference from external equipment.  The nominal nosignal value of the RSS can be determined by disconnecting the receive coax cable from the ARTU andviewing the RSS value on the Radio Status screen. See section 6.3.12 for the Receive Signal StrengthMeasurement test procedure.9.2.5  CEPT -El  Communication  VerificationThe MagnaStar ARTU  is capable of interfacing to multichannellNMARSA  T SA TCOM  equipment using aCEPT -EI  digital interface.  ARTU part number 724855-802 has additional hardware which will  supportthis interface.  Calls are routed through the ARTU  to the SA TCOM  over the CEPT -E I  interface. TheCEPT -E I interface is a 2.048 MHz time division multiplexed data bus consisting of differential  serialtransmit and receive lines.Communication between the ARTU  and the SA TCOM equipment can be verified by viewing a MagnaStardigital handset. If a handset displays the word Satcom on the Services menu when the handset is on hook.or in the bezel, then the ARTU  and SA TCOM equipment are in communication over the CEPT -E Iinterface.  Also, if the LINK  option is available from the handset Main menu, then the CEPT-EI  isoperational. If  SA TCOM  is not present at the Services menu, then the SA TCOM  system has informed theMagnaStar system there are no channels available.  If this happens during initial  system installation, verifythe Satcom system configuration jumpers (verify that the SA TCOM  system has been configured forExternal CTU).  It is possible that conditions may exist which will  keep SA TCOM  calls from being placedSA TCOM  units do provided status information to the ARTU over the CEPT -E I bus which can indicate thatthe SA TCOM unit is either faulted or that SA TCOM  channels are not available for use. This information isreported to the user when a call is placed. SA TCOM channels not being available for use may includeitems beyond the SA TCOM  unit including satellite coverage problems or ground station problems.It is possible to detennine the status of the CEPT -EI  interface between the ARTU  and the SATCOM unitusing the MMT.  Figure 9.2.5 shows the ARTU  Status screen. In the lower right hand comer is CEPT -EIstatus information.  The CEPT -EI  status information has three possible states; RR, RNR and  DOWN.There are two columns of information.  The ARTU  column applies to the ARTU  and the CMS columnapplies to the SA TCOM  equipment.  It may be possible to isolated RNR problems to a particular piece ofequipment using the column labels.This status infom1ation means Receiver Ready. This condition indicates that the CEPT.El  interface and equipment is operational.RR-RNR -  This status information means Receive Not Ready. This condition indicates that theCEPT -E 1 interface is operational but that the equipment is not functional.DOWN  - This status information  means that the CEPT -El  interface is not operational. This couldindicated that either piece of equipment is at fault or no CEPT -E 1 connection.RevSQ.IK
FCC ID: CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT CMAGNASTAR  C-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE TELEPHONE SYSTEM+  at.atu.  up.sat  +:  Aizeraft  ID:  800001h  AcCOUDt 8a8b8r:  '002350600  -.4io  ID.  88&0001  ::  CP1...tUrD  to  Prior  """)  U'lV  ftA~  C~l.  at..tu.  S~)  ::  ::  -  ... -..  U'lV at.atu. ::aa.iv-at.  -  ~  10  Ad8iA: U8LOCK 0DeZ"" ::..S  C488).  -127.5  0.0  -81.0  ATa!l:  .or  DO  v...  ~  ::Doppl.Z'  CB.).  0  -22  ::Opezo Stat  ..  CODt.%'l.~Ia  ::T8C/ACC Stat..  OFF  8aD4o11 Stat..  .-11  ::Ch Yot  lOx6.  0  0  :: Ch  8Z'Z'  1 0..3  .  0  0  ::Ch ...  .  .000000  .000000  ~  SWitch.  I8  ::acL  Yot  10..3.  0  0  ".-  ID4ioat_.  ~  ::.cL  8Z'Z'.  0  0  Oacill-tor  ::acL  ...  :  .000000  .000000  ::8aD4011  aQ8'f:  8ot.-.e4  CPO  141..  83-  CC-)  an  CIaat.)  !  CEPT-EI'  ,:  VIC  1/1  V8C  1/3  Inforn1ation:V8C Stat..  "_On'  "_OFF  caU  croll:Cal1..,.  0  0  8CL.: --  Cap::..  Ct.%' 1 .  ,: 'fa  Ct.%' 1 .  :+  +Figure 9.2.5. ARTU  Status Screen Showing CEPT -EI  Interface Infonnation.RevB9-19
