Vocollect TAP700-01 Vocollect T5 TAP700-01 Voice-Enabled Device with Wireless Capability User Manual CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE

Vocollect Inc Vocollect T5 TAP700-01 Voice-Enabled Device with Wireless Capability CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE

User Manual

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc. Client: Vocollect, Inc. 360 Herndon Parkway Model #: TAP700-01 Suite 1400 Standards: FCC 15.247 & RSS-210 Herndon, VA 20170 ID’s: MQO-TAP700-01/2570A-TAP70001 http://www.rheintech.com Report #: 2012302DSS    Appendix K:  Manual  Please refer to the following pages.
Vocollect Hardware ReferenceSeptember 2012ETP.HW.4100.2012.09
NoticeAbout Vocollect Documentation©1987-2012 Vocollect. All rights reserved.Vocollect703 Rodi RoadPittsburgh, PA 15235-4558Phone: 412-829-8145Fax: 412-829-0972http://www.vocollect.comTrademarkVocollect product and company names, as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Vocollect.All other product names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respectiveowners.ConfidentialityThis documentation provides information for Vocollect customers who are using Vocollect hardware.For use by employees, partners, and customers of Vocollect. All equipment design and technicalinformation contained within this document is the confidential property of Vocollect. No use or disclosurethereof may be made without written permission from Vocollect.Warning and DisclaimerVocollect has carefully checked the information in this documentation and believes it to be accurate.However, Vocollect assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies that this documentation may contain.In no event will Vocollect be liable for direct, indirect, special, exemplary, incidental, or consequentialdamages resulting from any defect or omission in this system, even if advised of the possibility of suchdamages.In the interest of product development, Vocollect reserves the right to make improvements to theinformation in this documentation and the products that it describes at any time, without notice orobligation.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only
ContentsChapter 1: Introduction.................................................................................15General Safety Guidelines...........................................................................................................................15Vocollect Battery Safety....................................................................................................................16Cleaning Procedures for Vocollect Equipment............................................................................................17Cleaning Plastics................................................................................................................................17Cleaning Contacts..............................................................................................................................17Contact Information.....................................................................................................................................18Patents and Intellectual Property...............................................................................................................19Chapter 2: Talkman Devices and Headsets...............................................21Turning a Talkman Device On.....................................................................................................................22Turning a Talkman Device Off....................................................................................................................22Loading an Operator's Templates................................................................................................................23Adjusting the Voice.......................................................................................................................................24Adjusting the Pitch............................................................................................................................24Adjusting the Volume Using Voice...................................................................................................24Adjusting the Volume Using Device Buttons...................................................................................25Adjusting the Speed...........................................................................................................................25Changing the Speaker's Gender........................................................................................................25Understanding Talkman Commands..........................................................................................................26Part Numbers: Vocollect Talkman Devices.................................................................................................26Part Numbers: Talkman Accessories...........................................................................................................26Choosing the Right Headset.........................................................................................................................27Part Numbers: Wired Headsets...................................................................................................................28Part Numbers: Wired Headset Accessories.................................................................................................29Part Numbers: Wireless Headsets...............................................................................................................31Part Numbers: Wireless Headset Accessories............................................................................................31Part Numbers: Chargers..............................................................................................................................32Chapter 3: Talkman A500...............................................................................35A500 Specifications.......................................................................................................................................35Charging an A500 or T5 Device...................................................................................................................36A500/T5 High-Performance Batteries Specifications......................................................................36Charging an A500 or T5 Battery in a Device...................................................................................37Charging an A500 or T5-Series Battery...........................................................................................37Removing an A500, T2-Series or T5-Series Device From a Charger..............................................38Inserting a Battery into a Talkman A500, T5-Series or T2-Series Device.....................................38Removing a Battery from a Talkman A500, T5-Series or T2-Series Device..................................39Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyContents | 5
Battery Warm-Up Time.....................................................................................................................39About LED Indicators...................................................................................................................................40A500 Device LED Indicators.............................................................................................................40Pairing an A500 or T5 Device and a Bluetooth Device...............................................................................41Pairing with the Honeywell MS9535: Talkman Device Is the Initiator.........................................41Pairing with the Honeywell MS9535: Talkman Device Is the Acceptor.........................................41Pairing with Zebra QL Series Printers.............................................................................................41Pairing with Intermec PB50 Printers...............................................................................................42Pairing the Honeywell LXE 8652 Scanner: Talkman Device Is the Initiator................................42Pairing the Honeywell LXE 8652 Scanner: Scanner Is the Initiator.............................................43Pairing the Socket Cordless Ring Scanner with a Talkman T5......................................................44Installing an A500 or T5-Series Device Into a Vehicle...............................................................................44Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile Computer Accessories...................................................................45Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile Computer Accessory Specifications..............................................46Mounts for Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile Computers..................................................................46Positioning the Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile Computer.............................................................47Installing the Mounting Brackets for a Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile Device...........................47Connecting Cables to the Power Supply and Attaching the Power Supply to a Vehicle...............48Connecting the Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile Computer to a Vehicle's Power Source..............50Removal of Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile Computer from Vehicle.............................................51Accessories....................................................................................................................................................51Pidion BM-170 Display......................................................................................................................52T5/A500 Adjustable Shoulder Harness.............................................................................................54Belts and Belt Clips...........................................................................................................................55Device Covers.....................................................................................................................................56Chapter 4: Talkman T5 Series......................................................................59T5-Series Specifications: Talkman T5 and Talkman T5m.........................................................................59Charging an A500 or T5 Device...................................................................................................................60A500/T5 High-Performance Batteries Specifications......................................................................61Charging an A500 or T5 Battery in a Device...................................................................................61Charging an A500 or T5-Series Battery...........................................................................................62Removing an A500, T2-Series or T5-Series Device From a Charger..............................................62Inserting a Battery into a Talkman A500, T5-Series or T2-Series Device.....................................62Removing a Battery from a Talkman A500, T5-Series or T2-Series Device..................................63Battery Warm-Up Time.....................................................................................................................64About LED Indicators...................................................................................................................................64T5-Series Device LED Indicators......................................................................................................64Pairing an A500 or T5 Device and a Bluetooth Device...............................................................................65Pairing with the Honeywell MS9535: Talkman Device Is the Initiator.........................................65Pairing with the Honeywell MS9535: Talkman Device Is the Acceptor.........................................66Pairing with Zebra QL Series Printers.............................................................................................66Pairing with Intermec PB50 Printers...............................................................................................66Pairing the Honeywell LXE 8652 Scanner: Talkman Device Is the Initiator................................66Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only6| Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Pairing the Honeywell LXE 8652 Scanner: Scanner Is the Initiator.............................................67Pairing the Socket Cordless Ring Scanner with a Talkman T5......................................................68Installing an A500 or T5-Series Device Into a Vehicle...............................................................................69Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile Computer Accessories...................................................................69Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile Computer Accessory Specifications..............................................70Mounts for Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile Computers..................................................................71Positioning the Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile Computer.............................................................71Installing the Mounting Brackets for a Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile Device...........................71Connecting Cables to the Power Supply and Attaching the Power Supply to a Vehicle...............72Connecting the Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile Computer to a Vehicle's Power Source..............74Removal of Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile Computer from Vehicle.............................................75Accessories....................................................................................................................................................76T5/A500 Adjustable Shoulder Harness.............................................................................................76Belts and Belt Clips...........................................................................................................................77Device Covers.....................................................................................................................................78Chapter 5: Talkman T2 Series......................................................................81T2 Series Specifications: Talkman T2x and Talkman T2..........................................................................81Charging a T2-Series Device........................................................................................................................82T2 Series High Capacity Battery Specifications..............................................................................82Charging a T2 Series Device.............................................................................................................83Removing an A500, T2-Series or T5-Series Device From a Charger..............................................84Inserting a Battery into a Talkman A500, T5-Series or T2-Series Device.....................................84Removing a Battery from a Talkman A500, T5-Series or T2-Series Device..................................85Battery Warm-Up Time.....................................................................................................................86About LED Indicators...................................................................................................................................86T2-Series Device LED Indicators......................................................................................................86Connecting a T2-Series with the Honeywell MS9535................................................................................87Accessories....................................................................................................................................................87Belts and Belt Clips...........................................................................................................................88Device Covers.....................................................................................................................................89Chapter 6: Talkman T1...................................................................................91T1 Specifications: Talkman T1....................................................................................................................91Charging the T1............................................................................................................................................92T1 Batteries Specifications................................................................................................................92Charging a T1 Battery in a Device...................................................................................................92Charging a T1 Battery in a T1 10-Bay Combination Charger........................................................93Charging a T1 Battery with a T1 Single Charger Cable.................................................................93Removing a T1 Device From a T1 10-Bay Combination Charger...................................................93Disconnecting a T1 Device from a T1 Single Charger Cable...........................................................93Inserting a Battery into a Talkman T1 Device................................................................................93Removing a Battery from a Talkman T1 Device..............................................................................94Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyContents | 7
Battery Warm-Up Time.....................................................................................................................94About LED Indicators...................................................................................................................................94T1 Device LED Indicators.................................................................................................................94Accessories....................................................................................................................................................95T1 Holster...........................................................................................................................................96Chapter 7: Vocollect Wired Headsets..........................................................99SL-4 and SL-14 Vocollect Light Industrial Behind-the-Head Headset.....................................................99SL-14 Headset Specifications..........................................................................................................100SL-4 Headset Specifications............................................................................................................101Wearing the SL-14 or SL-4 Behind-the-Head Headset.................................................................101Proper Use and Care Instructions for Talkman T1 and SL-4/SL-14 Headsets............................101SR-10 and SR-15 Vocollect Behind-the-Head Headset.............................................................................103SR-15 Headset Specifications..........................................................................................................103Wearing the SR-15 Behind-the-Head Headset..............................................................................104Removing the SR-15 Headset Adjustment Strap ..........................................................................104Attaching the SR-15 Headset Adjustment Strap...........................................................................105Replacing the Ear Pad on the SR-15 Headset................................................................................105SR-20-Series Vocollect Lightweight Headset............................................................................................105SR-20 Headset Specifications..........................................................................................................105SR-21 Headset Specifications..........................................................................................................106Replacing the Ear Pad on the SR-20 Series Headsets ..................................................................106SR-30 Vocollect High-Noise Headset.........................................................................................................107SR-30 Headset Specifications..........................................................................................................107SR-31 Headset Specifications..........................................................................................................107SR-35 Vocollect Hard-Hat Headset...........................................................................................................108SR-35 Headset Specifications..........................................................................................................108SR-40 Vocollect Dual-Cup Headset...........................................................................................................109SR-40 Headset Specifications..........................................................................................................109Care and Use of Headsets and Microphones.............................................................................................109Wearing Headsets: General Procedures.........................................................................................110Adjusting Headsets for Comfort......................................................................................................110Removing Headsets.........................................................................................................................111Cleaning Windscreens.....................................................................................................................111Cleaning Headsets...........................................................................................................................112Chapter 8: Vocollect Wireless Headsets...................................................113Vocollect SRX Wireless Headset................................................................................................................114SRX Wireless Headset Specifications.............................................................................................114Charging the SRX Headset.............................................................................................................115Installing the SRX Mobility Strap..................................................................................................117Wearing an SRX Wireless Headset.................................................................................................118Headset Functions and LED Patterns for SRX..............................................................................119Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only8| Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Vocollect SRX2 Wireless Headset..............................................................................................................121SRX2 Wireless Headset Specifications...........................................................................................122SRX2 Modular Design.....................................................................................................................122Attaching the SRX2 Electronics Module to a Headband...............................................................123Removing the SRX2 Electronics Module from a Headband..........................................................124SRX2 Compatibility.........................................................................................................................124Charging the SRX2 Headset...........................................................................................................124Wearing an SRX2 Wireless Headset...............................................................................................127Headset Functions and LED Patterns for SRX2............................................................................130About Pairing Wireless Headsets..............................................................................................................132Pairing an SRX Headset..................................................................................................................133Pairing an SRX2 Headset................................................................................................................135Pairing a Headset by VoiceConsole Pairing...................................................................................137More about SRX/SRX2 Pairing Modes............................................................................................138Breaking a Pairing...........................................................................................................................139Headset Pairing FAQ.......................................................................................................................139Supervisor Audio with SRX/SRX2 Headsets.............................................................................................140Configuration Parameters for SRX/SRX2 Headsets.................................................................................141Care and Use of Headsets and Microphones.............................................................................................143Wearing Headsets: General Procedures.........................................................................................143Adjusting Headsets for Comfort......................................................................................................143Removing Headsets.........................................................................................................................144Cleaning Windscreens.....................................................................................................................144Cleaning Headsets...........................................................................................................................145Chapter 9: Chargers......................................................................................147T5/A500 Combination Charger..................................................................................................................147T5/A500 10-Bay Combination Charger Specifications..................................................................148Easy Configuration..........................................................................................................................148T5/A500 Combination Charger Power Supply Specifications.......................................................149T5/A500 Combination Charger Wall Mount..................................................................................150About LED Indicators......................................................................................................................151T2 Series Battery Chargers........................................................................................................................152T2 Series Battery Charger Specifications......................................................................................153Assembling the Stands for the T2 Charger....................................................................................153Charger Wall Mount, Multiple Chargers: T2 Series .....................................................................154About LED Indicators......................................................................................................................158T1 10-Bay Combination Charger...............................................................................................................159T1 10-Bay Combination Charger Specifications............................................................................159T1 10-Bay Combination Charger Power Supply Specifications....................................................160T1 10-Bay Combination Charger Wall Mount...............................................................................160T1 Single Charger Cable............................................................................................................................163T1 Single Charger Cable Specifications.........................................................................................163T1 Single Charger Cable Power Supply Specifications.................................................................163Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyContents | 9
SRX Headset Battery Charger...................................................................................................................164SRX Headset Battery Charger Specifications................................................................................164SRX Battery Charger Wall Mount..................................................................................................165SRX2 Headset Battery Charger.................................................................................................................167SRX2 Headset Battery Charger Specifications..............................................................................167SRX2 Battery Charger Wall Mount................................................................................................168About LED Indicators......................................................................................................................170Chapter 10: Bar Code Readers and Printers...........................................173Intermec SF51 Cordless Scanner...............................................................................................................174Pairing the Intermec SF51 Scanner: Device Is the Initiator........................................................174Pairing the Intermec SF51 Scanner: Scanner Is the Initiator......................................................175Clearing a Pairing of an Intermec SF51 Cordless Scanner...........................................................175Restore Factory Defaults of an Intermec SF51 Cordless Scanner................................................176Honeywell LXE 8651 Bluetooth Ring Scanner.........................................................................................176Honeywell LXE 8652 Bluetooth Ring Scanner.........................................................................................176Honeywell LXE 8652 Bluetooth Ring Scanner Parts....................................................................177Setting up the Honeywell LXE 8652 Scanner................................................................................177Pairing the Honeywell LXE 8652 Scanner: Talkman Device Is the Initiator..............................180Pairing the Honeywell LXE 8652 Scanner: Scanner Is the Initiator...........................................181Honeywell IS4225 Bar Code Reader..........................................................................................................182Honeywell IS4220 Bar Code Reader Specifications.......................................................................182Vocollect RJ11 Connection Cable....................................................................................................182Resetting the Honeywell IS4220 Bar Code Reader to Firmware Defaults..................................183Honeywell MS9535 Bluetooth Bar Code Reader......................................................................................183Honeywell MS9535 Bluetooth Bar Code Reader Specifications...................................................184Motorola RS409 Wearable Ring Scanner..................................................................................................185Socket Cordless Ring Scanner Series 9M..................................................................................................185Configuring a Socket CRS...............................................................................................................186Pairing the Socket Cordless Ring Scanner with a Talkman T5....................................................186Setting up for Carriage-Return (CR) and Line Feed (LF) Termination.......................................187Symbol LS4208 Bar Code Scanner............................................................................................................188Programming Symbol LS4208 Bar Code Scanners........................................................................189Symbol LS3408-FZ20005/LS3408-ER20005 Bar Code Scanners............................................................190Programming Symbol LS3408 Bar Code Scanners........................................................................190Symbol RS 1 Ring Scanner and Decode Block Bar Code Reader.............................................................192Symbol RS 1 Ring Scanner and Decode Block Bar Code Reader Specifications..........................193Zebra QL 320 Plus and 420-Series Mobile Printers.................................................................................193Vocollect Connector Pin Specifications......................................................................................................193Vocollect Bar Code Device Adapter...........................................................................................................194Vocollect Bar Code Serial Interface Cable................................................................................................194Vocollect T2 Series Bluetooth Adapters Specifications............................................................................195Connecting Peripherals to a Talkman Device...........................................................................................196Disconnecting Peripherals from a Talkman Device.................................................................................197Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only10 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
About Pairing Peripheral Devices.............................................................................................................197Pairing a Bluetooth Scanner or Printer With a Honeywell LXE Device......................................198Pairing a Bluetooth Printer With a Psion Device Running Windows Mobile..............................198Pairing a Bluetooth Scanner or Printer With a Psion Device Running Windows CE.................198Pairing a Bluetooth Scanner or Printer With a Psion WORKABOUT PRO G2 DeviceRunning Windows CE.................................................................................................199Pairing a Bluetooth Scanner With an Intermec CK3 or 70-Series Device Using Search............200Pairing a Bluetooth Scanner With an Intermec CK3 or 70-Series Device Using QuickConnect........................................................................................................................201Pairing a Bluetooth Scanner With an Intermec CK3 or 70-Series Device Manually..................201Configuring an Intermec Device for Bar Code Reader Input to Vocollect Voice .........................202Accessories..................................................................................................................................................202Inline Adapter Cables: Talkman Devices and Handheld Devices................................................202Part Number Index: Cables.............................................................................................................204Part Numbers: Bar Code Readers and Other Devices..............................................................................205Chapter 11: Vocollect Voice on Handheld Devices................................207Installing Vocollect Voice...........................................................................................................................207Installing Vocollect Voice 2.0 and later..........................................................................................208Installing Vocollect Voice 1.3 and earlier.......................................................................................209Installing Vocollect Voice on Additional Devices...........................................................................209Installing Vocollect Voice 1.3 and Later Using Other Synchronization Software.......................210Installing Vocollect Voice Using Other Synchronization Software...............................................211Updating Configuration Files Using VoiceConsole..................................................................................212Updating Configuration Files Using ActiveSync...........................................................................212Updating Configuration Files Using Other Synchronization Tools..............................................212Setting the Default Voice on the Device....................................................................................................212Starting Vocollect Voice..............................................................................................................................214Exiting Vocollect Voice...............................................................................................................................215Template Conversion Tool..........................................................................................................................215Loading an Operator's Templates onto a Handheld Device.....................................................................216Changing the Voice on a Handheld Device...............................................................................................217Enabling the Ability to Change Voices...........................................................................................217Changing Voice Modules.................................................................................................................218Vocollect Voice: Warning Messages...........................................................................................................218About Maintenance Mode...........................................................................................................................219Chapter 12: Listening Kits...........................................................................221Wired Listening Kits..................................................................................................................................221Monitoring Audio on a Talkman Device.........................................................................................222Monitor Audio on a Handheld Device.............................................................................................222Samson Wireless Listening Systems (TR-605-x)......................................................................................222Using the Samson Wireless Listening System...............................................................................223Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyContents | 11
Sony Wireless Listening Systems (UTX-B2 and URX-P2).......................................................................225Setting up the Receiving Radio.......................................................................................................225Setting Up the Transmitting Radio................................................................................................226Connecting the Sony Wireless Listening Kit to a Talkman Device..............................................226Part Numbers: Listening Kits....................................................................................................................226Chapter 13: Troubleshooting Equipment Problems.............................229I Can't Hear Anything Through the Headset...........................................................................................229My Bar Code Reader Won't Scan...............................................................................................................229My Headset Won't Stay On........................................................................................................................229The Device Beeps Every Few Seconds.......................................................................................................230The Device Will Not Load a Voice Application.........................................................................................230The Device Will Not Load an Operator Template....................................................................................230The Device Does Not Respond to Button Presses.....................................................................................230The Device Will Not Turn On....................................................................................................................230The Device Keeps Shutting Off..................................................................................................................231Troubleshooting Guide for the Talkman A500/T5 Battery Charger........................................................231About Sending Equipment Back for Repairs............................................................................................234Packaging Items for Return to Vocollect...................................................................................................235Sending Equipment Back for Repairs: Return Material Authorization (RMA) Procedures..................235Troubleshooting VMT Configurations.......................................................................................................236Troubleshooting Problems Indicated by LED...........................................................................................237About Error Messages................................................................................................................................237Numbered Error Messages..............................................................................................................238Spoken Error Messages...................................................................................................................243Chapter 14: Contacting Technical Support.............................................247General Information Needed for Most Support Requests .......................................................................247Common Questions to Answer when Contacting Support.......................................................................247Enabling Device Logging in VoiceConsole................................................................................................247Appendix A: Compliance..............................................................................249Vocollect®Regulatory Compliance............................................................................................................249Declaration of Conformity: RoHS..............................................................................................................252Vocollect®A500 Devices Declaration of Conformity................................................................................253Vocollect®T5 and T5m Devices and Talkman T5 VMT Mobile Computers Declaration ofConformity..............................................................................................................................254Vocollect®T2x Devices Declaration of Conformity...................................................................................255Vocollect®T1 Devices Declaration of Conformity.....................................................................................257Vocollect®SRX Wireless Headset Declaration of Conformity.................................................................258Vocollect®SRX2 Wireless Headset Declaration of Conformity...............................................................259Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only12 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Appendix B: Template Training Options.................................................261Training with the Talkman Device Only...................................................................................................261Training Using and Visual Training Device.............................................................................................261Training through VoiceConsole's Display.................................................................................................262Training Using a Printed List of Words....................................................................................................262Training Using the Handheld Device Screen............................................................................................263Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyContents | 13
Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only14 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Chapter 1IntroductionThe Vocollect Hardware Documentation and Product Guides contain comprehensive information abouthardware products and peripherals.This document includes the following information:• Safety information• Hardware specifications• Installation procedures, and basic operating instructions for Vocollect hardware and/or third partydevices that are compatible with Vocollect software• Part numbers• Regulatory and compliance statements• Troubleshooting guidanceAudienceThis document is intended to be used as a reference resource by authorized resellers, sales representatives,customers, and users of the hardware.General Safety GuidelinesFollow these guidelines when working with Vocollect electrical equipment:• Grounded equipment must be plugged into an outlet, properly installed, and grounded in accordancewith all codes and ordinances.• Never remove the grounding prong or modify the plug in any way.• Do not use plug adapters.• Check with an approved tester or qualified electrician if you believe an outlet may not be properlygrounded.• Keep all electrical connections dry and off the ground.• Do not expose electrical equipment to rain or wet conditions.• Do not touch plugs or tools with wet hands.• Do not abuse the cords; do not carry equipment by its cord and never pull a cord to remove its plugfrom an outlet. Keep the cord away from heat, oil, sharp edges, or moving parts. Replace damagedcords immediately.• Use only approved extension cords.Statement of Agency ComplianceVocollect devices and wireless headsets are designed to be compliant with the rules and regulations inthe locations into which they are sold and are labeled as required. Vocollect devices are type approvedand do not require the user to obtain license or authorization before using them. Changes or modificationsnot expressly approved by Vocollect could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only
Vocollect Battery SafetyImproper use of the battery may cause heat, fire, explosion, damage, or reduced battery capacity. Readand follow the handling instructions for the battery before and during use.The following are general cautions and guidelines only, and as such may not include every possible usagescenario. The manufacturer will not be liable for actions taken or accidents caused by any use notdocumented below.Danger:• Do not disassemble, open, drop (mechanical abuse), crush, bend, deform, puncture, or shred abattery.• Do not modify or remanufacture, attempt to insert foreign objects into a battery, immerse orexpose to water or other liquids, or expose to fire, excessive heat including soldering irons, or putin a microwave oven.• Only use a battery in the device for which it is specified.• Improper battery use may result in a fire, explosion or other hazard.• Do not short-circuit the battery or allow metallic or conduction objects to touch any of the batterycontacts simultaneously.• Replace a battery only with another battery that has been qualified for the product you are using.Use of an unqualified battery may present a risk of fire, explosion, leakage, or other hazard.• In the event of a battery leak, do not allow the liquid to come in contact with skin or eyes. Ifcontact is made, wash the affected area with large amounts of water and seek medical advice.• Seek medical advice immediately if a battery is swallowed.• If at any time you witness a battery starting to balloon, swell up, smoke, or show signs of gettinghot, discontinue charging process immediately and disconnect the battery. Observe it from a safeplace, preferably outside of any building or vehicle for approximately 15 minutes.• Dispose used batteries promptly according to the local, state and/or federal regulations.Requirements and options vary greatly in different countries and in different parts of the UnitedStates. Many locations have facilities or companies set up for receipt of old batteries.• Vocollect batteries should not be used by children.• Vocollect shall not be held responsible for any damages caused by equipment malfunction whenused with non-Vocollect batteries.• Vocollect shall not be held responsible for any damages caused by equipment malfunction whenusing a non-Vocollect charger.Caution:• When a battery is expected not to be used for a long period of time, take it out the equipment ordevice and store at room temperature with normal humidity.• Do not leave a battery connected to the charger for long periods of time. It may cause degradationof battery performance, such as a shortening of battery life. It should be removed from the chargerand stored as recommended above.• Power off your equipment when not in use.Handling Used Batteries• When shipping batteries, place tape or insulating material securely over the battery contacts to avoidaccidental contact in transit. Vocollect’s batteries can be shipped under Special Provision 188 of 49CFR 172.102 or IATA exception A45.• Never disassemble a battery.• Do not leave a battery under strong sunshine, or expose a battery to rain or water.• Store batteries in a rugged receptacle and cover with a lid.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only16 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Cleaning Procedures for Vocollect EquipmentVocollect products have a long service life if they are maintained properly. Proper care includes followingrecommended cleaning practices and procedures.While Vocollect equipment is manufactured and tested to be resistant to normal dirt and deposits fromthe workplace environment, the build-up of residue can damage the equipment over time. Users maybegin to experience degraded product performance and diminished product life. For example:•Dirt or corrosion that interferes with the proper seting of terminals in chargers may cause intermittentcharging and appear to be a battery problem.• Wet Talkman®Connector (TCO) contacts that build up dirt, chemicals, and corrosion may causeintermittent contact, static and recognition problems.• Excessive dirt on a keypad membrane may contain a high concentration of chemicals that can causethe membrane to weaken and tear.When equipment is visibly retaining dirt from the workplace, Vocollect recommends that it be cleaned.Cleaning PlasticsWhile Vocollect equipment is resistant to normal residue from the workplace environment, a long term build-upof residue from the workplace may damage it and lead to degraded performance and diminished product life.Caution: Use only a solution of 30% isopropyl alcohol and water to clean the hard plastics onequipment. Other products have not been tested and may degrade the equipment.Cleaning Hard PlasticsThe hard plastics on headsets, devices, chargers, and batteries should be cleaned with a soft cloth thatis wet with a solution of 30% isopropyl alcohol and 70% water.Use a soft brush to keep the pocket areas of chargers free of dust and debris that may interfere with theseating of equipment or electrical contact.Cleaning Foam and Pliable PlasticsHeadset foam parts (ear pads and headband pads) as well as flexible bands and non-foam padding maybe cleaned with a mild soap and water. The pads should be washed carefully so as not to tear them ordetach them from mountings.The parts should be air dried. Use of a concentrated heat source such as a hairdryer or clothes dryer isnot recommended.Pads that are excessively dirty, such as headset windscreens should be replaced.Cleaning ContactsWhile Vocollect equipment is resistant to normal residue from the workplace environment, a long term build-upof residue from the workplace may damage it and lead to degraded performance and diminished product life.Caution: Vocollect recommends using only a solution of 30% isopropyl alcohol and water to cleaningequipment. Other products have not been tested and may degrade the equipment.Flat contact areas on the device, such as the Talkman Connector (TCO), or flat contacts on the batteryand charger should be cleaned with the recommended isopropyl alcohol solution.Use a soft, lint-free cloth or premoistened alcohol wipe. Avoid using a cloth with long or thick fibers asthe fibers can attach to the connectors and cause intermittent contact.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyIntroduction | 17
Corrosion may be removed with a soft eraser (for example, a pencil eraser). The eraser must be in goodcondition (soft, pliable, and not worn down to the mounting). A good test is to rub the eraser againstyour skin. If it feels abrasive, do not use it, because it will damage the surface of the connectors.You can also use a three-row toothbrush style, general cleaning brush with natural hog hair bristles togently brush away dirt on the contacts. A final alcohol wipe after this should ensure a clean contact.Battery contacts must never be bent or manipulated.Contacts that are extremely corroded, bent, or missing should be repaired or replaced by an authorizedVocollect Service Center.Contact InformationDocumentation FeedbackYour feedback is vital to our documentation efforts. If you have difficulty with any of the proceduresdescribed in this document, contact Vocollect Technical Support.Vocollect Reseller ServicesIf you purchased equipment or services through a Vocollect reseller, please contact that reseller first forsupport or purchase questions.Vocollect Technical SupportContact Technical Support for system support incidents and related technical issues:Europe, Middle East, AfricaPhone: +44 (0) 1628 55 2902Email: emeasupport@vocollect.comUnited StatesPhone: 866-862-7877Email: support@vocollect.comJapan and KoreaPhone: +813 3769 5601Email: japansupport@vocollect.comAmericas (outside U.S.)Australia, New ZealandPhone: 412-829-8145, option 3, option 1Email: support@vocollect.comVocollect Customer ServiceContact Vocollect Customer Service for order placement, order status, returns, Return MaterialAuthorization (RMA) status, or other customer service issues:Europe, Middle East, AfricaPhone: +44 (0) 1628 55 2903Email: CustomerServicesEMEA@vocollect.comUnited StatesPhone: 866-862-6553, option 3, option 2Email: voccustsupp@vocollect.comJapan and KoreaPhone: +813 3769 5601Email: japan@vocollect.comAmericas (outside U.S.)Australia, New ZealandPhone: 412-829-8145, option 3, option 2Email: voccustsupp@vocollect.comConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only18 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Vocollect RMATo return equipment for repair, contact Vocollect RMA to request an RMA number:Email: vocollect-rma@vocollect.comSales and General InquiriesVocollect EMEAGemini HouseVocollect Corporate Headquarters703 Rodi RoadMercury ParkPittsburgh, PA 15235-4558Wycombe Lane, Wooburn Greenwww.vocollect.comBuckinghamshire, HP10 0HH United KingdomPhone: 412-829-8145Phone: +44 (0) 1628.55.2900voc_emea@vocollect.comFax: 412-829-0972info@vocollect.comVocollect JapanShiba 2-Chome Bldg 8FVocollect Latin AmericaPhone: +1 412 349 26752-2-15 Shiba, Minato-kuTokyo 105-0014 JapanPhone: +813 3769 5601japan@vocollect.comVocollect Singapore151 Lorong ChuanVocollect Asia-PacificUnit 3, 29/F Sino Plaza,#05-02A/03 New Tech Park, Lobby C255-257 Gloucester Road, Causeway BaySingapore 556741Hong KongPhone (Singapore): +65 6248 4928Phone (Hong Kong): + 852 3917 7000Phone (India): +91 124 480 6738singapore@vocollect.comPhone (China): + 86 10 5957 2685apac@vocollect.comPatents and Intellectual PropertyVocollect products are protected by one or more of the following patents.U.S. Patents6,910,911; 7,052,799; 7,391,863; 7,442,060; 7,496,387; 7,609,669; 7,734,361; 7,773,767; 7,827,032;7,865,362; 7,885,419; 7,895,039; 7,949,533; 7,996,002; 8,128,422; 8,160,287; 8,200,495; 8,233,924;8,241,053; 8,255,219; 8,255,225; 8,262,403U.S. Design Patent NumbersD525,237; D529,438; D530,667; D549,216; D549,217; D549,694; D551,615; D552,595; D554,642; D558,761;D565,569; D567,218; D567,219; D567,799; D567,806; D587,269; D605,629; D613,267; D615,040; D616,419;D629,358; D640,666Other U. S. and worldwide patents pending.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyIntroduction | 19
Chapter 2Talkman Devices and HeadsetsVocollect Talkman®devices are wearable terminals used with Vocollect headsets to enable voice-directedwork. Operators listen to instructions from these devices to perform tasks such as warehouse orderpicking and factory floor inspection, and then speak simple phrases to enter data.All Talkman devices leave the operator's hands free to inspect items, pick products, drive vehicles, orrepair defects.Talkman A500, T5-series, and T2-series devicesThese device models are rugged terminals designed for industrial use. These devices attach to a customizedbelt or shoulder harness equipped with a specially designed clip.The Talkman A500 VMT (Vehicle Mounted Talkman) and T5 VMT are A500 and T5 devices with batteryadapters mounted to a warehouse vehicle, such as a forklift. After the device is mounted, the batteryadapter is placed in the battery area of the device and connected to the vehicle's power source.Talkman T1The Talkman T1 has been specifically designed for light-duty, light-industrial environments. TalkmanT1 device is a lighter, lower-cost alternative to the T2-series, T5-series and A500 devices. It is intendedfor work in areas where you don't require an extremely rugged device. Talkman T1 devices fit into acustomized holster with belt clip.Speech Recognition HeadsetsA Vocollect speech recognition headset with an attached microphone allows the operator to hear thedevice's instructions or questions. The operator talks to the device to request information and entersdata by responding to the device's prompts.Using Vocollect Adaptive Speech Recognition™, the headsets account for changes in speaking patternsover time and in different environments in order to improve voice recognition and system performance.Product Use and Care• Talkman devices are assembled under strict Vocollect manufacturing guidelines. Tampering with adevice in any manner will void published operating specifications and may void the product warranty.• When the Talkman is not in use, it should be placed properly into a charger.• Never remove the battery from a Talkman unless it has been properly powered off.• Vocollect designed the Talkman to be worn on the right side of the body with the device's buttons onthe top (T5-series, T2-series, A500) or facing front (T1) and its connectors toward the operator’s back(A500, T5-series, T2-series) or pointed up (T1).• The Talkman T1 must be holstered with the holster opening facing up. Holstering with the openingfacing down or to the side places the unit at risk for dropping.• Always use pads and windscreens with Vocollect headsets to protect the equipment and ensureoptimum speech recognition performance.• Vocollect recommends changing headset windscreens every 90 days to ensure the best performance.Caution: Use only a solution of 30% isopropyl alcohol and water to clean the hard plastics onequipment. Other products have not been tested and may degrade the equipment.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only
Turning a Talkman Device OnBefore you turn on a device, make sure a headset and charged battery are properly connected to it.1. Press the Play/Pause button on the device.The LED indicator first turns solid red while the processor reboots. It then flashes red and green,turns solid, blinks red, then turns solid green (A500, T5-series and T2-series) or the LED indicatorturns solid green (T1).2. The device says, "Current operator is operator name. Please keep quiet for a few seconds." The devicethen starts a noise sample.3. After a brief pause, it says, "Please wait." After another pause, the device begins asking questions orproviding instructions.Turning a Talkman Device OffUse a button control to properly power off the Talkman device. In some cases, the device turns offautomatically. In rare cases, a forced reset may be necessary. After the device is fully turned off, youcan reboot it.•Powering Off by Using the Play/Pause ButtonPress and hold the Play/Pause button until the LED indicator turns red. The device will store anydata that has not been transmitted. After a few seconds, the device says, "Powering off." The deviceturns off, and the LED indicator light goes out..Caution:• Do not remove the battery until the LED indicator is off. If you remove the battery when thedevice is on or sleeping, any data collected could be lost.• You should not turn off the device if the LED indicator is blinking red (A500, T5-series andT2-series), unless it has been blinking red for several minutes. If a device is turned off whenits LED indicator is blinking red, it may not be ready to use when it is turned back on.•Powering Off Due to InactivityIf the device's software detects no device activity for a specified length of time, it powers offautomatically.•Powering Off Due to Low Battery LevelsIf the device's software detects that the current battery level is critically low, it powers offautomatically.•Booting a Device After Powering OffIf a device was properly powered off, it does the following operations after a battery is placed into thedevice and the Play/Pause button is pressed:• Performs a background noise sample• Continues operation at the place in the task where you left off• Transfers any templates to the host that had not been sent prior to powering offConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only22 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
• Transfers any output data records to the host that had not been sent prior to powering off•Transfers any lookup tables to the device that had not been received from the host prior to poweringoff•Forced ResetThis type of reset is invoked by removing the battery from the device without properly powering itoff first.Caution: Perform a forced reset only as a last resort. If you reboot a device in this manner:• the contents of its memory, including any data collected, will be lost• the device starts over at the beginning of the task• if you are in the process of retraining vocabulary, the device will send all vocabulary wordtemplates to the host computer when the device is turned back on. Do not do anything untilthe templates have been sent to the host.When the battery is replaced and the device is turned back on, it boots and attempts to load thecurrent task and operator. Once the task and operator have successfully loaded, the device behavesidentically to a one that has just had a new task or operator loaded.Loading an Operator's TemplatesYou need a device with a charged battery, headset, and any other equipment (belt, bar code reader) youare going to use. You must be within radio range. Make sure the device is on or sleeping. The LEDindicator should be either solid green or blinking green (A500, T5-series and T2-series) or solid green(T1).1. Press the Operator button.The device says "Current operator is operator name. Select menu item."2. Press the + button or — button until the device says, "Change operator."3. Press the Operator button.4. The device says, "Please wait" and retrieves a list of operators and teams. Wait for the device to say,"Select team".• If the device says "Current operator is (operator name). Change operator", skip to step 8.5. Press the + button or — button to scroll through the list of operator teams until you hear the nameof a team to which you belong.6. Press the operator button.The device says, "Please wait" and retrieves a list of all operators who belong to the team that wasselected. The device then says, "Current operator is (operator name). Select new operator."7. Press the + button or — button to scroll through the list of available operator names until you hearyour name.• If you do not hear your name, press the yellow play/pause button to cancel this operation and startover from step 2.• When selecting a team in step 5, choose the "All Operators" team.• Consult with your supervisor if you are not listed in the "All Operators" team.8. Press the operator button.The device says, "Loading operator" and loads your templates. Once it has loaded your templates,the device says, "Current operator is (your operator name). Good night." The device then goes to sleep.The next time you turn the device on, it will be ready to use.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman Devices and Headsets | 23
Adjusting the VoiceEach Vocollect Talkman device uses Vocollect Voice software to provide instructions to the operator andprompt them for responses.The actual voice that speaks to the operator can be adjusted in several ways so that the operator canhear and understand the information clearly.• Adjust the pitch of the voice lower or higher• Adjust the volume of the voice louder or softer• Adjust the speed of the voice slower or faster• Change the gender of the voice to male or femaleBefore making any changes to the voice: Make sure the device is on or sleeping. The LED indicatorshould be either solid green or blinking green (A500, T5-series and T2-series) or solid green (T1).Adjusting the PitchMake sure the device is on or sleeping. The LED indicator should be either solid green or blinking green(A500, T5-series and T2-series) or solid green (T1).Note: You can only adjust the pitch for certain languages and certain Voices.1. Press the Operator button.The device says "Current operator is operator name. Select menu item."2. Press the + or — button until the device says "Change pitch."3. Press the Operator button.If you use the + button to scroll through the options, Change Pitch is the fifth menu item in the list.4. Press the + button to make the voice higher or the — button to make the voice lower.The device says "higher" each time you press the + button and "lower" each time you press the —button. If the pitch of the voice is at the highest possible setting, it says "This is highest." If the pitchof the voice is at the lowest possible setting, it says "This is lowest."Note: You can exit this menu without changing the settings by pressing the Play/Pause buttonbefore you press the Operator button.5. When the pitch reaches the level you want, press the Operator button to save the new pitch setting.Adjusting the Volume Using VoiceMake sure the device is on or sleeping. The LED indicator should be either solid green or blinking green(A500, T5-series and T2-series) or solid green (T1).1. Say "Talkman volume".2. Say "louder" to increase the volume or "softer" to decrease the volume.If the device says "This is softest" or "This is loudest", you cannot make the volume any louder orsofter.3. When the voice is as loud or as soft as you want it, say "Talkman continue" to return to work.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only24 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Adjusting the Volume Using Device ButtonsMake sure the device is on or sleeping. The LED indicator should be either solid green or blinking green(A500, T5-series and T2-series) or solid green (T1).Press the + button to make the voice louder or the — button to make the voice softer.The device says "louder" when the + button is pressed and "softer" when the — button is pressed. Ifthe volume of the voice is at the loudest possible setting, it says, "This is loudest." If the volume ofthe voice is at the softest possible setting, it says, "This is softest."Adjusting the SpeedMake sure the device is on or sleeping. The LED indicator should be either solid green or blinking green(A500, T5-series and T2-series) or solid green (T1).1. Press the Operator button.The device says "Current operator is operator name. Select menu item."2. Press the + or — button until the device says "Change speed."3. Press the Operator button.If you use the + button to scroll through the options, Change Speed is the fourth menu item in thelist.4. Press the + button to make the voice faster or the — button to make the voice slower.The device says "faster" each time you press the + button and "slower" each time you press the —button. If the speed of the voice is at the fastest possible setting, the device says "This is fastest." Ifthe speed of the voice is at the slowest possible setting, it says "This is slowest."Note: You can exit this menu without changing the settings by pressing the Play/Pause buttonbefore you press the Operator button.5. When the voice is speaking as quickly or as slowly as you want, press the Operator button to savethe new speed setting.Changing the Speaker's GenderMake sure the device is on or sleeping. The LED indicator should be either solid green or blinking green(A500, T5-series and T2-series) or solid green (T1).1. Press the Operator button.The device says "Current operator is operator name. Select menu item."2. Press the + or — button until it says, "Change speaker."3. Press the Operator button.If you use the + button to scroll through the options, Change Speaker is the sixth menu item in thelist.4. Press the + or — button to hear the next speaker.The device says, "This is female" when it toggles to the female voice, or "This is male" to indicate themale voice.Note: You can exit this menu without changing the settings by pressing the Play/Pause buttonbefore you press the Operator button.5. When you hear the speaker you want to use, press the Operator button to select that speaker.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman Devices and Headsets | 25
Understanding Talkman CommandsThe Talkman device prompts the operator for responses that are specific to the voice-directed work heor she is performing. Several basic Talkman commands, however, can be spoken by the operator atalmost any time while using the device.Spoken CommandYou want to..."Say again"hear the current prompt again"Talkman sleep"put the device in sleep mode"Talkman wake up"wake up the device"Talkman help"hear instructions for your response to the current prompt"Talkman help"hear a list of vocabulary words that you can say at the currentpromptPart Numbers: Vocollect Talkman DevicesVocollect PartNumberDeviceTT-800Talkman A500 (A/B/G)TT-801Talkman A500 (B/G)TT-700-100-MTalkman T5mTT-700Talkman T5TT-601Talkman T2xTT-100Talkman T1Part Numbers: Talkman AccessoriesPart Numbers for ordering Vocollect Talkman AccessoriesVocollect PartNumberAccessoryEO-700-1T5/A500 CoverTC-601-1T2 Series device CoverHl-700-1T5/A500 Shoulder HarnessBL-700-1 - BL-700-7T5/A500 Belt with ClipConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only26 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Vocollect PartNumberAccessoryBL-700-101B(For use withBL-700-1 - BL-700-7and HL-700-1)T5/A500 ClipBelts: BL-601-101-7T2 Belt with ClipBL-602-101T2 ClipBL-100-101T1 HolsterBT-700-2A500/T5 High-Performance BatteryBT-700-2-101BA500/T5 High-Performance Battery, Box of 50BT-601T2 Series Standard BatteryBT-602T2 Series High-Capacity BatteryBT-101T1 Standard BatteryBL-710-1Vehicle Mount, Holder, Talkman A500/T5 SeriesBL-710-101Vehicle Mount, Holder/Base Screw On Attachment, Talkman A500/T5 SeriesBL-710-102Vehicle Mount, Arm, Talkman A500/T5 SeriesBL-710-103Vehicle Mount, Clamp, Talkman A500/T5 SeriesBT-710Battery Adapter, DC-DC, Talkman A500/T5 SeriesCM-710-102Cable, Battery Adapter, Push On, Talkman A500/T5 SeriesCM-710-110Power Supply, 9-36 VDC InputCM-710-111Power Supply, 18-60 VDC Input695212-EN-USTraining Poster (English), Charging Batteries695214-EN-USTraining Poster (English), Special Features, Talkman Terminal695216-EN-USTraining Poster (English), When You Start a Shift695215-EN-USTraining Poster (English), When You Finish a Shift695217-EN-USTraining Poster (English), Before Returning a Terminal695218-EN-USTraining Poster (English), Creating Voice Templates695219-EN-USTraining Poster (English), Disconnecting CablesChoosing the Right HeadsetIn deciding which headset to purchase, it may be beneficial for workers to try several different modelsto find the best fit for their jobs and environments.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman Devices and Headsets | 27
SRX2SRXSR-40SR-35SR-30SR-20SR-15SL-4/SL-14Customer UserXXXXGeneral use headsetXLight industrial/customerfacingXXXXXXFreezer useXXBehind the headXXXHigh noise areasXXXUse with hard hatXXWirelessXXXExtreme (large/small) headsizeXXXXXXExtreme (large/small) ear sizePart Numbers: Wired HeadsetsPart Numbers for ordering Vocollect headsets and accessoriesAll wired headsets come with a straight cord unless otherwise noted.Part NumberPartHD-705-1SR-40 Vocollect®Dual-Cup HeadsetHD-704-1HD-704-2 (coiled cord)SR-35 Vocollect®Hard-Hat HeadsetHD-703-1SR-31 Vocollect®Universal High-Noise HeadsetHD-702-1SR-30 Vocollect®High-Noise HeadsetHD-701-1(right-angleconnector)SR-21 Vocollect®Universal HeadsetHD-700-1HD-700-2 (coiled cord)SR-20 Vocollect®Lightweight HeadsetHD-708-1SR-15 Behind-the Head HeadsetHS-708-14-R (rightear)HS-708-14-L (left ear)SL-14 Vocollect®Light Industrial Behind-the-Head HeadsetHS-708-4-R (right ear)HS-708-4-L (left ear)SL-4 Vocollect®Light Industrial Behind-the Head Headset, Right Ear, StraightCord, for Talkman®T1HS-708-100-R (rightear)SL-4 Vocollect®Light Industrial Behind-the-Head Headset With Training Cablefor Talkman®T1Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only28 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Part Numbers: Wired Headset AccessoriesPart Numbers for ordering Vocollect headset suppliesPart NumberPart (SL-4/SL-14 Wired Headset)HS-708-102bWindscreen, SL-Series Headsets (Bag of 50)HS-708-103bCord Clips, SL-Series Headsets (Bag of 20)PK-HS-708-4-2Training Poster (English), SL-4/14PK-HS-708-14-2Training Poster (English), SL-4/14Part NumberPart (SR-15 Wired Headset)HD-700-102bWindscreen, SR-Series Headsets (Bag of 25)HD-700-103bCord Clip, SR-Series Headsets (Bundle of 10)HD-708-107bFoam Ear Pads, SR-15 (Bag of 25)HD-708-110bAdjustment Strap, SR-15 (Bag of 10)HD-708-111bHeadband Cord Clip, SR-15 (Bag of 10)Part NumberPart (SR-20/21 Wired Headset)HD-700-101Maintenance Kit, SR-20 (25 foam earpads, 30 headband pads, 10 earpadmounting disks)HD-700-102bWindscreen, SR-Series Headsets (Bag of 25)HD-700-103bCord Clip, SR-Series Headsets (Bundle of 10)HD-700-104bLeatherette Earpad, SR-20/21 (Bag of 25)HD-700-105bEarpads, Foam w/ Mounting Disks, SR-20/21 (50 earpads, 25 mounting disks)HD-700-106bT-Bar Pad, SR-Series Headsets (Bag of 25)HD-700-107bFoam Ear Pads, SR-20 (Bag of 25)HD-700-108bMounting Disks, SR-20 Headsets (Bag of 10)HD-700-109bHeadband Pads, SR-20 (Bag of 30)HD-700-125bEarpads, #2, Foam with Mounting Disks, SR-20/21 (50 earpads assembled withmounting disks)HD-700-126bEarpads, #3, Foam w/ Mounting Disks, SR-20/21 (50 earpads assembled withmounting disks)HD-700-140bT-Bar Pad, #2, SR-Series Headsets (Bag of 25)HD-701-105bEarpads, Leatherette with Mounting Disks, SR-20/21 (50 leatherette ear pads,5 mounting disks)695211-EN-US Rev. BTraining Poster (English), Wearing a Headset, SR-20/21695210-EN-US Rev. BTraining Poster (English), Replacing the Ear Pad, SR-20/21Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman Devices and Headsets | 29
Part NumberPart (SR-30/31 Wired Headset)HD-700-102bWindscreen, SR-Series Headsets (Bag of 25)HD-700-103bCord Clip, SR-Series Headsets (Bundle of 10)HD-700-106bT-Bar Pad, SR-Series Headsets (Bag of 25)HD-700-109bHeadband Pads, SR-20 (Bag of 30)HD-702-101Maintenance Kit, SR-30, 31, 35, and 40 (15 foam ear pads, 30 headband pads,and 5 ear pad mounting disks)HD-702-102bEarpad, Smooth Leatherette, SR-30, 31, 35, and 40 (Bag of 10)HD-702-103bEarpad, Textured Leatherette, SR-30, 31, 35, and 40 (Bag of 10)HD-702-108bMounting Disks, SR-30 (Bag of 5)Part NumberPart (SR-35 Wired Headset)HD-700-102bWindscreen, SR-Series Headsets (Bag of 25)HD-700-103bCord Clip, SR-Series Headsets (Bundle of 10)HD-700-109bHeadband Pads, SR-20 (Bag of 30)HD-702-101Maintenance Kit, SR-30, 31, 35, and 40 (15 foam ear pads, 30 headband pads,and 5 ear pad mounting disks)Note: Headband Pads are not used with the SR-35 headset.HD-702-102bEarpad, Smooth Leatherette, SR-30, 31, 35, and 40 (Bag of 10)HD-702-103bEarpad, Textured Leatherette, SR-30, 31, 35, and 40 (Bag of 10)HD-702-108bMounting Disks, SR-30 (Bag of 5)HD-704-101Clip, SR-35 Vocollect®Hard Hat Headset (required to mount the headset to ahardhat)Part NumberPart (SR-40 Wired Headset)HD-700-102bWindscreen, SR-Series Headsets (Bag of 25)HD-700-103bCord Clip, SR-Series Headsets (Bundle of 10)HD-700-109bHeadband Pads, SR-20 (Bag of 30)HD-702-101Maintenance Kit, SR-30, 31, 35, and 40 (15 foam ear pads, 30 headband pads,and 5 ear pad mounting disks)HD-702-102bEarpad, Smooth Leatherette, SR-30, 31, 35, and 40 (Bag of 10)HD-702-103bEarpad, Textured Leatherette, SR-30, 31, 35, and 40 (Bag of 10)HD-702-108bMounting Disks, SR-30 (Bag of 5)Part NumberPart (Various Wired Headsets)AD-100-2Vocollect Headset Adapter, Symbol®MC9090-S to Vocollect Breakaway ConnectorAD-100-3Vocollect Headset Adapter, Symbol®MC9060-S to Vocollect Breakaway ConnectorConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only30 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Part NumberPart (Various Wired Headsets)AD-100-101Vocollect Headset Adapter, Symbol®MC9060-S to Vocollect BreakawayConnector, Replacement Mount Plate AssemblyPart Numbers: Wireless HeadsetsPart Numbers for ordering Vocollect headsets and accessoriesPart NumberPartHD-800-1SRX Speech Recognition Headset CompleteBUNDLE-HD-1000-1SRX2 Headset 1 Complete Headset, 1 Battery (1 headband, all pads and strap,1 electronics module, 1 battery, 1 mic cap)BUNDLE-HD-1000-20SRX2 Headset Bundle, 20 Complete SRX2 Headsets, 20 Batteries, 1 20-BayCharger (20 headbands, 20 electronics modules, 20 batteries, 20 mic caps, 20ear pads preassembled, 1 charger)Part Numbers: Wireless Headset AccessoriesPart Numbers for ordering Vocollect headset suppliesPart NumberPart (SRX Wireless Headset)HD-700-102bSR-Series Windscreen (Bag of 25)HD-700-107bSRX Foam Ear Pads (Bag of 25), also fits SR-20HD-700-109bSRX Headband Pads (Bag of 30), also fits SR-20, SR-30, SR35, SR-40HD-800-105bSRX Maintenance Kit (50 foam ear pads, 25 ear pad mounting disks)HD-800-106bSRX T-Bar Pad Replacement (Bag of 25)HD-800-108bSRX Mounting Disks (Bag of 10)HD-800-110SRX Stabilizer StrapHD-800-110bSRX Stabilizer Strap (Bag of 10)HD-801-101SRX Maintenance Kit (15 foam ear pads, 5 ear pad mounting disks, 30 headbandpads)BT-800-1SRX Battery, High PerformanceCM-800-1SRX Battery Charger, Single-Bay (includes power supply)CM-801-1SRX Battery Charger, 5-Bay (includes power supply)CM-800-101SRX Charger Power Supply, Single-BayCM-801-101SRX Charger Power Supply, 5-BaySK-800SRX Training Kit695220-EN-US Rev. 1SRX Training Poster (English) - Automatic PairingConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman Devices and Headsets | 31
Part NumberPart (SRX Wireless Headset)SK-700SRX Training Poster Kit (English), automatic and manual pairing, poster andcardsPart NumberPart (SRX2 Wireless Headset)HD-1000-101SRX2 Electronics ModuleHD-1000-102SRX2 Headband with Stability Strap (not assembled)HD-1000-103SRX2 Electronics Module Storage RackHD-1000-104BSRX2 Microphone Caps (Bag of 20)HD-1000-105BSRX2 Ear Pads (Bag of 20)HD-1000-106BSRX2 Comfort Pads (Bag of 20)HD-1000-107BSRX2 T-Bar Pads (Bag of 20)HD-1000-108BSRX2 Stability Straps (Bag of 20)BT-1000SRX2 BatteryBT-1000-101BSRX2 Battery (box of 20)CM-1000-20SRX2 20-Bay ChargerCM-1000-101SRX2 Micro USB CablePart Numbers: ChargersPart Numbers for ordering Vocollect Talkman ChargersVocollect Part NumberCharger - DeviceCM-700-1T5/A500 10-Bay Combination ChargerCM-700-2T5/A500 Single-Bay Combination ChargerCM-601-1T2 Series ChargerCM-602-1T2 Series Battery Charger(For use with CM-700-1)A500/T5 Charger, Power SupplyPS-601-1(For use with CM-601-1 & CM-602-1)T2 Series Charger, Power SupplyCM-701-1(For use with CM-700-1)A500/T5 10-Bay Combination Charger Mounting Bracket(For use with CM-601-1)T2 Series Single Charger StandCM-604-1(For use with CM-601-1)T2 Series Charger Wall Mount Kit, Multiple ChargersCM-100T1 10-Bay Combination ChargerCM-103T1 Single Charge Cable and Power AdapterConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only32 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Vocollect Part NumberCharger - HeadsetCM-801-1SRX 5-Bay Battery ChargerCM-800-1SRX Single-Bay Battery ChargerCM-1000-20SRX2 20-Bay Battery ChargerCM-1000-20-1SRX2 Charger DIN Rail, 550 mm lengthConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman Devices and Headsets | 33
Chapter 3Talkman A500Figure 1: Talkman®A500The Talkman®A500 couples a rugged design to function in harsh warehouse environments with wirelesscapabilities. The device supports Bluetooth technology to connect to display devices as well as otherperipherals and headsets. In the Vocollect Talkman product line, the Talkman A500 offers expandedoperations with a more powerful processor, more available memory, and a more robust radio.The A500 uses the same batteries, chargers, and headsets as the T5-Series devices. Both models use theVocollect VoiceClient voice software, but the A500 is designed to take advantage of VocollectVoiceCatalyst®functionality for best performance and enhanced features.A500 Specifications12.1 ounces (343 g) (with battery)Weight5.5" (13.97 cm)Length2.63" (6.68 cm)Width1.7" (4.3 cm)DepthI/O Ports • Headset port (yellow)• Maintenance port with audio out and RS-232 serial support-22° to 122° F (-30° to 50° C)Operating Temperature-30° to 140° F (-34° to 60° C)Storage TemperatureMeets the MIL STD -810F specification for shock and vibration.In addition, the device has been tested to the following specifications:Drop Tested• 25 drops from 5 feet, 10 additional drops from 6 feet onto polishedconcreteConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only
• 10 drops at varying angles from 5 feet at -20° F (-29° C) ontopolished concrete100% condensingHumidityIP67Enclosure RatingCharging an A500 or T5 DeviceFigure 2: Talkman A500/T5 High-Performance BatteryThe A500/T5 battery is a high-performance model. Unlike the T2 series batteries, which have contactpoints that are flush with the case, the A500/T5 battery features a pin-out design.Caution: A500/T5 series batteries and other Vocollect batteries are not interchangeable. If you tryto insert the wrong battery into a device, you may damage the device and the battery.The A500 and T5 devices use a Vocollect Combination Charger that charges the high-performance batterywhile still seated in a device or when removed from the device.A500/T5 High-Performance Batteries SpecificationsElectrical Specifications• Cells: The high capacity battery pack uses two lithium ion cells.• Voltage = 3.7V• Watt Hours = 19WHr• Protection circuit characteristics: The pack contains a protection circuit that prevents over and undervoltage conditions on the cells and protects the pack from damage as a result of a short circuit betweenthe positive and negative terminals of the battery.• The battery pack contains custom electronics that provide performance, temperature, and packidentification to the device. This information is made available to voice management software.• Battery Charging: The battery pack must be charged only in a Vocollect designated charger.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only36 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Mechanical and Environmental Specifications• Drop-test specifications: The high capacity battery meets the MIL STD 810F specification for shockand transient drop criteria.• Environmental specifications: The battery pack halves are sonically welded together to protect theinternals from water and dust. The battery functions properly in the following conditions:Temperature: -40°C to 55°C (-40°F to 131°F)Humidity: 95% non-condensingRain/dust: IP67Battery NotificationsBattery warnings for a Talkman battery occur at the following levels:• First warning = 3,45 mV• Critical warning = 3,350 mVCharging an A500 or T5 Battery in a Device1. Remove the device from the belt clip.2. Disconnect any other peripherals.3. Insert the device into an open slot on the charger, pressing down and then back until the device clicksinto place.4. After the device has been placed into the charger, make sure that the LED indicator on the deviceturns on and begins to blink green.a) If the LED does not turn on after 30 seconds, remove the device from the charger slot and thenplace it into the slot again.b) If the LED indicator still does not turn on, try another charger slot.Caution: Do not attempt to place the device into the charger unless you have first disconnectedthe headset and any other peripheral devices. Do not remove the battery from the device whenplacing a device into a charger.Charging an A500 or T5-Series Battery1. Remove the battery from the Talkman device.2. Hold the battery with its contacts to the bottom and the Vocollect label facing you.Figure 3: Inserting a Battery Into the Charger3. Place the battery into an open battery slot on the top level of the charger.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman A500 | 37
When the battery is placed into the charger properly, the left LED indicator for the slot into whichthe battery was placed turns red.Note: The upper set of LED indicators apply to the charger's battery slots and the lower indicatorsapply to the devices' slots.Removing an A500, T2-Series or T5-Series Device From a ChargerNote: The device is ready to use when the LED indicator on the device is blinking green. If the LEDis blinking red, the device is not ready to be used.Important: If a device continuously displays a solid red light, contact your system administrator.1. Make sure that the device is ready to use.2. Pull up on the device to remove it from the device charger.Figure 4: Removing a Device from a ChargerInserting a Battery into a Talkman A500, T5-Series or T2-Series DeviceMake sure the battery to be inserted is fully charged.1. Hold the Talkman so that the red and yellow ports are facing away from you.2. Hold the battery with the pins facing away from you and so that the Vocollect logo is on top.3. Place the battery in at an angle, pins end first.Figure 5: Properly Inserting a BatteryConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only38 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
4. Push the back of the battery into place.You will hear a click when the battery is in place.Caution: Do not force the battery into the compartment. You may damage the battery or thedevice. If the battery does not snap easily into place, reposition the battery in the compartmentand try again.Make sure the battery is firmly in place and can't be removed without pressing the battery release button.Removing a Battery from a Talkman A500, T5-Series or T2-Series DeviceMake sure the Talkman device is off.Caution: Do not remove the battery until the LED indicator is off. If you remove the battery whenthe device is on or sleeping, any data collected could be lost.1. Hold the device in one hand with the battery compartment facing toward you.2. Press the battery release button all the way down until the top of the battery pops up from the batterycompartment.Figure 6: Removing the Battery From a Device3. Lift the battery out of the compartment.Battery Warm-Up TimeIf a battery has been used in a cold environment, it will not begin charging until it warms up sufficiently.Approximate warm-up timeTemperature of battery use6 minutes-4°C (24.8°F)10 minutes-10°C (14.0°F)22 minutes-20°C (-4°F)30 minutes-30°C (-22°F)Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman A500 | 39
