ShenZhen Hipad Telecommunication Technology 8005 smartphone User Manual manual

ShenZhen Hipad Telecommunication Technology Co., LTD. smartphone manual

Users Manual

-1-        M8005                                  User Manual  Android 4.4 is the Operating System for your Touch Screen smartphone –M8005
-2- INTRODUCTION Thanks for choosing M8005, This devices is Android , 3G smart phone based on MSM8610 platform. And is running on Android OS, V4.4. If you’d like your phone to live a long and fruitful life, please read this guide carefully and keep it for future reference. You never know when you might need it.   And don’t worry if the pictures we use to demonstrate your phone’s functions look a little different from what you  see on  its screen. It’s the functions that matter.
-3- Table of Contents 1 Safety ....................................................................................... 4 1.1 Safety Precautions ................................................................. 4 1.2 Using your phone safely ......................................................... 4 2 Understanding your Phone ......................................................... 7 2.1 Your Phone ............................................................................ 7 2.2 Description Icons ................................................................... 7 2.3 Inserting & Removing the Battery (pictures for reference) ..... 8 2.4 Charging the battery .............................................................. 8 2.5 Power ON/OFF ....................................................................... 8 2.6 Enter Main Menu ................................................................... 9 2.7 Enter Sub Menu ..................................................................... 9 2.8 Use Notification Panel ............................................................ 9 2.9 Expand Main Interface ........................................................... 9 2.10 Add icons on the main interface ............................................ 9 2.11 Move icons on the main interface .......................................... 10 2.12 Delete icons on the main interface .......................................... 10 2.13 Change wallpapers ................................................................. 10 2.14 Recent tasks........................................................................... 10 2.15 Install APK through File Manager ........................................... 10 3 Using your Phone ...................................................................... 12 3.1 Main Menu & Its Functions .................................................... 12 3.2 Wi-Fi ...................................................................................... 15 4 Inputting Text ............................................................................ 16 5 Maintenance ............................................................................. 17 6 Taking Care of your Device ......................................................... 18
-4- 11  SSaaffeettyy  11..11    SSaaffeettyy  PPrreeccaauuttiioonnss  Please read through the following briefings carefully and act in accordance with these rules, so as to prevent causing any danger or violating any law. 11..22    UUssiinngg  yyoouurr  pphhoonnee  ssaaffeellyy   On The Road Using a phone while driving is illegal in many countries. Please follow local laws and drive safely at all times.  Near Sensitive Electronics   Don’t  use  your  phone  near  sensitive  electronic  equipment  – particularly  medical  devices  such  as  pacemakers  –  as  it  could  cause them  to malfunction. It can  also interfere  with the  operation  of fire detectors and other automatic-control equipment.   For more information  about  how  your  phone  affects  pacemakers  or other electronic equipment, please contact the manufacturer or your local distributor. Your  phone  may  cause  interference  when  used  near  TVs,  radios  or automated office equipment.  While Flying Your  phone  can  cause  interference  with  aircraft  equipment.  So  it’s essential  you  follow  airline  regulations.  And  if  airline  personnel  ask you to switch off your phone, or disable its wireless functions, please
-5- do as they say.  In Hospital Your  phone  may  interfere  with  the  normal  operation  of  medical equipment. Follow all hospital regulations and turn it off when you’re asked to by posted warnings or medical staff.    At a Petrol Station Don’t  use  your  phone  at  petrol  stations.  In  fact,  it’s  always  best  to switch off whenever you’re near fuels, chemicals or explosives.  Around Water Keep  your  phone  away  from  water  (or  any  other  liquid).  It’s  not  a waterproof model.      Making Repairs Never take your phone apart. Please leave that to the professionals. Unauthorised repairs could break the terms of your warranty.  Broken Antenna Don’t  use  your  phone  if  the  antenna  is  damaged,  as  it  could  cause injury.    Around Children Keep your mobile out of children’s reach. It should never be used as a toy and it might not be good for their health.     Original Accessories
-6- Only use the original  accessories supplied  with your phone or those approved  by  the  manufacturer.  Using  unapproved  accessories  may affect  performance,  make  the  warranty  void,  break  national regulations on the use of mobile phones, or even cause injury.  Near Explosives   Turn  off  your  phone  in  or  near  areas  where  explosive  materials  are used.  Always  obey  local  laws  and  turn  off  your  phone  when requested.  Emergency Calls To make an emergency call your phone must be turned on and in an area  where  there’s  network  coverage.  Dial  the  national  emergency number  and  press  ‘send’.  Explain  exactly  where  you  are  and  don’t hang up until help has arrived.  Working Temperature The working temperature for the phone is between 0 Degree and 40 Degree Celcius. Please don’t use the phone outside the range. Using the  phone  under  too  high  or  too  low  temperature  might  cause problems.  At  very  high  volume,  prolonged  listening  to  a  mobile phone can damage your hearing.