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT CMAGNASTAR  C-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE TELEPHONE SYSTEMThe first screen when starting the MMTI  software is the MMT  Start-up menu. To begin the conDnandedmode operation, make the appropriate selection from the MMTI  Start-up menu as shown in figure 9.3.2.  Ifthe ARTU  has been powered prior to starting the MMTI  software. the user will  then proceed to the MMTMain menu.  Figure 9.3.3 shows the MMT  Main menu screen. If power is applied to the ARTU  after theMMT  software has started running, the user will  then proceed to the MMT  Boot Menu when theCODm1anded mode of operation is selected. Power must have been feDX)ved from the ARTU  for greaterthan ten seconds in order to proceed to the Boot menu from the Start-up menu.A breakdown of each oftbe  four sections with a description of each sub-~u  is provided in the followingsections.+  V'.OA  ~  -.4io  "8P0D8e  +:  ~  Propzoietaryo  8of~  ::  ,..tar  87  v_.iOG  '.0&  ::  IU'rALL8a  VDBI~  ::  (C)  Copyright  1'"  aQtlaeOD  .,..t-  C-.  :I  -  er  (C) CGpJ'Z'ight 1"'-1'"  PIaar ~  8of~.  X-.  -  81,-'503  ::  >  Wt~h  aerial  Cable  <  :+  ++  r  ~  +:  C-3000 -.r ~  0ftZ~ -  ::  I:  1  - 8t.an  -.r  - C-.a4 _.  :I  3  - 8t.&&'t. -.r  - I_t.a11at.~  :I  II  ,: 881ect. -.r  .t.aft-~  ~ioa  C 1  -  3.  0  too ~it.  -.r)  I  -  IFigure 9.3.2.  The MMT  Start-Up Menu Screen+  V'.OA  ~  884io  "  +,  ,,  ,:  ~-ap  8taC...  80378  Kicroproc...or  OK.  8aAK OK.  ::  Aa'fC  0048  rile  Aa'fCC'08.8D  Vezo 0.0  DeC.  0'/08/00  1,.25  88M  1  cac.f.CD::  ~  code  rile  ~'0A.8D  Vezo 0.0  DeC.  03/27/00  12.13  88M  2  cac.12'8::  arr  ood8  rile  KarrC'OA.8D  Vezo 0.0  DeC.  05/18/"  18.03  88M  1  C8Cs20ee::  8ooC  ood8  ril.  ML-.cJ1C.8D  Var  0.0  DeC8 0'/2'1'8  1,.27  88M  1  C8Cs'"  ::  884io  -'~  i.  -  _ciag.+  +~  .~ :  C-2000 ~  DX8 -  :,  ,,  .:  1 - ~  88dio CODfigazo.ci- -  ::  2 - ~  884io XA8C&11aCi-"_c -  ::J-~8ooC-  ::  ,  -  _0  88dio  *iAt:--.  aperati-.  --  ::  ::  8DCezo Kai.  -  C--  (1  -  '.  0  to  q,.it  t.Joe ~).  -  II  IFigure 9.3.3 The MMT  Main Menu Screen.9-21 RevB
FCC ID: CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT CMAGNAST  AR  C-2000  DIGITAL  AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM9.3.1  MMTI  Commanded  Mode - C-2000 MMT  Boot MenuThe MMTI  Boot menu is used to perfonn functions while the ARTU  software in not executing.  Thisincludes reviewing software versions, loading new software files and starting software execution. TheMMTI  Boot menu screen is shown in figure 9.3. I. I  A brief description of each of the Boot menuselections is provided as follows:I}  Start Radio Software - This command will  start Built-In-Test  (BIT)  and radio software execution.  Theradio software must be executing before any of the menu options, other that the boot menuoptions, are valid.2}  Report Radio Software Filenames - This command will  report the software files that are loaded in theARTU.  The software files will  be reported similar to those shown in the Radio Response windowof Figure}  Initiate Boot -  This command will  stop radio software execution and place the radio in a Boot mode ofoperation.  The ARTU  must be in a Boot mode of operation for commands on this screen to bevalid.4}  Load Radio Software -  This command is to be used when new software is to be loaded in the ARTU.This command can only load a single file at a time and is only valid for ARTC and MDSP code.5}  Batch Load Radio Software - This command is to be used to load all four different software filesrequired to operate the ARTU  at one time.  See Figure for an example of the BatchSoftware Download screen6}  Start MMT  Tutorial-  This command can be used to start the installation mode of the MMTI.7}  Configure MMT  COM Port -  This command is used to change the data transfer (baud) rate whenloading software between the MMTI  computer and the ARTU.  It should be noted that aftercompletion of a file transfer the baud rate must be set back to 9600 in order for the MMTIsoftware to communicate with the ARTU.8}  Configure Batch Download Baud Rate - This command is used to change the data transfer (baud) ratebetween the MMTI  computer and the ARTU  when batch software downloading is to beperformed.  The default baud rate value is 9600 (9.6 kbs) for batch software downloading.  Thiscommand allows the baud rate to be change to either 19.8 or 38.4 kbs It should be noted that aftercompletion of a file transfer the baud rate will  automatically be set back to 9600 in order for theMMTI  software to communicate with the ARTU.+  V6.0A  -.r  aadio  "~e  +.  ..  .:  ~~-ap  .~a~.o  10376 .ic~oproce.8Or  OK. SRA8 OK.  ::  Aa~  coda rile  ~60..B8X  V~  0.0  Da~e 0./06/00  ~.025  8aDk 6 c.cotc..::  DS.  coda  rile  8D8.c.OA.B8X  V~  0.0  Date  03/27/00  12013  8aDk  2  c.c012'1::  .r~  coda  Pile  ..r~.OA.B8X  V~  0.0  Da~e  05/11/"  16.03  8aDk  1  c.c.20'C::  -  coda  rile  --.~31C.B8X  V~  0.0  Date  0./2./'6  ~..27  8aDk  1  c.c.-:: 88410 .of~  i.  DOt -_t1ng.+  ++  -..  ~e  +:  C-2000 -  BOO!' -  :I  ..  .:  1  -  start.  b4io  8oftware  ::  2  -  ~  Radio  SOft--  ril_.  ::  3  -  rDi~iat.e -  :: .  - LO84 aadio SOf~  :: 5  - Ba~cb  LO84  b4io  SOf~  :: 6  - start. -  fttorial  :: 7  - c~igure -  ~  .~  :: 1 - c~igure  Batcb  ~~  ..a4  aate  ::  ::8Dterc~(1-5.Qtoquit_).-  :.  I.  I.  I.  .+  +The MMTI  Boot Menu ScreenFigure 9.3.Rev 8Q.22