About LED IndicatorsVocollect Talkman devices, SRX and SRX2 headsets, and their chargers have LEDs that indicate thestate of the equipment. These LEDs may be on, off or blink. In some cases an LED will blink, alternatingbetween two colors.If the LEDs indicate that there is a problem, refer to information on troubleshooting to solve the problem.See also Troubleshooting Problems Indicated by LED.A500 Device LED IndicatorsA500StateLEDDevice is onOnGreenThe device is in a chargerFast BlinkOne of the following:Slow Blink• the device is in sleep mode and not in a charger• the voice application selection menu is in use• certain portions of software are loadingDevice is turning onDevice is turning offOn BrieflyRedError, contact system administratorOn ContinuouslyOne of the following:Blinking• retrieving and loading an operator from VoiceConsole•retrieving, reading and loading a voice application fromVoiceConsole• certain portions of software are loadingWi-Fi offOffAmber/YellowWi-Fi on but not connectedFast BlinkWi-Fi is on and connecting to a wireless networkSlow BlinkBluetooth offOffBlue(Bluetoothindicator)Discovering/PagingFast BlinkConnectedSlow BlinkDevice is discoverableSeries of BlinksConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only40 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Pairing an A500 or T5 Device and a Bluetooth DeviceYou can associate one Bluetooth®printer and/or one Bluetooth bar code reader to the same A500 orT5-series device. You cannot associate multiple printers or bar code readers to a single Talkman device.Note: You can also associate a Pidion®BM-170 display with an A500 device.Pairing with the Honeywell MS9535: Talkman Device Is the Initiator1. In VoiceConsole, follow the instructions for creating a pairing and setting the bar code scanner asthe acceptor. See VoiceConsole's Help for details.2. Scan the Code 128 bar code (3000CA7000000). See the documentation that came with the Honeywell9535 for details.3. Place the Talkman device and bar code reader close together. The Talkman device associates withthe bar code reader. A low-tone/high-tone beep from the bar code reader indicates a successfulassociation.Note: If a bar code reader goes out of communication range with the Talkman device, it may un-pairfrom the Talkman device. You will hear a high-tone/low-tone beep. Move the bar code reader closerto the Talkman to reassociate the bar code reader with the Talkman device. You will hear alow-tone/high-tone beep when they pair.Pairing with the Honeywell MS9535: Talkman Device Is the AcceptorThe Talkman A500 and T5 devices must be configured in VoiceConsole to listen for incoming connectionsbefore proceeding with these instructions. See the VoiceConsole online help for details.For a T5 device, you must set the parameter Bluetooth_IsDiscoverable=true in the device properties inVoiceConsole so that the device will broadcast its address.Important: Only one scanner should be configured to communicate with a Talkman device'sBluetooth address at any one time. If you change the bar code reader to which the device has beenpaired, you must clear the Bluetooth service in the old bar code reader. Scan the Provide BluetoothService bar code (3000CA7000000). See the documentation that came with the Honeywell scannerfor details.1. With the Honeywell scanner, scan the Provide Bluetooth Service bar code (3000CA7000000). See thedocumentation that came with the Honeywell scanner for details.2. Power off the Talkman device completely and then power it back on.3. Place the Talkman device into sleep mode or wait for it to enter sleep mode.The green LED on the device blinks green.4. Wait for 30 seconds.5. Scan the Get Bluetooth Address bar code (3000CA7FFFFFF) from the Honeywell user's guide.6. Scan the bar code on the Talkman device. This bar code contains the Talkman device's Bluetoothaddress.You will hear a quick, three-beep confirmation from the bar code reader, followed by alow-tone/high-tone beep indicating success.Pairing with Zebra QL Series PrintersFor Bluetooth pairing:Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman A500 | 41
• In VoiceConsole, find the device and use the appropriate action link to pair it to a peripheral.• See VoiceConsole Help for detailed instructions on pairing devices.• Create the pairing with the Zebra®QL™Series printer.Pairing with Intermec PB50 PrintersPlease refer to Intermec documentation on configuring the PB50 for Vocollect applications.For Bluetooth pairing:• In VoiceConsole, find the device and use the appropriate action link to pair it to a peripheral.• See VoiceConsole Help for detailed instructions on pairing devices.• Create the pairing with the Intermec®PB50 mobile printer.For Wireless Network (WiFi) pairing:• In VoiceConsole, find the device and use the appropriate action link to pair it to a peripheral.• Enter the printer's Pairing Name, Host, and Port.The default TCP/IP port for the PB50 printer is 9100.• See VoiceConsole Help for detailed instructions on pairing devices.Pairing the Honeywell LXE 8652 Scanner: Talkman Device Is the InitiatorDuring use, it is possible for the scanner to disconnect from the device if the communication link isdisrupted. When the scanner is setup so that the device initiates the connection, the device typicallyrecovers the connection automatically. When the scanner initiates the connection, it typically requiresthe press of a button to activate and recover the connection..This method of pairing is useful if a single Talkman T5 Series device will always be associated with onescanner.You must have access to VoiceConsole to set up the pairing. For production use, Vocollect recommendsthat you create a specific device profile in VoiceConsole to store many of the following settings.1. Print this page.2. Scan the following barcode to ensure that the Honeywell LXE®8652 scanner is ready to accept aconnection, even if it was previously paired.Caution: The scanner may not accept a connection if this barcode is not scanned.Figure 7: Set Up Scanner as Slave3. Using VoiceConsole, locate the specific Talkman T5 device to be paired with the scanner.4. View the properties of the device, and ensure that Bluetooth is enabled. If it is not enabled, click Editthis device and set Bluetooth Enabled to "enabled."5. Select the Pair this device with a peripheral option.6. For Pairing Type select "Bluetooth Scanner."7. For Connection Mode select "Device initaties connection with peripheral."Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only42 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
8. In the Bluetooth Adress enter the Bluetooth MAC address of the scanner. This 12-character ID islabeled "MAC ID" and is found on the side of the battery unit of the scanner.9. Click Pair with peripheral to initiate pairing.Pairing the Honeywell LXE 8652 Scanner: Scanner Is the InitiatorDuring use, it is possible for the scanner to disconnect from the device if the communication link isdisrupted. When the scanner is setup so that the device initiates the connection, the device typicallyrecovers the connection automatically. When the scanner initiates the connection, it typically requiresthe press of a button to activate and recover the connection..This method of pairing is useful if a scanner will be used with more than one Talkman T5 Series device.You must have access to VoiceConsole to set up the pairing. For production use, Vocollect recommendsthat you create a specific device profile in VoiceConsole to store many of the following settings.1. Ensure that the Talkman is labeled with a code 128 barcode. This code contains the FNC3 codefollowed by the capital letter "B" and the unique Bluetooth MAC address of the Talkman.a) If the Talkman does not have a barcode label, generate the FNC3 on a PC with a full keyboardand number pad. Hold the ALT key down and press the four-number sequence "1 0 7 9" on thenumber pad. A small number 3 will appear to indicate the presence of the code. Some barcodesoftware packages have special insertion keystrokes for FNC3.b) Find the Bluetooth MAC address of the Talkman on the rear of the device near the belt clip. Theaddress begins with "BT."2. Print this page.3. Using VoiceConsole, locate the specific Talkman T5 device to be paired with the scanner.4. View the properties of the device, and ensure that Bluetooth is enabled. If it is not enabled, click Editthis device and set Bluetooth Enabled to "enabled."5. Select the Pair this device with a peripheral option.6. For Pairing Type select "Bluetooth Scanner."7. For Connection Mode select "Device listens for peripheral connection."8. Click Pair with peripheral to initiate pairing.9. To complete the pairing, scan the barcode created for the Talkman device in first step.10. When finished using the Talkman and scanner, unpair the Talkman by scanning the following barcodeto set the scanner to slave mode.Note: Performing this step ensures that the scanner does not generate spurious Bluetooth RFthat could interfere with other transmissions.Figure 8: Reset Scanner as SlaveNote: To pair the scanner again, rescan the Talkman code 128 barcode.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman A500 | 43
Pairing the Socket Cordless Ring Scanner with a Talkman T5During use, it is possible for the scanner to disconnect from the device if the communication link isdisrupted. When the scanner is setup so that the device initiates the connection, the device typicallyrecovers the connection automatically. When the scanner initiates the connection, it typically requiresthe press of a button to activate and recover the connection..The Bluetooth connection between the Socket®Cordless Ring Scanner (CRS) and a Talkman T5 ismanaged through VoiceConsole. See VoiceConsole Help for details on the use of Bluetooth with VocollectVoice systems.Note that Each CRS has a unique Bluetooth address that is clearly labeled on the underside of thewrist-worn Bluetooth transmitter and battery pack. This address is needed to associate a CRS with aT5.Because a T5 will be explicitly associated with a specific CRS via VoiceConsole, Vocollect stronglyrecommends clearly labeling the CRS wrist units to identify them with the specific T5 to which they arepaired. A clear identification and operational procedure for keeping specific scanners associated withspecific Talkman T-Series devices will be beneficial in the work environment.Connecting the CRS to the Talkman T5 DeviceThe Socket Cordless Ring Scanner, with scanner part number ending in REV D, can be paired with aT5-series device where the scanner acts as the initiator.You must have access to VoiceConsole to set up the pairing. For production use, Vocollect recommendsthat you create a specific device profile in VoiceConsole to store many of the following settings.1. In VoiceConsole, select Bluetooth scanner as the pairing type for the device you want to pair withthe scanner. For the Connection Mode, select Device listens for peripheral connection. See VoiceConsoleHelp for details.2. Create a bar code using Symbology Code 128 in the following form, where AABBCCDDEEFF is theBluetooth MAC address found on the T5: #FNIAABBCCDDEEFF#a) Bar codes can be created at a Web site such as www.barcoding.com/upc.3. Turn on the Socket CRS and the T5.4. Scan the bar code you created.The scanner beeps and begins flashing rapidly. It is now searching for the device.5. Place the scanner and device closely together to pair.The Bluetooth LED on the scanner blinks once every four seconds to indicate that the scanner anddevice have paired.Installing an A500 or T5-Series Device Into a VehicleA Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile Computer, is an A500 or T5-Series device with a battery adaptermounted to a vehicle, such as a forklift or motorized pallet jack. After the device is mounted, the batteryadapter is placed in the battery area of the A500 or T5-Series device (connected to the vehicle’s powersource).Talkman devices in this configuration may use any wired or wireless equipment (headsets, scanners,etc.). Vocollect sells the complete solution including mounting kits and power systems to enable anyTalkman A500 or T5-Series devices to be used in an A500/T5 VMT configuration.Caution: PLEASE DO NOT LOOK AT DEVICE/UNIT WHILE OPERATING MACHINERY SOAS TO AVOID CREATION OF A DISTRACTION THAT COULD RESULT IN AN ACCIDENT ANDBODILY INJURY TO OPERATOR AND THIRD PERSONS.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only44 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Follow the instructions below to properly install the device in a forklift.• Determine the best location for mounting the device, taking into consideration the driver’s field ofview.• Install the appropriate mounting hardware.• Connect the device to the vehicle’s wiring system.Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile Computer AccessoriesThe Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile Computer is designed to be installed using RAM Mounting Systemshardware. Vocollect supplies a mounting bracket for the A500/T5 and mounting hardware from RAMMounting Systems. Additional hardware mounting bracket options can be purchased directly from RAMMounting Systems (www.ram-mount.com) to customize the installation.The A500/T5 VMT must be mounted to a sturdy surface.Figure 10: Screw On MountingFigure 9: Screw On Mounting PartsFigure 12: Clamp MountingFigure 11: Clamp Mounting PartsConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman A500 | 45
Figure 14: Power SupplyFigure 13: Battery AdapterNote: You may provide your own power supply, but it must supply 12-15V at 1 Amp and must belimited to less than 250VA (Watts). If you chose to provide your own, you are still required to purchasethe battery adapter cable and battery adapter for final connection to the A500 or T5-Series device.Note: This configuration does not require you to connect the A500 or T5-Series device to the vehicle'spower source. If desired, for operational reasons, T5-Series devices may be used in VMT configurationusing a Vocollect battery.Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile Computer Accessory Specifications-30° to 50° C (-22° to 122° F)Operating Temperature-40° to 70° C (-40° to 158° F)Storage TemperatureMounts for Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile ComputersThe Screw On Mount is a mounting option that is bolted to a stationary surface on a vehicle.The Clamp Mount is a mounting option that is clamped to a stationary surface on a vehicle. This canalso be bolted to a stationary surface, if desired.Figure 16: Clamp MountFigure 15: Screw On MountConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only46 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Positioning the Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile Computer• Determine the best position for the device and all the associated components. If a similar device waspreviously installed, check to see if the position it used is suitable for the device.• Test the installation for at least 30 minutes before installing on another vehicle. Record all details:• Check that the position of the device does not obstruct vehicle controls.• Check that the device does not obstruct the driver's view.• Check the position of the device for user comfort over long periods.Installing the Mounting Brackets for a Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile DeviceThe following parts are supplied by Vocollect for attaching the screw on mount:DescriptionQuantityItem #Vehicle Mount, Holder/Base Screw On Attachment21Vehicle Mount, Arm12Vehicle Mount, Holder13The following parts are supplied by Vocollect for attaching the clamp on mount:DescriptionQuantityItem #Vehicle Mount, Clamp11Vehicle Mount, Arm12Vehicle Mount, Holder13Vehicle Mount, Holder/Base Screw On Attachment141. Drill the holes required to secure the base to the vehicle. If using the clamp mount, skip this step.2. Note: Apply some lubricant (for example, light oil or anti-sieze) to the threads of the clampmount screws.Screw or clamp a base to the location.3. Attach the other base to the other end of the arm and tighten once in the desired location by turningthe locking lever clockwise.4. Screw the device holder to the base.5. Insert a device into the holder, and insert the battery adapter into the device.6. Attach the cable from the power supply to the battery adapter.To prevent vibration, the arm of the mounting bracket should not touch the stem of the ball of the base.In other words, the arm should not be tilted so far as to have these pieces touching.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman A500 | 47
Connecting Cables to the Power Supply and Attaching the Power Supply to a VehicleThe following parts are supplied by Vocollect for attaching the 12 or 24 volt vehicle's power supply to adevice:DescriptionQuantityItem #Power Supply, 9-36 VDC Input11Cable from power supply to battery adapter12The following parts are supplied by Vocollect for attaching the 36 or 48 volt vehicle's power supply to adevice:DescriptionQuantityItem #Power Supply, 18-60 VDC Input11Cable from power supply to battery adapter12You will need the following equipment:• One Cable from the power supply to vehicle’s power source. Vocollect recommends an industrial ratedcable with the following specifications: Number of conductors = 3, Gauge of wire = 16, Temperature= -40C to 90C• Cable tiesCaution: General Guidelines for Routing Electrical Cables• The vehicle must be off and the vehicle's battery must be disconnected.• Cables should be kept clear of surfaces that may become hot.• Cables should not be run such that they can get caught on moving parts.• Cables should not be run on the outside of a vehicle.• Cables should not have 90 degree turns, the minimum bend radius should not be less than oneinch• To remove slack on a cable it should be coiled up and secured inside the vehicle with a cable tie.• For maximum safety fuses should be located as close as possible to the power source.• To protect the A500/T5 VMT from power surges and to perform voltage conversion a convertermodule is fitted between the A500/T5 VMT and the forklift battery.1. Disconnect the vehicle battery.2. Remove the four screws from the top of the power supply to expose the screw terminals.3. On the cable from power supply to the vehicle’s power source, strip the three cables to exposeapproximately 5mm of copper. Ensure the cable is long enough to reach from the power supply to thevehicle’s power source.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only48 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
4. On the yellow cable from the battery adapter to the power supply, strip the black and brown cable toexpose approximately 5mm of copper. The Blue cable is not required; it can be trimmed where it exitsthe yellow cable. Ensure the cable is long enough to reach from the power supply to the vehicle’spower source.5. Connect the cables from the battery adapter to the power supply by performing the steps below.• Loosen the screws to where the connection will be made on the power supply.• Match the cables to the correct locations as indicated in the chart below:•Output ConnectorCable+Brown – Battery Adapter Positive-Black – Battery Adapter NegativeGNDNo connection neededNot applicableBlue (cut back)• Tighten the screws.• Ensure the cables are secure6. Connect the cables from the vehicle’s power source to the power supply by performing the steps below:• Loosen the screws to where the connection will be made on the power supply.• Match the cables to the correct locations as indicated in the chart below:•Input ConnectorCable+White (may differ depending on the cable) – Vehicle Positive-Black (may differ depending on the cable) – Vehicle NegativeGNDGreen - Vehicle Ground• Tighten the screws.• Ensure the cables are secure7. Once all of the cables have been successfully installed, attach cable ties to secure the cables.Figure 17: Cables Attached to the Power Supply8. Place the power supply in a place out of the way, such as under the dashboard of a fork lift, and attachit to a secure surface with cable ties. Alternatively the power supply could be secured by bolting itusing the mounting slots.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman A500 | 49
Figure 18: Power Supply Attached to a Secure Surface on the Vehicle9. Run the cable that connects the battery adapter to the power supply from the power supply to thelocation where the A500/T5 VMT will be mounted10. Connect the yellow wire to the battery adapter by attaching the connector and tightening the nut.Connecting the Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile Computer to a Vehicle's Power SourceYou will need the following equipment:• Two fuse holders from Cooper Bussman. Vocollect recommends using a Cooper Bussmann HFA seriesin line waterproof fuse.• Two fuses. Vocollect recommends a 2A 250V SLO BLO fuse.• Three spade connectors• Four small cable ties• FastenersVocollect recommends choosing unswitched power as the source for the power supply. This will allowTalkman devices to be powered for software updates as well as prevent Talkman devices from accidentallybeing unpowered if the vehicle is quickly switched off unintentionally.1. Remove all power sources from the vehicle.2. Remove any excess length from the cable from the input cable from the power supply.3. Connect the fuses to the cable near to the battery end of the cable. Remove approximately 4 inchesof the outer insulation from the cable.4. Expose approximately 10mm of copper on the positive and negative wires.5. Insert the exposed copper into the fuseholders and crimp into the positive and negative wires usingan approved tool.6. Connect the green wire to the vehicle's ground.7. Connect the fused white wire to the vehicle’s positive power source using an appropriate connector.This may need to be crimped onto the wire.8. Connect the fused black wire to the vehicle’s negative power source using an appropriate connector.This may need to be crimped onto the wire.9. Attach the power supply as shown in the following diagram.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only50 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Figure 19: Attach the Power Supply10. Secure the wires with cable ties.Removal of Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile Computer from VehicleTalkman A500/T5 VMT mobile computer components are designed for easy removal for occasional vehicleservice, maintenance or flexible operational needs.Caution: Vocollect does not recommend removing the cables (CM-710-101, CM-710-102) from thebattery adapter except when required for occasional service (i.e. once per month at maximum)Excessive removal of these cables may damage the adapter and cable. This type of use is not coveredunder warranty or service plans as it is unintended product use that is specifically not recommended.1. Release the battery adapter from the device.2. Dock the battery adapter in the side of the VMT holder.This leaves the device free to be removed and the battery adapter and cable docked and protected.Caution: The battery adapter should remain cabled and docked when not in use to prevent cabledamage or accidental contact of the adapter contacts with metal surfaces.AccessoriesVocollect offers a variety of accessories for wearing, protecting, and facilitating the operations of Talkmanand other handheld devices.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman A500 | 51
Pidion BM-170 DisplayThe Pidion BM-170 is a display device that can be used along with a Talkman A500 to run applicationswhere it is more appropriate that voice be supplemented with a display. It has a touchscreen and variousbuttons and switches:ActionLocationControlIncreases and decreases volumeLeft sideRocker switchPowers on and offRight sideLarge buttonBackRight sideSmall buttonDisplays options availableUpper left of frontOptions menuNavigates around screen and lets youselect itemsCenter frontJoypadFigure 20: Pidion Display DeviceConnecting the Pidion BM-170 Display to a Talkman A5001. Turn on the Talkman A500.2. Turn on the display.The display will initialize.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only52 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Figure 21: The Initial Screen3. Press the Connect to a Voice Device button to begin connecting the display to your Talkman.A list of nearby devices' serial numbers that can accept a connection are displayed.Figure 22: List of Devices4. Select the serial number of the Talkman to which you want to connect and confirm your selection.Figure 23: Confirming the ConnectionYou will be taken back to the main screen, and the display will be connected to the Talkman.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman A500 | 53
Figure 24: Connected to a Voice DeviceScreens relevant to the application loaded onto the voice device will appear once the voice applicationis running.T5/A500 Adjustable Shoulder HarnessOperators wear devices on an adjustable shoulder harness that is purchased from Vocollect. The deviceis attached to the shoulder harness with a specially designed clip.Operators must regard the clip and the device as two separate entities. The clip should be attached tothe Vocollect shoulder harness at the beginning of a shift. Then, the operator can attach the device toand remove the device from the clip as often as necessary throughout the shift.T5/A500 Adjustable Shoulder Harness Specifications2" (5 cm) Wide Adjustable NylonShoulder StrapTwo Adjustable Elastic Nylon, 32"-48"(81 cm - 122 cm)Chest Straps (Regular)Two Adjustable Elastic Nylon, 41"-66" (104 cm - 167 cm)Chest Straps (Large)Putting a Device on a T5/A500 Shoulder HarnessTo mount a device onto the specially designed belt or shoulder harness, an operator must have a slimbelt clip (provided with the belt or harness). The clip should be attached to the belt at the beginning ofa shift. Then, the operator can attach the device to and remove the device from the clip as often asnecessary.Note: Vocollect strongly recommends that the device be worn on the right side of the body with thedevice's buttons on the top and its connectors toward your back.Figure 25: T5/A500 Shoulder Harness Properly Worn - Front and Back ViewsConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only54 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
1. Open the flap on the front of the shoulder harness by unsnapping the two buttons.2. Slide the flap through the slots on the belt clip.3. With the clip all the way on the flap, snap the buttons together.4. Unbuckle the large loop.5. Put your left hand through the small loop and slide the harness over your left shoulder.6. Clip the large loop in front of your chest.7. Adjust the straps.8. Connect the device to the shoulder harness clip by sliding the device onto the clip until it snaps intoplace.The device is properly clipped in place if you cannot remove it from the clip without pressing the device'sclip release button.Belts and Belt ClipsFigure 26: Belt with ClipOperators wear devices on a customized belt that is purchased from Vocollect. The device is attached tothe belt with a specially designed clip or holster.The clip is attached to the Vocollect belt at the beginning of a shift. The operator can attach the deviceto and remove the device from the clip as often as necessary throughout the shift. Vocollect sells threetypes of mounting clips:• T2 Series Slim Blue Belt Clip: connects a devi ceto the customized belt.• T2 Series Heavy Duty Belt Clip: adapts an OPEN belt (sold with Vocollect's previous device) for usewith a T2 Series device.• T5/A500 Black Belt Clip: connects a T5 or A500 device to the belt.• To comply with government safety standards, the device must be used with either a Vocollectcustomized belt and clip, a Vocollect customized shoulder harness, or a Vocollect belt holder.• Vocollect strongly recommends that the device be worn on the right side of the body with the device’sbuttons on the top and its connectors toward your back.Using the T-Series Belts and ClipsTo mount a device onto the specially designed belt or shoulder harness, an operator must have a slimbelt clip (provided with the belt or harness). The clip should be attached to the belt at the beginning ofa shift. Then, the operator can attach the device to and remove the device from the clip as often asnecessary.• A500 and T5-series devices can be worn on a belt or shoulder harness.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman A500 | 55
Figure 27: Attaching the Device to a Belt ClipT-Series Belt SpecificationsDimensionsBelt Size18" - 26" (46cm-66cm)XS24" - 32" (61cm-81cm)S28" - 36" (71cm-91cm)M34" - 42" (61cm-107cm)L40" - 48" (102cm-122cm)XL46" - 54" (117cm-137cm)XXL52" - 60" (132cm-152cm)XXXLSpecificationBelt PartNylonBelt materialYKK Hook and LoopVelcro®ITW Nexus 127-3200Belt fastenerDevice CoversVocollect offers an optional protective covers for its devices.• The use of a device cover is not required; however, Vocollect strongly recommends using the cover tohelp preserve the appearance and prolong the life of the devices.• Using the protective cover in a freezer environment prolongs battery life.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only56 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Figure 28: A500/T5 Elastomer-SKIN Cover• The device cover does not have to be removed before placing the device into a device charger.• The EXO Skeleton Cover provides additional drop protection for the device, is easy to remove, andpermits full access to all device features and functions.Figure 29: T2-Series Device Cover• You must remove the device cover before placing the device into a device charger. Failure to do socould result in damage to both the device and the charger.T5/A500 Elastomer-SKIN Cover SpecificationsThermoPlastic Elastomer (Dynaflex G2755)FabricPutting a Cover on an A500 or T5-Series Device1. If the device is not already off, press and hold the yellow play/pause button until the LED indicatorturns solid red and then off.2. Disconnect any peripherals.3. Hold the device with the battery compartment facing up and the device's buttons facing toward you.4. Slide the open end of the cover over the connection port end of the device. Pull gently on the cover tomake sure it slides behind the tab, located on the bottom of the device, that holds the cover securelyin place.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman A500 | 57
Figure 30: Putting a Cover on a Talkman T5-Series Device5. Stretch the rounded end of the cover over the rounded end of the device.6. Attach the peripherals that you will be using.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only58 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Chapter 4Talkman T5 SeriesFigure 31: Talkman T5Figure 32: Talkman T5mThe Talkman®T5 is a compact, lightweight, voice-enabled device with wireless capability that is designedto perform in the harsh conditions of an industrial environment. The Talkman T5mis the enhancedmemory version with increased memory and data storage.Talkman T5-Series Features• Bluetooth®compatible radio enables wireless connections to headsets, bar code readers, printers, andother peripherals• High-performance battery ensures uninterrupted power even in freezing conditions• Ergonomic design provides user comfort with belt or shoulder harness• Elastomer device cover protects your investment• Four-button interface enables easy user interactionT5-Series Specifications: Talkman T5 and Talkman T5m12.1 ounces (343 g) (with battery)Weight5.5" (13.97 cm)LengthConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only
2.63" (6.68 cm)Width1.7" (4.3 cm)DepthI/O Ports • Headset port (yellow)• Maintenance port with audio out and RS-232 serial support-22° to 122° F (-30° to 50° C)Operating Temperature-30° to 140° F (-34° to 60° C)Storage TemperatureMeets the MIL STD -810F specification for shock and vibration.Drop TestedIn addition, the device has been tested to the following specifications:• 25 drops from 5 feet (152.4 cm)• 10 additional drops from 6 feet (182.88) onto polished concrete• 10 drops at varying angles from 5 feet at -20° F (-29° C) ontopolished concrete100% condensingHumidityIP67Enclosure RatingCharging an A500 or T5 DeviceFigure 33: Talkman A500/T5 High-Performance BatteryThe A500/T5 battery is a high-performance model. Unlike the T2 series batteries, which have contactpoints that are flush with the case, the A500/T5 battery features a pin-out design.Caution: A500/T5 series batteries and other Vocollect batteries are not interchangeable. If you tryto insert the wrong battery into a device, you may damage the device and the battery.The A500 and T5 devices use a Vocollect Combination Charger that charges the high-performance batterywhile still seated in a device or when removed from the device.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only60 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
A500/T5 High-Performance Batteries SpecificationsElectrical Specifications• Cells: The high capacity battery pack uses two lithium ion cells.• Voltage = 3.7V• Watt Hours = 19WHr• Protection circuit characteristics: The pack contains a protection circuit that prevents over and undervoltage conditions on the cells and protects the pack from damage as a result of a short circuit betweenthe positive and negative terminals of the battery.• The battery pack contains custom electronics that provide performance, temperature, and packidentification to the device. This information is made available to voice management software.• Battery Charging: The battery pack must be charged only in a Vocollect designated charger.Mechanical and Environmental Specifications• Drop-test specifications: The high capacity battery meets the MIL STD 810F specification for shockand transient drop criteria.• Environmental specifications: The battery pack halves are sonically welded together to protect theinternals from water and dust. The battery functions properly in the following conditions:Temperature: -40°C to 55°C (-40°F to 131°F)Humidity: 95% non-condensingRain/dust: IP67Battery NotificationsBattery warnings for a Talkman battery occur at the following levels:• First warning = 3,45 mV• Critical warning = 3,350 mVCharging an A500 or T5 Battery in a Device1. Remove the device from the belt clip.2. Disconnect any other peripherals.3. Insert the device into an open slot on the charger, pressing down and then back until the device clicksinto place.4. After the device has been placed into the charger, make sure that the LED indicator on the deviceturns on and begins to blink green.a) If the LED does not turn on after 30 seconds, remove the device from the charger slot and thenplace it into the slot again.b) If the LED indicator still does not turn on, try another charger slot.Caution: Do not attempt to place the device into the charger unless you have first disconnectedthe headset and any other peripheral devices. Do not remove the battery from the device whenplacing a device into a charger.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman T5 Series | 61
Charging an A500 or T5-Series Battery1. Remove the battery from the Talkman device.2. Hold the battery with its contacts to the bottom and the Vocollect label facing you.Figure 34: Inserting a Battery Into the Charger3. Place the battery into an open battery slot on the top level of the charger.When the battery is placed into the charger properly, the left LED indicator for the slot into whichthe battery was placed turns red.Note: The upper set of LED indicators apply to the charger's battery slots and the lower indicatorsapply to the devices' slots.Removing an A500, T2-Series or T5-Series Device From a ChargerNote: The device is ready to use when the LED indicator on the device is blinking green. If the LEDis blinking red, the device is not ready to be used.Important: If a device continuously displays a solid red light, contact your system administrator.1. Make sure that the device is ready to use.2. Pull up on the device to remove it from the device charger.Figure 35: Removing a Device from a ChargerInserting a Battery into a Talkman A500, T5-Series or T2-Series DeviceMake sure the battery to be inserted is fully charged.1. Hold the Talkman so that the red and yellow ports are facing away from you.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only62 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
2. Hold the battery with the pins facing away from you and so that the Vocollect logo is on top.3. Place the battery in at an angle, pins end first.Figure 36: Properly Inserting a Battery4. Push the back of the battery into place.You will hear a click when the battery is in place.Caution: Do not force the battery into the compartment. You may damage the battery or thedevice. If the battery does not snap easily into place, reposition the battery in the compartmentand try again.Make sure the battery is firmly in place and can't be removed without pressing the battery release button.Removing a Battery from a Talkman A500, T5-Series or T2-Series DeviceMake sure the Talkman device is off.Caution: Do not remove the battery until the LED indicator is off. If you remove the battery whenthe device is on or sleeping, any data collected could be lost.1. Hold the device in one hand with the battery compartment facing toward you.2. Press the battery release button all the way down until the top of the battery pops up from the batterycompartment.Figure 37: Removing the Battery From a Device3. Lift the battery out of the compartment.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman T5 Series | 63
Battery Warm-Up TimeIf a battery has been used in a cold environment, it will not begin charging until it warms up sufficiently.Approximate warm-up timeTemperature of battery use6 minutes-4°C (24.8°F)10 minutes-10°C (14.0°F)22 minutes-20°C (-4°F)30 minutes-30°C (-22°F)About LED IndicatorsVocollect Talkman devices, SRX and SRX2 headsets, and their chargers have LEDs that indicate thestate of the equipment. These LEDs may be on, off or blink. In some cases an LED will blink, alternatingbetween two colors.If the LEDs indicate that there is a problem, refer to information on troubleshooting to solve the problem.See also Troubleshooting Problems Indicated by LED.T5-Series Device LED IndicatorsT5-SeriesStateLEDDevice is onAlso, one of the following:OnGreen• adjusting volume• sampling noise• retraining a word• changing the active operator• after speaking:• "Talkman help"• "Talkman repeat"• "Talkman continue"• "Talkman backup"The device is in a chargerFast BlinkOne of the following:Slow Blink• the device is in sleep mode and not in a charger• the voice application selection menu is in use• certain portions of software are loadingDevice is turning onDevice is turning offOn BrieflyRedError, contact system administratorOn ContinuouslyConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only64 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
T5-SeriesStateLEDOne of the following:Blinking• retrieving and loading an operator from VoiceConsole• retrieving, reading and loading a voice application fromVoiceConsole• certain portions of software are loadingWi-Fi offT5-Series OnlyOffAmber/YellowOne of the following for T2-Series only:Slow Blink• the device cannot contact VoiceConsole while in the charger• the easy charger configuration is incorrectThe device's Wi-Fi connection is activeT5-Series OnlyRandom BlinkingPatternBluetooth offT5-Series OnlyOffBlue(Bluetoothindicator)The device's Bluetooth connection is activeT5-Series OnlyRandom BlinkingPatternPairing an A500 or T5 Device and a Bluetooth DeviceYou can associate one Bluetooth®printer and/or one Bluetooth bar code reader to the same A500 orT5-series device. You cannot associate multiple printers or bar code readers to a single Talkman device.Note: You can also associate a Pidion®BM-170 display with an A500 device.Pairing with the Honeywell MS9535: Talkman Device Is the Initiator1. In VoiceConsole, follow the instructions for creating a pairing and setting the bar code scanner asthe acceptor. See VoiceConsole's Help for details.2. Scan the Code 128 bar code (3000CA7000000). See the documentation that came with the Honeywell9535 for details.3. Place the Talkman device and bar code reader close together. The Talkman device associates withthe bar code reader. A low-tone/high-tone beep from the bar code reader indicates a successfulassociation.Note: If a bar code reader goes out of communication range with the Talkman device, it may un-pairfrom the Talkman device. You will hear a high-tone/low-tone beep. Move the bar code reader closerto the Talkman to reassociate the bar code reader with the Talkman device. You will hear alow-tone/high-tone beep when they pair.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman T5 Series | 65
Pairing with the Honeywell MS9535: Talkman Device Is the AcceptorThe Talkman A500 and T5 devices must be configured in VoiceConsole to listen for incoming connectionsbefore proceeding with these instructions. See the VoiceConsole online help for details.For a T5 device, you must set the parameter Bluetooth_IsDiscoverable=true in the device properties inVoiceConsole so that the device will broadcast its address.Important: Only one scanner should be configured to communicate with a Talkman device'sBluetooth address at any one time. If you change the bar code reader to which the device has beenpaired, you must clear the Bluetooth service in the old bar code reader. Scan the Provide BluetoothService bar code (3000CA7000000). See the documentation that came with the Honeywell scannerfor details.1. With the Honeywell scanner, scan the Provide Bluetooth Service bar code (3000CA7000000). See thedocumentation that came with the Honeywell scanner for details.2. Power off the Talkman device completely and then power it back on.3. Place the Talkman device into sleep mode or wait for it to enter sleep mode.The green LED on the device blinks green.4. Wait for 30 seconds.5. Scan the Get Bluetooth Address bar code (3000CA7FFFFFF) from the Honeywell user's guide.6. Scan the bar code on the Talkman device. This bar code contains the Talkman device's Bluetoothaddress.You will hear a quick, three-beep confirmation from the bar code reader, followed by alow-tone/high-tone beep indicating success.Pairing with Zebra QL Series PrintersFor Bluetooth pairing:• In VoiceConsole, find the device and use the appropriate action link to pair it to a peripheral.• See VoiceConsole Help for detailed instructions on pairing devices.• Create the pairing with the Zebra®QL™Series printer.Pairing with Intermec PB50 PrintersPlease refer to Intermec documentation on configuring the PB50 for Vocollect applications.For Bluetooth pairing:• In VoiceConsole, find the device and use the appropriate action link to pair it to a peripheral.• See VoiceConsole Help for detailed instructions on pairing devices.• Create the pairing with the Intermec®PB50 mobile printer.For Wireless Network (WiFi) pairing:• In VoiceConsole, find the device and use the appropriate action link to pair it to a peripheral.• Enter the printer's Pairing Name, Host, and Port.The default TCP/IP port for the PB50 printer is 9100.• See VoiceConsole Help for detailed instructions on pairing devices.Pairing the Honeywell LXE 8652 Scanner: Talkman Device Is the InitiatorDuring use, it is possible for the scanner to disconnect from the device if the communication link isdisrupted. When the scanner is setup so that the device initiates the connection, the device typicallyConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only66 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
recovers the connection automatically. When the scanner initiates the connection, it typically requiresthe press of a button to activate and recover the connection..This method of pairing is useful if a single Talkman T5 Series device will always be associated with onescanner.You must have access to VoiceConsole to set up the pairing. For production use, Vocollect recommendsthat you create a specific device profile in VoiceConsole to store many of the following settings.1. Print this page.2. Scan the following barcode to ensure that the Honeywell LXE®8652 scanner is ready to accept aconnection, even if it was previously paired.Caution: The scanner may not accept a connection if this barcode is not scanned.Figure 38: Set Up Scanner as Slave3. Using VoiceConsole, locate the specific Talkman T5 device to be paired with the scanner.4. View the properties of the device, and ensure that Bluetooth is enabled. If it is not enabled, click Editthis device and set Bluetooth Enabled to "enabled."5. Select the Pair this device with a peripheral option.6. For Pairing Type select "Bluetooth Scanner."7. For Connection Mode select "Device initaties connection with peripheral."8. In the Bluetooth Adress enter the Bluetooth MAC address of the scanner. This 12-character ID islabeled "MAC ID" and is found on the side of the battery unit of the scanner.9. Click Pair with peripheral to initiate pairing.Pairing the Honeywell LXE 8652 Scanner: Scanner Is the InitiatorDuring use, it is possible for the scanner to disconnect from the device if the communication link isdisrupted. When the scanner is setup so that the device initiates the connection, the device typicallyrecovers the connection automatically. When the scanner initiates the connection, it typically requiresthe press of a button to activate and recover the connection..This method of pairing is useful if a scanner will be used with more than one Talkman T5 Series device.You must have access to VoiceConsole to set up the pairing. For production use, Vocollect recommendsthat you create a specific device profile in VoiceConsole to store many of the following settings.1. Ensure that the Talkman is labeled with a code 128 barcode. This code contains the FNC3 codefollowed by the capital letter "B" and the unique Bluetooth MAC address of the Talkman.a) If the Talkman does not have a barcode label, generate the FNC3 on a PC with a full keyboardand number pad. Hold the ALT key down and press the four-number sequence "1 0 7 9" on thenumber pad. A small number 3 will appear to indicate the presence of the code. Some barcodesoftware packages have special insertion keystrokes for FNC3.b) Find the Bluetooth MAC address of the Talkman on the rear of the device near the belt clip. Theaddress begins with "BT."2. Print this page.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman T5 Series | 67