-7- 22  UUnnddeerrssttaannddiinngg  yyoouurr  PPhhoonnee  22..11    YYoouurr  PPhhoonnee        22..22    DDeessccrriippttiioonn  IIccoonnss  Icons  Descriptions  Icons Descriptions  Shows the phone’s network signal strength.  Show the phone’s battery capacity.  Speaker has been activated.  You have unread SMS.  The icon will be displayed in the status bar, when the Bluetooth is set on.  The ringing type is set on silent   The ringing type is set on Vibration.   Flight Mode  Wi fi is ON  2G network in use.
-8- Icons  Descriptions  Icons Descriptions  You have missed calls.  3G network in use  In call  A clock alarm is active 22..33    IInnsseerrttiinngg  &&  RReemmoovviinngg  tthhee  mmeemmoorryy  ccaarrdd        ((ppiiccttuurreess  ffoorr  rreeffeerreennccee))  Inserting the memory card 1. Remove the battery before install the memory card.  2. Install the  memory card (SD card): Insert the memory card  into card slot following the memory card. 22..44    CChhaarrggiinngg  tthhee  bbaatttteerryy  The rechargeable Li-ion battery that comes with your phone is ready to be used, but is not charged full. It is easy to do & can be done in 3 simple steps below:   1. Connect the charger to your phone, and plug it into a socket.   2. The battery indicator an  icon in the corner of the  screen shows you are charging.   3. When fully charged, the battery indicator will stop scrolling.   4. Disconnect the charger from your mobile, and unplug.   22..55    PPoowweerr  OONN//OOFFFF  Press the power key to power-ON/OFF the phone. When you turn your phone on, it’ll automatically check the SIM and show the following information on screen:  Input UIM PIN: If you’ve set a PIN for your UIM.
-9- Note: The PIN is supplied with your SIM. Please replace it with your own PIN code as soon as possible. Enter the wrong  PIN three  times, and your SIM will  be  locked.  Then  you’ll  need  to  contact  your  network  service provider to ask for a PUK code to unlock it.    22..66    EEnntteerr  MMaaiinn  MMeennuu  In Idle mode, press the Menu key to enter the main menu on the desktop and click the Home key /Back key to return. 22..77    EEnntteerr  SSuubb  MMeennuu  Once  at the  main menu,  click the icon to  select the submenu,  press Back Key to return to the previous menu, and press the Home Screen to return to the home screen. 22..88    UUssee  NNoottiiffiiccaattiioonn  PPaanneell  As  a  new notification  appears  in  the notification area, slide down in the area to view the contents of the notification.   22..99    EExxppaanndd  MMaaiinn  IInntteerrffaaccee    The  main  interface  may  extend  and  exceed  the  screen  width  to provide more space for newly added shortcuts and tools.   Slide your finger horizontally on the main interface  to extend to the left or right area of the main interface. 22..1100    AAdddd  iiccoonnss  oonn  tthhee  mmaaiinn  iinntteerrffaaccee  You can long press the icon on the main menu until it’s enlarged, and
-10- copies the icons in the main menu to the main interface. 22..1111    MMoovvee  iiccoonnss  oonn  tthhee  mmaaiinn  iinntteerrffaaccee  1. Long press the icon on the main interface until it’s enlarged. 2. Drag the icon to the desired position and then release it.   22..1122    DDeelleettee  iiccoonnss  oonn  tthhee  mmaaiinn  iinntteerrffaaccee  1. Long press the icon on the main interface until it’s enlarged.   2. Drag the icon to “Remove” to delete it.   22..1133    CChhaannggee  wwaallllppaappeerrss  1. Long press “Touch screen” to open the menu. 2. Click  the  “Wallpaper”  menu,the  following  options  will  appear: Set wallpaper. 22..1144    RReecceenntt  ttaasskkss  On any interface, press [Home] keys right-side keys to access to the recent tasks interface, view all the recent tasks,touch one of them to enter this App. 22..1155    IInnssttaallll  AAPPKK  tthhrroouugghh  FFiillee  MMaannaaggeerr  APK is a supported file format for the Android mobile operating system. a)Please copy the downloaded APK file into the SD card, and then insert the SD card into the phone.
-11- b)In Idle mode, click Main Menu to enter the main menu. c)Click “File Manager” to enter the directory of SD card. d)Click the APK file you wish to install, and follow the installation wizard.