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT CMAGNASTAR  C-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE TELEPHONE SYSTEM'--V'.OA.-r  Radio  ..~  +.  II  II  II  I.  II  I+  ++  r  8aDD ~  +:  C-2000 -.r .-  --  ~~~~ -  :I  II  I: bur -  -  fil-  into the queue . ~.~  .  :: bt.r  P%L  B8X  file  to  a-l0a4  f~  C:\~  (88C  to  q8it):  ~.B8X  :I  .I  .: bter -  Di_.tic  an fil-  into tba QU"'. . -~.~  .  :: bter  P%L8DD.8D  file  to  a-l0a4  f~  C:\~  (88C  to  QUit):  ~.B8X  :I  II  I: bter -  appliceti- fil-  tatoo tM QU"'. . U'fCc-.~  .  :: 8ater  P%L  B8X  file  to  a-l0a4  f~  C:\~  (8-  to  QUit):  ~.B8X  :I  II  I: ...ter -  »8. fil.-  into the QU"'. . .u..c-.B8X  .  :: ...ter  P%L  B8X  file  to  a-l0a4  f~  C:\~  (88C  to  QUit):  _pc.-.B8X  :Figure  The MMTI  Batch Software Download Menu Screen9.3.2  MMTI  Commanded  Mode - C-2000 MMT  Radio Configuration  MenuThe Radio Configuration menu is used to access ARTU  databases and the Status screens. The MMT  RadioConfiguration menu screen is shown in Figure The ARTU  must be in a "Locked Offline  State"when using these commands. See the Radio/lnstallation menu for the information on state changes. Abrief description of each of the Radio Configuration menu selections is provided as follows:~--~-~"~~~  V,.OA  .-r  Radio  "8POD .,  C,,  ;  ',,':  0':,'II+ +  -.  ~ :  C-2000 -  aADZO ~_7ZC8  ~II: 1  - Lo84  8pee4-Dial  Databa-: 2 -  sa.. apee4-Dial Databa-: 3 - vi-  Z_tO&'Y Databa..: .  -  ~  Paut COIIDt.8~.: 5 -  8DAbl./Di.abl. 8t.tU8 ap4at..:  ,  - 8DAbl./Di.abl. n  8CL -, ,: 8Dt-  a84io C-'ipratiOG  _l8CtiOG  (1 -  I.  --  ~  ~t  -).  -  i.  I.  I,  I.  II,.~  .~  ~  +Figure 9.3.2. The MMT  Radio Configuration Menu Screen.I)  Load Speed-Dial Database - This command will  load speed-dial database information from a file storedon the computer into the ARTU  memory.  The numerical portion of the filename root must matchthe numerical version number of the ARTC C-2000 software when loading the speed dialdatabase. See Save Speed-Dial Database. If the numerical portion of the filename root does notmatch the numerical version number of the ARTC  software, then a DOS command whichmodifies the filename will  need to be performed.2)  Save Speed-Dial Database - This command will  save the speed-dial database information stored in theARTU  to a file on the computer. The user must provide a root for the filename in which theinformation is to be store in the computer memory.  The numerical portion filename root willautomatically be tagged with the version number of the ARTC C-2000 software when using thiscommand.3)  View  Inventory Database - This command will  display ARTU  database the following  information:  theARTU  electronic serial number, operational minutes and software subroutine version numbers.9-23 RevB
FCC 10: CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT  CMAGNASTAR  C-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE TELEPHONE SYSTEM4)  Report Fault Counters - This command will  display the fault counter information  stored in the ARTUnon-volatile memory.  The ARTU  will  increment and store faults information if  faults are detectedduring power-up or background BIT.  The fault counter information  will  be displayed in the RadioResponses window as shown in Figure  Enable/Disable Status Updates - This command will  enable the status screens. The status screens areused to monitor radio operation. There are two different status screens; the ARTU  status screen asshown in Figure and Pilot status screen as shown in Figure  After the screens areenable, they can be viewed by pressing the "FI"  key.  It is possible to toggle between the ARTUand Pilot screens by pressing "T".  To return to the C-2000 MMT  menus, press the "F2"  key.  