3. Using VoiceConsole, locate the specific Talkman T5 device to be paired with the scanner.4. View the properties of the device, and ensure that Bluetooth is enabled. If it is not enabled, click Editthis device and set Bluetooth Enabled to "enabled."5. Select the Pair this device with a peripheral option.6. For Pairing Type select "Bluetooth Scanner."7. For Connection Mode select "Device listens for peripheral connection."8. Click Pair with peripheral to initiate pairing.9. To complete the pairing, scan the barcode created for the Talkman device in first step.10. When finished using the Talkman and scanner, unpair the Talkman by scanning the following barcodeto set the scanner to slave mode.Note: Performing this step ensures that the scanner does not generate spurious Bluetooth RFthat could interfere with other transmissions.Figure 39: Reset Scanner as SlaveNote: To pair the scanner again, rescan the Talkman code 128 barcode.Pairing the Socket Cordless Ring Scanner with a Talkman T5During use, it is possible for the scanner to disconnect from the device if the communication link isdisrupted. When the scanner is setup so that the device initiates the connection, the device typicallyrecovers the connection automatically. When the scanner initiates the connection, it typically requiresthe press of a button to activate and recover the connection..The Bluetooth connection between the Socket®Cordless Ring Scanner (CRS) and a Talkman T5 ismanaged through VoiceConsole. See VoiceConsole Help for details on the use of Bluetooth with VocollectVoice systems.Note that Each CRS has a unique Bluetooth address that is clearly labeled on the underside of thewrist-worn Bluetooth transmitter and battery pack. This address is needed to associate a CRS with aT5.Because a T5 will be explicitly associated with a specific CRS via VoiceConsole, Vocollect stronglyrecommends clearly labeling the CRS wrist units to identify them with the specific T5 to which they arepaired. A clear identification and operational procedure for keeping specific scanners associated withspecific Talkman T-Series devices will be beneficial in the work environment.Connecting the CRS to the Talkman T5 DeviceThe Socket Cordless Ring Scanner, with scanner part number ending in REV D, can be paired with aT5-series device where the scanner acts as the initiator.You must have access to VoiceConsole to set up the pairing. For production use, Vocollect recommendsthat you create a specific device profile in VoiceConsole to store many of the following settings.1. In VoiceConsole, select Bluetooth scanner as the pairing type for the device you want to pair withthe scanner. For the Connection Mode, select Device listens for peripheral connection. See VoiceConsoleHelp for details.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only68 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
2. Create a bar code using Symbology Code 128 in the following form, where AABBCCDDEEFF is theBluetooth MAC address found on the T5: #FNIAABBCCDDEEFF#a) Bar codes can be created at a Web site such as www.barcoding.com/upc.3. Turn on the Socket CRS and the T5.4. Scan the bar code you created.The scanner beeps and begins flashing rapidly. It is now searching for the device.5. Place the scanner and device closely together to pair.The Bluetooth LED on the scanner blinks once every four seconds to indicate that the scanner anddevice have paired.Installing an A500 or T5-Series Device Into a VehicleA Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile Computer, is an A500 or T5-Series device with a battery adaptermounted to a vehicle, such as a forklift or motorized pallet jack. After the device is mounted, the batteryadapter is placed in the battery area of the A500 or T5-Series device (connected to the vehicle’s powersource).Talkman devices in this configuration may use any wired or wireless equipment (headsets, scanners,etc.). Vocollect sells the complete solution including mounting kits and power systems to enable anyTalkman A500 or T5-Series devices to be used in an A500/T5 VMT configuration.Caution: PLEASE DO NOT LOOK AT DEVICE/UNIT WHILE OPERATING MACHINERY SOAS TO AVOID CREATION OF A DISTRACTION THAT COULD RESULT IN AN ACCIDENT ANDBODILY INJURY TO OPERATOR AND THIRD PERSONS.Follow the instructions below to properly install the device in a forklift.• Determine the best location for mounting the device, taking into consideration the driver’s field ofview.• Install the appropriate mounting hardware.• Connect the device to the vehicle’s wiring system.Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile Computer AccessoriesThe Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile Computer is designed to be installed using RAM Mounting Systemshardware. Vocollect supplies a mounting bracket for the A500/T5 and mounting hardware from RAMMounting Systems. Additional hardware mounting bracket options can be purchased directly from RAMMounting Systems (www.ram-mount.com) to customize the installation.The A500/T5 VMT must be mounted to a sturdy surface.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman T5 Series | 69
Figure 41: Screw On MountingFigure 40: Screw On Mounting PartsFigure 43: Clamp MountingFigure 42: Clamp Mounting PartsFigure 45: Power SupplyFigure 44: Battery AdapterNote: You may provide your own power supply, but it must supply 12-15V at 1 Amp and must belimited to less than 250VA (Watts). If you chose to provide your own, you are still required to purchasethe battery adapter cable and battery adapter for final connection to the A500 or T5-Series device.Note: This configuration does not require you to connect the A500 or T5-Series device to the vehicle'spower source. If desired, for operational reasons, T5-Series devices may be used in VMT configurationusing a Vocollect battery.Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile Computer Accessory Specifications-30° to 50° C (-22° to 122° F)Operating TemperatureConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only70 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
-40° to 70° C (-40° to 158° F)Storage TemperatureMounts for Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile ComputersThe Screw On Mount is a mounting option that is bolted to a stationary surface on a vehicle.The Clamp Mount is a mounting option that is clamped to a stationary surface on a vehicle. This canalso be bolted to a stationary surface, if desired.Figure 47: Clamp MountFigure 46: Screw On MountPositioning the Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile Computer• Determine the best position for the device and all the associated components. If a similar device waspreviously installed, check to see if the position it used is suitable for the device.• Test the installation for at least 30 minutes before installing on another vehicle. Record all details:• Check that the position of the device does not obstruct vehicle controls.• Check that the device does not obstruct the driver's view.• Check the position of the device for user comfort over long periods.Installing the Mounting Brackets for a Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile DeviceThe following parts are supplied by Vocollect for attaching the screw on mount:DescriptionQuantityItem #Vehicle Mount, Holder/Base Screw On Attachment21Vehicle Mount, Arm12Vehicle Mount, Holder13The following parts are supplied by Vocollect for attaching the clamp on mount:DescriptionQuantityItem #Vehicle Mount, Clamp11Vehicle Mount, Arm12Vehicle Mount, Holder13Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman T5 Series | 71
DescriptionQuantityItem #Vehicle Mount, Holder/Base Screw On Attachment141. Drill the holes required to secure the base to the vehicle. If using the clamp mount, skip this step.2. Note: Apply some lubricant (for example, light oil or anti-sieze) to the threads of the clampmount screws.Screw or clamp a base to the location.3. Attach the other base to the other end of the arm and tighten once in the desired location by turningthe locking lever clockwise.4. Screw the device holder to the base.5. Insert a device into the holder, and insert the battery adapter into the device.6. Attach the cable from the power supply to the battery adapter.To prevent vibration, the arm of the mounting bracket should not touch the stem of the ball of the base.In other words, the arm should not be tilted so far as to have these pieces touching.Connecting Cables to the Power Supply and Attaching the Power Supply to a VehicleThe following parts are supplied by Vocollect for attaching the 12 or 24 volt vehicle's power supply to adevice:DescriptionQuantityItem #Power Supply, 9-36 VDC Input11Cable from power supply to battery adapter12The following parts are supplied by Vocollect for attaching the 36 or 48 volt vehicle's power supply to adevice:DescriptionQuantityItem #Power Supply, 18-60 VDC Input11Cable from power supply to battery adapter12You will need the following equipment:• One Cable from the power supply to vehicle’s power source. Vocollect recommends an industrial ratedcable with the following specifications: Number of conductors = 3, Gauge of wire = 16, Temperature= -40C to 90C• Cable tiesCaution: General Guidelines for Routing Electrical Cables• The vehicle must be off and the vehicle's battery must be disconnected.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only72 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
• Cables should be kept clear of surfaces that may become hot.• Cables should not be run such that they can get caught on moving parts.• Cables should not be run on the outside of a vehicle.• Cables should not have 90 degree turns, the minimum bend radius should not be less than oneinch• To remove slack on a cable it should be coiled up and secured inside the vehicle with a cable tie.• For maximum safety fuses should be located as close as possible to the power source.• To protect the A500/T5 VMT from power surges and to perform voltage conversion a convertermodule is fitted between the A500/T5 VMT and the forklift battery.1. Disconnect the vehicle battery.2. Remove the four screws from the top of the power supply to expose the screw terminals.3. On the cable from power supply to the vehicle’s power source, strip the three cables to exposeapproximately 5mm of copper. Ensure the cable is long enough to reach from the power supply to thevehicle’s power source.4. On the yellow cable from the battery adapter to the power supply, strip the black and brown cable toexpose approximately 5mm of copper. The Blue cable is not required; it can be trimmed where it exitsthe yellow cable. Ensure the cable is long enough to reach from the power supply to the vehicle’spower source.5. Connect the cables from the battery adapter to the power supply by performing the steps below.• Loosen the screws to where the connection will be made on the power supply.• Match the cables to the correct locations as indicated in the chart below:•Output ConnectorCable+Brown – Battery Adapter Positive-Black – Battery Adapter NegativeGNDNo connection neededNot applicableBlue (cut back)• Tighten the screws.• Ensure the cables are secure6. Connect the cables from the vehicle’s power source to the power supply by performing the steps below:• Loosen the screws to where the connection will be made on the power supply.• Match the cables to the correct locations as indicated in the chart below:•Input ConnectorCable+White (may differ depending on the cable) – Vehicle Positive-Black (may differ depending on the cable) – Vehicle NegativeGNDGreen - Vehicle Ground• Tighten the screws.• Ensure the cables are secure7. Once all of the cables have been successfully installed, attach cable ties to secure the cables.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman T5 Series | 73
Figure 48: Cables Attached to the Power Supply8. Place the power supply in a place out of the way, such as under the dashboard of a fork lift, and attachit to a secure surface with cable ties. Alternatively the power supply could be secured by bolting itusing the mounting slots.Figure 49: Power Supply Attached to a Secure Surface on the Vehicle9. Run the cable that connects the battery adapter to the power supply from the power supply to thelocation where the A500/T5 VMT will be mounted10. Connect the yellow wire to the battery adapter by attaching the connector and tightening the nut.Connecting the Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile Computer to a Vehicle's Power SourceYou will need the following equipment:• Two fuse holders from Cooper Bussman. Vocollect recommends using a Cooper Bussmann HFA seriesin line waterproof fuse.• Two fuses. Vocollect recommends a 2A 250V SLO BLO fuse.• Three spade connectors• Four small cable ties• FastenersVocollect recommends choosing unswitched power as the source for the power supply. This will allowTalkman devices to be powered for software updates as well as prevent Talkman devices from accidentallybeing unpowered if the vehicle is quickly switched off unintentionally.1. Remove all power sources from the vehicle.2. Remove any excess length from the cable from the input cable from the power supply.3. Connect the fuses to the cable near to the battery end of the cable. Remove approximately 4 inchesof the outer insulation from the cable.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only74 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
4. Expose approximately 10mm of copper on the positive and negative wires.5. Insert the exposed copper into the fuseholders and crimp into the positive and negative wires usingan approved tool.6. Connect the green wire to the vehicle's ground.7. Connect the fused white wire to the vehicle’s positive power source using an appropriate connector.This may need to be crimped onto the wire.8. Connect the fused black wire to the vehicle’s negative power source using an appropriate connector.This may need to be crimped onto the wire.9. Attach the power supply as shown in the following diagram.Figure 50: Attach the Power Supply10. Secure the wires with cable ties.Removal of Talkman A500/T5 VMT Mobile Computer from VehicleTalkman A500/T5 VMT mobile computer components are designed for easy removal for occasional vehicleservice, maintenance or flexible operational needs.Caution: Vocollect does not recommend removing the cables (CM-710-101, CM-710-102) from thebattery adapter except when required for occasional service (i.e. once per month at maximum)Excessive removal of these cables may damage the adapter and cable. This type of use is not coveredunder warranty or service plans as it is unintended product use that is specifically not recommended.1. Release the battery adapter from the device.2. Dock the battery adapter in the side of the VMT holder.This leaves the device free to be removed and the battery adapter and cable docked and protected.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman T5 Series | 75
Caution: The battery adapter should remain cabled and docked when not in use to prevent cabledamage or accidental contact of the adapter contacts with metal surfaces.AccessoriesVocollect offers a variety of accessories for wearing, protecting, and facilitating the operations of Talkmanand other handheld devices.T5/A500 Adjustable Shoulder HarnessOperators wear devices on an adjustable shoulder harness that is purchased from Vocollect. The deviceis attached to the shoulder harness with a specially designed clip.Operators must regard the clip and the device as two separate entities. The clip should be attached tothe Vocollect shoulder harness at the beginning of a shift. Then, the operator can attach the device toand remove the device from the clip as often as necessary throughout the shift.T5/A500 Adjustable Shoulder Harness Specifications2" (5 cm) Wide Adjustable NylonShoulder StrapTwo Adjustable Elastic Nylon, 32"-48"(81 cm - 122 cm)Chest Straps (Regular)Two Adjustable Elastic Nylon, 41"-66" (104 cm - 167 cm)Chest Straps (Large)Putting a Device on a T5/A500 Shoulder HarnessTo mount a device onto the specially designed belt or shoulder harness, an operator must have a slimbelt clip (provided with the belt or harness). The clip should be attached to the belt at the beginning ofa shift. Then, the operator can attach the device to and remove the device from the clip as often asnecessary.Note: Vocollect strongly recommends that the device be worn on the right side of the body with thedevice's buttons on the top and its connectors toward your back.Figure 51: T5/A500 Shoulder Harness Properly Worn - Front and Back Views1. Open the flap on the front of the shoulder harness by unsnapping the two buttons.2. Slide the flap through the slots on the belt clip.3. With the clip all the way on the flap, snap the buttons together.4. Unbuckle the large loop.5. Put your left hand through the small loop and slide the harness over your left shoulder.6. Clip the large loop in front of your chest.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only76 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
7. Adjust the straps.8. Connect the device to the shoulder harness clip by sliding the device onto the clip until it snaps intoplace.The device is properly clipped in place if you cannot remove it from the clip without pressing the device'sclip release button.Belts and Belt ClipsFigure 52: Belt with ClipOperators wear devices on a customized belt that is purchased from Vocollect. The device is attached tothe belt with a specially designed clip or holster.The clip is attached to the Vocollect belt at the beginning of a shift. The operator can attach the deviceto and remove the device from the clip as often as necessary throughout the shift. Vocollect sells threetypes of mounting clips:• T2 Series Slim Blue Belt Clip: connects a devi ceto the customized belt.• T2 Series Heavy Duty Belt Clip: adapts an OPEN belt (sold with Vocollect's previous device) for usewith a T2 Series device.• T5/A500 Black Belt Clip: connects a T5 or A500 device to the belt.• To comply with government safety standards, the device must be used with either a Vocollectcustomized belt and clip, a Vocollect customized shoulder harness, or a Vocollect belt holder.• Vocollect strongly recommends that the device be worn on the right side of the body with the device’sbuttons on the top and its connectors toward your back.Using the T-Series Belts and ClipsTo mount a device onto the specially designed belt or shoulder harness, an operator must have a slimbelt clip (provided with the belt or harness). The clip should be attached to the belt at the beginning ofa shift. Then, the operator can attach the device to and remove the device from the clip as often asnecessary.• A500 and T5-series devices can be worn on a belt or shoulder harness.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman T5 Series | 77
Figure 53: Attaching the Device to a Belt ClipT-Series Belt SpecificationsDimensionsBelt Size18" - 26" (46cm-66cm)XS24" - 32" (61cm-81cm)S28" - 36" (71cm-91cm)M34" - 42" (61cm-107cm)L40" - 48" (102cm-122cm)XL46" - 54" (117cm-137cm)XXL52" - 60" (132cm-152cm)XXXLSpecificationBelt PartNylonBelt materialYKK Hook and LoopVelcro®ITW Nexus 127-3200Belt fastenerDevice CoversVocollect offers an optional protective covers for its devices.• The use of a device cover is not required; however, Vocollect strongly recommends using the cover tohelp preserve the appearance and prolong the life of the devices.• Using the protective cover in a freezer environment prolongs battery life.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only78 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Figure 54: A500/T5 Elastomer-SKIN Cover• The device cover does not have to be removed before placing the device into a device charger.• The EXO Skeleton Cover provides additional drop protection for the device, is easy to remove, andpermits full access to all device features and functions.Figure 55: T2-Series Device Cover• You must remove the device cover before placing the device into a device charger. Failure to do socould result in damage to both the device and the charger.T5/A500 Elastomer-SKIN Cover SpecificationsThermoPlastic Elastomer (Dynaflex G2755)FabricPutting a Cover on an A500 or T5-Series Device1. If the device is not already off, press and hold the yellow play/pause button until the LED indicatorturns solid red and then off.2. Disconnect any peripherals.3. Hold the device with the battery compartment facing up and the device's buttons facing toward you.4. Slide the open end of the cover over the connection port end of the device. Pull gently on the cover tomake sure it slides behind the tab, located on the bottom of the device, that holds the cover securelyin place.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman T5 Series | 79
Figure 56: Putting a Cover on a Talkman T5-Series Device5. Stretch the rounded end of the cover over the rounded end of the device.6. Attach the peripherals that you will be using.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only80 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Chapter 5Talkman T2 SeriesFigure 57: Talkman T2xThe Talkman®T2x is a rugged voice-enabled device that performs to military and international standards.It can withstand the potential impacts, rough handling, water exposure, and corrosive conditions ofindustrial environments.Talkman T2-Series Features• Wi-Fi network support and ample memory to continue operations during breaks in RF coverage• Standard and high-capacity battery options meet the varying needs of different warehouses• High-performance battery ensures uninterrupted power even in freezing conditions• Ergonomic design and rugged belt clip provide user comfort and easy access• Four-button interface enables easy user interaction• Two connection points accommodate peripherals such as scanners or printersT2 Series Specifications: Talkman T2xand Talkman T216 ounces (with standard battery) (453 g)Weight6.5" (16.5 cm)Length3.38" (8.5 cm)Width1.5" (4 cm)DepthI/O Ports • Headset port (yellow)• Maintenance port with audio out and RS-232 serial support (red)• Bar code port with RS-232 decoded bar code support (blue)-22° to 122° F (-30° to 50° C)Operating Temperature-30° to 140° F (-34° to 60° C)Storage TemperatureMeets the MIL STD -810F specification for shock and vibration.Drop TestedIn addition, the device has been tested to the following specifications:Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only
• 25 drops from 5 feet (152.4 cm)• 10 additional drops from 6 feet (182.88) onto polished concrete•10 drops at varying angles from 5 feet at -20° F (-29° C) onto polishedconcrete100% condensingHumidityIP67Enclosure RatingCharging a T2-Series DeviceFigure 58: Talkman T2 Series BatteryThe T2 series battery is available in standard and high-capacity models. The standard battery sits flushwith the top of the device when installed. The high-capacity battery has a longer run time than thestandard capacity battery.Caution: T2 series and A500/T5 series batteries are not interchangeable. If you try to insert thewrong battery into a device, you may damage the device and the battery.The T2-Series battery is designed to be charged while still seated in the device.T2 Series High Capacity Battery SpecificationsElectrical Specifications• Cells: The high capacity battery pack uses four lithium ion cells.• Nominal voltage = 7.2V• Watt Hours = 27WHr (standard T2x battery is 14WHr )• Protection circuit characteristics: The pack contains a protection circuit that prevents over and undervoltage conditions on the cells and protects the pack from damage as a result of a short circuit betweenthe positive and negative terminals of the battery.• Thermistor: The battery pack contains a negative temperature coefficient thermistor. The chargeruses the voltage drop across the thermistor to determine that the battery pack is within the propercharging temperature limits.• Battery ID: The battery pack contains a Dallas Semiconductor DS2401 serial ID chip. In futureenhancements to both the device and the device software, this chip will be used to provide data aboutfeatures such as battery life, capacity monitoring and asset tracking.• Battery Charging: The battery pack must only be charged in a Vocollect designated charger.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only82 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Mechanical and Environmental Specifications• Drop-test specifications: The high capacity battery meets the MIL STD 810F specification for shockand transient drop criteria.• Environmental specifications: The battery pack halves are sonically welded together to protect theinternals from water and dust.• The battery functions properly in the following conditions:Temperature: -20°C to 50°C (-4°F to 122°F)Humidity: 95% non-condensingRain/dust: IP67Battery NotificationsBattery warnings for a Talkman battery occur at the following levels:• First warning = 3,550 mV• Critical warning = 3,350 mVCharging a T2 Series Device1. Make sure the charger is powered. The charger's orange power light (LED indicator) is lit when thecharger is powered.2. Sign off of the device if necessary.3. Press and hold the yellow play/pause button until the LED indicator turns solid red and then turnsoff.Note: It is not necessary to turn the device off before placing it into the charger.4. Remove the device from the belt clip.5. Disconnect any other peripherals. If the device is in a cover, remove the cover.6. Insert the device into one of the device charger slots with the button controls of the device to the topand facing toward the left.Figure 59: Inserting a T2 Series Device Into a ChargerConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman T2 Series | 83
Caution: Do not attempt to place the device into the charger unless you have first disconnectedthe headset and any other peripheral devices. Do not remove the battery from the device whenplacing the device into a charger.7. After the device has been placed into the charger, make sure that the LED indicator on the deviceturns on and begins to blink green.a) If the LED does not turn on after 30 seconds, remove the device from the charger slot and thenplace it into the slot again.b) If the LED indicator still does not turn on, try another charger slot.Caution: If the LED indicator on a device is blinking red, do not remove the device from the charger.Removing an A500, T2-Series or T5-Series Device From a ChargerNote: The device is ready to use when the LED indicator on the device is blinking green. If the LEDis blinking red, the device is not ready to be used.Important: If a device continuously displays a solid red light, contact your system administrator.1. Make sure that the device is ready to use.2. Pull up on the device to remove it from the device charger.Figure 60: Removing a Device from a ChargerInserting a Battery into a Talkman A500, T5-Series or T2-Series DeviceMake sure the battery to be inserted is fully charged.1. Hold the Talkman so that the red and yellow ports are facing away from you.2. Hold the battery with the pins facing away from you and so that the Vocollect logo is on top.3. Place the battery in at an angle, pins end first.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only84 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Figure 61: Properly Inserting a Battery4. Push the back of the battery into place.You will hear a click when the battery is in place.Caution: Do not force the battery into the compartment. You may damage the battery or thedevice. If the battery does not snap easily into place, reposition the battery in the compartmentand try again.Make sure the battery is firmly in place and can't be removed without pressing the battery release button.Removing a Battery from a Talkman A500, T5-Series or T2-Series DeviceMake sure the Talkman device is off.Caution: Do not remove the battery until the LED indicator is off. If you remove the battery whenthe device is on or sleeping, any data collected could be lost.1. Hold the device in one hand with the battery compartment facing toward you.2. Press the battery release button all the way down until the top of the battery pops up from the batterycompartment.Figure 62: Removing the Battery From a Device3. Lift the battery out of the compartment.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman T2 Series | 85
Battery Warm-Up TimeIf a battery has been used in a cold environment, it will not begin charging until it warms up sufficiently.Approximate warm-up timeTemperature of battery use6 minutes-4°C (24.8°F)10 minutes-10°C (14.0°F)22 minutes-20°C (-4°F)30 minutes-30°C (-22°F)About LED IndicatorsVocollect Talkman devices, SRX and SRX2 headsets, and their chargers have LEDs that indicate thestate of the equipment. These LEDs may be on, off or blink. In some cases an LED will blink, alternatingbetween two colors.If the LEDs indicate that there is a problem, refer to information on troubleshooting to solve the problem.See also Troubleshooting Problems Indicated by LED.T2-Series Device LED IndicatorsT2-SeriesStateLEDDevice is onAlso, one of the following:OnGreen• adjusting volume• sampling noise• retraining a word• changing the active operator• after speaking:• "Talkman help"• "Talkman repeat"• "Talkman continue"• "Talkman backup"The device is in a chargerFast BlinkOne of the following:Slow Blink• the device is in sleep mode and not in a charger• the voice application selection menu is in use• certain portions of software are loadingDevice is turning onDevice is turning offOn BrieflyRedError, contact system administratorOn ContinuouslyConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only86 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
T2-SeriesStateLEDOne of the following:Blinking• retrieving and loading an operator from VoiceConsole• retrieving, reading and loading a voice application fromVoiceConsole• certain portions of software are loadingDevice is attempting to get an IP address from the server. If unableto get an IP, the device will turn off.T2-Series OnlyAlternatingRed/GreenOne of the following for T2-Series only:Slow BlinkAmber/Yellow• the device cannot contact VoiceConsole while in the charger• the easy charger configuration is incorrectConnecting a T2-Series with the Honeywell MS95351. Connect the scanner power cable to the Honeywell MS9535 VoyagerBT laser bar code scanner anda power source.2. If this is the initial use, allow the scanner to charge for several hours before use.3. Set the Vocollect task with the following options: no parity, 9600 baud, 1 stop bit, CR/LF termination,word length 8, and keep-power-on.4. Use barcode software to generate a barcode for pairing the Vocollect T2x Bluetooth Serial Adapterand Honeywell reader dynamically. Scanning this barcode will program the scanner to associate withthis specific serial adapter.Note: If a bar code reader goes out of communication range with the Talkman device, it may un-pairfrom the Talkman device. You will hear a high-tone/low-tone beep. Move the bar code reader closerto the Talkman to reassociate the bar code reader with the Talkman device. You will hear alow-tone/high-tone beep when they pair.AccessoriesVocollect offers a variety of accessories for wearing, protecting, and facilitating the operations of Talkmanand other handheld devices.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman T2 Series | 87
Belts and Belt ClipsFigure 63: Belt with ClipOperators wear devices on a customized belt that is purchased from Vocollect. The device is attached tothe belt with a specially designed clip or holster.The clip is attached to the Vocollect belt at the beginning of a shift. The operator can attach the deviceto and remove the device from the clip as often as necessary throughout the shift. Vocollect sells threetypes of mounting clips:• T2 Series Slim Blue Belt Clip: connects a devi ceto the customized belt.• T2 Series Heavy Duty Belt Clip: adapts an OPEN belt (sold with Vocollect's previous device) for usewith a T2 Series device.• T5/A500 Black Belt Clip: connects a T5 or A500 device to the belt.• To comply with government safety standards, the device must be used with either a Vocollectcustomized belt and clip, a Vocollect customized shoulder harness, or a Vocollect belt holder.• Vocollect strongly recommends that the device be worn on the right side of the body with the device’sbuttons on the top and its connectors toward your back.Using the T-Series Belts and ClipsTo mount a device onto the specially designed belt or shoulder harness, an operator must have a slimbelt clip (provided with the belt or harness). The clip should be attached to the belt at the beginning ofa shift. Then, the operator can attach the device to and remove the device from the clip as often asnecessary.• A500 and T5-series devices can be worn on a belt or shoulder harness.Figure 64: Attaching the Device to a Belt ClipConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only88 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
T-Series Belt SpecificationsDimensionsBelt Size18" - 26" (46cm-66cm)XS24" - 32" (61cm-81cm)S28" - 36" (71cm-91cm)M34" - 42" (61cm-107cm)L40" - 48" (102cm-122cm)XL46" - 54" (117cm-137cm)XXL52" - 60" (132cm-152cm)XXXLSpecificationBelt PartNylonBelt materialYKK Hook and LoopVelcro®ITW Nexus 127-3200Belt fastenerDevice CoversVocollect offers an optional protective covers for its devices.• The use of a device cover is not required; however, Vocollect strongly recommends using the cover tohelp preserve the appearance and prolong the life of the devices.• Using the protective cover in a freezer environment prolongs battery life.Figure 65: A500/T5 Elastomer-SKIN Cover• The device cover does not have to be removed before placing the device into a device charger.• The EXO Skeleton Cover provides additional drop protection for the device, is easy to remove, andpermits full access to all device features and functions.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman T2 Series | 89
Figure 66: T2-Series Device Cover• You must remove the device cover before placing the device into a device charger. Failure to do socould result in damage to both the device and the charger.T2 Series Device Cover SpecificationsBallistic nylon, 1050-denier blackFabricNylon taffeta, 80-denier black1/8" thick high-density closed-cell foamFoamDouble polished 0.06Clear Vinyl SleeveT-70 nylon, size 69ThreadUsed for edge binding bias tapeCordura 1000Used to hold the cover flap downVelcro®Putting a Cover on a T2 Series Device1. If the device is not already off, press and hold the yellow play/pause button until the LED indicatorturns solid red and then off.2. Disconnect any peripherals.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only90 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Chapter 6Talkman T1Figure 67: Talkman T1The Talkman®T1 is Vocollect's light industrial voice-enabled device for dry, non-freezer environments.The device is worn in a holster and is designed to be used only with the Vocollect SL-4 Light IndustrialBehind-the-Head Headset.This device and headset solution is ideal for less noisy work areas because the SL-4 speaker sits fartherfrom the head than in Vocollect's SR-Series headsets. As a result, users must set the device volume toa level appropriate for their environments. The Talkman T1 speech recognition performance, however,is comparable to the rest of the Talkman line of devices.T1 Specifications: Talkman T15.3 ounces (150 g) (with battery)Weight100 mmLength51.5 mmWidth24 mmDepth32° to 122° F (0° to 50° C)Operating Temperature-40° to 158° F (-40° to 70° C)Storage TemperatureThe device is not designed to be repeatedly dropped. Thedevice has been tested to the following specifications:Drop Tested• 18 drops from 4 feet5 to 95% non-condensingHumidityConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only
IP54Enclosure RatingCharging the T1The T1 battery is designed to be charged either while still seated in the device or separately in a Vocollectcharger.Note: A fully depleted T1 battery requires 4.5 to 5 hours to charge.T1 Batteries SpecificationsElectrical Specifications• Cells: The battery pack uses one lithium ion cell.• Nominal voltage = 3.7V• Watt Hours = 7.3WHr• Protection circuit characteristics: The pack contains a protection circuit that prevents over and undervoltage conditions on the cells and protects the pack from damage as a result of a short circuit betweenthe positive and negative terminals of the battery.• The battery pack contains custom electronics for temperature measurement.• Battery Charging: The battery pack must be charged only in a Vocollect designated charger.Mechanical and Environmental Specifications• Drop-test specifications: The battery meets the transient drop criteria.• Environmental specifications: The battery pack halves are sonically welded together to protect theinternals from water and dust. The battery functions properly in the following conditions:Operating Temperature: 0°C to 50°C (32°F to 122°F)Storage Temperature: -40°C to 70°C (-40°F to 158°F)Humidity: 95% non-condensingRain/dust: IP54Battery NotificationsBattery warnings for a Talkman battery occur at the following levels:• First warning = 3,550 mV• Critical warning = 3,350 mVCharging a T1 Battery in a Device1. Remove the device from the holster.2. Disconnect the headset from the device.3. Insert the device into an open slot on the charger.4. After the device has been placed into the charger, make sure that the LED indicator on the deviceturns on and is green.a) If the LED does not turn on after 30 seconds, remove the device from the charger slot and thenplace it into the slot again.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only92 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
b) If the LED indicator still does not turn on, try another charger slot.Caution: Do not attempt to place the device into the charger unless you have first disconnectedthe headset.Charging a T1 Battery in a T1 10-Bay Combination Charger1. Remove the battery from the Talkman device.2. Hold the battery with its contacts to the top and facing away from you.3. Place the battery into an open battery slot on the front of the charger.Charging a T1 Battery with a T1 Single Charger Cable1. Grasp and squeeze the sides of the I/O connector on the cable.2. Attach the I/O connector onto the T1's connectors and release the I/O connector. Ensure the flushside of the I/O connector faces front with the device’s front.3. Insert the other end of the charging cable into the barrel jack on the plug cable.4. Plug the charger into an electrical outlet.Removing a T1 Device From a T1 10-Bay Combination ChargerNote: The device is ready to use when the LED indicator on the device is green. If the LED is amber,the device is not ready to be used.Important: If a device displays a solid red light, contact your system administrator.1. Make sure that the device is ready to use.2. Pull up on the device to remove it from the device charger.Disconnecting a T1 Device from a T1 Single Charger CableNote: The device is ready to use when the LED indicator on the device is green. If the LED is amber,the device is not ready to be used.Important: If a device's LED continuously displays red, contact your system administrator.1. Unplug the charger from the electrical outlet.2. Gently remove it from the T1 device by squeezing the sides of the I/O connector on the cable. Do notpull the cable wire.Inserting a Battery into a Talkman T1 DeviceMake sure the battery to be inserted is fully charged.1. Hold the Talkman with the battery compartment facing you.2. Hold the battery with the contacts facing to the bottom and away from you.3. Place the battery in at an angle, non-contact end first.4. Push the bottom of the battery into place.You will hear a click when the battery is in place.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman T1 | 93
Caution: Do not force the battery into the compartment. You may damage the battery or thedevice. If the battery does not snap easily into place, reposition the battery in the compartmentand try again.Make sure the battery is firmly in place and can't be removed without pressing the battery release button.Removing a Battery from a Talkman T1 DeviceMake sure the Talkman device is off.Caution: Do not remove the battery until the LED indicator is off. If you remove the battery whenthe device is on or sleeping, any data collected could be lost.1. Hold the device in one hand with the battery compartment facing toward you.2. Push the battery release button up and pull the battery out.Battery Warm-Up TimeIf a battery has been used in a cold environment, it will not begin charging until it warms up sufficiently.Approximate warm-up timeTemperature of battery use6 minutes-4°C (24.8°F)10 minutes-10°C (14.0°F)22 minutes-20°C (-4°F)30 minutes-30°C (-22°F)About LED IndicatorsVocollect Talkman devices, SRX and SRX2 headsets, and their chargers have LEDs that indicate thestate of the equipment. These LEDs may be on, off or blink. In some cases an LED will blink, alternatingbetween two colors.If the LEDs indicate that there is a problem, refer to information on troubleshooting to solve the problem.See also Troubleshooting Problems Indicated by LED.T1 Device LED IndicatorsT1StateLEDDevice is onAlso, one of the following:OnGreen• adjusting volume• sampling noise• retraining a word• changing the active operator• after speaking:• "Talkman help"Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only94 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
T1StateLED• "Talkman repeat"• "Talkman continue"• "Talkman backup"The device is in a chargerFast BlinkOne of the following:Slow Blink• the device is in sleep mode and not in a charger• the voice application selection menu is in use• certain portions of software are loadingDevice is turning onDevice is turning offOn BrieflyRedError, contact system administratorOn ContinuouslyOne of the following:Blinking• retrieving and loading an operator from VoiceConsole• retrieving, reading and loading a voice application fromVoiceConsole• certain portions of software are loadingNot chargingOffAmber/YellowChargingOnAccessoriesVocollect offers a variety of accessories for wearing, protecting, and facilitating the operations of Talkmanand other handheld devices.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman T1 | 95
T1 HolsterFigure 68: T1 HolsterOperators should wear the T1 device with a customized holster. An industrial-grade belt may be purchasedfrom Vocollect or the holster can be clipped to any belt. The holster protects the device from wear andprotects the battery.T1 Holster SpecificationsNylonBelt materialNon-replacableBelt fastenerT-Series Belt SpecificationsDimensionsBelt Size18" - 26" (46cm-66cm)XS24" - 32" (61cm-81cm)S28" - 36" (71cm-91cm)M34" - 42" (61cm-107cm)L40" - 48" (102cm-122cm)XL46" - 54" (117cm-137cm)XXL52" - 60" (132cm-152cm)XXXLSpecificationBelt PartNylonBelt materialYKK Hook and LoopVelcro®Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only96 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
SpecificationBelt PartITW Nexus 127-3200Belt fastenerUsing the T1 Holster1. Make sure the opening on the holster is pointed up.2. Slide the clip down onto a belt.3. Insert the T1 device.4. To remove the device, push the T1 from the bottom of the holster.Caution: Do not pull the device out of the holster by the headset cable. Damage to the unit mayoccur.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTalkman T1 | 97
Chapter 7Vocollect Wired HeadsetsAn operator uses a headset with a microphone to interact with a device by hearing and responding toinstructions. Based on the operator's responses, the device transmits data messages back to the hostcomputer.Vocollect offers a variety of wired headsets designed for different environments and wearing preferences.The SR-20 tends to be the most popular general use headset. Other models provide behind-the-head,light industrial, and hardhat options. Headset features include:• Bidirectional noise-canceling microphones for optimal noise cancelation.• Windscreen to reduce breathing and other background noises that can make it hard for the device tounderstand what an operator is saying.• Sealed components to prevent corrosion.• Dual strap, padded, stainless steel headbands for increased comfort and stability.• Single strap, lightweight headbands for a personalized fit.• Single-cup models with single ear cups that pivot vertically and horizontally and can be worn oneither ear.• Dual-cup model for added noise reduction in loud work environments.• Foam ear pads for quick and easy replacement.•A rotating lever on the outside of the earpiece for moving the microphone up and down without causingstress on the microphone boom.• Repeatable microphone position; a groove catches the boom, placing it in the proper position whenthe boom is swiveled down for operation.The headsets, microphones, cords, and connectors used with the Vocollect Voice®system are delicatepieces of electronic equipment. Proper care will ensure that they work well for a long time.See Care and Use of Headsets and Microphones for more information.Important: For maximum hygiene, Vocollect discourages sharing headsets among operators. Thedesign of the SRX2 Wireless Headset features an electronics module that can be removed from theheadband and windscreen. The electronics module can be shared among operators over multipleshifts, providing some level of hygiene while potentially reducing costs.SL-4 and SL-14 Vocollect Light Industrial Behind-the-Head HeadsetThe SL-4 and SL-14 Vocollect®light industrial, behind-the-head headsets are behind-the-head wornheadsets designed for worker in light industrial environments. The design of these headsets is appealingfor workers who can not wear typical over-the-head models due to hair style, headgear or comfort issues.The SL-4 works with the Talkman T1 devices while the SL-14 works with the Talkman A500, T2- orT5-series devices.Note: These lightweight, non-repairable headsets may be damaged if the "Proper Use and Care"instructions are not followed. See the "Proper Use and Care" document included with the headsetfor information.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only