-12- 33  UUssiinngg  yyoouurr  PPhhoonnee  33..11    MMaaiinn  MMeennuu  &&  IIttss  FFuunnccttiioonnss  1.Phone                                                                                                 1.1.Make calls When the network provider icon appears on the standby screen, you can call out or answer calls. The indicator on the upper right part shall show the signal strength. Quality of connection will be greatly influenced by obstructions. So movement in a small range may effectively improve the quality of connection.   1.2.Answer calls Drag  the  icon  to  answer  an  incoming  call.  If  your  headphone  is connected  to  the  handset,  you  can  use  the  headphone  key  on  the headphone answer calls 1.3.Call logs This handset not only can list all calls in reverse chronological order, but also list a floating menu with all, answered; dialed, missed calls for checking call history of different kinds. 2.Browser By default browser access to the Internet.   3.Calculator Allows you to make tedious calculations quickly. 4.Calendar View the calendar & add events.
-13- 5.Clock   Enter the clock menu and press  alarm icon to add a new alarm and choose “ok” to finish the setting.  6.Camera  Your product supports for taking photos and video recording. Before taking a photo or video recording, you can set the following options: Exposure value, Picture quality, Auto contrast, Color effects, Flash mode, White balance, Picture size,etc. You can press the Thumbnail picture to view, edit, share the picture or video. 7. People To see your list of Contacts. Access phonebook through this function. 8.  Downloads  You can check the downloaded or being-downloaded contents. 9.FM radio If you want to listen to the radio, please insert the headphone first. Pressing the side key can adjust the volume 10.  Gallery Allows you to view photos & videos in folders. Touch    to switch into Gallery interface. 11. Gmail Allows you set up your Gmail accounts. Gmail on your phone is automatically synchronized with your google account on the web. 12.YouTube YouTube is a video-sharing website,  share your videos with friends,
-14- family, and the world. 13.Play Store Log  in  to  your  Gmail  account  to  view  all  the  applications  & download from thousands of applications available under the Google Market called Play Store.   Note: To use this app please connect to an internet connection.   14.  Messaging Allow you to view messages sent & received as a thread. 15.  Play Music This application you must be logged Google Account. 16.  Settings Modify settings under the following:  Wi-Fi  Bluetooth  Data Usage  Sound  Display  Storage    Battery  Apps  Security  Language & Input  Backup & Reset  Add account(Google)
-15-  Date & Time  Accessibility  Printing  About phone 17.UIM Toolkit The contents in this menu will differ according to different network providers. For detailed information, please look at the phone. 18.  Sound Recorder  Allows you to record sounds.  19.Other applications   This machine also provides various practical applications, such as:Email、PlayMovies&TV、PlayBooks、PlayGames、News&Weather and so on. 33..22    WWii--FFii    M8005 supports Wi-Fi which allows you to connect with a Wirelessconnection.This is useful for surfing internet on phone. Wi-Fi is a wireless networking technology that can provide Internet access at distances of up to 100 meters, depending on the Wi-Fi router and your surroundings. To use Wi-Fi, you connect to a wireless access point, or "hotspot." Some hotspots are open and you can simply connect to them. Others implement security features that require other steps to set up, such as digital certificates or other ways to ensure that only authorized users can connect. To extend the life of your battery between charges, turn off Wi-Fi when you're not using it. You can also set your device to disconnect automatically from Wi-Fi networks when it's sleeping.
-16- 44  IInnppuuttttiinngg  TTeexxtt  Android keyboard M8005 use android keyboard by default. You can selet other input method from setting key.  Cut, Copy and Paste Slide  your  finger  to  move  the  insertion  points,and  then  touch  and hold text content to bring up the blue cursor.Then choose to cut, copy, or paste. It is  very  easy  to  copy  text from web pages,  email, or text messages.
-17- 55  MMaaiinntteennaannccee  Use a dry soft cloth to wipe general dirt.   Do  not  use  a  hard  cloth,  benzene  or  thinner  to  wipe  the  phone, otherwise, the surface of  the phone will be scratched or could even result in the fading of colour.
-18- 66  TTaakkiinngg  CCaarree  ooff  yyoouurr  DDeevviiccee  Your  device  is  a  product  of  superior  design  and  craftsmanship  and should be handled with care: The following suggestions will help you protect your phone:    Always keep the small parts of the phone away from children.    Keep  the  device  dry.  Precipitation,  humidity,  and  all  types  of liquids  or  moisture  can  contain  minerals  that  will  rust electronic  circuits.  If  your  device  does  get  wet,  remove  the battery,  and  allow  the  device  to  dry  completely  before replacing it.    Do not use or store the device in dusty, dirty areas. Its moving parts and electronic components can be damaged.  Do  not  store  the  device  in  high  or  cold  temperature.  High temperatures  can  shorten  the  life  of  electronic  devices  and damage batteries.  Do not attempt to open the device other than as instructed in this guide.  Do not drop,  knock, or shake the device. Rough handling can break internal circuit boards and fine mechanics.    Do  not  use  harsh  chemicals,  cleaning  solvents,  or  strong detergents to clean the device. Only use a soft, clean, dry cloth to clean the surface of the device.  Do not paint the  device. Paint can clog the  moving  parts and prevent proper operation.    Use indoor chargers.