Thestatus screen are updated once a second corresponding with the blinking  word "update" at the topstatus screen.6)  Enable/Disable RT RCL BER - This command will  enable the Radio Control Link  (RCL)  Bit Error Rate(BER) counting.  This command must be initiated prior to each ARTU  transmission that BER is tobe viewed.  The loop around test set-up must have a stable and accurate frequency reference inorder for this function to work.+  V&.OA -.r  Radio  Reep0a8e  +:  C-2000  nUL'r  COUftD8:  ::  mcao..oc.saoa:  00000  nP_,  00000  sag:  00000  ::  DPaM'  00000  8YaAK:  00000  --  BOPPLY: 00000  ::  ova_,  00000  'IUD  MJ8:  00000  UP  lIP'  00000  ::  81,  00000  "SP  DSP,  00000  ar  ~  CO8V,  00000  ::  X8IT  IP,  00000  PA:  00000  acv  IF:  00000  ::  ar  LOOP..cx,  00000  ~  LOOP..cK:  00000  .ox  DSP'  00000  :+  ++  8T  _a  Pr"-t  +:  C-2000 8T  aADIO CO8PI_TI~  -  :,  ',  .:  1  -  ~  8p.-4-Diel  Dat8b8.-  ::  2  -  -  8p884-Dial  Dat~  ::  3  -  vi-  I_tory  Databa8e  ::  &  -  ~  halt  C~t8r.  ::  5  -  8D&ble/Di8&ble  Statu.  update.  ::  I  -  8D&ble/Di8&ble  aT  acL  ...  I:  ::  8Dter  aa4io  Ccmfiga&-ati-  _l~i-  (1  -  I.  --  to  ~t  -).  -  :,  ',  .,  .,  '+  +Figme Fault Counter Infonnation As Display In The Radio Responses Window.RevB9-24
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT CMAGNASTAR  C-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE TELEPHONE SYSTEM+  r  Statu.  ap4at  +:  Aircx.1t  %D.  800001b  Accouat  ~s  '002350'00  aa4io  %D: .-&0001  ::  (Pl...t-.  to  .ri-  -)  -  ftA~S  ('r-'rOftl.  Stat-  &cr.-)  ::  ::  -  US -  Roc  u~  Stat-  ::  i_t.  -  ~  10  Adain: ~  Oper' ~  ::..S  (488):  -127.5  0.0  -81.0  A.ai1:  8Or  DG  v...  %8a  ::  Dopp1.r  (Sa):  0  -22  ::Oper  Stat.:  ~  ~  CODtr1so.L%88  ::TSC/ACC Stat.s  OFF  BaDdoff  Stat.:  ..11  ::Cb  'rot  lOx6:  0  0  ::Cb  8&'r  10.3:  0  0  ::Cb  ...  :  .000000  .000000  ~  switch:  %8  II~L  'rot  10x3.  0  0  Taswac  %D4icat_:  ~  ::~L  8&'r:  0  0  O.ci11at_:  II~'"  :  .000000  .000000  ::Baadoff  aQ8T:  ~  c.u  %41.:  83'  (CWa)  ~  (%..~)  ::  ::  vsc  1/1  U8C  1/3  U'fU  C88  :lusc  Stat.:  'f-opr  'f-opr  call  ~1.  ~  ~  :: call  ..f.  0  0  8CL.  ~  ~  I'Bearer  cap.  ::.  :-.  C .  '.  .,"  ~r1.  ,'.  c  .'"' ."fa  ~r1.  ,~  ~~~~  ~Figure The ARTU Status Screen.+  r  Statu.  update  +,  ,,  ,: (,.l...t-.  to  ~ior  -)  UW  .I~  &'raWS  _B  (~le  ftatua  SO_)  ::hbb8D4  1  2  3  ,  5  ,  7  I  ,  10  ::  ::  RaM  0  0  0  0  0  111  0  0  0  117  :: ...i.-t  -  Bl  ::  us  (418)  -127.5-127.5-127.5-127.5-127.5  -12.0-127.5-127.5-127.5  -10.0  :: Dopplar  (B.)  0  0  0  0  0  -25  0  0  0  -22  :: Syac  oor  oor  oor  oor  oor  IB  oor  ~  oor  IB  :: Free  ~C.  0  0  0  0  0  5  0  0  0  '::  ..  .atb  Lo..  0  0  0  0  0  II  0  0  0  I'  ::  Call  Statu.  0  0  0  0  0  ~  1  0  0  0  ~  1  ::  Cell  ~  0  0  0  0  0  x.  1  0  0  0  x.  1  :: ~8C  Awail  Wt.  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  1::  Dopplar  Wt.  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  :: ~  ~  Wt.  0  0  0  0  0  22  0  0  0  22  ::  :: ~SI  30  25  20  15  10  5  1  .ilot  acY  :: ..  ,.  B B . B B B A B . B A . B B B . . . A . . . A . A . .  I.  Statua ::..  .  ::..  .  3.~  ':,  ,,  ,,  c',  ,+  ~-~~~  ~  +Figure The PILOT Status Screen.RevB9-25
FCC ID: CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT CMAGNASTAR  C-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE TELEPHONE SYSTEM9.3.3  MMTI  Commanded  Mode - C-2000 MMT  Radio Installationffest MenuThe Installationffest  menu is used to command the radio to perfonn may of the task necessary to check outa C-2000 installation.  The MMT  Radio Installationffest  menu screen is shown in Figure  TheRadio Installationffest  menu has three sub-menus in addition to the radio operational state changecommands. The sub-menus are the Commanded BIT.  RF Test and the Handset Test menus. A briefdescription of each of the Radio/lnstallation menu selections is provided as follows:~  y.  .0&  -.7  aadio  "8P0D888  +f I.1  :.  I..  ..  .~  .~  +'+  87  -  ~~  +:  C-2000  -.7  UDIO  I8~n~/"'"  -  :I  .I  .:  ~  -  ..~  aa4io  Loc-.4/OffliAe  ::  2 - ~o  C_--"-"  .z~ -  ::J-~oUft.~-  ::  .  -  ~o  ~~  ft.~  ..-  ::  5  -  ..~  aa4io  VDl~/ODli-  ::  ::  8Dte~  -.dio  ft.~  ..18C~iOD  (~  -  5.  .aa  ~o  exi~  >.  -  :.  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  .+  ~  ~~.*  +The MMT  Radio InstallationITest Menu Screen.Figure  Set Radio Locked/Offline  - The locked/offline command will change the operational state of the ARTU.The locked/offline state will  allow the ARTU  to perform individual tests associated with normaloperational functions.  