Figure 69: SL-14 Light Industrial Behind-the-Head HeadsetFigure 70: SL-4 Light Industrial Behind-the-Head Headset• The behind-the-head SL headsets are light-industrial headsets designed specifically for speechrecognition. They come with an adjustable headband, giving the user a personalized and comfortablefit.• The behind-the-head SL headsets come in both right and left-sided configurations (identify theconfigurations desired when ordering).In addition, the SL-14 and SL-4’s less obtrusive form makes these headsets suitable for environmentswhere voice-enabled workers are visible to, or interacting with, the public.• The headset is designed for use in an ambient environment (non-condensing).• Proper use and care is to secure the cord to clothing with clips provided for both operational safetyas well as to enhance headset stability.SL-14 Headset Specifications2.19 ounces (62 g) with cable1.13 ounces (32 g) without cableWeight32°F to 122°F (0°C to 50°C)Operating temperature-40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C)Storage temperature5-95% non-condensingHumidityMeets IP54Enclosure ratingNot applicableNoise Reduction RatingConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only100 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
SL-4 Headset Specifications2.19 ounces (62 g) with cable1.13 ounces (32 g) without cableWeight0°C to 50°C (32°F to 122°F)Operating temperature-40°C to 70°C (-40°F to 158°F)Storage temperature5-95% non-condensingHumidityMeets IP54Enclosure ratingNot applicableNoise Reduction RatingWearing the SL-14 or SL-4 Behind-the-Head Headset1. Adjust the headset's adjustable headband so it will fit snugly on your head.2. Place the headset behind your head, and slip the ear loops over your ears.3. Place the microphone at the corner of your mouth; it should be positioned about 1/4" away from yourface.The flat side of the microphone will face your mouth when the microphone is positioned properly.4. Clip the headset cord to the collar or top of your shirt or jacket where it can comfortably fall downyour back. This keeps the cord away from your chest and arms where it can become tangled withyour work.5. Let the cable fall down your back, and clip it to the belt near the device.6. Connect the headset to the device.Proper Use and Care Instructions for Talkman T1 and SL-4/SL-14 HeadsetsThe equipment you have purchased has been carefully inspected at the factory. It is not designed to withstandabuse, including use in condensing, wet or freezing conditions. The instructions below are designed to ensurethe equipment continues to function in accordance with the published specifications. Damage may be causedto the equipment when used or maintained in an improper manner. Vocollect will not honor repair orreplacement requests for damages caused by improper use, maintenance, negligence or abuse, including, butnot limited to, those specifically identified below. In these cases, a replacement headset purchase is required,regardless of the age or warranty status of the original equipment.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyVocollect Wired Headsets | 101
Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only102 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
SR-10 and SR-15 Vocollect Behind-the-Head HeadsetThe SR-15 Vocollect®behind-the-head headset is designed for workers who cannot wear typicalover-the-head headset models due to hair style, headwear, or comfort issues with Talkman A500, T2and T5-series devices.The SR-10 Vocollect®behind-the-head headset is a legacy headset formerly used with the Talkman A500,T2-Series, and T5-Series devices. It is now an end-of-life product but still under support.Figure 71: SR-15 Behind-the-Head Headset• The behind-the-head headset is a rugged headset designed specifically for speech recognition inindustrial and warehouse settings. It comes with an adjustable headband, giving the user apersonalized and comfortable fit.• The behind-the-head headset comes in a single configuration that can be adjusted by the user to bein a right-ear or left-ear orientation.• The headset is designed for use in an ambient environment (non-condensing).• The symmetrically designed ear loop can be worn on either ear.• Vocollect strongly recommends securing the cord to clothing with clips provided for both operationalsafety as well as to enhance headset stability.• If the cord can not be easily secured, Vocollect recommends that it be clipped near the center of theheadband to evenly distribute any weight caused by a loose cord.SR-15 Headset Specifications3.4 ounces (96 g) with cable2.0 ounces (58 g) without cableWeight-40°F to 122°F (-40° to 50°C)Operating temperature-40°F to 158°F (-40° to 70°C)Storage temperatureDrop Tested • 15 drops from 7 feet (2.1 m) at minimum and maximumoperating temperatures• 50 drops from 6 feet (1.8 m) at minimum and maximumoperating temperaturesMeets IP31Enclosure rating5-90% condensingHumidityNot applicableNoise Reduction RatingConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyVocollect Wired Headsets | 103
Wearing the SR-15 Behind-the-Head Headset1. Loosen the cable at the headband cord clip on the back of the headband to allow enough slack to movethe speaker away from the earloop.2. Adjust the nylon band on the adjustment strap so that it lies flat against the headband of the headset.3. Grasp the headset's ear loops and spread them slightly apart.4. Place the headset behind your head, and slip the ear loops over your ears.5. Adjust the headset's speaker so it fits snugly over your ear.6. Place the microphone at the corner of your mouth; it should be positioned about 1/4" away from yourface.Blue waves on the microphone face your mouth when the microphone is positioned properly.7. Clip the headset cord to your shirt or jacket where it is comfortable.8. Let the cable fall down your back, and clip it to the belt near the device. If you are using a devicecover, we recommend that you clip the bottom clip directly onto the cover.9. Adjust the nylon adjustment strap on the back of the headband so that it fits firmly, but comfortably,against the back of your head. The nylon band can be adjusted by sliding the plastic buckle.10. Connect the headset to the device.Removing the SR-15 Headset Adjustment Strap1. Align the keying rib on the plunger with the slot in the barrel.Figure 72: Keying Rib and Slot2. Push the plunger all the way down until the plunger top lip contacts the top of the barrel, makingsure the keying rib is inside the keying rib slot.3. With the plunger pressed all the way in, pull the adjustment strap clip to remove it from the headband.Figure 73: Removing the Adjustment StrapConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only104 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
4. Repeat these steps for the clip on the other side.Attaching the SR-15 Headset Adjustment Strap1. Align the keying rib on the plunger with the slot in the barrel.2. Push the plunger all the way down until the plunger top lip contacts the top of the barrel, makingsure the keying rib is inside the keying rib slot.3. With the plunger pressed all the way in, place the headband into the slot on the side of the adjustmentstrap barrel.4. Repeat these steps for the clip on the other side.Replacing the Ear Pad on the SR-15 Headset1. With headset removed and disconnected, rotate the headband away from the microphone/speakerassembly.• If the cable is clipped to the center of the back of the headset, either unclip it or allow enough slackto be able to move the headband away from the microphone/speaker assembly.2. Remove the worn foam cover from the speaker assembly.3. Place the new foam cover over one of the three mounting ribs.4. Gently pull the foam over the other two mounting ribs.5. Rotate the microphone/speaker assembly back towards the headband.You will hear a click when it is in place.SR-20-Series Vocollect Lightweight HeadsetFigure 74: The SR-20 Lightweight HeadsetThe SR-20 Vocollect®Lightweight Headset is able to withstand heavy use in challenging warehouseconditions, such as extreme temperature differences, condensation and accidental drops. The SR-20Headset also remains comfortable during a full shift.The SR-21 Headset is a universal version designed to be used with handheld devices.SR-20 Headset SpecificationsSR-20 with straight cordConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyVocollect Wired Headsets | 105
5.4 ounces (153 g) with cable3.9 ounces (110 g) without cableWeight-40°F to 122°F (-40° to 50°C)Operating temperature-40°F to 158°F (-40° to 70°C)Storage temperatureDrop Tested • 15 drops from 7 feet (2.1 m) at minimum and maximumoperating temperatures• 50 drops from 6 feet (1.8 m) at minimum and maximumoperating temperaturesMeets IP67Enclosure rating5-95% condensingHumidityNot applicableNoise Reduction RatingSR-20 with coiled cord6.5 ounces (184 g) with cable3.9 ounces (110 g) without cableWeight-40°F to 122°F (-40° to 50°C)Operating temperature-40°F to 158°F (-40° to 70°C)Storage temperatureMeets IP67Enclosure rating100% condensingHumidityNot applicableNoise Reduction RatingSR-21 Headset Specifications5.0 ounces (141 g) with cable3.9 ounces (110 g) without cableWeight-40°F to 122°F (-40° to 50°C)Operating temperature-40°F to 158°F (-40° to 70°C)Storage temperatureMeets IP67Enclosure rating100% condensingHumidityNot applicableNoise Reduction RatingReplacing the Ear Pad on the SR-20 Series Headsets1. With headset removed and disconnected, rotate the microphone boom so that it is in line with theheadset yoke.2. Hold the headset by the yoke in one hand. With the other hand rotate the earpiece counter-clockwise10°.3. Disengage the earpiece section from the headset.4. Remove the worn foam cover.5. With the black O-ring gasket facing out, place a new ear pad over the ear pad mounting disk.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only106 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
If the ear pad mounting disk does not have a black O-ring gasket attached to it, performance may beaffected. You must replace the entire ear pad mounting disk, which includes the black O-ring gasket.6. Line up the keys on the earpiece to the headset, connect the mounting disk.7. Rotate the earpiece clockwise 10° to secure it. Note that the earpiece will not engage with the headsetif it is backwards.SR-30 Vocollect High-Noise HeadsetFigure 75: SR-30 Vocollect®High Noise HeadsetThe SR-31 Headset is a universal version designed to be used with handheld devices.SR-30 Headset Specifications7.7 ounces (218 g) with cable6.2 ounces (175 g) without cableWeight-40°F to 122°F (-40° to 50°C)Operating temperature-40°F to 158°F (-40° to 70°C)Storage temperatureDrop Tested • 15 drops from 7 feet (2.1 m) at minimum and maximumoperating temperatures• 50 drops from 6 feet (1.8 m) at minimum and maximumoperating temperaturesMeets IP67Enclosure rating5-90% condensingHumidityAverage 5 dBNoise Reduction RatingSR-31 Headset Specifications7.3 ounces (206 g) with cable6.2 ounces (175 g) without cableWeightConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyVocollect Wired Headsets | 107
-40°F to 122°F (-40° to 50°C)Operating temperature-40°F to 158°F (-40° to 70°C)Storage temperatureMeets IP67Enclosure rating100% condensingHumidityAverage 6 dBNoise Reduction RatingSR-35 Vocollect Hard-Hat HeadsetThe SR-35 Vocollect®hard-hat headset has a built-in clip that fits most industrial hard hats.Figure 76: SR-35 Hard Hat HeadsetSR-35 Headset Specifications6.2 ounces (175 g) with cable4.7 ounces (133 g) without cableWeight-40°F to 122°F (-40° to 50°C)Operating temperature-40°F to 158°F (-40° to 70°C)Storage temperatureDrop Tested • 15 drops from 7 feet (2.1 m) at minimum and maximumoperating temperatures• 50 drops from 6 feet (1.8 m) at minimum and maximumoperating temperaturesMeets IP67Enclosure rating5-90% condensingHumidityAverage 5 dBNoise Reduction RatingConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only108 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
SR-40 Vocollect Dual-Cup HeadsetFigure 77: SR-40 Dual-Cup HeadsetThe SR-40 Vocollect®Dual-Cup headset is designed for extremely loud work environments. The two earcups block out intrusive noise.SR-40 Headset Specifications9.6 ounces (272 g) with cable8.1 ounces (229 g) without cableWeight-40°F to 122°F (-40°C to 50°C)Operating temperature-40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C)Storage temperatureMeets IP67Enclosure rating100% condensingHumidityAverage 7 dbNoise Reduction RatingReplacing the Ear Pad on the SR-30, SR-35 and the SR-40 Headsets1. With headset removed and disconnected, hold the headset in one hand.2. At the seam on the bottom of the ear cup housing where the ear pad connects to the plastic ear cup,pull the ear pad and plastic mounting plate outward until it disconnects.3. Remove the worn ear pad from the plastic mounting plate and place the new ear pad over the plasticmounting plate. Do not cover the three posts.4. Line up the posts on the plastic mounting plate with the ear cup housing and snap into place.Care and Use of Headsets and MicrophonesThe headsets and microphones used with the Vocollect Voice system are delicate pieces of electronicequipment. Proper care and use of these products will ensure that they work well for a long time.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyVocollect Wired Headsets | 109
Important: For maximum hygiene, Vocollect discourages sharing headsets among operators.The design of the SRX2 Wireless Headset features an electronics module that can be removed fromthe headband and windscreen. The electronics module can be shared among operators over multipleshifts, providing some level of hygiene while potentially reducing costs.Wearing Headsets: General ProceduresThis describes the standard procedures for wearing Vocollect headsets. Note that special types of headsetshave somewhat different procedures.Tip:Always use pads and windscreens with Vocollect headsets to protect the equipment and ensureoptimum speech recognition performance.1. Put the headset on and adjust the ear pad to fit snugly over your ear.•For the Hard-Hat Headset, first insert the headset bracket into the left or right slot on the hardhat,then put on the hardhat.2. Swing the microphone into position with the rotating lever at the earpiece.Important: Do not swivel the microphone boom by the flexible end. Use the rotating lever onthe outside of the earpiece.3. Make final adjustments with the flexible boom so that the microphone is positioned at the corner ofyour mouth.A dot or the word "talk" on the microphone faces your mouth when the microphone is positionedproperly.Make sure that there is a windscreen on the microphone. A windscreen improves performance.4. Clip the headset wire to collar and belt. Let the wire fall down your back, and clip it to the belt nearthe device.If you use a device cover, Vocollect recommends that you clip the bottom clip directly onto the cover.5. Connect or pair the headset to the device.Adjusting Headsets for ComfortVocollect has designed the SR Series headsets based on data for most head shapes and sizes. Becausethe headset is the most personal piece of voice equipment and must remain stable while workers performvery physical tasks, users may benefit from these headset adjustment guidelines.•Placement of the "T-bar" pad: The SR-20, SR-21, SR-30, and SRX models have pads called "t-bars"opposite the speaker side of the headset. The t-bar should be positioned on a part of the head withthe least amount of muscle.As an operator speaks, the muscle above the ear flexes. If the t-bar is placed on this muscle, theheadset applies pressure to the artery and nerves beneath it and can cause the operator somediscomfort. The operator can locate this muscle by moving his or her jaw and feeling the area abovethe ear for movement. Some operators choose to alternate the headset position on either side of theirheads during their shifts.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only110 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Figure 78: T-bar Pad Placement on the Head•Headset pad options: Vocollect offers a variety of pads to meet the unique requirements of workersand working conditions.Standard foam pads: provide cushioning and soft surfaces wherever the headset comes in contactwith the operator. Available on all headsets.Leatherette ear pads: have a faux leather exterior that is a more firm and supportive and moremoisture resistant than standard foam pads. Offered for all SR-20 through SR-40 models.Memory foam pads: offer superior cushioning support and comfort. Available in earpads for theSR-20/21 and in t-bar pads for the SR-20/21 and SR-30.Removing Headsets1. Disconnect the headset from the device.Important: Do not pull on the headset's cord.2. Unclip the headset cord from your shirt or jacket.3. Carefully remove the headset from your head.Note: For the Hard-Hat Headset, remove the hard hat. Press the release clip to remove theheadset unit from the hardhat bracket.Cleaning WindscreensVocollect recommends that you change windscreens every 90 days for optimum speech recognitionperformance.Important: Soap, cleaning solutions, and vigorous washing will remove the protective coating onthe windscreen and decrease its effectiveness.1. Remove the windscreen from the microphone.2. Rinse the windscreen under warm water.3. Squeeze out the excess water and let it air dry thoroughly.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyVocollect Wired Headsets | 111
Cleaning HeadsetsNote: Commercial cleaning solvents are not recommended.• Clean the plastic parts of the headsets with a soft cloth dampened with water. To clean and disinfectthe headset plastic, use a pre-moistened alcohol wipe.•If the Talkman Connectors or plugs become contaminated, use a pre-moistened alcohol wipe to removedirt or residue.•If the metal connection points on the Talkman's Connectors become discolored, use a soft pencil eraserto clean them.• Do not use unapproved liquids to clean the yellow, blue, and red Talkman Connectors (TCOs) andany associated headset, scanner, or device plugs.Cleaning the Headband PadNote: Vocollect strongly recommends that you leave the headband pad in place when cleaning it.If you must remove the entire pad to clean it, use care to line up the headband pad with the topmostpart of the headband when you place it back on the headband.• Leave the headband in place and simply wipe the headband with a soft cloth. If necessary, use apre-moistened alcohol wipe to clean and disinfect the unit.Cleaning the Dual-Cupped Headset Ear Pad Cover• The cupped headset ear pad cover is made of 100% cotton flannel and may shrink if washed and driedin a dryer. Vocollect recommends that the covers be hand or machine washed in cold or warm waterand then air dried.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only112 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Chapter 8Vocollect Wireless HeadsetsAn operator uses a headset with a microphone to interact with a device by hearing and responding toinstructions. Based on the operator's responses, the device transmits data messages back to the hostcomputer.The Vocollect ®SRX and SRX2 speech-recognition headsets feature industrial grade use of BluetoothWireless Technology. These wireless headsets manage the quality of voice input/output, have no cablesto connect, and remain connected to a device up to ten meters away.Vocollect SRX and SRX2 wireless headset features include:• Bidirectional noise canceling microphones for optimal noise cancellation.• Windscreen to reduce breathing and other background noises that can make it hard for the device tounderstand what an operator is saying.• Sealed components to prevent corrosion.• Padded, lightweight headbands for increased comfort and personalized fit.• Single ear cups that pivot vertically and horizontally and can be worn on either ear.• Foam ear pads for quick and easy replacement.•A rotating lever on the outside of the earpiece for moving the microphone up and down without causingstress on the microphone boom.• Repeatable microphone position; a groove catches the boom, placing it in the proper position whenthe boom is swiveled down for operation.The headsets and microphones used with the Vocollect Voice®system are delicate pieces of electronicequipment. Proper care will ensure that they work well for a long time.See Care and Use of Headsets and Microphones for more information.The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc.and any use of such marks by Vocollect is under license. Other trademarksand trade names are those of their respective owners.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only
Vocollect SRX Wireless HeadsetFigure 79: SRX Wireless HeadsetThe Vocollect ®SRX speech-recognition headset features industrial grade use of Bluetooth WirelessTechnology. The SRX headset manages the quality of voice input/output in the headset itself, has nocables to connect, and remains connected to a device at up to 10 meters away.• Pairing modes on the headset can only be entered from the powered off state.• It is best to pair in an area where you are at least three feet away from another Bluetooth device.This helps ensure your headset does not accidentally pair with the wrong device.• The SRX remembers its last pairing and will reconnect only with that device. It will not respond topaging or inquiries from other devices until it is placed in pairing mode again.• When it is not paired with a device, the SRX headset volume can only be adjusted using the buttonson the headset.• When the SRX headset is paired with a device, volume can be adjusted by pressing the Plus andMinus buttons on the headset or device.•The SRX headset remembers its last volume setting when powered off and back on, and across batteryremovals and replacements.The last volume setting used while paired with a wearable computer issaved with the operator's profile. This volume level will be restored to the SRX headset uponreconnection. However, the headset volume may be different upon reconnection if the volume waschanged while it was not connected to a device, or if a different operator used the headset.A padded Velcro®mobility strap fits across the back of the user's head to provide extra stability.SRX Wireless Headset Specifications7.5 ounces (215 g) with battery5.3 ounces (155g) without batteryWeight32°F to 104°F (0°C to 40°C)Operating temperature-40°F to 122°F (-40° to 50°C)Storage temperatureDrop Tested • 25 drops from 6 feet (1.8 m) at minimum and maximumoperating temperaturesMeets IP54Enclosure ratingConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only114 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
5-95% non-condensingHumidityNot applicableNoise Reduction RatingCharging the SRX HeadsetFigure 80: SRX Wireless Headset High-Performance BatteryA fully depleted SRX Wireless Headset battery will be fully recharged in less than 4 hours.A fully charged SRX Wireless Headset battery has 3.7 volts. When the charge depletes to 3.3 volts, theuser will hear a spoken warning, "Headset battery is getting low. Change headset battery now." and thewarning will also be displayed in debug.SRX Battery SpecificationsElectrical Specifications• Cells: The high capacity battery pack uses two lithium ion cells.• Nominal voltage = 3.7V• Watt Hours = 7WHr• Protection circuit characteristics: The pack contains a protection circuit that prevents over and undervoltage conditions on the cells and protects the pack from damage as a result of a short circuit betweenthe positive and negative terminals of the battery.• The battery pack contains custom electronics that provide performance, temperature, and packidentification to the device. This information is made available to voice management software.• Battery Charging: The battery pack must be charged only in a Vocollect designated charger.Charging SRX Wireless Headset BatteriesImportant: Once an SRX battery is placed in the charger, it must remain in the charger for aminimum of five seconds. This allows the charger sufficient time to analyze the state of the battery.Removing the battery during this five second interval may cause the LED indicator on the chargerto display an incorrect battery status.Important: Do not force the battery into the compartment. Doing so may result in damage to thebattery or the headset. If the battery does not snap easily into place, reposition the battery in thecompartment and try again.Note:• A battery is fully charged and can be removed from the charger when the left and right LEDindicators for that slot on the charger are green.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyVocollect Wireless Headsets | 115
• If you insert a fully charged battery into a charger, the charger will analyze the battery's statusand then "top off" the battery's charge. During this process, the left LED indicator for that sloton the charger is red. It may take several minutes for this process to complete, at which timeboth LED indicators for that slot turn green.1. Make sure the battery charger is powered. The green LED indicator on the end of the battery chargershould be lit.2. Power off the headset by pressing and holding the Plus and Minus buttons on the earpiece for threeseconds and then remove the battery.3. Hold the battery with its contacts to the bottom and the Vocollect logo facing toward you, and insertit into an empty slot on the battery charger.4. Press down on the battery until it snaps into place.5. Make sure the battery is firmly in place and cannot be removed without pressing the battery releasebutton.Inserting a Battery into the SRX Wireless HeadsetImportant: Do not force the battery into the compartment. Doing so may result in damage to thebattery or the headset. If the battery does not snap easily into place, reposition the battery in thecompartment and try again.1. Make sure the battery is charged. A battery is fully charged and can be removed from the chargerwhen the left and right LED indicators for that slot on the charger are green.2. Hold the headset with the battery compartment facing toward you.3. Place the end of the battery with the contacts into the compartment first so that the contacts on thebottom of the battery line up with the contacts in the compartment.4. Press down on the battery until it snaps into place.5. Make sure the battery is firmly in place and cannot be removed without pressing the battery releasebutton.Removing a Battery from an SRX Wireless HeadsetImportant: Do not remove the battery until the LED indicator on the headset is off.1. Power off the headset by pressing and holding the Plus and Minus buttons on the earpiece for threeseconds.2. Hold the headset with the battery compartment facing toward you.3. Pull the battery release button, located on the left side of the battery compartment, away from thebattery until the end of the battery pops up from the compartment.4. Lift the battery out of the compartment.Battery Warm-Up TimeIf a battery has been used in a cold environment, it will not begin charging until it warms up sufficiently.Approximate warm-up timeTemperature of battery use6 minutes-4°C (24.8°F)10 minutes-10°C (14.0°F)22 minutes-20°C (-4°F)30 minutes-30°C (-22°F)Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only116 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Installing the SRX Mobility Strap1. Remove the battery from the SRX Wireless Headset.2. Feed the lanyard end of the mobility strap through one of the eyelets in the headset's batterycompartment. You may find it helpful to push the lanyard through with the tip of a screwdriver. Besure to feed the lanyard in the direction shown in the image.Figure 81: Feeding the Lanyard Through an Eyelet3. Feed the lanyard back through the other eyelet in the battery compartment.Figure 82: Feeding the Lanyard Back Through4. Create a secure loop by inserting the end of the mobility strap with the clip through the lanyard'sloop and pulling it tight.Figure 83: Inserting the Mobility Strap5. Clip the other end of the mobility strap to the molded plastic loop on the headset.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyVocollect Wireless Headsets | 117
Figure 84: Clipping the Strap to the LoopWearing an SRX Wireless HeadsetMake sure the Velcro mobility strap is installed on the headset.1. Put the headset on and adjust the ear pad to fit snugly over your ear.2. Position the battery compartment directly above, and as closely as possible to, your other ear.3. Adjust the mobility strap so it fits securely across the back of your head.Figure 85: Mobility Strap Worn Properly4. Swing the microphone into position with the rotating lever at the earpiece.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only118 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Figure 86: Moving the Microphone Into Position5. Make final adjustments with the flexible boom so that the microphone is positioned at the corner ofyour mouth, about 1/4" away from your face.Headset Functions and LED Patterns for SRXToneLED PatternHeadset ModeUser ActionHeadsetFunctionTwo high-pitchedtonesQuick flutterHeadset powers on andsearches for thepreviously-connected device.No new pairing takes place.Hold the Plus(+) and Minus(-) buttons forone secondPower OnTwo low-pitchedtonesSolid blue, thenturns off.Headset is powered off andcannot be used to performworkHold Plus (+)and Minus (-)buttons forthree secondsPower OffImportant:Do not removewhen headsetis powered on the batteryuntil the LEDis off.Current audiogets louderN/AN/APress the Plus(+) buttonIncrease volumeCurrent audiogets softerN/AN/APress theMinus (-)buttonDecrease volumeConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyVocollect Wireless Headsets | 119
ToneLED PatternHeadset ModeUser ActionHeadsetFunctionNo tone whenentering mode.Constant quickflash: four flashesHeadset disconnects currentpairing and enters low powerpairing modeHeadset attempts to pairwith the nearest un-pairedHold the Plus(+) and Minus(-) buttons forfour secondsForce disconnectfor manualpairing in lowpower modeThree ascendingtones uponpairing with adeviceper second (50 mson, 200 ms off)Bluetooth device. Previouspairing erased fromheadset's memory.No tone whenentering mode.Constant flash inwhich LED stays litHeadset enters high powerpairing modeHeadset attempts to pairwith the nearest un-pairedWith headsetin pairingmode, hold thePlus (+) andMinus (-)Switch to highpower pairingwhen pairing inlow power modehas failedThree ascendingtones uponpairing with adevicelonger: about twoflashes per second(350 ms on, 50 msoff)Bluetooth device. Previouspairing erased fromheadset's memory.buttons forseven secondsNote: This mode isrecommended whenpairing an SRX headsetwith a handheld deviceNote: Vocollect does notrecommend this pairingmode for Talkmandevices. This modegreatly increases thelikelihood that yourheadset will pair withthe wrong device.Three descendingtones when theRepeating patternof three quickThe headset cannot find anun-paired Bluetooth devicewithin range.N/ALost connection:• Apreviously-paired connection to themaster device isdroppedflashes, then off forabout a second.Headset remains in thismode for 10 minutes while itdevice is notdetected bythe headsetat power on waits for a previously-paireddevice to come within range.• A paireddevice ispowered offAfter 10 minutes of noactivity, the headset powersoff.•Low Power orHigh PowerPairingmodes fail topair with adevice within60 secondsConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only120 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
ToneLED PatternHeadset ModeUser ActionHeadsetFunctionNo tone.Voice prompt:"Headset batteryConstant very quickflutter (about 10flashes per second).Headset automaticallyenters this mode when thebattery's remaining chargereaches a minimumthreshold.N/ALow Batteryis getting low," or"Headset batteryNote: Whenthe LED isis getting low.blinking in LowChange headsetbattery now."Battery mode,no other LEDpattern isdisplayedunless bothbuttons areheld to poweroff the headset.Vocollect SRX2 Wireless HeadsetFigure 87: SRX2 Wireless HeadsetThe Vocollect SRX2 Wireless Headset is the second generation wireless headset from Vocollect that hasbeen designed to provide better recognition accuracy, work across all environments and create a morecomfortable experience for the users.When used with Vocollect VoiceCatalyst software, the SRX2 headset with Vocollect SoundSense™Technology provides significant voice recognition benefits. This technology can increase speed andaccuracy, especially in noisy or fast-paced environments.The highlights of the product are:•Better recognition with Vocollect SoundSense™Technology (50% reduced insertions with multi-arraymicrophones) when used with VoiceCatalyst software• Freezer certified with full shift battery life• Separate headband and electronics modules to enable headset sharing• Enhanced comfort and ergonomics for long hours of useConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyVocollect Wireless Headsets | 121
In addition, the modular design of the headset enables a much lower cost per user through the shareduse of headset electronic modules across multiple shifts.Other features include:• Faster, easier pairing with Vocollect TouchConnect™Technology (with RFID reader equippedVoice-enabled devices)• Bluetooth Version 2.1• Headset tracking and management with VoiceConsole 4.2• Simple and intuitive interaction indicators• Headset battery management and life prediction with VoiceConsole 4.2• Field upgradeable headset software for future proofing• Enhanced audio quality and response times• Increased adjustability for larger variety of head sizes and shapes• Backward compatibility in SRX mode for VoiceClient and older versions of VoiceCatalyst softwareNote: Many of these new features are available only with VoiceCatalyst 1.2 and VoiceConsole 4.2and newer.SRX2 Wireless Headset Specifications6.84 ounces (194 g) with stability strap6.46 ounces (183 g) without strapWeight-22°F to 122°F (-30°C to 50°C)Operating temperature-40°F to 158°F (-40° to 70°C)Storage temperatureDrop Tested • 24 drops from 6 feet (1.83 m) at minimum and maximumoperating temperatures• 12 drops from 7 feet (2.13 m) at minimum and maximumoperating temperaturesMeets IP54 with battery insertedEnclosure rating5-95% condensingHumidityNot applicableNoise Reduction RatingSRX2 Modular DesignThe SRX2 Wireless Headset introduces a modular design to the Vocollect headset product line. Thepotential for shared use of electronics modules across multiple shifts can lower the cost per user.To avoid passing germs between operators when sharing headsets, Vocollect recommends sharing onlythe electronics module. Assign each operator his or her own headset band, ear pad, and microphone cap.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only122 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Figure 88: SRX2 headset and electronics moduleFigure 89: Removing mic cap and stowing in mic cap pocketAttaching the SRX2 Electronics Module to a Headband1. Position the SRX2 electronics module with the button controls facing away from the headband.2. Insert the speaker on the back of the electronics module into the pocket on the earpiece hub by aligningthe notches on the speaker and hub pocket.Figure 90: Attaching the electronics module3. Push the electronics module into the hub pocket until it is firmly seated.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyVocollect Wireless Headsets | 123
Removing the SRX2 Electronics Module from a HeadbandImportant: Do not squeeze the battery latches on the sides of the electronics module while removingit from the headband. The battery may be inadvertently released from the electronics module.1. Grasp the SRX2 electronics module with one hand, pressing your thumb and fingertips into the gapbetween the electronics module and earpiece hub.2. With the other hand, hold the headband by the earpiece hub.3. Pull the electronics module away from the earpiece hub.SRX2 CompatibilityVocollect has tested the SRX2 Wireless Headset with the following devices and Vocollect Voice Softwareversions. Support and compatibility of the SRX2 headset is not limited to these products, but the customerassumes risks related to untested configurations.Vocollect Voice SoftwareDeviceVoiceClient®3.8 and newerVoiceCatalyst®1.1 and newerVocollect Talkman A500 and Talkman A500 VMTVoiceClient 3.8 and newerVocollect Talkman T5 and Talkman T5mVoiceCatalyst MP for Windows XP 1.0 and newerWindows XP PC and other supported displayterminalsVoiceClient MP 2.0 and newerIntermec®CK3VoiceCatalyst MP for Windows XP 1.0 and newerIntermec CV61VoiceClient MP 2.0 and newerPsion WORKABOUT Pro G2Psion WORKABOUT Pro (WAP3)Psion NEOVoiceClient MP 2.0 and newerMotorola®MC9500Charging the SRX2 HeadsetFigure 91: SRX2 Wireless Headset High-Performance BatteryThe SRX2 Wireless Headset is powered by a rechargeable lithium ion battery pack.A fully depleted SRX2 Wireless Headset battery will be fully recharged in less than 6 hours. The headsetuser will hear the following warnings when the battery charge is low.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only124 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Audio WarningBattery Condition"Headset battery is getting low."When battery voltage is low“Headset battery is getting low. Change headsetbattery now.”When battery voltage is critically low and aboutto turn offSRX2 Battery SpecificationsElectrical Specifications• Cells: The battery pack uses a single lithium ion cell.• Nominal voltage = 3.6V• Watt hours = 2.7 WHr• Protection circuit characteristics: The pack contains a protection circuit that prevents over and undervoltage conditions on the cell and protects the pack from damage as a result of a short circuit betweenthe positive and negative terminals of the battery.• The battery pack contains custom electronics that provide performance, temperature, and packidentification to the device. This information is made available to voice management software.• Battery Charging: The battery pack must be charged only in a Vocollect designated charger.Mechanical and Environmental Specifications• Drop-test specifications: The battery meets the transient drop criteria.• 24 drops at 6 feet (182.88 cm)• 12 drops at 7 feet (213.36 cm)• Environmental specifications: The battery functions properly in the following conditions:Temperature: -22°F to 122°F (-30°C to 50°C)Humidity: 95% non-condensingRain/dust: IP54Battery NotificationsThe SRX2 battery triggers two warnings based on remaining runtime:Audio WarningBattery Condition"Headset battery is getting low."When battery voltage is low“Headset battery is getting low. Change headsetbattery now.”When battery voltage is critically low and aboutto turn offCharging SRX2 Wireless Headset BatteriesImportant: Once an SRX2 battery is placed on a port in the charger, it must remain in the chargerfor a minimum of five seconds. This allows the charger sufficient time to analyze the state of thebattery. Removing the battery during this five second interval may cause the LED indicator on thecharger to display an incorrect battery status.Note:• A battery is fully charged and can be removed from the charger when the ring LED indicatorlight for that port on the charger is green.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyVocollect Wireless Headsets | 125
• If you insert a fully charged battery into a charger, the charger will analyze the battery's statusand then "top off" the battery's charge. The ring LED indicator light for that port will be yellowduring this process. When complete, the ring LED indicator will turn green.1. Make sure the battery charger is powered. To power on the charger, connect the power supply to thecharger and a power source. The LED indicator light at the bottom right of the charger face panelshould be solid green.2. Power off the headset by pressing and holding the Power button on the electronics module forapproximately one second.3. Remove the battery from the headset electronics module.4. Hold the battery with the Vocollect logo facing toward you, and push it onto an empty port on thebattery charger until it snaps into place.5. Note: See the chart on SRX2 Battery Charger LED Indicators for more information on LEDpatterns .Make sure that the battery is properly mounted on the charger port. The ring LED indicator lightwill turn yellow or green when the battery contacts connect to the charger port contacts. If the ringLED blinks red, the battery is not seated properly. Remove the battery, and mount it on the portagain.6. When the ring LED indicator turns a solid green, the battery is fully charged. Pull the battery off thecharger port to insert it into an SRX2 headset electronics module.Inserting a Battery into the SRX2 Wireless Headset1. Make sure the battery is charged. A battery is fully charged and can be removed from the chargerwhen the LED ring indicator on the charger port for that battery is green.2. Position the headset electronics module with the buttons facing toward you.3. Hold the battery with the label side down and contacts facing the open end of the electronics moduleopposite the mic boom.4. Push the battery onto the electronics module until it clicks in place.5. Make sure the battery is firmly in place and cannot be removed without pressing the battery releaselatches.Removing a Battery from an SRX2 Wireless HeadsetImportant: Do not remove the battery from the SRX2 headset until the LED indicator on theheadset is off.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only126 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
1. Power off the headset by pressing and holding the Power button on the electronics module for onesecond.2. Grasp the headset by the sides of the electronics module with your thumb and fingers on the blackbattery latches.Figure 92: Battery Latches for Removing SRX2 Battery3. With your other hand, hold the battery at the end of the electronics module opposite the mic boom.4. Press and hold both battery latches at the same time, squeezing them into the sides of the electronicsmodule until the battery releases from the electronics module.SRX2 Battery Warm-Up TimeIf a battery has been used in an extreme hot or extreme cold environment, charging will not startimmediately.When the battery is placed in the charger, the battery port LED indicator will turn yellow. Chargingwill only begin after the battery reaches the proper temperature range - 32° F (0° C) to 104° F (40° C).It may take up to 30 minutes for the battery to reach a safe temperature.If battery temperature does not come into range in about one hour, the red LED will blink indicatingthat there is a charger fault.Wearing an SRX2 Wireless Headset1. Put the headset on and adjust the ear pad to fit snugly over your ear.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyVocollect Wireless Headsets | 127
Figure 93: Wearing the SRX2 headset2. Position the t-bar directly above, and as closely as possible to, your other ear.3. If installed, adjust the stability strap so it fits securely across the back of your head.4. Rotate the electronics module up or down to position the microphone near your mouth.Figure 94: Moving the Microphone Into Position5. Make final adjustments with the flexible boom so that the microphone is positioned at the corner ofyour mouth, about 1 inch (2.5 cm) away from your face.Installing the Stability Strap on the SRX2 Wireless Headset1. Hold the headset so that the earpad faces you and the electronics module faces away.2. Locate the knob on the inside of the headband near the earpad.3. Hold the strap so that the end with the hole fits over the knob on the headband, and press downfirmly so the knob comes all the way up through the hole.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only128 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Figure 95: Pressing the strap onto the earpad side of the headband4. Turn the headset so that the t-bar pad faces you.5. Locate the slot on the end of the headband near the t-bar.6. Align the knob at the free end of the strap with the slot on the headband.7. Slide the knob into the slot until it snaps into place.Figure 96: Inserting the strap into the headband slot8. Position the strap to go around the back of your head. The strap swivels freely on the two knobs sothat it can be positioned at the back of the head for either right-ear or left-ear wearing of the headset.Replacing an Earpad on the SRX2 Headset1. Hold the headset so that the earpad faces you and the electronics module faces away.2. Grasp the earpad and earpad plate assembly and rotate them to the left to unlock the plate from theheadband.3. Lift the pad and plate assembly off of the headband.4. Install the replacement pad.a) Remove the ear pad by pulling it away from the ear pad plate.b) Slide one side of the new pad over the edge of the ear pad plate and gently stretch the pad untilit covers the plate.c) Ensure that the lip of the new pad completely covers the ear pad plate all the way around.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyVocollect Wireless Headsets | 129