-19- Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  FCC Caution: Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment. The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. The country code selection is for non-US model only and is not available to all US model. Per FCC regulation, all WiFi product marketed in US must fixed to US operation channels only.
-20- 4444RF Exposure Information (SAR) This device meets the government’s requirements for exposure to radio waves. This device is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the U.S. Government.      The exposure standard for wireless device employs a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6W/kg. *Tests for SAR are conducted using standard operating positions accepted by the FCC with the device transmitting at its highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands.    Although the SAR is determined at the highest certified power level, the actual SAR level of the device while operating can be well below the maximum value. This is because the device is designed to operate at multiple power levels so as to use only the poser required to reach the network.    In general, the closer you are to a wireless base station antenna, the lower the power output.  The highest SAR value for the model device as reported to the FCC when tested for use at the ear is 1.33 W/kg and when worn on the body, as described in this user guide, is 1.18 W/kg (Body-worn measurements differ among device models, depending upon available accessories and FCC requirements.)  While there may be differences between the SAR levels of various devices and at various positions, they all meet the government requirement.  The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization for this model device with all reported SAR levels evaluated as in compliance with the FCC RF exposure guidelines. SAR information on this model device is on file with the FCC and can be found under the Display Grant section of after searching on FCC ID: 2ABOU8005.
-21- For body worn operation, this device has been tested and meets the FCC RF exposure guidelines for use with an accessory that contains no metal and be positioned a minimum of 1 cm from the body. Use of other accessories may not ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure guidelines.    If you do not use a body-worn accessory and are not holding the device at the ear, position the handset a minimum of 1 cm from your body when the device is switched on.  This phone has been tested and rated for use with hearing aids for some of the wireless technologies that it uses. However, there may be some newer wireless technologies used in this phone that have not been tested yet for use with hearing aids. It is important to try the different features of this phone thoroughly and in different locations, using your hearing aid or cochlear implant, to determine if you hear any interfering noise. Consult your service provider or the manufacturer of this phone for information on hearing aid compatibility. If you have questions about return or exchange policies, consult your service  To determine the compatibility of a WD and a particular hearing aid, simply add the numerical part of the hearing aid category (e.g. M2/T2=2) with the numerical part of the WD emission rating (e.g., M3=3) to arrive at the system classification for this particular combination of WD and hearing aid. A sum of 5 would indicate that the WD and hearing aid would provide normal use, and a sum of 6 or greater would indicate that the WD and hearing aid would provide excellent performance. A category sum of less than 4 would likely result in a performance that is judged unacceptable by the hearing aid user.  WHAT IS HEARING AID COMPATIBILITY? The Federal Communications Commission has implemented rules and a rating system designed to enable people who wear hearing aids to more effectively use these wireless telecommunications devices. The standard for compatibility of digital wireless phones with hearing aids
-22- is set forth in American National Standard Institute (ANSI) standard C63.19. There are two sets of ANSI standards with ratings from one to four (four being the best rating): an “M” rating for reduced interference making it easier to hear conversations on the phone when using the hearing aid microphone, and a “T” rating that enables the phone to be used with hearing aids operating in the telecoil mode thus reducing unwanted background noise.  HOW WILL I KNOW WHICH WIRELESS PHONES ARE HEARING AID COMPATIBLE? The Hearing Aid Compatibility rating is displayed on the wireless phone box. A phone is considered Hearing Aid Compatible for acoustic coupling (microphone mode) if it has an “M3” or “M4” rating. A digital wireless phone is considered Hearing Aid Compatible for inductive coupling (telecoil mode) if it has a “T3” or “T4” rating. The tested M-Rating and T-Rating for this device (FCC ID: 2ABOU8005) are M4 and T4.  HOW WILL I KNOW IF MY HEARING AID WILL WORK WITH A PARTICULAR DIGITAL WIRELESS PHONE? You’ll want to try a number of wireless phones so that you can decide which works the best with your hearing aids. You may also want to talk with your hearing aid professional about the extent to which your hearing aids are immune to interference, if they have wireless phone shielding, and whether your hearing aid has a HAC rating.

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