When the C-2000 is placed in the locked /offline  mode, the Handset will  nolonger respond to keypad inputs and the screen may go blank.2)  Goto Commanded BIT  Menu - The Commanded BIT  menu is to be used for commanding the ARTU toperform BIT tests and to view BIT test results.  See paragraph for a brief description of theCommanded BIT  menu selections.3)  Goto RF Test Menu - The RF test menu is to be used to perform tests related to the Radio Frequency(RF) portion of the ARTU.  See paragraph for a brief description of the RF Test menuselections.4)  Goto Handset Test Menu - The Handset test menu is to be used to perform tests related to Handsetoperation or high speed data bus portion of the ARTU.  See paragraph for a briefdescription of the Handset Test menu selections.5)  Set Radio Unlocked/Online - The Unlocked/Online command will  change the operational state of theARTU.  The C-2000 will  operate normally when the ARTU  is in the Unlocked/Online State.RevB9-26
FCC ID: CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT  CMAGNASTAR  C-2000  DIGITAL  AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEMA brief description oftbe9.3.3.1 C-2000 MMT  Commanded BIT  MenuThe MMT  Commanded BIT  menu screen is shown in Figure 9.3.3,Commanded BIT  selections are as follows:0)  View Results - By pressing zero, it is possible to view the BIT test results after BIT testing hascompleted.I)  Full BIT  - This command will  cause the ARTU to run the Full Built-In-Test that is nonnally run uponpower-up.2)  External TDM  Loopback - This command will  perform a test to check the transmit driver and the linereceiver of the high speed data bus interface.  The transmit outputs (+ and -) must be physicallylooped back on the receive inputs in order for this test to pass.+  V&.OA  ~  R84io  ..~  +.  I.  I.  ..  ..  ..  .+  ++  ~  -.au  ~  +I  C-2000 .., ~~  .%~ -  :t  !:  1  -  ..11  ax":  2  -  -~  .,.  roo.-k: :  8Bt.-  ax"  _l_t.i-  (1  -  2.  0 t.o ri-  ...~t."  -  t.o ~t.  _)1  -IIII,,!Figme The MMT  Commanded BIT Menu Screen9.3.3.2 C-2000 MMT  RF Test MenuThe MMT  RF Test menu screen is shown in Figure are as fo\lows:A brief description of the Commanded BIT1) Transmit Continuous Wave - This command will  make the ARTU transmit a continuous wave signal.This command should be used when checking the ARTUs frequency accuracy. The transmitteroutput power level of the ARTU  will  be]O  watts (+40 dBm) minimum with zero dB ofprogrammed attenuation.The user will  be asked to enter the value of attenuation (0-40 dB).  Also, the user will  be askedwhat frequency to transmit on ( subband (1-10) and channel (1-29) or enter "0"  for manual entrywith a resolution to 2 kHz).2)  Transmit Random QAM  - This command will  make the ARTU transmit a modulated 16 QAM  signal.The transmitter output power level of the ARTU  will  be ] 0 watts (+40 dBm) average power withzero dB of programmed attenuation. This QAM  signal may have peak output power as high as 60wattsThe user will  be asked to enter the value of attenuation (0-40 dB).  Also, the user will  be askedwhat frequency to transmit on (subband (]-10)  and channel (]-29)  or enter "0"  for manual entrywith a resolution to 2 kHz).3)  Stop Transmit - This command will  cause the ARTU  to stop transmitting.  It will  also disable a receiverif  the receiver has been enabled.4)  Enable TSC Receiver - This command will  enable the TSC (voice channel) receiver. The user will  beasked what frequency to tune the receiver (subband (]-]O)  and channel (1-29) or enter "0"  formanual entry with a resolution to 2 kHz).5)  Enable Pilot Receiver - This command will  enable the Pilot (pilot scanning) receiver. The user will  beasked what frequency to tune the receiver (subband (]-]O)  and channel (1-6) or enter "0"  formanual entry with a resolution to 2 kHz).9-27 RevS