Figure 97: Installing a new earpad5. Place the new earpad and earpad plate assembly onto the headset earpiece.6. Rotate the assembly to the right pressing gently into the earpiece until the assembly locks into place.Headset Functions and LED Patterns for SRX2Figure 98: SRX2 User InterfaceToneLED PatternHeadset ModeUser ActionHeadsetFunctionHigh pitch doublebeepSolid greenHeadset powers up inlow power pairing modePress Powerbutton for half asecondPower onLow pitch doublebeepSolid green, thenoffHeadset powers offHold Powerbutton for onesecondPower offImportant:Do notremove thebattery untilthe LED isoff.Two tone ascendingsequence. IfN/AN/APress the Plus (+)buttonIncrease volumeConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only130 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
ToneLED PatternHeadset ModeUser ActionHeadsetFunctionconnected, devicesays, "louder."Two tone descendingsequence. IfN/AN/APress the Minus(-) buttonDecrease volumeconnected, devicesays, "softer."No tone whenentering mode. ThreeSolid greenHeadset disconnectscurrent pairing andWith headsetconnected, pressForce disconnectfor manualascending tones uponpairing with a deviceenters low powerpairing modethe Plus (+) andMinus (-) buttonspairing in lowpower modeNo tone whenentering mode. ThreeRapid flash, thensolid greenHeadset enters highpower pairing modeWith headset inpairing mode,press the Plus (+)Switch to highpower pairingwhen pairing in ascending tones uponpairing with a deviceNote: This mode isrecommended onlyand Minus (-)buttonslow power modehas failed if low power pairingfails.Note: Vocollectdoes notrecommend thispairing mode forTalkman devices.This mode greatlyincreases thelikelihood that yourheadset will pairwith the wrongdevice.Three ascendingtones uponSlow flashingblue (on 25%, off75%)Headset connected as aslave deviceN/ANormaloperation, pairedand connected connecting to masterdeviceThree descendingtones when theSlow flashinggreen (on 25%,off 75%)Headset connectable butnot discoverable.Any Bluetooth devicecan connect if it knowsthe headset's address.N/APaired butconnectiondropped, possiblyout of rangeconnection to themaster device isdroppedN/ASolid blue whenplugged in, offDevice updateConnect headsetto computerUpdate headsetsoftwareduring update,running Vocollectreturns to solidHeadset SoftwareUpdate Tool blue whenupdate completeConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyVocollect Wireless Headsets | 131
About Pairing Wireless HeadsetsPairing is the process in which two devices enabled with Bluetooth wireless technology create a securelink in order to share information. The pairing process begins when the master device initiates an inquiryto search for Bluetooth addresses or queries one, specific address.Vocollect wireless headset pairings with Talkman or handheld devices are initiated by the device andremain paired until broken by user action. Note that the pairing exists between the headset and devicehardware — the device operator ID is not tied to this pairing. If the operator moves to a different device,the original headset/device pairing will not follow that operator.Note: The automatic operator load feature is an exception to the hardware-only pairing. On supportedplatforms, when an operator connects to a Vocollect wireless headset, that connection and operatorinformation are registered in VoiceConsole. The next time the operator connects to that headset;his or her information will be loaded automatically. See the automatic operator load documentationfor your Vocollect Voice release.Pairing versus ConnectingPairing is not the same as connecting. Two Bluetooth devices, once paired, can connect and disconnectmany times. With a pairing in memory, the two devices can reconnect easily and will make repeatedattempts to establish a connection. In this way, a headset and device pairing allows for increased usermobility.For example, if the user takes the headset out of range of the paired device or powers it off, the devicewill notice the connection loss, sever the connection, and then try to reconnect. The two remain pairedthroughout this process.SRX/SRX2 Headset Pairing MethodsAfter an SRX or SRX2 headset enters low or high power pairing mode, it is available to accept a pairinginitiated by a Talkman A500, Talkman T5-Series, or other Bluetooth-enabled device. These pairings canbe accomplished using a variety of methods:On startup or on removal from a charger, the Talkman device immediatelysearches for wireless headsets and initiates a pairing. Auto pairing is mosteffective when users swap headsets and Talkman devices regularly.Auto pairing:Note: The first time an SRX headset accepts an auto pairing, the paireddevice configures the headset to enter into pairing mode immediately onall future startups.Note: The SRX2 headset always powers up in pairing mode.The user determines when to pair a device and headset by pressing buttonson the device. Manual pairing is effective in environments where the sameTalkman devices and headsets are always used together.Manual pairing:Important: The first pairing for an SRX headset that has never beenpaired with a device must be a manual pairing. After this first time, theheadset can pair automatically.Note: The SRX2 headset can perform either manual or auto pairing forits first pairing.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only132 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
The user pairs a specific device to a headset via the VoiceConsole interface.VoiceConsole pairing:See Pairing a Headset by Screen-Based Pairing for details on pairing handhelddevices to a headset.Screen-Based pairing:Cross PairingCross pairing is the result of a master device pairing with a headset or other device that is not theintended slave. If a user cannot isolate his or her device and headset from others and a cross pairingoccurs, the user should break the existing pairing and retry the intended pairing.Tip: Prevent unwanted cross pairing by isolating the device and headset from all other Bluetoothdevices any time that the device is performing an inquiry scan to find the headset.Pairing an SRX HeadsetOnce paired, an SRX headset and a device remember their association, even when powered off and onagain or after the device recharges. The SRX headset will only connect with that paired device.Pairing the SRX headset with a new device erases the previous pairing from the headset's memory.Note: If you are using an SRX2 headset, see Pairing an SRX2 Headset for details.Auto Pairing with a Talkman DevicePrerequisites:• The headset is powered off. You can only put an SRX Wireless Headset into low or high power pairingmode from the powered-off state.• There is no wired headset connected to the Talkman device.• The Talkman device is in sleep mode — not in use running a task or voice application. Its green LEDindicator is flashing. If the LED is solid green, press the Play/Pause button.• The Talkman device is Bluetooth ready with Bluetooth connection features enabled.Important: An unpaired Talkman device will constantly search for wireless headsets while in autopairing mode. Do not leave an auto pair-enabled device unpaired and powered on because the searchwill drain the battery.1. Reboot the Talkman device or remove it from a charger. Either of these two actions will initiate ascan for headsets by the device.2. If the LED indicator on the headset is not flashing slowly, then it is not in pairing mode. To enterpairing mode, press and hold the Plus (+) and Minus (-) buttons on the headset control panel for fourseconds.The LED indicator on the headset flutters quickly, plauses, flashes three times quickly, then startsflashing slowly. The headset remains in pairing mode for about one minute then reverts to idle mode.3. Hold the headset and Talkman device so they are within six inches of each other but not touching.The blue LED indicator on the Talkman device turns on, may flash a few times, and then remainslit. After 20 to 30 seconds, the headset beeps three ascending tones and its LED indicator flashes lessrapidly. These indicators confirm that a pairing has completed.4. Put on the headset. You will hear the headset repeat the serial number of the Talkman device towhich it is paired.5. Verify that the number matches the serial number on the Talkman device.If you need to attempt the pairing again, re-enter pairing mode by rebooting the headset.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyVocollect Wireless Headsets | 133
6. Press the Play/Pause button on the Talkman device to confirm the number.7. Press the Play/Pause button again to begin working.Manually Pairing with a Talkman DevicePrerequisites:• The headset is powered off. You can only put an SRX Wireless Headset into low or high power pairingmode from the powered-off state.• The Talkman device is not in a charger, and there is no wired headset connected to it.• The Talkman device is in sleep mode — not in use running a task or voice application. Its green LEDindicator is flashing. If the LED is solid green, press the Play/Pause button.• The Talkman device is Bluetooth ready with Bluetooth connection features enabled.1. On the headset control panel, press and hold the Plus (+) and Minus (-) buttons for four seconds.The LED indicator on the headset flutters quickly, plauses, flashes three times quickly, then startsflashing slowly. The headset remains in pairing mode for about one minute then reverts to idle mode.2. Press and hold the Plus (+) and Minus (-) buttons on the Talkman device for two seconds to manuallyinitiate a search for wireless headsets.3. Immediately hold the headset and Talkman device so they are within six inches of each other but nottouching.The blue LED indicator on the Talkman device turns on, may flash a few times, and then remainslit. After 20 to 30 seconds, the headset beeps three ascending tones and its LED indicator flashes lessrapidly. These indicators confirm that a pairing has completed.4. Put on the headset. You will hear the headset repeat the serial number of the Talkman device towhich it is paired.5. Verify that the number matches the serial number on the Talkman device.If you need to attempt the pairing again, re-enter pairing mode by press the Plus (+) and Minus (-)buttons on the Talkman device again.6. Press the Play/Pause button on the Talkman device to confirm the number.7. Press the Play/Pause button again to begin working.Screen-Based Pairing with a Handheld DeviceScreen-based pairing is the preferred method for pairing an SRX headset with a handheld wireless deviceor PC. This method allows the user to pick a specific headset from a list of available headset Bluetoothaddresses displayed on a screen, and eliminates the problem of unwanted cross pairing. Auto and manualpairing processes are not available in screen-based pairing.Prerequisites:• The headset is powered off. You can only put an SRX Wireless Headset into low or high power pairingmode from the powered-off state.• The handheld device is not in a charger, and there is no wired headset connected to it.• The device is in sleep mode — not in use running an application.• The device is Bluetooth ready with Bluetooth connection features enabled.1. On the SRX headset, press and hold the Plus (+) and Minus (-) buttons for four seconds to place theheadset in pairing mode.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only134 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Note: Some handheld devices may require the headset to be in high power pairing mode in orderto be discovered in the device's pairing inquiry. To place the SRX headset in high power pairingmode, press and hold the Plus (+) and Minus (-) buttons for seven seconds.By setting the SrxHighPowerPairingDelaySeconds configuration parameter, you can configurehow long an operator must hold the Plus and Minus buttons before entering high-power pairingmode or set the parameter to have the headset go directly into high-power pairing mode.2. Initiate the pairing inquiry from the master device by pressing or clicking the appropriate button onthe screen.3. Hold the headset and wireless device so they are within six inches of each other but not touching.4. Select the ID number of the headset you want to use from the Select SRX Headset list on the screen.5. Tap or click the appropriate button on the screen to create the pairing.The screen briefly displays that the device attempts to connect to the headset . Once the headsetconnects, three tones play in the headset, the SRX Headset Status displays as Connected. The pairingconfirmation step is skipped because the pairing was specified by the user.6. Press the Play/Pause button to begin working.Handheld Device Pairing Status IconsWhen using the Vocollect Voice application on a handheld wireless device, an icon in the upper righthand corner of the screen indicates the pairing status. Vocollect Voice on a PC displays similarbrowser-based notifications, but the icons are different.StatusIconA wireless headset is not paired to the deviceThe device is searching for a headsetThe device is paired with a headset but not yet connectedThe device is connected to the headsetPairing an SRX2 HeadsetThe SRX2 Wireless Headset makes pairing and connecting even easier:• It automatically enters low power pairing mode when it is turned on.• It can break and re-enter pairing modes from a powered-on state.• No headset reboot is necessary.• It accepts connections from any device that was previously paired to it.Auto Pairing with a Talkman DevicePrerequisites:• The headset is powered off.• There is no wired headset connected to the Talkman device.• The Talkman device is Bluetooth ready with Bluetooth connection features enabled.Important: An unpaired Talkman device will constantly search for wireless headsets while in autopairing mode. Do not leave an auto pair-enabled device unpaired and powered on because the searchwill drain the battery.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyVocollect Wireless Headsets | 135
1. Reboot the Talkman device or remove it from a charger to initiate a scan for headsets.2. Turn on the headset.The headset will remain in pairing mode for ten minutes. If not paired within ten minutes, it powersoff.3. Hold the headset and Talkman device so they are within six inches of each other but not touching.The blue LED indicator on the Talkman device turns on, may flash a few times, and then remainslit. After 20 to 30 seconds, the headset beeps three ascending tones and its LED indicator flashesblue. These indicators confirm that a pairing has completed.4. Put on the headset. You will hear the headset repeat the serial number of the Talkman device towhich it is paired.5. Verify that the number matches the serial number on the Talkman device.If you need to attempt the pairing again, re-enter pairing mode by pressing and releasing the Plus(+) and Minus (-) buttons on the headset control panel.6. Press the Play/Pause button on the Talkman device to confirm the number.7. Press the Play/Pause button again to begin working.Manually Pairing with a Talkman DevicePrerequisites:• The headset is powered off.• The Talkman device is not in a charger, and there is no wired headset connected to it.• The Talkman device is in sleep mode — not in use running a task or voice application. Its green LEDindicator is flashing. If the LED is solid green, press the Play/Pause button.• The Talkman device is Bluetooth ready with Bluetooth connection features enabled.1. Turn on the headset.The LED indicator is solid green. The headset remains in pairing mode for about one minute thenreverts to idle mode.2. Press and hold the Plus (+) and Minus (-) buttons on the Talkman device for two seconds to manuallyinitiate a search for wireless headsets.3. Immediately hold the headset and Talkman device so they are within six inches of each other but nottouching.The blue LED indicator on the Talkman device turns on, may flash a few times, and then remainslit. After 20 to 30 seconds, the headset beeps three ascending tones and its LED indicator flashesblue. These indicators confirm that a pairing has completed.4. Put on the headset. You will hear the headset repeat the serial number of the Talkman device towhich it is paired.5. Verify that the number matches the serial number on the Talkman device.If you need to attempt the pairing again, re-enter pairing mode by press the Plus (+) and Minus (-)buttons on the Talkman device again.6. Press the Play/Pause button on the Talkman device to confirm the number.7. Press the Play/Pause button again to begin working.Screen-Based Pairing with a Handheld DeviceScreen-based pairing is the preferred method for pairing an SRX2 headset with a handheld wirelessdevice or PC. This method allows the user to pick a specific headset from a list of available headsetConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only136 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Bluetooth addresses displayed on a screen, and eliminates the problem of unwanted cross pairing. Autoand manual pairing processes are not available in screen-based pairing.Prerequisites:• The headset is powered off.• The handheld device is not in a charger, and there is no wired headset connected to it.• The device is in sleep mode — not in use running an application.• The device is Bluetooth ready with Bluetooth connection features enabled.1. Turn on the SRX2 headset. The SRX2 headset starts up in low power pairing mode.Note: Some handheld devices may require the headset to be in high power pairing mode in orderto be discovered in the device's pairing inquiry. To change to high power pairing mode, press andrelease the Plus (+) and Minus (-) buttons on the headset while it is in low power pairing mode.2. Initiate the pairing inquiry from the master device by pressing or clicking the appropriate button onthe screen.3. Hold the headset and wireless device so they are within six inches of each other but not touching.4. Select the ID number of the headset you want to use from the Select SRX Headset list on the screen.5. Tap or click the appropriate button on the screen to create the pairing.The device briefly displays that the device attempts to connect to the headset . Once the headsetconnects, three tones play in the headset, the SRX Headset Status displays as Connected. The pairingconfirmation step is skipped because the pairing was specified by the user.6. Press the Play/Pause button to begin working.Handheld Device Pairing Status IconsWhen using the Vocollect Voice application on a handheld wireless device, an icon in the upper righthand corner of the screen indicates the pairing status. Vocollect Voice on a PC displays similarbrowser-based notifications, but the icons are different.StatusIconA wireless headset is not paired to the deviceThe device is searching for a headsetThe device is paired with a headset but not yet connectedThe device is connected to the headsetPairing a Headset by VoiceConsole PairingThe VoiceConsole pairing method should only be used if the device/headset pairing will be performedonce and never changed. While manual pairing can also result in this permanent pairing, VoiceConsoleeliminates the device inquiry step and begins paging immediately for the Bluetooth address.Prerequisites:• The headset is powered off.• The device is not in a charger, and there is no wired headset connected to it.• The device is in sleep mode — not in use running an application.• The device is Bluetooth ready with Bluetooth connection features enabled.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyVocollect Wireless Headsets | 137
1. In VoiceConsole, click Devices and select the device for the pairing.2. In Device Actions, select the actions for pairing to a peripheral, and complete the pairing. SeeVoiceConsole Online Help for detailed instructions.The pairing can be performed with the device powered off or while the device is running an application.When the device powers up or goes into sleep mode, the paging process begins.3. Place the headset in pairing mode.• On an SRX headset: press and hold the Plus (+) and Minus (-) buttons for four seconds.• On an SRX2 headset: press the Power button to turn it on.4. When the two connect, the headset will play ascending connect tones. The pairing confirmation stepis skipped because the pairing was specified by the user.5. Press the Play/Pause button to begin working.More about SRX/SRX2 Pairing ModesWhen a headset is in pairing mode it is ready to respond to any inquiries about its Bluetooth services.The inquiring device uses this response to determine if it wants to pair with the headset. Because thedevice is the initiator and the headset is the acceptor, a user facilitates the pairing process by puttingthe headset into pairing mode before initiating the connection from the device.SRX and SRX2 headsets support two pairing modes.•Low Power Pairing ModeLow power pairing mode is the default pairing mode for SRX and SRX2 headsets. In this mode, aheadset will answer a Bluetooth device inquiry with a very low power response that transmits withina small area (a few feet or so, depending on the receiving capabilities of the inquiring device).Limiting the wireless transmission helps to avoid an unwanted cross pairing (a pairing with a Bluetoothaddress other than the target) by forcing the headset to be in close proximity to the device.•High Power Pairing ModeHigh power pairing mode allows the headset and device to be separated by more distance becausethe headset’s response to inquiries is a wider transmission.Vocollect recommends using high power pairing only if low power pairing fails. Use this mode withcare: While high power pairing mode makes it more likely that the connection will succeed, it alsoincreases the likelihood of cross pairing.If the configuration parameter SrxAutoPairEnable is enabled and the configuration parameterSrxHighPowerPairingDelaySeconds is set to 0, headsets will skip lower power pairing mode andenter high power mode.See Configuration Parameters for SRX/SRX2 Headsets for more details.Placing Headsets in Pairing ModesPairing Mode ResultSRX2 ControlsSRX ControlsInitial HeadsetStateIdle modeMode only allows connectionwith the last device pairedN/APress and hold Plus (+) andMinus (-) buttons for 0 to 3secondsOffConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only138 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Pairing Mode ResultSRX2 ControlsSRX ControlsInitial HeadsetStateLow power pairing modePress and release PowerbuttonPress and hold Plus (+) andMinus (-) buttons for 4 to 6secondsOffHigh power pairing modeN/APress and hold Plus (+) andMinus (-) buttons for 7 ormore secondsOffCurrent pairing broken andheadset enters low powerpairing modePress and release Plus(+) and Minus (-)buttonsN/AOn and pairedHigh power pairing modePress and release Plus(+) and Minus (-)buttonsN/AOn in low powerpairing modeBreaking a PairingThere are several methods to break a pairing between an SRX or SRX2 headset and a Bluetooth device.A device can break a pairing with a wireless headset by initiating a new searchfor headsets. The user can initiate the device query by holding down the PlusFrom the Device:(+) and Minus (-) buttons on the device. This method is useful if the user’s devicecompletes a cross pairing with the wrong headset; the user can initiate anothermanual pairing.VoiceConsole displays all Bluetooth pairings including SRX and SRX2 headsets,Talkman devices, scanners, and printers. From the Edit Device page, you canclear a pairing. You can do this with headsets as well.From VoiceConsole:The headset cannot break the pairing with the device. The user must break itfrom the device by initiating another pairing.From an SRXHeadset:The SRX2 headset user can break any pairing by pressing the Plus (+) andMinus (-) buttons.If the paired device is running Vocollect VoiceCatalyst 1.2 and newer, the SRX2headset signals the device that the pairing is being broken. With older versionsof Vocollect Voice, the pairing breaks only after it times out.From an SRX2Headset:Headset Pairing FAQQ: My device accidentally paired with a different headset, what can I do?A: Perform a manual pairing; it will break the connection and initiate another inquiry. Note that theuser should have his or her headset in pairing mode before performing this step so that the device canfind the headset when it searches.Q: The users at my site do not have assigned headsets and devices, so they could get a differentheadset at every shift. Which pairing process would you recommend?A: Auto pairing would probably be the easiest, as it will quickly establish connections and, by default,does not maintain those pairings.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyVocollect Wireless Headsets | 139
Q: The users at my site are assigned their own SRX or SRX2 headsets, so I want to maintainpairings and avoid pairing headsets at the start of every shift. What pairing process wouldyou recommend?A: You could use manual pairing or auto pairing with the configuration parameterSrxPersistAutomaticPairing set to "1" and SrxClearPairingInCharger set to "0" in order to maintainpairings through device reboots and recharging.Q: Our users are spending a lot of time pairing. What methods would you recommend toreduce the time it takes to pair headsets?A: There are a number of solutions:• Use a pairing mode that is not as susceptible to cross pairing - avoid using auto pairing.• Ensure that users are isolated by some distance when the devices perform inquiry searches.•Use manual pairing, rather than auto pairing, so that the searches are done only at the user’s request.• Use low power pairing.• If your users do not share headsets and devices, use manual pairing so that the device and headsetremain paired.• If your users share headsets and devices, use auto pairing so that pairing hardware at each shift willcomplete faster.Supervisor Audio with SRX/SRX2 HeadsetsSupervisor Audio is a feature that will allow a second party to listen to the conversation between aBluetooth-enabled Talkman device and a user with an SRX or SRX2 headset.A supervisor wears a wired headset connected to the operator's device, then walks behind the operatorwho is wearing a wireless headset paired with the same device. The supervisor must keep the operator'sdevice within range of the operator's wireless headset.Note: This feature is designed to work with Vocollect Talkman devices. It may function properlywith other devices depending on the available processing power.Supervisor Audio offers two listening modes.• Combined audio - the user’s microphone audio and the text-to-speech (TTS) audio are combined andstreamed out of the wired audio port• Device audio only - the TTS audio only is streamed to the second partyEnabling Supervisor AudioTo enable this feature, set the SrxSupervisorAudioEnable configuration parameter to the desiredmode. See Configuration Parameters for SRX/SRX2 Headsets for details.• This feature should ONLY be used for debugging and when a user requires training or assistance.This parameter should be turned off for optimal performance.• Under normal operations, you cannot have a wired headset attached to the device when using anSRX or SRX2 headset. This parameter overrides this requirement when enabled.• To avoid disconnecting the wireless headset, pair and connect the Talkman device to the headsetfirst, then connect a wired headset.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only140 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Configuration Parameters for SRX/SRX2 HeadsetsValues & SettingLocationDescriptionSupportedDevicesParameterTrueFalse (default)Determines whether or not theBluetooth portion of the radioA500,T5-SeriesBluetooth_IsEnabledis receiving power. When the Set in VoiceConsole > DeviceProfile or Edit Devicevalue for this setting is set tofalse, the Bluetooth portion ofthe radio receives no power,and no other Bluetoothparameters are active.0 = disabled1 = enabledEnables automatic pairingmode on SRX and SRX2headsets.This parameter is notapplicable for third-partyhandheld devices.A500,T5-SeriesSrxAutoPairEnableThe default setting dependson the version of VocollectVoice software implemented.If this parameter is set to 1(enabled), the setting ofSrxClearPairingInChargeris ignoredSet in task package,operator profile, deviceprofile, or VRG file0 = disabled1 = enabledGives the user the ability toforce devices to clear theA500,T5-Series,Psion,IntermecSrxClearPairingInChargerIf you enable thisparameter, theheadset Bluetooth pairingfrom memory when placed intoa charger. SrxAutoPairEnable must beset to 0 (disabled).Note: In VoiceCatalystwith Set in VoiceConsole > DeviceProfileSrxClearPairingInChargernot set, the pairing iscleared ifSrxAutoPairEnable is setto 1. IfSrxClearPairingInChargeris set to 0, it will preventthe pairing from beingcleared when the device isplaced in a charger.0 = disabled1 = enabled (default)Enables/disables use of SRXor SRX2 wireless headsetsA500,T5-SeriesSrxHeadsetEnablewith approved Bluetoothdevices. Set in VoiceConsole > DeviceProfileConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyVocollect Wireless Headsets | 141
Values & SettingLocationDescriptionSupportedDevicesParameterUsers may prefer to disableheadsets when using otherBluetooth peripherals.1 to 10 seconds(default is 6)Specifies how long (in seconds)an operator is required to holdPsion,IntermecSrxHighPowerPairingDelaySecondsthe plus and minus buttons on Value can be 0 whenAutoPair is enabled forheadsets.an SRX headset while in lowpower pairing mode beforeentering high power pairingSet in VoiceConsole > DeviceProfilemode. Not used for SRX2headsets.0 = disabled (default forVocollect Voice versionsprior to VoiceCatalyst 1.2)1 = enabled (default forVoiceCatalyst 1.2 andnewer)Enables a device to rememberthe last automatically pairedheadset after it has powereddown. Upon powering up, thedevice attempts to connect tothat headset instead of goinginto pairing mode.A500,T5-Series,Psion,IntermecSrxPersistAutomaticPairingSet in VoiceConsole > DeviceProfileNote: When the device isplaced into a charger, thepairing will still clear asin normal functionality.This parameter is ignoredif the SrxAutoPairEnableconfigurable parameter isdisabled.0 = disabled (default)1 = play mixing of TTS andmic dataEnables/Disables the abilityto listen in on both sides of theSRX Wireless HeadsetA500,T5-SeriesSrxSupervisorAudioEnableconversation through the use 2 = play the TTS audio onlyof a remote listening kit orSet in VoiceConsole > DeviceProfilewired headset plugged into thedevice.Note: Due to increasedbandwidth required bySupervisor Audio mode,headset audioperformance may sounddegraded whileSupervisor Audio isenabled. For optimalperformance, be sure theparameter is set to "0"(disabled) during allregular SRX wirelessheadset use.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only142 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Check the documentation for your release of Vocollect Voice software to verify if these settings aresupported.Care and Use of Headsets and MicrophonesThe headsets and microphones used with the Vocollect Voice system are delicate pieces of electronicequipment. Proper care and use of these products will ensure that they work well for a long time.Important: For maximum hygiene, Vocollect discourages sharing headsets among operators.The design of the SRX2 Wireless Headset features an electronics module that can be removed fromthe headband and windscreen. The electronics module can be shared among operators over multipleshifts, providing some level of hygiene while potentially reducing costs.Wearing Headsets: General ProceduresThis describes the standard procedures for wearing Vocollect headsets. Note that special types of headsetshave somewhat different procedures.Tip:Always use pads and windscreens with Vocollect headsets to protect the equipment and ensureoptimum speech recognition performance.1. Put the headset on and adjust the ear pad to fit snugly over your ear.•For the Hard-Hat Headset, first insert the headset bracket into the left or right slot on the hardhat,then put on the hardhat.2. Swing the microphone into position with the rotating lever at the earpiece.Important: Do not swivel the microphone boom by the flexible end. Use the rotating lever onthe outside of the earpiece.3. Make final adjustments with the flexible boom so that the microphone is positioned at the corner ofyour mouth.A dot or the word "talk" on the microphone faces your mouth when the microphone is positionedproperly.Make sure that there is a windscreen on the microphone. A windscreen improves performance.4. Clip the headset wire to collar and belt. Let the wire fall down your back, and clip it to the belt nearthe device.If you use a device cover, Vocollect recommends that you clip the bottom clip directly onto the cover.5. Connect or pair the headset to the device.Adjusting Headsets for ComfortVocollect has designed the SR Series headsets based on data for most head shapes and sizes. Becausethe headset is the most personal piece of voice equipment and must remain stable while workers performvery physical tasks, users may benefit from these headset adjustment guidelines.•Placement of the "T-bar" pad: The SR-20, SR-21, SR-30, and SRX models have pads called "t-bars"opposite the speaker side of the headset. The t-bar should be positioned on a part of the head withthe least amount of muscle.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyVocollect Wireless Headsets | 143
As an operator speaks, the muscle above the ear flexes. If the t-bar is placed on this muscle, theheadset applies pressure to the artery and nerves beneath it and can cause the operator somediscomfort. The operator can locate this muscle by moving his or her jaw and feeling the area abovethe ear for movement. Some operators choose to alternate the headset position on either side of theirheads during their shifts.Figure 99: T-bar Pad Placement on the Head•Headset pad options: Vocollect offers a variety of pads to meet the unique requirements of workersand working conditions.Standard foam pads: provide cushioning and soft surfaces wherever the headset comes in contactwith the operator. Available on all headsets.Leatherette ear pads: have a faux leather exterior that is a more firm and supportive and moremoisture resistant than standard foam pads. Offered for all SR-20 through SR-40 models.Memory foam pads: offer superior cushioning support and comfort. Available in earpads for theSR-20/21 and in t-bar pads for the SR-20/21 and SR-30.Removing Headsets1. Disconnect the headset from the device.Important: Do not pull on the headset's cord.2. Unclip the headset cord from your shirt or jacket.3. Carefully remove the headset from your head.Note: For the Hard-Hat Headset, remove the hard hat. Press the release clip to remove theheadset unit from the hardhat bracket.Cleaning WindscreensVocollect recommends that you change windscreens every 90 days for optimum speech recognitionperformance.Important: Soap, cleaning solutions, and vigorous washing will remove the protective coating onthe windscreen and decrease its effectiveness.1. Remove the windscreen from the microphone.2. Rinse the windscreen under warm water.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only144 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
3. Squeeze out the excess water and let it air dry thoroughly.Cleaning HeadsetsNote: Commercial cleaning solvents are not recommended.• Clean the plastic parts of the headsets with a soft cloth dampened with water. To clean and disinfectthe headset plastic, use a pre-moistened alcohol wipe.•If the Talkman Connectors or plugs become contaminated, use a pre-moistened alcohol wipe to removedirt or residue.•If the metal connection points on the Talkman's Connectors become discolored, use a soft pencil eraserto clean them.• Do not use unapproved liquids to clean the yellow, blue, and red Talkman Connectors (TCOs) andany associated headset, scanner, or device plugs.Cleaning the Headband PadNote: Vocollect strongly recommends that you leave the headband pad in place when cleaning it.If you must remove the entire pad to clean it, use care to line up the headband pad with the topmostpart of the headband when you place it back on the headband.• Leave the headband in place and simply wipe the headband with a soft cloth. If necessary, use apre-moistened alcohol wipe to clean and disinfect the unit.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyVocollect Wireless Headsets | 145
Chapter 9ChargersVocollect offers charger units that can charge one or more batteries individually or while inserted inTalkman devices.Talkman devices should be placed into a charger when not in use. The charger charges the device'sbattery while linking to the host computer to download new voice applications, reconfigure device settings,and update device software.Caution:• Keep water and moisture away from the charger at all times. If a battery has any condensationfrom use in a cold environment such as a freezer, dry the battery before placing it into the charger.• Only Vocollect-approved batteries should be placed in the battery charger. Do not attempt tocharge any other type of battery in the charger.Note:• Do not place a device into a charger without a battery attached to it.• A device is always on when it is in a charger. When a device that is powered off is placed into acharger, it automatically turns on.• The A500/T5 and T1 chargers can charge batteries both inserted in and separate from devices.• Vocollect recommends that a protective device, such as an uninterruptible power supply withsurge protection and lightning arrestor capability, be used with battery chargers.T5/A500 Combination ChargerFigure 100: T5/A500 10-Bay Combination Charger• The T5/A500 10-Bay Combination Charger can store five devices at a time and any combination ofT5, T5mand A500 device models.• The charger can store and charge ten batteries - five batteries in the upper battery slots and fivebatteries connected to devices in the lower device slots.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only
• The charger can also share one device's configuration with other devices being charged at the sametime.• The T5/A500 charger may be fixed to a wall using the available wall mount kit.Note: Do not place a device into a charger without a battery attached to it.If a device that has been on and in use for more than eight hours will automatically power off andthen back on after it has been in the charger for five minutes. Also, a device that has been in acharger for more than eight hours will automatically power off and then back on.T5/A500 Single-Bay Combination Charger• A T5/A500 Single-Bay Combination Charger is also available. It includes one battery slot and onedevice slot. The charger can store one device at a time and store and charge up to two batteries at atime - one battery in the upper slot and one battery in the device in the lower slot.T5/A500 10-Bay Combination Charger Specifications21.21" (53.9 cm)Length6.64" (16.9 cm)Depth6.89" (17.5 cm)Depth with Wall Bracket6.12" (15.5 cm)HeightInput Voltage: 100-250 VacInput Current: 2.4 A maximumPowerLine Frequency: 50-60 HzUses standard IEC 60320 plugCord50° to 140° F (10° to 40° C)Operating Temperature-22° to 158° F (-30° to 70° C)Storage TemperatureFunctional to 90% non-condensingHumidityEasy ConfigurationEasy Configuration uses the serial connection between bays in the T5/A500 Combination Charger todistribute configuration files from one device to all devices in the charger. This feature allows newinstallations to quickly complete initial device configuration and simplifies adding new devices orreturning repaired devices to service.Any of the supported device models - T5, T5m, and A500 - may be configured using this feature. Multiplemodels may be configured in the charger at the same time. Please note, however, that some configurableparameters are specific to a device's radio card. Therefore, some parameters loaded from the masterdevice to devices with different radios will not be effective, and devices that receive the distribution maynot receive all of the desirable parameters for their specific radios.Note: Easy configuration should be used only with a DHCP server.Easy Configuration: Initial SetupThe following instructions are for initially setting up the site. That is, no devices are currently connectedto VoiceConsole.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only148 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
1. Create a device profile in VoiceConsole.2. In the Advanced Device Settings text box, type this parameter: "distributable"="1"The value of "1" marks the device profile as one that can be shared with other devices using the serialconnection between bays in the T5/A500 charger. If this parameter is not placed in the device profileor if its value is set to zero, the device profile will not be shared.3. Follow the instructions in the VoiceConsole online help for completing the device profile.Note: The AC power indicator at the bottom right of the charger displays alternating green andyellow lights when Easy Configuration operations are occurring. Devices should not be removeduntil the individual indicator on the device blinks green or the charger's power indicator glowssolid green.4. Use a serial cable to load this profile to a device.Note: If the device profile you are loading is configured for use with static IP addresses, all thedevices will have the same IP address.Easy Configuration: Bringing Additional Devices OnlineA single device has been configured using the Easy Configuration Initial Setup instructions andVoiceConsole Online Help. The following instructions are for configuring additional devices.1. Place a properly configured T5, T5m, or A500 device in the transmit bay in the charger. When facingthe charger bay, the transmit bay is the first bay on the right. It is identified with an off-white latch.The other bays have dark gray latches.2. Place the new or repaired T5, T5m, or A500 devices in the remaining charger bays.• The LED indicators on the unconfigured devices flash green until the devices determine that theycannot reach VoiceConsole.• The LED indicators flash orange as the devices attempt to connect to the network to listen for afile broadcast.• The LED indicators flash green briefly as the devices receive profiles from the configured deviceand verify the configuration.• The LED indicators change to solid red as the devices reboot.• When the devices have applied the configuration file and successfully contacted VoiceConsole, theLED indicators change to blinking green. The devices are then ready to use or can be used inanother charger to bring additional devices online.Note: The AC power indicator at the bottom right of the charger displays alternating green andyellow lights when Easy Configuration operations are occurring. Devices should not be removeduntil the individual indicator on the device blinks green or the charger's power indicator glowssolid green.T5/A500 Combination Charger Power Supply Specifications10-Bay Combination Charger Power SupplyInput Voltage: 100-250 VacInput Current: 2.4 A maximumInput:Line Frequency: 50-60 HzOutput: 97.5 W (15 V x 6.5 A)Output:Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyChargers | 149
10-Bay Combination Charger Power SupplyUL listed and CSA certified3 conductor 18 AWGCord (U.S., Mexico, Canada):Terminated with a molded on plug cap rated at125V 15ASix feet minimum lengthInternationally harmonized and marked <HAR>3 conductor 0.75mm minimum wireCord (other countries):Rated at 300V with PVC insulated jacketMounded on plug cap rated 250V 10ASix feet minimum lengthSingle-Bay Combination Charger Power SupplyInput Voltage: 100-240 VacInput Current: 0.6 A maximumInput:Line Frequency: 50-60 HzConnecting the Power Supply to the T1 10-Bay Charger1. Connect the AC cord to the left end of the power supply that is mounted inside the charger.2. Route the cable through the plastic clips as shown.Figure 101: Cable Routed Through Plastic Clips3. Push the clips to lock the cord in place.T5/A500 Combination Charger Wall MountThis unit provides a convenient surface for mounting the T5/A500 10-Bay Combination Charger and itspower supply on a wall.• Customer assembly required.• Be aware of potential hazards (electrical wires, waterlines, etc.) when drilling the pilot holes.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only150 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