FCC 10: CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT CMAGNASTAR  C-2000  DIGITAL  AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM6)  Perfonn Initial  PA Equalization - This command perfo~  an equalization of the transmitter path.  Thiscommand is required prior to every transmit and is automatically perfonned when the transmitCW or QAM  commands are used.7)  Perfonn P A Equalization Update - This command performs an equalization of the transmitter path whilethe ARTU  is transmitting.  This command is equivalent to a digital  ALC  loop for the transmitter.This command is automatically perfonned when the transmit CW or QAM  commands are used.8)  FAN Control (On/Auto) - This command can be used to turn the fan located on the ARTU  MountingTray Fan to the "ON"  condition.  It can also be used to place the control of the fan in an automaticmode of operation in which the ARTU  determines when the fan should operate. The ARTU  basan internal temperature sensor which it uses to determine when to operate the fan.  The fan shouldnormally operate when the temperature outside the ARTU  is slightly  below room temperature.The ARTU  will  also operate anytime the ARTU is in a Boot mode of operation.+  V6.0A.-r  aa4io  "8PQD8e8  +:  :,  .,  .,  .,  .:  I+  ++  ~  8aDu  ~t  +:  C-2000 .-r  D  -  -  ::  ::  1  -  'rr..-it  CODtia_.  --  ::  2  -  'rr..-it  ~  QAX{I  3  -  St OP ~~ tJII  --~  '.  cI  6  -  _le  'r8C  _iv.r  1:  5  -  8II8hle  .i1ot  ..oeiv.r  r:  ,-  "rfoza  Initial  .A  8qaali.eti~  ::  7  -  hrfoza  .A  8q1I8li..tiOD  update  ::  8  -  r-  C~trol  (~/A1Ito)  ::  ::  8Dter  ~.t  ..lectiOD  (1  -  8.  ..0  to  eait  ).  -  :,  ',  ',  ',  '+  +The MMT  RF Test Menu.Figure'RevB9-28
FCC ID: CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT CMAGNASTAR  C-2000  DIGITAL  AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM9.3.3.3  C-2000 MMT  Handset Test MenuThe MMT  Handset Test menu screen is shown in Figure 9.3.33.Menu selections are as follows: A brief description of the Handset Test+  vt.  OA .-r  aadio  ..~  +,  ,I  ff  f,  ff  ,I  ,+  ++  r  ~U  ~O8Pt  +:  C-2000 -.r BA88ft -  -  :,  ,I  ,: 1  - BaD48.t  -.tea  Call  P.-ogre..  7-..  :: 2  - 884io Qe-~.te4 Call P.-ogre.. -.  :: 3 - ..tabli.h  8aD4..t  LA8  ::  t  -  t  Baa48.t  Att~ibat..  ::  5  -  t  ..iat--.  AGO...  pm  ::  :: 8Dt.~ 7e.t  ..l.ctioa  (1 -  5.  8ac to  exit  88Du) I  -  :..:00Figure The MMT  Handset Test Menu Screen.1)  Handset Generated Call Progress Tones - This command will  cause a Handset to generate one of severalcall progress tone available as a feature of the Handset. These tones included: No Tone, FastBusy, Bong, Out-Of-Range, and Audible Call Alert.  It should be noted that the Handset numberrefers to Handset LAN  address and not to the interphone number.2 - Radio Generated Call Progress Tones - This command will  cause the ARTU  to generate one of severalcall progress tone available.  These tones included: No Tone, Dial Tone, Busy Tone, RingbackTone, and Call Waiting Tone.  It should be noted that the Handset number refers to Handset LANaddress and not to the interphone number.3 - Establish Handset LAN  - This command is used to determine that the high speed data distribution bus(or LAN)  is in sync with devices connected to the ARTU.  It will  also report the number ofHandsets and repeater devices connected to the LAN.  It should be noted that this test treats allrepeater devices the same, i.e. CDBRs and AIUs.  Also, a CAS will  not be reported with this test.This test takes fifteen second to complete and display infonnation in the Radio Responseswindow.  Figure shows the MMT  Radio Response window after performing the HandsetLAN  test.4 - Reset Handset Attributes - This command will  reset programmable attributes of the Handset to factorydefault values. It should be noted that this command will  change values of Speaker Gain, CallAlerter Gain, Sidetone Gain, and DTMF  Gain.5 - Reset Maintenance Access Passcode - The Maintenance Access Passcode is required to establish aMaintenance Session which will  allow access to the Handset programmable features of the C-2000system. Resetting the Maintenance Access Passcode will  set the Passcode to the factory defaultvalue of 0000.+  T  &84io  "8PQD8'  +I  .I  .: - 78.t. 8rrABLI8B  --  LU  "_lt8'  PUS  ::  78  %a  ~  ::  3  8a11488t.  A88ig-a  I:  2  cmaa  pze_t  ::  C-2000  report.8  _i-iDV  t...t.  ~8B  _87  ~  ped0C8e4.  II  .1  .+  +Figure The MMT  Radio Responses Window For The Handset LAN  Tell9-29 RevB