• Customer assumes all responsibility for the installation of these units.• A device charger cannot have another charger placed directly above it. A section of dry-erase board(included) must be placed above each device charger.• If you drill into a wall stud when drilling a pilot hole for one of the anchors, do not use an anchor withthat hole.• The lowest anchor for each extrusion must be a minimum of 12 inches from the floor.• Avoid blocking power outlets and other wall receptacles when installing the extrusions and chargerunit.Installing the T5/A500 Charger Wall MountYou will needParts• Drill with 1/8” bit• 1 mounting bracket• •4 self-drilling screw anchors #10 Screw driver, #2 Phillips•• Drilling template sheet (included)4 washers, #10 flat, type B regular• 4 screws, #10 Phillips pan head1. Using the drilling template, mark four holes for the anchors. Note that there are two sets of pilotmarkers; one set for wall studs with 12 inch centers and one set for wall studs with 16 inch centers.The bottom anchor holes must be at least 12 inches from the floor.2. Drill the pilot holes for the anchors, and screw the anchors into the holes.3. Position the mounting bracket so that its flat side is against the wall, aligned with the anchors, andthe mounting pins are away from the wall.4. Insert a screw through a washer and a hole in the bracket, then into the anchor. Tighten screw.Repeat for remaining screws.5. Tilt the charger back and slide it onto the wall by lining up the tabs on the top of the bracket withthe notches in the back of the charger.6. Level the charger so the supports on the bottom of the bracket are underneath the charger.Figure 102: Supports Underneath ChargerAbout LED IndicatorsVocollect Talkman devices, SRX and SRX2 headsets, and their chargers have LEDs that indicate thestate of the equipment. These LEDs may be on, off or blink. In some cases an LED will blink, alternatingbetween two colors.If the LEDs indicate that there is a problem, refer to information on troubleshooting to solve the problem.See also Troubleshooting Problems Indicated by LED.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyChargers | 151
A500, T5 and T5m Device Charger LED IndicatorsThe upper pair of indicators applies to the charger's battery slots. The lower pair applies to the deviceslots. The LED conditions described here apply to the lower pair.Note: If there is no device in the charger or if the device in the charger does not have a battery andone of these conditions occurs,disconnect the charger from its power source for about five seconds,then reconnect the charger. If the condition persists, return the charger for service.If a device with a battery is the charger...Right Indicator ColorLeft Indicator ColorTroubleshoot the problemOffOffThe battery is charged and ready to use.GreenGreenThe battery is being charged.OffRedThe battery may not be inserted into the chargercorrectly.OffBlinking RedIf the LED continues to blink red after insertingthe battery into the charger correctly, troubleshootthe charger.The battery may not be inserted into the chargercorrectly.YellowOffThe battery may be too hot or too cold. Wait for thebattery's temperature to normalize.T2 Series Battery ChargersT2 series device batteries can be charged in the device charger. A separate battery charger is also availableto charge spare batteries.Figure 103: T2 Series Battery ChargerConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only152 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
• The T2 series battery charger includes five battery slots. The charger can be used to store and chargeup to five batteries at a time.• Wall mounts are available that can accommodate a single charger, multiple chargers, and batterychargers.T2 Series Battery Charger SpecificationsApproximately 24" (61 cm)LengthApproximately 24" (61 cm)Length with Desk Mount FeetApproximately 2.5" (6.5 cm)WidthApproximately 5" (12.7 cm)Width with Desk Mount FeetApproximately 5.25" (13.3 cm)HeightApproximately 5.375" (13.65 cm)Height with Desk Mount Feet90-264 Vac 50/60 Hz 72 WUses standard IEC 630 cordPower50° to 140° F (10° to 40° C)Operating Temperature-22° to 158° F (-30° to 70° C)Storage TemperatureFunctional to 90% non-condensingHumidityAssembling the Stands for the T2 ChargerYou will need a #2 Phillips screwdriverParts list:• Charger stand(s)• 2 rubber feet per stand• 4 Phillips screws per stand1. Secure the rubber feet to the stand with the screws.2. Position each stand so that its top lip is inserted into the center channel in the back of the charger.Figure 105: Positioning the stand on the chargerFigure 104: Attaching the feet3. Secure each stand to the charger by inserting screws through the holes in the stand and screwingthem into the slot on the bottom of the charger.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyChargers | 153
Figure 106: Screwing the stand into the chargerCharger Wall Mount, Multiple Chargers: T2 SeriesThis unit provides a convenient surface for mounting five charger units and their associated powersupplies on a wall.• Customer assembly required.• Be aware of potential hazards (electrical wires, waterlines, etc.) when drilling the pilot holes.• Customer assumes all responsibility for the installation of these units.• A device charger cannot have another charger placed directly above it. A section of dry-erase board(included) must be placed above each device charger.• If you drill into a wall stud when drilling a pilot hole for one of the anchors, do not use an anchor withthat hole.• The lowest anchor for each extrusion must be a minimum of 12 inches from the floor.• Avoid blocking power outlets and other wall receptacles when installing the extrusions and chargerunit.Charger Wall Mount, Multiple Chargers: Mounting the ExtrusionsParts List:DescriptionQuantityItem #Extrusion21Self-drilling screw anchor #882Washer, #8, flat, type B regular83Screw, #8x1.5 Phillips pan head84Screw, #10-24x.312 hex, socket head25Drilling template sheet16You will need:• Drill with 1/8” bit• Screw driver, #2 Phillips• Allen key, Hex 1/8”1. Using the drilling template, mark eight holes on the wall for the anchors.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only154 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
The bottom anchor holes must be at least 12 inches from the floor.2. Drill the pilot holes for the anchors, and screw the anchors into the holes.3. Align the holes of an extrusions with the installed anchors. The extrusions have a specific inside andoutside edge and must be placed onto the wall correctly. The inside edge of the extrusion has theT-channel into which the chargers are inserted. See Figure 107: Mounting the Extrusions on page 1554. Insert a screw through a washer and the hole in the extrusion and into the anchor. Tighten the screwenough to hold the extrusion in place. Repeat with the other screws and washers.5. Repeat the previous two steps for the other extrusion.6. Make sure that the extrusions are vertical and then tighten the screws completely.7. Locate the small hole in the bottom of the T-channel on the inside edge of each extrusion. Insert oneof the socket head screws (item 5) into both of the bottom holes and tighten them all the way.Figure 107: Mounting the ExtrusionsCharger Wall Mount, Multiple Chargers: Mounting the Power Supply BracketParts List:DescriptionQuantityItem #Power supply bracket46Power supply mounting panel17Collar with nut28Washer, #4, flat, type B regular29Screw #4-40x.625, Phillips pan head210Washer, #8, flat, type B regular811Screw #8-32x.5, Phillips pan head812Nut, #8-32 hex machine screw813You will need:• Screw driver, #2 Phillips• Screw driver, Hex 1/8”Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyChargers | 155
• Wrench, 11/32”1. The two holes at the top of the mounting panel are for the collars that will enable the panel to slidedown into the extrusions. Assemble a collar by placing the small end of the collar against the back ofthe mounting panel.2. Insert the screw through a washer and the hole in the panel, then into the collar. Tighten the screwall the way. Repeat with the other collar.3. The eight holes in the middle of the mounting panel are for the power supply brackets. Mount a powersupply bracket to the panel by lining up the holes. Refer to the figure below for the correct positioningof the bracket.Figure 108: Mounting the Power Supply Bracket4. Insert a screw through a washer and a hole in the bracket and the panel. Tighten with a nut.5. Repeat for the other holes in the bracket.6. Repeat the last three steps for the remaining bracketsCharger Wall Mount, Multiple Chargers: Fastening the Collars to a ChargerParts List:DescriptionQuantityItem #Collar (611065)1614Spring, Metric, 6.00x0.60x9.50 long (681006)415Screw, M3x0.5x16 Phillips pan head (680128)416Collar placement tool117You will need:• Screw driver, #2 Phillips1. Locate the collar placement tool on the back of the charger so that it is against the charger’s end cap.2. Position one of the collars against the collar placement tool. Place the collar directly over one of thecharger’s threaded channels.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only156 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Figure 109: Fastening the Collars3. Insert a spring into the collar, then secure with a screw. The screw should bottom out in the channel.4. Repeat these steps for the rest of the collars.Charger Wall Mount, Multiple Chargers: Completing the AssemblyAt this point, you are ready to put the power supply mounting panel, the chargers, and the dry-eraseboard sections into the extrusions. Insert the different pieces into the top of the extrusions and thenslide them down the extrusions.1. Place the bottom of the mounting panel (the end without the collars) into the slots in the outer edgesof the extrusions.Figure 110: Placing the Bottom of the Mounting Panel into the Slots2. Slide the panel all the way down to the bottom of the extrusions. Make sure that the collars on thetop of the panel go into the extrusions’ T-channels as the panel is slid down. The panel will stop whenthe collars are resting on the screws in the bottom of the T-channels.3. Insert the first charger into the extrusions so that the battery release buttons are at the top. Placethe two bottom collars on the back of the charger into the T-channels in the extrusions.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyChargers | 157
Figure 111: Placing the Bottom Collars into the T-Channels4. Slide the charger down until it is resting on top of the power supply mounting panel. Make sure thatthe two top collars on the back of the charger go into the T-channels as the charger is slid down.5. Insert a section of dry-erase board into the extrusions and slide it down to the top of the charger. Asection of dry-erase board must be placed above each device charger.6. Repeat the last three steps for the remaining chargers and dry-erase board sections.About LED IndicatorsVocollect Talkman devices, SRX and SRX2 headsets, and their chargers have LEDs that indicate thestate of the equipment. These LEDs may be on, off or blink. In some cases an LED will blink, alternatingbetween two colors.If the LEDs indicate that there is a problem, refer to information on troubleshooting to solve the problem.See also Troubleshooting Problems Indicated by LED.T2 and T2x Device Charger LED IndicatorsNote: The indicators described here only indicate the status of the battery. They do not reflect thestate of the device.It may take five to 10 seconds for the indicators to accurately report the battery conditions. Allowsome time for the indicators to become stable before making decisions based on the LED indicators.Note: If there is no device in the charger or if the device in the charger does not have a battery andone of these conditions occurs, disconnect the charger from its power source for about five seconds,then reconnect the charger. If the condition persists, return the charger for service.If a device with a battery is the charger...Right Indicator ColorLeft Indicator ColorTroubleshoot the problemOffOffThe battery is charged and ready to use.GreenOffThe battery is being charged.OffRedConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only158 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
If a device with a battery is the charger...Right Indicator ColorLeft Indicator ColorThe battery may not be inserted into the chargercorrectly.If the LED continues to blink red after insertingthe battery into the charger correctly, troubleshootthe charger.OffBlinking RedThe battery is defective. Remove the battery fromthe charger and give it to your systemadministrator.Blinking Green, then OffBlinking Red, then OffTroubleshoot the problemOffBlinking YellowThis will occur briefly when a battery is removedfrom the charger. If the LEDs stay on for a lengthof time, troubleshoot the problem.GreenYellowThe battery may not be properly inserted into thecharger.OffYellowThe battery may be too hot or too cold. Wait for thebattery's temperature to normalize.If the yellow LED remains lit for more than twohours, troubleshoot the problem.T1 10-Bay Combination ChargerFigure 112: T1 10-Bay Combination Charger• The T1 10-Bay Combination Charger can store five devices at a time.• The charger can store and charge ten batteries at a time - five batteries in the lower battery slotsand five batteries connected to devices in the upper device slots.• A T1 device should not be placed into a device charger without a battery attached to it.• The socket-outlet should be installed near the equipment and should be easily accessible.T1 10-Bay Combination Charger Specifications21.9" (55.6 cm)Length3.7" (9.4 cm)Depth5.9" (15 cm)HeightInput Voltage: 12 V DCInput Current: 5 A maximumPowerConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyChargers | 159
70.5 ounces (2000 g)WeightUses standard IEC 60320 plugCord32° to 122° F (0° to 50° C)Operating Temperature-40° to 158° F (-40° to 70° C)Storage Temperature95% non-condensingHumidityT1 10-Bay Combination Charger Power Supply SpecificationsInput Voltage: 100-240 VacInput Current: 2.4 AInputLine Frequency: 50-60 HzOutput: 80 W (12 V DCx 6.67 A)OutputT1 10-Bay Combination Charger Wall MountThis unit provides a convenient surface for mounting five charger units and their associated powersupplies on a wall. Customer assembly required.•Vocollect recommends that the charger have a minimum of 12 inches of clearance above it for placementand removal of the devices. Do not install another charger directly on top.• The lowest anchor for each extrusion must be a minimum of 12 inches from the floor.• Vocollect recommends using #8 pan head sheet metal screws of appropriate length into the center ofthe wall studs. The clearance between the bottom of the screw head and mounting surface should beapproximately 3/16 of an inch.• Install the battery charger so that the supporting surface and installation will safely support theweight of a fully loaded charger, greater than 8 pounds.• If wall stud mounting is impractical, Vocollect recommends using wall anchors that are capable ofsupporting at least 10 lbs/anchor.• The installer must verify the charger is removable from the wall without use of a tool.Caution:• Injury to persons and damage to the wall may result if the charger or mounting hardware ispulled from the wall. To reduce the likelihood of such an injury, mount only on a surface that isstructurally sound.• Customer assumes all responsibility for the installation of these units.• Be aware of potential hazards (electrical wires, waterlines, etc.) when drilling the pilot holes.• Avoid blocking power outlets and other wall receptacles when installing the extrusions andcharger unit.Installing the T1 10-Bay Combination Charger Wall MountThe following parts come with the T1 10-Bay Combination Charger Wall Mount:DescriptionQuantityItem #Charger Stand11Phillips screws22Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only160 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
DescriptionQuantityItem #Rubber feet23Extrusion24Self-drilling screw anchor #885Washer, #8, flat, type B regular86Screw, #8x1.5 Phillips pan head87Screw, #10-24x.312 hex, socket head28Drilling template sheet19You will need the following equipment:• Drill with 1/8” bit• Screw driver, #2 Phillips• Allen key, Hex 1/8”1. Secure the rubber feet to the stand using the Phillips screws.2. Position the stand so that its top lip is inserted into the center channel in the back of the charger.3. Secure each stand to the charger by inserting Phillips screws through the holes in the stand andscrewing them into the slot on the bottom of the charger.4. Using the drilling template, mark the eight holes for the anchors. The bottom anchor holes must beat least 12 inches from the floor.5. Drill the pilot holes for the anchors, and install the battery charger with wall anchors or screws on16” centers.6. Place one of the extrusions against the wall and align its holes with the installed anchors. Theextrusions have a specific inside and outside edge and must be placed onto the wall correctly. Theinside edge of the extrusion has the T-channel into which the chargers are inserted.7. Insert a screw through a washer and the hole in the extrusion, then into the anchor. Tighten thescrew to hold the extrusion in place. Repeat this step with the other screws and washers.8. Repeat the previous two steps for the other extrusion.9. Make sure that the extrusions are vertical and then secure them by tightening the screws all theway.10. Locate the small hole in the bottom of the T-channel on the inside edge of each extrusion. Insert oneof the socket head screws (item 5) into both of the bottom holes and tighten them all the way.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyChargers | 161
Figure 113: Mounting the ExtrusionsConnecting the Power Supply to the T5/A500 Combination Charger1. Connect the AC cord to the left end of the power supply that is mounted inside the charger.2. Route the cable through the plastic clips as shown.Figure 114: Cable Routed Through Plastic Clips3. Push the clips to lock the cord in place.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only162 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
T1 Single Charger CableFigure 115: T1 Single Charger Cable• The T1 Single Charger Cable allows you to use a commercially available 5V charger to charge a singleT1 battery within a T1 device.• Do not remove the battery from the device when connecting the device to the charger cable.T1 Single Charger Cable Specifications21.21" (53.9 cm)Length6.64" (16.9 cm)Depth6.89" (17.5 cm)Depth with Wall Bracket6.12" (15.5 cm)HeightInput Voltage: 100-250 VacInput Current: 2.4 A maximumPowerLine Frequency: 50-60 HzUses standard IEC 60320 plugCord50° to 140° F (10° to 40° C)Operating Temperature-22° to 158° F (-30° to 70° C)Storage TemperatureFunctional to 90% non-condensingHumidityT1 Single Charger Cable Power Supply SpecificationsInput Voltage: 100-240 VacInput Current: 0.5 AInputLine Frequency: 50-60 HzOutput: 10 W (5 V DCx 2.0 A maximum)OutputConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyChargers | 163
SRX Headset Battery ChargerFigure 116: SRX Headset Battery Charger• The SRX battery charger is available in a five-bay model with five battery slots and a single batterycharger with one battery slot.• To power on the charger, connect the power supply to the charger and a power source. The LEDindicator in the left corner of the charger is green when the charger is receiving power.• SRX headset battery chargers are designed to be placed on a desktop or mounted on a wall using awall mount kit.SRX Headset Battery Charger SpecificationsSpecifications for the 5-Bay ChargerApproximately 31 cm (12")WidthApproximately 10 cm (4")DepthApproximately 10 cm (4")HeightInput voltage: 5VDCInput current: 5AInput25 WOutputUL listed and CSA certifiedThree conductor 18 AWGCord: US, Mexico, CanadaTerminated with a molded-on plug cap rated at 125V 10A minimumSix feet minimum lengthH05VVF3G1.00 per CENELEC HD-21 marked <HAR>Three conductor 1 mm2Cord: Other CountriesTerminated with a molded-on plug cap rated at 125V 10A minimumSix feet minimum length50° to 140° F (10° to 40° C)Operating Temperature-22° to 158° F (-30° to 70° C)Storage TemperatureFunctional to 90% non-condensingHumidityConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only164 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Specifications for the Single-Bay ChargerApproximately 8 cm (3")WidthApproximately 11 cm (5")DepthApproximately 6 cm (2.5")HeightInput voltage: 100-240 VACInput current: 0.9 A maximumInputLine frequency: 50-60 Hz5 WOutputUL listed and CSA certifiedThree conductor 18 AWGCord: US, Mexico, CanadaTerminated with a molded-on plug cap rated at 125V 10A minimumSix feet minimum lengthH05VVF3G1.00 per CENELEC HD-21 marked <HAR>Three conductor 1 mm2Cord: Other CountriesTerminated with a molded-on plug cap rated at 125V 10A minimumSix feet minimum length50° to 113° F (10° to 45° C)Operating Temperature-22° to 158° F (-30° to 70° C)Storage TemperatureFunctional to 90% non-condensingHumiditySRX Battery Charger Wall MountThis unit provides a convenient surface for mounting the SRX battery charger and its associated powersupply on a wall.• Customer assembly required.• Customer assumes all responsibility for the installation of these units.• Avoid potential hazards (electrical wires, waterlines, and similar building components) when drillinginto the wall.• Avoid blocking power outlets and other wall receptacles when installing the charger.• Anchoring a wall mount to a wall stud generally results in a more stable installation. If you drill intoa wall stud, do not use a screw anchor in that hole.• Anchors must be at least 12 in. (30.48 cm.) from the floor to allow for proper attachment, seating,and removal of the charger unit.SRX Battery Charger Wall Mount: Mounting the SRX Single-Bay Battery ChargerVocollect recommends storing the single-bay charger on a desktop, but it can also be mounted on a wall.Important: In order to mount the single-bay charger on a wall, the stand on the bottom of thecharger must be reversed.1. Turn the charger over and loosen the screw on the bottom of the stand.2. Flip the stand over and reinstall the screw.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyChargers | 165
3. Drill two pilot holes for wall anchors (not included). The anchors should be spaced 2.75" apart vertically.4. Install the anchors and screws (not included).5. Be sure to use both the keyhole slot and screw slot to hang the charger.SRX Battery Charger Wall Mount: Mounting the SRX 5-Bay Battery ChargerParts List:• 4 self-drilling screw anchors #8• 4 screws, #8 x 1.5 Phillips pan headYou will need:• Drill with 1/8” bit• Screw driver, #2 Phillips1. Mark the location of the anchor holes on the wall, spaced 9" apart horizontally and 2" apart vertically.Make sure that the bottom anchor holes are at least 12 inches from the floor and level.2. Drill the pilot holes for the anchors, insert anchors and screws. Leave screw heads sticking out fromthe wall.3. Insert the power supply into the back of the charger as shown. Plug the power supply into the chargerbut do not plug it into a power source until after mounting is complete.Figure 117: Power Supply Plugged into Charger4. Hang the charger on the screws by lining up the keyhole slots on the back of the charger with thescrew heads on the wall.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only166 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
SRX2 Headset Battery ChargerFigure 118: SRX2 20-Bay Headset Battery Charger• The SRX2 battery charger has 20 ports to charge up to 20 batteries at one time.• The LED indicator light on the charger front panel indicates if the charger is powered on or not.• Each battery port has LED lights that indicate battery charge status and battery health.• SRX2 headset battery chargers are designed to be placed on a desktop or mounted on a wall using aDIN rail. Customer with multiple chargers must allow the required space between wall mountedunits and must avoid stacking desktop units on top of each other.SRX2 Headset Battery Charger SpecificationsSpecifications for the 20-Bay Charger8 lbs. (3.63 kg.) with 20 batteries6.38 lbs. (2.89 kg.) without batteriesWeightApproximately 55 cm (21.65 in.)WidthApproximately 15.8 cm (6.22 in.)DepthApproximately 15.7 cm (6.18 in.)HeightPower supply input voltage: 90VAC to 264VAC, 50/60HzPower supply input current: 2A maxInputPower supply output voltage: 12VPower supply output power: 80W maxOutputLess than 40W required to charge 20 batteries from fully depleted tofully charged.Uses standard IEC 60320 plugCordConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyChargers | 167
32° to 104° F (0° to 40° C)Operating Temperature-40°F to 158°F (-40° to 70°C)Storage Temperature5% - 95% relative humidity, non-condensingHumiditySRX2 Battery Charger Wall MountThe SRX2 battery charger is ready for mounting on a standard DIN rail without any customermodifications. A DIN rail must be installed on a wall in a suitable location. Vocollect offers a DIN railsuitable for mounting a single charger, but customers may choose to purchase rails from other suppliersas long as the rails meet Vocollect specifications. Consider the following before wall mounting yourcharger.• Customer assembly required for the rail wall mount.• Customer assumes all responsibility for the installation of charger units.• Installer must verify that the installation meets all local building codes.• Avoid potential hazards (electrical wires, waterlines, and similar building components) when drillinginto the wall.• Avoid blocking power outlets and other wall receptacles when installing the rail and charger.• Anchoring a wall mount rail to a wall stud generally results in a more stable installation. If you drillinto a wall stud, do not use a screw anchor in that hole.• If you are mounting two chargers side by side, you must leave at least 1 in. (2.54 cm.) of space betweenthe two units to allow clearance for the locking arms.• Rails must be anchored to the wall at least 12 in. (30.5 cm.) from the floor to allow for properattachment, seating, and removal of the charger unit.• If you are mounting a charger directly above another charger, Vocollect recommends clearance of atleast 10 in. (25.4 cm.) between DIN rails.Figure 119: SRX2 charger - back viewDescriptionPart Number in Diagrampower supply1rubber stop for leveling charger against wall2locking arm for securing charger to DIN rail3mounting hook for hanging charger on DIN rail4USB port for charger software upgrades5Mounting the SRX2 20-Bay Battery ChargerYou will need:Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only168 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
• DIN rail, slotted steel 35 mm X 15 mm, Vocollect Part #CM-1000-20-1 or customer-supplied DIN railmeeting the following specificationsStandard DIN railDIN rail specsMinimum cutlengths forrailNumber ofchargers onrailSingle unit length 550 mm; weight331.5 g (11.6933 oz)550 mm11101 mm21652 mm3• Drill• Fasteners• Screw driver1. Install the DIN rail on the wall in the desired location. Ensure that the secure installation, supportingsurface, and mounting hardware will safely support the weight of a fully loaded charger, at 25 lbs.per linear foot (37.2 kg/m) of DIN rail. Ensure that the anchor holes are at least 12 inches (30.5 cm.)from the floor. Verify that the installation meets all local building codes.2. Important: The power supply for the charger should already be zip-tied in the back of the chargerchassis. If it is not, plug the power supply into the charger and secure it. Do not plug it into apower source until after mounting is complete.Before attaching the charger to the rail, open the locking arms on the back of the unit by rotating thetwo levers out on each side of the charger. The arms are parallel to the floor in the unlocked position.3. Attach the charger to the DIN rail by hanging the two hooks on the back of the unit on the top lip ofthe rail.Attaching the SRX2 Charger to a DIN Rail4. Slide the charger horizontally to the desired position on the rail, and rotate the locking arms into thelocked position - flush with both sides of the unit.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyChargers | 169
5. If the charger does not feel secure on the rail, adjust the rubber stops on the back of the unit byscrewing them out toward the wall.6. Plug the power supply into a power source and check the LED indicator at the bottom right of thecharger face. If the indicator light is a solid green, the charger is powered on.About LED IndicatorsVocollect Talkman devices, SRX and SRX2 headsets, and their chargers have LEDs that indicate thestate of the equipment. These LEDs may be on, off or blink. In some cases an LED will blink, alternatingbetween two colors.If the LEDs indicate that there is a problem, refer to information on troubleshooting to solve the problem.See also Troubleshooting Problems Indicated by LED.SRX2 Battery Charger LED IndicatorsThe SRX2 battery charger has an LED indicator light, located at the bottom right of the charger face,that signals the status of the charger.• Solid green LED: Charger power is on• No light: Charger power is off• Solid red LED: Charger is experiencing a power faultNote: If the charger LED indicator is red, unplug the charger power supply from the powersource, and remove all batteries. Plug the power supply into the power source again. If the LEDremains red, the charger may require repair or replacement.Charger Port IndicatorsAdditionally, each battery port has two LED indicator lights that apply to the status of the residentbattery.srx• The ring LED is a circular light that indicates the battery's charge status.• The alert LED, in the shape of an exclamation point (!), indicates that there is a battery conditionrequiring attention. When this indicator is on, the battery on that charger port may not last a fullshift. Check VoiceConsole for a specific alert message.Figure 120: Battery Port IndicatorsThe following chart describes the patterns for the battery port LED indicator lights.SRX2 Battery StatusAlert LED (BatteryHealth)Ring LED (ChargeStatus)Battery is fully chargedOffSolid GreenBattery is chargingOffSolid YellowCharging fault detectedOffBlinking RedBattery alert condition; fully chargedSolid RedSolid GreenConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only170 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
SRX2 Battery StatusAlert LED (BatteryHealth)Ring LED (ChargeStatus)Battery alert condition; chargingSolid RedSolid YellowBattery alert condition; fault detectedSolid RedBlinking RedUnknown batterySolid RedBlinking RedConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyChargers | 171
Chapter 10Bar Code Readers and PrintersSupported DevicesThe Vocollect Voice system supports the use of several styles of bar code readers, including guns, scanners,and wands. Vocollect extends support for the products listed below, but compatibility with VocollectVoice is not limited to these peripherals. Verify support for your device in the release notes for yourversion of Vocollect Voice software or contact your Vocollect sales representative.• Intermec SR30 Handheld Scanner• Intermec SR61T Tethered Industrial Handheld Scanner• Intermec SR61B Rugged Wireless Handheld Scanner• Honeywell LXE 8651 and 8652 Wearable Ring Scanners• Honeywell IS4225 Laser Scanner• Honeywell MS9535 Voyager BT Scanner• Symbol LS3408-FZ• Symbol LS3408-ER• Symbol LS4208The bar code reader procedures described in this documentation are only for instances where the VocollectVoice software manipulates a supported scanner. See the documentation provided by the bar codemanufacturer for other bar code procedures.Note: Notes:• Devices must be configured to work with bar code readers. If a device has not been configured,you must set the necessary parameters in the device's voice process software (VCF file) beforeusing a bar code reader with the device.• Talkman devices generally support only decoded bar code wands and guns.• The Intermec SF51 cordless scanner is compatible with some workarounds.• Talkman devices will support the Symbol RS 1 Ring Scanner (a non-decoded device) but onlywhen used with an external decode block.• Vocollect Voice supports bar code readers that are built into a supported handheld device. If youare prompted by the voice engine to scan a bar code, use the built-in bar code reader as the devicemanufacturer recommends. See the documentation provided by the device manufacturer.• Connect the bar code reader to the device before scanning a bar code. Bar code readers have aconnector with a blue bend relief. The connector end of the bar code reader is attached to the blueport on the device.• You can scan bar codes only when you are prompted for bar code information.Supported PrintersVocollect Voice supports the printers listed in the release notes for your version of Vocollect Voice.Vocollect extends support for the printers listed below, but compatibility with Vocollect Voice may notbe limited to these peripherals. If you are prompted by the voice engine to print, use the supportedprinter as the device manufacturer recommends. See the documentation provided by the devicemanufacturer.• Intermec PB50 Rugged Mobile Label Printer• Intermec PM4i Mid-Range Printer• Zebra QL SeriesConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only
The printer procedures described in this documentation are only for instances where the Vocollect Voicesoftware manipulates a supported printer. See the documentation provided by the printer manufacturerfor other printer procedures.Note: Devices must be configured to work with printers. If a device has not been configured, youmust set the necessary parameters in the device's voice process software (VCF file) before using aprinter with the device. Connect or pair the printer to the device before printing.Intermec SF51 Cordless ScannerFigure 121: Intermec®SF51 Cordless Scanner• Always take hold of the bar code scanner by its handle.• When not in use, the bar code scanner should be secured.• For detailed specifications for this product, visit Intermec’s website.Pairing the Intermec SF51 Scanner: Device Is the InitiatorDuring use, it is possible for the scanner to disconnect from the device if the communication link isdisrupted. When the scanner is setup so that the device initiates the connection, the device typicallyrecovers the connection automatically. When the scanner initiates the connection, it typically requiresthe press of a button to activate and recover the connection.This method of pairing is useful if a single device will always be associated with one scanner.You must have access to VoiceConsole to set up the pairing. For production use, Vocollect recommendsthat you create a specific device profile in VoiceConsole to store many of the following settings.1. View the properties of the device, and ensure that Bluetooth is enabled. If it is not enabled, click Editthis device and set Bluetooth Enabled to "enabled."2. Select the Pair this device with a peripheral option.3. For Pairing Type select "Bluetooth Scanner."4. For Connection Mode select "Device initaties connection with peripheral."5. In the Bluetooth Address enter the Bluetooth MAC address of the scanner. This 12-character IDis labeled "MAC ID" and is found on the side of the battery unit of the scanner.6. For Security select "Enabled."7. For Security Key enter four zeros "0000."8. Using VoiceConsole, locate the specific device to be paired with the scanner.9. Click Pair with peripheral to initiate pairing.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only174 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Pairing the Intermec SF51 Scanner: Scanner Is the InitiatorDuring use, it is possible for the scanner to disconnect from the device if the communication link isdisrupted. When the scanner is setup so that the device initiates the connection, the device typicallyrecovers the connection automatically. When the scanner initiates the connection, it typically requiresthe press of a button to activate and recover the connection.This method of pairing is useful if a scanner will be used with more than one device.You must have access to VoiceConsole to set up the pairing. For production use, Vocollect recommendsthat you create a specific device profile in VoiceConsole to store many of the following settings.1. Using the EasySet Tool from Intermec and the Bluetooth address of the device to be paired, generatea barcode.a) If the device does not have a barcode label, generate the FNC3 on a PC with a full keyboard andnumber pad. Hold the ALT key down and press the four-number sequence "1 0 7 9" on the numberpad. A small number 3 will appear to indicate the presence of the code. Some barcode softwarepackages have special insertion keystrokes for FNC3.b) Find the Bluetooth MAC address of the device on the rear of the device near the belt clip. Theaddress begins with "BT."2. Scan the barcode onscreen or print the barcode and scan it with the Intermec SF51 ring scanner.3. Using VoiceConsole, locate the specific device to be paired with the scanner.4. View the properties of the device, and ensure that Bluetooth is enabled. If it is not enabled, click Editthis device and set Bluetooth Enabled to "enabled."5. Select the Pair this device with a peripheral option.6. For Pairing Type select "Bluetooth Scanner."7. For Connection Mode select "Device listens for peripheral connection."The scanner is paired when its blue LED stops flashing.8. For Security select "Enabled."9. For Security Key enter four zeros "0000."10. Click Pair with peripheral to initiate pairing.11. To complete the pairing, scan the barcode created for the device in the first step.12. When finished using the device and scanner, unpair the device by scanning the following barcode toset the scanner to slave mode. See Clearing a pairing of an Intermec SF51 Cordless Scanner.Note: Performing this step ensures that the scanner does not generate spurious Bluetooth RFthat could interfere with other transmissions.Clearing a Pairing of an Intermec SF51 Cordless ScannerWhen finished using the device and scanner for the day it is advisable to unpair the device from thescanner by setting the scanner to slave mode. Performing this step assures the scanner does not generatespurious Bluetooth RF that could potentially interfere with other radio transmissions including 802.11/RFnetwork traffic.Scan the following barcode:Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyBar Code Readers and Printers | 175
Restore Factory Defaults of an Intermec SF51 Cordless ScannerScan the following barcode:Honeywell LXE 8651 Bluetooth Ring ScannerFigure 122: Honeywell LXE Ring Scanner 8651 Wearable Bluetooth Scanner• Supported with Honeywell LXE HX2 wearable devices only.• The scanner is capable of decoding 1D barcodes.• For detailed specifications for this product, visit the Honeywell website.• The Bluetooth scanner should not add any characters to the end of a barcode scan. Setting theBluetooth ring scanner to its default will ensure this behavior. Please see Honeywell LXE's BluetoothRing Scanner Guide for instructions on setting the scanner to its default.Honeywell LXE 8652 Bluetooth Ring ScannerFigure 123: Honeywell LXE 8562 Ring Scanner• All Talkman T5 Series devices support the LXE®8562 scanner.• The scanner is capable of decoding 2D barcodes.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only176 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
• Bluetooth™wireless technology is used to connect the Honeywell LXE 8652 to a device. During use,it is possible for the scanner to disconnect from the device if the communication link is disrupted.When the scanner is setup so that the device initiates the connection, the device typically recoversthe connection automatically. When the scanner initiates the connection, it typically requires thepress of a button to activate and recover the connection.• The large black unit contains the Bluetooth™radio and battery. The battery must be removed forcharging.• For detailed features and specifications of the Honeywell LXE 8652 ring scanner, please refer to themanufacturer's website.Honeywell LXE 8652 Bluetooth Ring Scanner PartsVocollect Part NumberRing Scanner PartBC-613-1Barcode Scanner, Bluetooth Ring (Honeywell LXE 8652) Kit (scannerwith Bluetooth module, battery, and two wrist straps - large and small)BC-613-101Replacement scanner without Bluetooth module (Honeywell LXE 8652)BC-613-102Replacement battery, Bluetooth Ring Scanner (Honeywell LXE 8652)BC-613-103Replacement large hand wrist strap, barcode scanner, Bluetooth Ring(Honeywell LXE 8652)BC-613-104Replacement small hand wrist strap, barcode scanner, Bluetooth Ring(Honeywell LXE 8652)BC-613-105Replacement 8-bay battery charger (Honeywell LXE 8652)BC-613-106Replacement single battery charger (Honeywell LXE 8652)BC-613-107Replacement finger strap (20 pack), barcode scanner, Bluetooth Ring(Honeywell LXE 8652)BC-613-108Replacement finger strap assembly (20 pack), barcode scanner,Bluetooth Ring (Honeywell LXE 8652)BC-613-109US power cord cableBC-613-110Euro power cord cableBC-613-111British power cord cableSetting up the Honeywell LXE 8652 ScannerThe Honeywell LXE 8652 scanner only acknowledges the first “reset” barcode with an audible tone.Subsequence barcodes used for setup are silently acknowledged as successful when the scan beamextinguishes.The scanner should be approximately 1 foot from the page with the centered red cross almost filling thebarcode for the setup scans to be successful.1. Print this page.2. Scan the following code to ensure that the scanner's parameters are set to the default settings.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyBar Code Readers and Printers | 177
Figure 124: Set Factory Defaults3. Scan the following bar code to set the reconnect timeout to OFF.Figure 125: Set Reconnect Timeout to Off4. Configure scan suffix 1 as carriage return (0x0D). Scan the following bar code to set scan suffix 1.TermChar1 (suffix 1) = 1013 = 0x0D = Carriage ReturnFigure 126: Set Scan Suffix 15. Scan the following four bar codes to enter the character information.101Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only178 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
36. Scan the following bar code to program terminating character 2 (suffix 2).TermChar2 (suffix 2) = 1010 = 0x0A = Line FeedFigure 127: Set Scan Suffix 27. Scan the following bar codes to enter the character information.101Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyBar Code Readers and Printers | 179
08. Scan the following bar code to send data then scan suffix 1 followed by scan suffix 2.Figure 128: Send Data/Scan Suffix 1 and 29. Scan the following bar code to disable the suspend timer condition.Figure 129: Disable Suspend TimerPairing the Honeywell LXE 8652 Scanner: Talkman Device Is the InitiatorDuring use, it is possible for the scanner to disconnect from the device if the communication link isdisrupted. When the scanner is setup so that the device initiates the connection, the device typicallyrecovers the connection automatically. When the scanner initiates the connection, it typically requiresthe press of a button to activate and recover the connection..This method of pairing is useful if a single Talkman T5 Series device will always be associated with onescanner.You must have access to VoiceConsole to set up the pairing. For production use, Vocollect recommendsthat you create a specific device profile in VoiceConsole to store many of the following settings.1. Print this page.2. Scan the following barcode to ensure that the Honeywell LXE®8652 scanner is ready to accept aconnection, even if it was previously paired.Caution: The scanner may not accept a connection if this barcode is not scanned.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only180 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Figure 130: Set Up Scanner as Slave3. Using VoiceConsole, locate the specific Talkman T5 device to be paired with the scanner.4. View the properties of the device, and ensure that Bluetooth is enabled. If it is not enabled, click Editthis device and set Bluetooth Enabled to "enabled."5. Select the Pair this device with a peripheral option.6. For Pairing Type select "Bluetooth Scanner."7. For Connection Mode select "Device initaties connection with peripheral."8. In the Bluetooth Adress enter the Bluetooth MAC address of the scanner. This 12-character ID islabeled "MAC ID" and is found on the side of the battery unit of the scanner.9. Click Pair with peripheral to initiate pairing.Pairing the Honeywell LXE 8652 Scanner: Scanner Is the InitiatorDuring use, it is possible for the scanner to disconnect from the device if the communication link isdisrupted. When the scanner is setup so that the device initiates the connection, the device typicallyrecovers the connection automatically. When the scanner initiates the connection, it typically requiresthe press of a button to activate and recover the connection..This method of pairing is useful if a scanner will be used with more than one Talkman T5 Series device.You must have access to VoiceConsole to set up the pairing. For production use, Vocollect recommendsthat you create a specific device profile in VoiceConsole to store many of the following settings.1. Ensure that the Talkman is labeled with a code 128 barcode. This code contains the FNC3 codefollowed by the capital letter "B" and the unique Bluetooth MAC address of the Talkman.a) If the Talkman does not have a barcode label, generate the FNC3 on a PC with a full keyboardand number pad. Hold the ALT key down and press the four-number sequence "1 0 7 9" on thenumber pad. A small number 3 will appear to indicate the presence of the code. Some barcodesoftware packages have special insertion keystrokes for FNC3.b) Find the Bluetooth MAC address of the Talkman on the rear of the device near the belt clip. Theaddress begins with "BT."2. Print this page.3. Using VoiceConsole, locate the specific Talkman T5 device to be paired with the scanner.4. View the properties of the device, and ensure that Bluetooth is enabled. If it is not enabled, click Editthis device and set Bluetooth Enabled to "enabled."5. Select the Pair this device with a peripheral option.6. For Pairing Type select "Bluetooth Scanner."7. For Connection Mode select "Device listens for peripheral connection."8. Click Pair with peripheral to initiate pairing.9. To complete the pairing, scan the barcode created for the Talkman device in first step.10. When finished using the Talkman and scanner, unpair the Talkman by scanning the following barcodeto set the scanner to slave mode.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyBar Code Readers and Printers | 181