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT CMAGNASTAR  C-2000  DIGITAL  AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEM9.3.3.4  C-2000 MMT  Radio Maintenance  Operations  MenuThe MMT  Maintenance Operations Menu screen is shown in Figure  A brief description oftbeRadio Maintenance Operations Menu selections are as follows:+  V..OA.-r  Radio  Re8p0D8  +I  II  II  .I  .I  I,  II  :+  ~~~_.~  ++  r  ~  ~  +I  C-2000 -.r ~  -  :: 1  - _0  Deboag _..: : bur  c~  (1,  Q to  quit  -,  ,-,  to  --  to~.  _)1-IIIIIIIIIFigure  The MMT  Radio Maintenance Operations Menu.1)  GoTo Debug Menu - The selection will  allow the user to enable or disable the debug messagingcapabilities of the MMT.  In general, the debug messages report the completion of software tasks while theARTU  is operating. C-2000 MMT  Debug Menu.The MMT  Debug Menu screen is shown in figure A brief description of the MMT  Debug Menuselections are as follows:+  V&.OA ~  88410  "-.0-'  +I  I.  I.  I.  .I  ..  ..  ,,  ,+  ++  ~..au  ~  +:  C-2000 -  ~  ~  :I  ,I  I:  1  -  8D&bl./Ui8&bl.  All  Debug  ..g.  ::  2  -  Cl.-  'r88k  Dabag  WiDa-.  I:  3  -  a-i-  La.~  100  Debug  ::  j:  8D~  Dabag ..l8C~iOD  (1  -  3.  ..0  ~o exi~  ).  -  ;!Figure The MMT Debug Menu Screens.1)  Enable/Disable All  Debug Msgs - This command will enable or disable the Debug message screens.When enabling the Debug message screens the user will  be asked if  Debug log files are to becreated as shown in Figure It is also possible to store the ARTU  and Pilot Status screensin a log format and to play back these screens. These log files will  store the information in files onthe computer hard drive.  To close the log files the Debug messages must be disabled.  It should benoted that enabling the log files will  use up space on the hard drive with the ARTU  Status andPilot screen generating most of the stored information2)  Clear Task Debug Windows - This command will  clear all task Debug message screens.3)  Review Last 100 Debug Messages - This command will  allow the user to scroll the last 100 Debugmessages that were stored in a log file.RevB9-30
FCC ID: CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT  CMAGNAST AR  C-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE TELEPHONE SYSTEM+  vt.  0&  ~  -.4io  ..~  +-r---'fI: Global  d8bQV  --  DI8UL8D.  1It:  '.i::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;;-;;~-~;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'fI:  0  -  Di8abl.  All  D8!IQg  "88  1  -  ~l.  All  D8bag  ..g.  1:  t:  Di8abl./~l.  All  D8!1Qg"'.  (0  - 1,  ..C  to  exit  88DD)'  1  :I  .I  .: Do  ~  ri8la  to  Log  d8bIag  to  bar4  41u?  (T  or  8).  Y  II  II  I:  8Dter  fil8D888  of  aebug  log  fil..  788tflight.log  ::  Do  ~  ri8la  to  ft-.  ~  8tat.8  (. ftC)  Qp48t..?  (T  or  8).  8  :: Do  you  ri8la  to  Store  pilot  8tat.8  (.PIL)  Qp48t88?  (T  or  8).  8  :I  .I  II  II  II  .I  II  II  I+  +Figure Debug Message Log File Enable Screen.RevB9-31
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTU  EXHIBff  CMAGNASTAR  C-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE TELEPHONE SYSTEM9.4  Handset Text  MessagesThe MagnaStar system provides infonnation  screens that display text messages on the digital handset LCDdisplay if the radio detects certain types of operational problems.  These text messages are intended to helpthe user determine why a call may not be placed or why a call may have been interrupted and what possibleaction to take to correct the problemThere are several handset text message that may be displayed indicating that the ARTU  hasdetected an abnonnal condition and has taken some type of corrective action.  Typically  thecorrective action taken is that the ARTU  will  reload software.  These types of handset textmessages normally  indicate that the ARTU  is not broken and does not need to be replaced. If theproblem reoccurs and cannot be cleared, then reboot the ARTU.  This can be accomplished bypulling the circuit breaker an removing power for greater than IS seconds. This infonnationapplies to the following  three handset text message screens:Channel  -LimitedTo  OneCallModeswitchoverFailureServiceRecoveryFailureHang  UpAll  CallsAnd  RedialTo  AcquireAnotherC~~J,--h-DialRe-DialTwo handset text messages are shown below that may be displayed if  a telephone connection isabnonnally tenninated.  These messages do not nonnally indicated an aircraft system fault unlessrepeated occurrence of this type of condition exists.There are several reasons hand-off failures or abnormal call tenninations can occur. They may becaused by poor radio link  conditions, antenna blockage, radio frequency interference, base stationcoverage problems because operation is below 18,000 feet, or ground network proble~.  If anaircraft is experiencing excessive call hand-off failures, then it is suggested to first check the RFcabling and antenna installation on the aircraft.  Check for damaged coaxial cables shields or loosecoaxial cable connectors, especially the SMA connectors on the duplexer.RadioSignalLostCallHandoffFailureRe-Dial Re-DialRevB9-32
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT CMAGNAST  AR  C-2000  DIGITAL  AIRBORNE  TELEPHONE  SYSTEMThe radio fault handset text message shown below will  display a three digit code if the ARTUdetects a built in test fault.  The red fault indicator on the front of the unit will  also be illuminatedif this message appears. The fault codes may be an even or an odd number.  Even numbered faultcodes indicate that the ARTU  has experienced a recoverable fault.  The fault may clear itselfwithin a few minutes.  If the problem does not clear itself, then reboot the ARTU.  This can beaccomplished by pulling  the circuit breaker an removing power for greater than 15 seconds. If theproblem reoccurs, then the ARTU  should be replaced. Odd numbered faults indicate a non-recoverable fault and usually indicate an intermittent or broken ARTU.  Intermittent problems maybe cleared by cycling power for greater than 15 seconds. If  an ARTU  is replaced, please includethe reported fault code and any other relevant information with the unit to explain the reason forunit replacement.RadioFaultxxxThe waiting on system warm-up handset text message shown below will  be displayed when thesystem is first powered up and has just completed built in test.  The system warm-up is to allowthe ARTU reference oscillator to warm-up and meet the frequency accuracy required for thesystem. This warm-up time lasts for four minutes after the system completes power-up built  intest.The radio overternp fault handset text message shown below will  be displayed if the radio detectsan abnormal over temperature problem  The ARTU  has over temperature protection and will  shutdown if this occurs. The ARTU  will  automatically recover once the unit has cooled down.  Thismessage will  only be displayed for a short time prior to the ARTU  shutting down.RadioOVertempFaultWaiting  onSystemWarm-upCheck  Fan9-33 RevB
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT CMAGNASTAR  C-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE TELEPHONE SYSTEMThe status code handset text message shown below will  be displayed for abnormal call releasesdue to software coding problems or unanticipated race conditions.  This screen would not indicatea hardware problemStatusCodexxxRedialThe check CDBR cabling handset text message as shown below will  be displayed when the ARTUdetects a synchronization problem on the LAN  bus between the ARTU  and the LAN  repeaters.Typically  this fault condition occurs because of cabling problems. The most common cause ofthis problem are wrong wiring  or pinched wiring  in the backshell.  The ARTU  and LAN  repeaterscan also be damaged if a LAN  repeater is inadvertently connected up backwards, resulting in thesame type of fault.  LAN  repeaters can be damaged if  no cable strain relief is provided in theinstallation and may cause intermittent operation or latent faults.  See paragraph 9.1.8 and 9.2.1 forMMT  troubleshooting test for intermittent fault testing.RevB9-34
FCC ill:  CDG-ARTU  EXHIBIT CMAGNASTAR  C-2000 DIGITAL AIRBORNE TELEPHONE SYSTEMThe temporary service disruption handset text message is generated by the handset itself and doesnot originate from the ARTU  as do all other handset messages. This message is generated by thehandset if power and ground are present but the handset is missing the clock, sync or data. Themessage may also appear if the data to the handset is corrupted.  If this message appears, check toverify that the ARTU has not detected a fault condition or is running power-up BIT.  This can bedone by viewing the fault (red) light on the front of the ARTU.  If the ARTU  fault light isilluminated then a fault has been detected or is running power-up BIT.  Power-up BIT  should nottake longer than five minutes to complete.  If after enough time has passed to allow power-up BITto complete, then the handset text message would be displayed because of a fault with the ARTU.If the temporary service disruption handset text message is present and the ARTU  fault light is notpresent, then check the handset and CDBR cabling in the aircraft..TEMPORARYSERVICEDISRUPTIONRevS9-35

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