Note: Performing this step ensures that the scanner does not generate spurious Bluetooth RFthat could interfere with other transmissions.Figure 131: Reset Scanner as SlaveNote: To pair the scanner again, rescan the Talkman code 128 barcode.Honeywell IS4225 Bar Code ReaderFigure 132: Honeywell (Metrologic) IS4225 Bar Code Reader replaces the IS4220• The small hole at the rear of the bar code reader near the cable is the speaker that the reader usesto provide a confirming "beep" when a code has been successfully read. It is not a reset button. Objectsshould not be pushed through this opening because they will damage the speaker and possibly causethe reader to malfunction. This type of damage is not considered a warranty/repair item.• For detailed specifications for this product, visit the Honeywell website.Honeywell IS4220 Bar Code Reader SpecificationsBar Code Reader Firmware Defaults• The reader transmits at 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit.• The default suffix values of Carriage Return (hex 0D) and Line Feed (hex 0A) are sent after eachscan.• A confirming ‘beep’ tone is heard after each scan.• Code scanned must be a minimum of 3 characters.• Codes UPC, EAN, Code 39, Codabar, Code 128, Code 93, Interleaved 2 of 5 are enabled.Vocollect RJ11 Connection Cable• The Vocollect RJ11 connection cable (Symbol part # 735058) is used to connect a to a device.• This connection cable has a Vocollect connector on one end (which connects to the device) and an RJ11connector on the other end. Additional Symbol parts that are needed are as follows:Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only182 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Part # RS1-I01010-00 RS1 Ring Scanner•• Part # 21-40727-01 Ring Scanner Decoder• Part # 25-37384-02 Cable from the RS 1 Ring Scanner to the decoderResetting the Honeywell IS4220 Bar Code Reader to Firmware Defaults• Print this page and scan the following from top to bottom. A confirming beep will be heard after eachscan.Figure 133: Enter Program ModeFigure 134: Recall All DefaultsFigure 135: Exit Program ModeHoneywell MS9535 Bluetooth Bar Code ReaderThe Honeywell (Metrologic) MS9535 VoyagerBT paired with Talkman A500 or T5 series devices withthe proper setup or paired with Talkman T2 series devices via the T2x Bluetooth Serial Adapter allowsoperators to perform cordless scanning with their voice-directed work.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyBar Code Readers and Printers | 183
Figure 136: Honeywell MS9535 Bluetooth Bar Code Reader and T2x Bluetooth Serial Adapter• The Vocollect A500 and T5 Series devices can pair with the Honeywell scanner, either as initiatorsor acceptors. The setup includes settings in VoiceConsole and scanning the appropriate bar codes.• Use barcode software to generate a barcode for pairing the Vocollect T2x Bluetooth Serial Adapterand Honeywell reader dynamically.• Always take hold of the bar cade reader by its handle.• Never remove the reader from a resting place by pulling on the reader's cable.• When not in use, the bar code reader should be secured.• For details, see the manufacturer's website.Honeywell MS9535 Bluetooth Bar Code Reader SpecificationsBar Code Reader Firmware Defaults• The Honeywell MS9535 must be at firmware version 10547 or newer in order to correctly operatewith the T2x Series Bluetooth Serial Adapter• The reader transmits at 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit• The default suffix values of Carriage Return (hex 0D) and Line Feed (hex 0A) are sent after each scan• Set to keep-power-on ("BarcodeKeepPowerOn" must be set in the task to maintain a consistentconnection with the Bluetooth Adapter)• Beep sequences are heard on successful connection or reconnection with the Bluetooth Adapter andwhen the scanner is out of range of the Adapter (generally, greater than 30 feet or 10 meters).• A confirming beep tone is heard after each scan• A "razz" tone and flashing white status light are generated after a scan when the scanner is notcommunicating with the Bluetooth Adapter• Code scanned must be a minimum of 3 characters• Codes UPC, EAN, Code 39, Codabar, Code 128, Code 93, Interleaved 2 of 5 are enabledVocollect Part Numbers• Part # BC-611-1 Bluetooth Scanning Kit (Honeywell MS 9535BT Scanner, charging cradle, T2xBluetooth Adapter, and carrying pouch)• Part # BC-611-102 Bar Code Scanner (Honeywell MS9535BT Scanner and charging cradle)• Part # BC-611-105 T2x Bluetooth Serial Adapter and Carrying Pouch• Part # BC-611-103 Carrying Pouch, Bluetooth Serial AdapterConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only184 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Motorola RS409 Wearable Ring ScannerFigure 137: Motorola RS409 Wearable Ring Scanner• Supported with WT4090 wearable terminals only.• Never remove the scanner from a resting place by pulling on the scanner’s cable.• When not in use, the bar code reader should be secured.• For detailed specifications for this product, see Motorola's website.Socket Cordless Ring Scanner Series 9MFigure 138: Socket®Cordless Ring Scanner Series 9M• The Cordless Ring Scanner (CRS) requires Vocollect VoiceClient 3.1 or later and is only compatiblewith Talkman A500/T5 devices. Support is not currently provided on other Vocollect hardware orsoftware versions for this product.• The documentation included with the Socket Cordless Ring Scanner (CRS) Series 9M from SocketCommunications includes utility software and references for use with the scanner and PC applications.This software is not to be used in conjunction with Talkman A500/T5 wearable computers and shouldnot be installed. References in the documentation to PC applications and control of the CRS from PCapplications should be ignored.• Other documentation from Socket Communications regarding general use, specifications, and barcodes to control scanner functions is applicable to use with Vocollect Voice®systems.• For detailed specifications and safety information, and for procedures for charging the battery andassembly, refer to Socket's CRS documentation.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyBar Code Readers and Printers | 185
Wearing a Socket CRS1. Insert the wrist unit (the large component of the CRS that contains the battery) into the protectivecase, pulling the cable through the hole at the top of the case. The case protects the CRS from damage,but its use is not required. If you do not choose to use the case, attach the two Velcro®strips directlyto the Bluetooth unit.2. Connect the free end of the cable to ring scanner.3. Attach the finger strap to the bottom of the ring scanner.4. Put on the wrist strap and adjust it so it is secure and comfortable.5. Put the ring scanner on your index finger and adjust the finger strap so it is secure and comfortable.6. Attach the wrist unit to the wrist strap by pressing the Velcro strips together.Documentation from Socket CommunicationsThe documentation included with the Socket Cordless Ring Scanner (CRS) Series 9M from SocketCommunications includes utility software and references for use with the scanner and PC applications.This software is not used in conjunction with the Talkman T5 devices and should not be installed.References in the documentation to PC applications and control of the CRS from PC applications shouldbe ignored.Other documentation from Socket Communications regarding general unit use, specifications and barcodes to control scanner functioning is applicable to use with Vocollect Voice systems.ScanningPress the trigger button and aim your finger at the bar code. The red laser beam should cover the entirewidth of the bar code. Please refer to the Socket User’s Guide for scanning tips. When data is read andsent to the mobile computing device, the laser will turn off. Depending on the scanner settings, the ringscanner’s LED may flash green to indicate a good read.Configuring a Socket CRSYou must set the following configurable parameters to the Recommended Values to support the use ofthe Socket CRS:RecommendedValueValuesDescriptionParameter600000 to 60000Sets the time (in milliseconds)VoiceClient will wait for data from theBarcodeBufferDataTimeoutperipheral device before the entire rawdata buffer is cleared.1 = enableDefault = 7500 = disableParses the barcode data for characters(<CR<, <LF<, NULL) that areincorrectly prefixed and removes themif found.BarcodeCleanPrefixedChars1 = enable1 = enable0 = disable1 = enablePrints additional lines of debug detailingthe data received from the peripheraldevice and what data is cleared if theBarcodeBufferDataTimeout is exceeded.BarcodeVerboseDebugPairing the Socket Cordless Ring Scanner with a Talkman T5During use, it is possible for the scanner to disconnect from the device if the communication link isdisrupted. When the scanner is setup so that the device initiates the connection, the device typicallyConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only186 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
recovers the connection automatically. When the scanner initiates the connection, it typically requiresthe press of a button to activate and recover the connection..The Bluetooth connection between the Socket®Cordless Ring Scanner (CRS) and a Talkman T5 ismanaged through VoiceConsole. See VoiceConsole Help for details on the use of Bluetooth with VocollectVoice systems.Note that Each CRS has a unique Bluetooth address that is clearly labeled on the underside of thewrist-worn Bluetooth transmitter and battery pack. This address is needed to associate a CRS with aT5.Because a T5 will be explicitly associated with a specific CRS via VoiceConsole, Vocollect stronglyrecommends clearly labeling the CRS wrist units to identify them with the specific T5 to which they arepaired. A clear identification and operational procedure for keeping specific scanners associated withspecific Talkman T-Series devices will be beneficial in the work environment.Connecting the CRS to the Talkman T5 DeviceThe Socket Cordless Ring Scanner, with scanner part number ending in REV D, can be paired with aT5-series device where the scanner acts as the initiator.You must have access to VoiceConsole to set up the pairing. For production use, Vocollect recommendsthat you create a specific device profile in VoiceConsole to store many of the following settings.1. In VoiceConsole, select Bluetooth scanner as the pairing type for the device you want to pair withthe scanner. For the Connection Mode, select Device listens for peripheral connection. See VoiceConsoleHelp for details.2. Create a bar code using Symbology Code 128 in the following form, where AABBCCDDEEFF is theBluetooth MAC address found on the T5: #FNIAABBCCDDEEFF#a) Bar codes can be created at a Web site such as www.barcoding.com/upc.3. Turn on the Socket CRS and the T5.4. Scan the bar code you created.The scanner beeps and begins flashing rapidly. It is now searching for the device.5. Place the scanner and device closely together to pair.The Bluetooth LED on the scanner blinks once every four seconds to indicate that the scanner anddevice have paired.Setting up for Carriage-Return (CR) and Line Feed (LF) TerminationIt is likely that the scanner will need to minimally be set to send a carriage-return (CR) and line-feed(LF) character, hexadecimal 13 and 10 respectively. Scanning each bar code from the sequence belowfrom top left to bottom right will:• Initialize the scanner to defaults (top right bar code, may be omitted if not needed)• Set Scan Suffix 1 to be a carriage return (next 5 bar codes)• Set Scan Suffix 2 to be a line feed (top right 5 bar codes)• Request scans be formatted with scanned data followed by Suffix 1 and then Suffix 2 (bottom rightbar code)Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyBar Code Readers and Printers | 187
Symbol LS4208 Bar Code ScannerFigure 139: Symbol LS4208 Bar Code Gun• Always take hold of the Symbol®bar code scanner by its handle.• Never remove the scanner from a resting place by pulling on the scanner’s cable.• When not in use, the bar code scanner should always be placed back into its holster.• For detailed specifications for this product, visit Symbol’s website.• The Symbol LS4208 bar code scanner and holster are sold separately.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only188 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Programming Symbol LS4208 Bar Code ScannersYou can program the Symbol LS4208 bar code scanner to match the default settings of a Talkman device.The default settings are:• 9600 baud• 8 data bits• No parity• 1 stop bit1. Print this page.2. Scan the following code to ensure that the scanner's parameters are set to the default settings.Figure 140: Set All Defaults3. Scan the following Scan Options bar code to change the scan data format.Figure 141: Set Scan Options to Change Data Format4. Scan the following bar code to set the scan data format to <DATA> <SUFFIX>.Figure 142: Set to Data Format to <DATA> <SUFFIX>5. Scan the following Enter bar code to complete the data format change.Figure 143: Set Data Format ChangeConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyBar Code Readers and Printers | 189
Symbol LS3408-FZ20005/LS3408-ER20005 Bar Code ScannersFigure 144: Symbol Bar Code Reader• Always take hold of the Symbol®bar code scanner by its handle.• Never remove the scanner from a resting place by pulling on the scanner’s cable.• When not in use, the bar code reader should be secured.• For detailed specifications for this product, visit Symbol’s website.• The Symbol LS3408-FZ20005 bar code reader and holster are sold separately.Programming Symbol LS3408 Bar Code ScannersYou can program the Symbol RS-1 Decoder and the Symbol LS3408-FZ2005 bar code scanner to matchthe default settings of a Talkman device.The default settings are:• 9600 baud• 8 data bits• No parity• 1 stop bit• 2 terminating characters (0x0d and 0x0a)1. Print this page.2. Scan the following code to ensure that the scanner's parameters are set to the default settings.Figure 145: Set All Defaults3. Scan the following bar code to set the RS 1 so that it does not use parity.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only190 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Figure 146: Set Parity to None (0x04)4. Scan the following bar code to set the RS 1 to send two terminating characters (suffix).Figure 147: Set to Send Two Terminating Characters--Data, Suffix1, Suffix2 (0x03)5. Scan the following bar code to program terminating character 1 (suffix 1).TermChar1 (suffix 1) = 1013 = 0x0D = Carriage ReturnFigure 148: Scan Suffix 16. Scan the following four bar codes to enter the character information.1013Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyBar Code Readers and Printers | 191
7. Scan the following bar code to program terminating character 2 (suffix 2).TermChar2 (suffix 2) = 1010 = 0x0A = Line FeedFigure 149: Scan Suffix 28. Scan the following bar codes to enter the character information.1010Symbol RS 1 Ring Scanner and Decode Block Bar Code Reader• The Symbol®RS 1 Ring Scanner is a non-decoded bar code reader that must use an external decodeblock to connect to the device.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only192 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
• The Vocollect RJ11 connection cable (Symbol part # 735058) is used to connect a Symbol RS 1 RingScanner to a device. This connection cable has a Vocollect connector on one end (which connects tothe device) and an RJ11 connector on the other end.• For detailed features and specifications of the Symbol RS 1 ring scanner, please refer to themanufacturer's website.Symbol RS 1 Ring Scanner and Decode Block Bar Code Reader SpecificationsRing Scanner Firmware Defaults• Scanner transmits at 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit• Enabled to decode: UPC/EAN, Code 128, Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5• Disabled from decode: Code 93, Discrete 2 of 5, Codabar, MSI Plessey, RSS• No prefixes & suffixes addedZebra QL 320 Plus and 420-Series Mobile PrintersFigure 152: Zebra QL 420 PlusFigure 151: Zebra QL 420Figure 150: Zebra QL 320 Plus• For detailed specifications for this product, visit Zebra’s website.Vocollect Connector Pin SpecificationsNote: Cable colors may change without notice. Please contact Vocollect with any questions regardingthis procedure.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyBar Code Readers and Printers | 193
ColorPurposePinBare WireNot used1RedPower (+5 volts)2WhiteNot used3GreenNot used4BlueReceive data (RXD)5GrayTransmit data (TXD)6OrangeNot used7BlackGround8Figure 153: Vocollect Connector Pin SpecificationsVocollect Bar Code Device Adapter•The Vocollect bar code device adapter connects compatible RS-232 bar code devices to Talkman devices.• The bar code device that is being connected to the Talkman device must meet the following criteria:• The device must support RS-232.• The device must be decoded (as opposed to undecoded).• The device must operate on five volts (+5V).• This adapter is to be used only with bar code devices that are not powered through their own RS-232connection.Vocollect Bar Code Serial Interface Cable• All equipment design and technical information contained within this document is the confidentialproperty of Vocollect, Inc. No use or disclosure thereof may be made without written permission fromVocollect, Inc.• The Vocollect bar code serial interface cable (part # BC-606-1) connects compatible bar code readersto devices.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only194 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
• The serial device that is being connected to the device must meet the following criteria: The devicemust support serial communications. The device must be decoded (as opposed to undecoded). Thedevice must operate on five volts (+5V).• For proper operation, the ground, power, and receive data connections must be made.• The transmit data (TXD) connection from the serial device must be connected to the receive data(RXD) connection of the Vocollect cable.Vocollect T2 Series Bluetooth Adapters SpecificationsThe T2x Bluetooth Serial Adapater (part number BC-611-105) replaces the T2 Series Bluetooth Adapter(part number BC-611-104). The T2 Series adapter is discontinued.Figure 154: T2x Bluetooth Serial AdapterT2x Bluetooth Serial AdapterIntegratedAntenna921,600 KB/sBaud Rate0° to 70° C (32° to 158° F)Operating Temperature20% to 75% non-condensingOperating Humidity8% to 95% non-condensingStorage Humidity3.8 feet (10m)RangeRS-232, 9 pin maleSerial COM Interface StandardBluetooth 1.1 QualifiedAEO C-TPAT WEEE RoHSComplianceEMC: CEFCC CompliantTAAConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyBar Code Readers and Printers | 195
T2x Bluetooth Serial AdapterSerial PortBluetooth ProfileLegacy T2 Series Bluetooth AdapterIntegrated Class 2 Bluetooth ModuleAntenna9600 bpsBaud Rate-20° to 85° C (-4° to 185° F)Operating Temperature5% to 95% non-condensingHumidity-40° to 95° C (-40° to 203° F)Storage TemperatureApproximately 10m (32.8 feet)RangeRS-232Serial COM Interface StandardBluetooth 1.1FCC: Part 15, Class BComplianceIndustry CanadaCD: ETC 300 328, ETC 300 826C-Tick S.182Serial PortBluetooth ProfileThe Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc., and any use of such marksby Honeywell is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.See Advanced Settings in VoiceConsole Help for task parameters for the Bluetooth Serial Adapter.Connecting Peripherals to a Talkman DeviceFor T2 Series devices, match the color on the device's connection port to the color on the connector.• Headsets: Yellow port• Bar code readers: Blue port• Visual training devices, wired portable speakers, wireless listening systems, portable printers: RedportFor A500 and T5 devices, match the color on the device's connection port to the color on the connector.• Headsets: Yellow port• All other peripherals: The port designated by red and blue trianglesNote: When you attach a peripheral to an A500 or T5-series device, the device may automaticallyshut down if the peripheral is powered on when attached to the cable. If this happens, reboot thedevice.1. Attach the cable to the device.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only196 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Figure 155: Connecting the Cable to the Talkman Device2. Make sure the peripheral is off.3. Connect the cable to the peripheral.4. Turn the peripheral on.• To connect the SL-4 light duty behind-the-head headset to a Talkman T1 device, insert the IOCconnector on the end of the headset cable into the connection port on the T1 device.• To connect the SR-21 Universal Lightweight Headset to a handheld device, insert the 2.5mmuniversal connector on the end of the headset wire into the connection port on the handheld device.Disconnecting Peripherals from a Talkman DeviceCaution: Never pull on the cable or twist the connector to disconnect it from the device. Doing sowill damage the cable and connector, and invalidate the headset's warranty.1. Grasp the connector.2. Press the connector's release lever.3. Tilt the bottom of the connector off the device.4. Lift the connector up and off the device.• To disconnect the SL-4 light industrial behind-the-head headset from a Talkman T1 device, graspthe IOC connector on the end of the headset cable and pull it out of the connection port on the T1device. Do not pull the headset wire.• To disconnect the SR-21 Universal Lightweight Headset from a handheld device, grasp the 2.5mmuniversal connector on the end of the headset wire and pull it out of the connection port. Do notpull the headset wire.About Pairing Peripheral Devices• Pairing recommendations may differ from peripheral to peripheral and configuration. Please see yourdevice and peripheral documentation.• If you are using Bluetooth, ensure that the Bluetooth radio has been turned on through the device'soperating system. Most devices have the ability to turn the Bluetooth radio on or off. For powerconsumption reasons, when Bluetooth is not in use, the Bluetooth radio should be turned off. Thisprocess differs per device. Please see your device and peripheral documentation.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyBar Code Readers and Printers | 197
• If the peripheral with which you are trying to pair does not show up on the list of devices withinrange, that peripheral may already be paired with another device. Disconnect the pairing and scanfor the desired peripheral again.• A Bluetooth scanner should beep when it pairs with a device. If you do not hear a tone, restart thehandheld device.• At the end of a shift, disconnect any active Bluetooth pairing so that the peripheral is free to pairwith another device. You can do this via VoiceConsole by in Device Management.• Pairings with additional Bluetooth peripheral devices can greatly affect the performance of pairedprinters and scanners. To improve performance, delete pairings that are not in use from the device.Note: See Vocollect VoiceConsole help for details on how to pair and manage devices usingVoiceConsole.Pairing a Bluetooth Scanner or Printer With a Honeywell LXE DeviceThis procedure is for:• MX7 Handheld Computer• HX2 Wearable Computer1. Ensure Bluetooth is enabled on the device and the scanner/printer is on.When Bluetooth is enabled on the device, the Bluetooth indicator blinks blue on the device. and theicon displays in the taskbar.2. In the Control Panel, doubletap Bluetooth.3. In the Bluetooth Devices tab of the Pairing window, tap Discover. Wait while the device scansfor Bluetooth peripherals within range.4. When the device finishes scanning, find your printer or scanner by locating it in the BluetoothDevices list5. Doubletap the name of your printer or scanner.The device properties list displays.6. Tap Pair as Scanner or Pair as Printer.Pairing a Bluetooth Printer With a Psion Device Running Windows MobileNote: Psion devices running Windows Mobile is only supported on Vocollect Voice for Handhelds1.3 and earlier.1. Ensure Bluetooth in enabled.2. On the Devices tab, tap Add new device and follow the onscreen prompts while it searches for yourBluetooth printer.3. Ensure the printer's COM port number matches the COM port number of the task package inVoiceConsole.4. Apply the PrinterPort advanced setting to your task, with the port number equal to BSPxor COMx,where xis the number of the printer's COM port.5. Load the updated task onto your device.Pairing a Bluetooth Scanner or Printer With a Psion Device Running Windows CEThis procedure is for:• WORKABOUT Pro®Speech™3 (7527) devices running Vocollect Voice 1.2 for Psion®WORKABOUTPro®7527 or newerConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only198 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
•WORKABOUT Pro®Speech™G2 (7527) devices running Vocollect Voice 1.3 for Psion®WORKABOUTPro®Speech 3, WORKABOUT Pro Speech G2 and NEO• NEO™devices running Vocollect VoiceClient 1.3. for Psion®WORKABOUT Pro®Speech 3,WORKABOUT Pro Speech G2 and NEO1. In the Control Panel, open Power.2. In the Built-in Devices tab of the Power Properties window, activate the Enable Bluetoothcheck box.3. Tap OK.When Bluetooth is enabled, the icon displays in the taskbar.4. In the Control Panel, open Bluetooth.5. In the Device tab of the Bluetooth window, tap Scan. Wait while the device scans for Bluetoothperipherals within range.6. When the device finishes scanning, find your printer or scanner by locating its Bluetooth address inthe Address list7. Tap the name of your printer or scanner.8. Tap Pair.The Services window opens.Note: If an authentication window displays and the peripheral does not require a passcode, tapNext.9. Activate the Serial Port check box.The Serial Profile window opens.10. Ensure Encryption is set to Disabled.11. If you are pairing a printer, select Printer from the Mode drop-down list. If you are pairing a scanner,select Scanner from the Mode drop-down list.12. Select the first BSP port available in the Port drop-down list.13. Tap Next.The Services window opens displaying the peripheral and the port.14. Tap Done.15. Tap OK.16. Ensure the printer or scanner's BSP port number matches the BSP port number of the task packagein VoiceConsole.17. Apply either the BarcodePort or PrinterPort advanced setting to your task, with the port numberequal to BSPx, where xis the number of the printer or scanner's BSP port.18. Load the updated task onto your device.Pairing a Bluetooth Scanner or Printer With a Psion WORKABOUT PRO G2 Device RunningWindows CEThis procedure is for WORKABOUT Pro Speech™G2 (7527) devices running Vocollect VoiceClient 1.2for Psion WORKABOUT PRO 7527.1. Open Wireless Manager.2. Activate the Enable Bluetooth check box.3. Tap OK.When Bluetooth is enabled, the icon displays in the taskbar.4. In the Control Panel, open Bluetooth Devices.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyBar Code Readers and Printers | 199
5. On the Properties tab, change the Port Prefix to BSP.6. In the Devices tab of the Bluetooth Manager window, tap Scan. Wait while the device scans forBluetooth peripherals within range.7. When the device finishes scanning, find your printer or scanner by locating its Bluetooth address inthe Address list.8. Tap the name of your printer or scanner.9. Tap Services.10. Double-click the type of peripheral (printer or scanner) that you want to pair.11. Select Active from the popup box.The corresponding BSP port appears under the Port column.12. Ensure the printer or scanner's BSP port number matches the BSP port number of the task packagein VoiceConsole.13. Apply either the BarcodePort or PrinterPort advanced setting to your task, with the port numberequal to BSPx, where xis the number of the printer or scanner's BSP port.14. Load the updated task onto your device.Pairing a Bluetooth Scanner With an Intermec CK3 or 70-Series Device Using Search1. Make sure the scanner is on and is discoverable. See the scanner’s documentation for more information.2. On the Intermec device, tap Start >Settings.3. On the System tab of the Settings screen, tap Wireless Scanning.4. On the Wireless Scanner screen, tap Add Device.5. Select if want to search for all available Bluetooth scanners, and tap Next.The device searches for all Bluetooth devices within range to which it can be paired. Once the searchhas completed, the device displays the Bluetooth devices found.If you do not see the scanner you want to pair within the list, deselect the Scanners Only checkbox.If the scanner is still not available within the list, ensure the scanner is on and is discoverable, andtap Search.6. Select the scanner from the Devices list.7. Under Connection Method, select Data Collection if you are pairing with an Intermec device orselect Serial Port if you are pairing with a different type of scanner.8. Tap Next.9. If you selected Serial Port, select the serial port you want to use for the scanner, and tap Next.Note: It is important you remember the serial port you select. After you finish setting up thescanner, you must edit or enter the value of the BarcodePort advanced setting with this serialport.10. Tap Finish.If you selected Data Collection, the scanner pairs with the Intermec device. If you selected SerialPort, the scanner does not pair with the Intermec device until you complete the next step.11. If you selected Serial Port as the connection method for the scanner, you must now enter or edit thevalue of the BarcodePort advanced setting to equal the serial port you assigned to the scanner, forexample: BarcodePort=BSP3.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only200 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Pairing a Bluetooth Scanner With an Intermec CK3 or 70-Series Device Using QuickConnectNote: The following processes assume use of the Intermec device as the initiator. If you would liketo configure your scanner to be the initiator of the pairing, see the scanner’s documentation for moreinformation. If you pair the scanner with the scanner as the initiator and assign the scanner to aserial port, you must enter or edit the value of the BarcodePort advanced setting to equal the serialport after you pair for the scanner and Intermec device to be properly paired.1. Make sure the scanner is on and is discoverable. See the scanner’s documentation for more information.2. On the Intermec device, tap Start >Settings.3. On the System tab of the Settings screen, tap Wireless Scanning.4. On the Wireless Scanner screen, tap Add Device.5. Select if you are pairing an Intermec scanner, and tap Next.6. Scan the barcode that appears on the screen with the Intermec scanner.A Bluetooth dialog box opens.7. In the Bluetooth dialog box, tap Yes to add the scanner to the list of devices paired with the Intermecdevice.8. If prompted, enter the passcode for the scanner, and tap Next.9. Tap Finish.The scanner pairs with the Intermec device.Pairing a Bluetooth Scanner With an Intermec CK3 or 70-Series Device Manually1. Make sure the scanner is on and is discoverable. See the scanner’s documentation for more information.2. On the Intermec device, tap Start >Settings.3. On the System tab of the Settings screen, tap Wireless Scanning.4. On the Wireless Scanner screen, tap Add Device.5. Tap Next.6. Enter the scanner’s Bluetooth address.7. If you selected Serial Port, select the serial port you want to use for the scanner, and tap Next.8. Under Connection Method, select Data Collection if you are pairing with an Intermec device orselect Serial Port if you are pairing with a different type of scanner.9. Tap Next.10. If you selected Serial Port, select the serial port you want to use for the scanner, and tap Next.Note: It is important you remember the serial port you select. After you finish setting up thescanner, you must edit or enter the value of the BarcodePort advanced setting with this serialport.11. Tap Finish.If you selected Data Collection, the scanner pairs with the Intermec device. If you selected SerialPort, the scanner does not pair with the Intermec device until you complete the next step.12. If you selected Serial Port as the connection method for the scanner, you must now enter or edit thevalue of the BarcodePort advanced setting to equal the serial port you assigned to the scanner, forexample: BarcodePort=BSP3.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyBar Code Readers and Printers | 201
Configuring an Intermec Device for Bar Code Reader Input to Vocollect VoiceHow to configure an Intermec handheld device so that Vocollect Voice can accept input from an externalbar code reader.These steps must be performed after pairing an Intermec device to a bar code reader.1. On the Intermec device, tap Start >Settings.2. On the System tab of the Settings screen, tap Intermec Settings.3. On the Intermec Settings screen, tap Data Collection.The scanner's name will appear on the Data Collection screen.4. Select the scanner.A list of available settings will appear.5. Select Scanner Settings.6. Activate the Hardware Trigger check box.7. Tap OK.Vocollect Voice will now allow input from the external scanner you are using.AccessoriesVocollect offers a variety of accessories for wearing, protecting, and facilitating the operations of Talkmanand other handheld devices.Inline Adapter Cables: Talkman Devices and Handheld DevicesMost inline adapter cables are made for a specific handheld device, so be sure to use the correct adapterfor your device.A device-specific inline adapter training cable, also referred to as a "Y" or splitter cable, must be usedwith third-party handheld devices in order to connect both a Vocollect headset and listening system tothe device.Inline adapter training cables must only be used with listening systems approved by Vocollect.Figure 157: Training Cable (TR-603-102) for Talkman, WiredScanner, and Listening KitFigure 156: Training Cable (AD-300-1) for Handheld Device,Headset and Listening KitConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only202 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Figure 159: Honeywell LXE HX2 Training CableFigure 158: Honeywell LXE MX7 Headset CableFigure 161: Motorola WT4090 Headset CableFigure 160: Honeywell LXE HX2 Headset CableConnecting an Inline Adapter Cable to a Handheld Device1. Connect your Vocollect SR-Series headset's connector to the matching end of the adapter cable.2. Connect the other end of the adapter cable to the appropriate port on your handheld device.Connecting Inline Adapter Training Cables1. Connect your Vocollect SR-Series headset's connector to the matching end of the training adaptercable.2. Connect the 3.5 mm jack on the training cable to the input jack on your listening device.3. Connect the other end of the training cable to the appropriate port on your handheld device.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyBar Code Readers and Printers | 203
Figure 162: Typical Training Cable SetupPart Number Index: CablesPart Numbers for ordering cablesVocollect Part NumberCableBC-604-203Short “Y” cable.Offers two connections, an RS232 DB9, and an unterminated connectionthat provides ground on the black wire and +5V on the red.Useful to connect a scanner which has a DB9 connection and requires power.BC-606-1Straight cable48” (1.2m)unterminated*BC-606-2Straight cable48” (1.2m)Terminated with RJ11Pin 2 (Tx), 3 (Rx), 4 (Ground)• pins numbered looking at male connector with connector lock on top• pin #1 is leftmostBC-606-3Coiled cable48” (1.2m)unterminated*BC-606-6Coiled cable79” (2m)~48” (1.2m) uncoiledunterminated*BC-606-7Cable, Zebra QL series Printer36” (.9m)BC-610-101Cable, Symbol Gun Barcode ReaderConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only204 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Vocollect Part NumberCable58” (1.5m) coiled)Terminated with RJ45Pin 2 (5v), 3 (Ground), 4 (Rx)• pins numbered looking at male connector with connector lock on top• pin #1 is leftmost*Unterminated cables use wires red (5V), blue (Rx), grey (Tx) and black (ground). All other wires arenot used.Part Numbers: Bar Code Readers and Other DevicesPart Numbers for ordering bar code readers and bar code reader accessoriesVocollect Part NumberDevice or AccessoryBC-604-203Bar Code Device AdapterBC-610-1Symbol LS3408-FZ20005 Bar Code ReaderBC-610-2Extended Range Scanner (Symbol LS3408-ER2005)BC-609-1Honeywell (Metrologic) IS4220 Bar Code ReaderBC-609-1*Honeywell Glove Scanner (Metrologic®IS4220)BC-609-101Replacement glove for Honeywell (Metrologic) IS4220xBC-610-3Symbol LS4208 Bar Code GunBC-604-204Belt holster for gun scannersBC-610-101Cable for BC-610-xBC-611-1Bluetooth Scanning Kit (Honeywell MS 9535BT Scanner, chargingcradle, T2x Bluetooth Adapter, and carrying pouch)BC-611-102Honeywell (Metrologic) MS9535 Voyager BT scanner & chargerBC-611-105T2x Bluetooth Serial Adapter and carrying pouchBC-611-103Carrying pouch for T2x Bluetooth Serial AdapterBC-606-1Serial Interface CableBC-606-2RJ11 Connection CableBC-613-1Barcode Scanner, Bluetooth™Ring (Honeywell LXE 8652) Kit (Ringscanner, battery, 2 wrist straps)BC-613-101Replacement Scanner, without Bluetooth™module (Honeywell LXE8652)BC-613-102Replacement Battery, Bluetooth™Ring Scanner (Honeywell LXE 8652)BC-613-103Replacement Large Hand Wrist Strap, Barcode Scanner, Bluetooth™Ring (Honeywell LXE 8652)Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyBar Code Readers and Printers | 205
Vocollect Part NumberDevice or AccessoryBC-613-104Replacement Small Hand Wrist Strap, Barcode Scanner, Bluetooth™Ring (Honeywell LXE 8652)BC-613-105Replacement 8 Bay Battery Charger (Honeywell LXE 8652)BC-613-106Replacement Single Bay Battery Charger (Honeywell LXE 8652)BC-613-107Replacement Finger Strap (20 Pack), Barcode Scanner, Bluetooth™Ring (Honeywell LXE 8652)BC-613-108Replacement Finger Strap Assembly (20 Pack), Barcode Scanner,Bluetooth™Ring (Honeywell LXE 8652)BC-613-109US Power Cord CableBC-613-110Euro Power Cord CableBC-613-111British Power Cord CableDSP-100Pidion BM-170 Display850-569-001Snap-on Adapter, Vocollect, Intermec 70 Series850-819-001CK3 Cnap-on Audio Adpater for Vocollect headsets (AA22)TM-CCK3-VP-KTTaylor Made CK3 Voice/Speech Holster Kit (includes adjustable belt,adjustable belt strap, and adjustable leg strap - compatible with allsnap-on audio adapters)TM-CCK71-VP-KTTaylor Made CK71 Voice/Speech Holster Kit (includes adjustable belt,adjustable belt strap, and adjustable leg strap - compatible withIntermec 70 Series snap-on audio adapters)TM-CCN70-VP-KTTaylor Made CN70 Voice/Speech Holster Kit (includes adjustable backsnap web belt - compatible with Intermec 70 Series snap-on audioadapters)HH-S2626 oz. Belt Retractor*BC-609-1 may be purchased directly form Honeywell as part number MK4220-301/VOC.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only206 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Chapter 11Vocollect Voice on Handheld DevicesVocollect Voice extends the value of voice to users who perform multiple operations with handhelddevices. By installing Vocollect Voice on handheld display devices and scanners, you can take advantageof the efficiency and ease of voice dialogs, Vocollect Adaptive Speech Recognition™, noise cancelation,and multiple language support.Adaptive Speech Recognition means that as the worker uses the system over time, Vocollect's speechrecognizer uses samples of his or her speech in different environments, at different volumes, and withdifferent inflections to update the worker's voice templates. As the recognizer accounts for changes inspeaking patterns, voice recognition improves and system performance improves.Note that in order for adaptive voice recognition to work, the provider of your Vocollect Voice systemmust include special recognizer hints called response expressions when developing the application.Installing Vocollect VoiceBefore installing:• If using an Intermec device, prepare the device for the installation of Vocollect Voice by installingthe following operating system and device configurations in this order before you install VocollectVoice. The software needed for these steps is available on Intermec's web site.1. Install the Microsoft operating system.For 70-series devices:For CK3 devices:Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5 Classic (CEOS 5.2.29040 (Build 29040.5.3.12)) Firmwareversion Mobile 6.1 Classic (CE OS 5.2.20758(Build 20758.1.4.1))2. Install the latest SmartSystems Platform Bundle.For 70-series devices:For CK3 devices:Included with the operating systemrevision CK3_WM6_6.20.33.04703. Install needed patches. These patches can also be found on your software installation DVD. Thepatches are necessary for proper speech/audio performance.For 70-series devices:For CK3 devices:SR12041700_AUD_WM65_ALL.cab (audio),SR12031601_802T_Cx70WM65_ALL.cab andSR11042050_AUD_CK3WM61_ALL.cab (audio)and SR11052600_DCL_CK3WM61_ALL.cab(data collection) SR12032200_FUNK_Cx70WM65_ALL.cab (radiodrivers)• Ensure the device is properly connected to your RF network• Ensure any previous versions of Vocollect Voice applications have been uninstalled from the deviceConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only
•Ensure a supported version of Vocollect VoiceConsole is installed. See the VoiceConsole ImplementationGuide for information on installing VoiceConsole.• Ensure a supported version of Microsoft®ActiveSync®or Microsoft Windows®Mobile Device Centeris installedNote: ActiveSync and Windows Mobile Device Center (For devices using Windows 7) are theonly supported synchronization tools for use with Vocollect Voice, but a procedure for usinganother synchronization tool is available in the release notes for your version of Vocollect Voice.•Ensure the device is in the cradle and connected to the computer that you are using to install VocollectVoiceNote: Vocollect recommends that you connect the cradle for the handheld device to the computerthat you are using to install these applications with a USB connector and then cradle the devicefor best results.• Ensure there is approximately 40 Mb of available disk space on the device.• Ensure you have a list of the languages to be supported at your site.Installing Vocollect Voice 2.0 and later1. Create an appropriately named folder, either on your desktop or in a location that is easy to access.2. Place the Vocollect Voice DVD into your DVD drive and open its folder.3. Select all files (executables, .cab, .ddf, and .vrg files) and copy them to the folder you created.4. Open the folder you created, and find the .cab file.5. Drag the .cab file onto the executable VocollectVoiceInstaller.exe. The Installing Applications dialogbox appears, asking whether to install Vocollect Voice using the default application install directory.6. In the Installing Applications dialog box, click Yes to install Vocollect VoiceClient to the defaultlocation.You must accept the default location.Installation begins, and a status bar tracks progress. When installation is finished, the ApplicationDownloading Completed dialog box displays, and a progress indicator displays on the device screen.7. Click OK in the Application Downloading Completed dialog box.If installation fails, check the amount of memory available in the handheld device flash memory.Voice installation for most handheld devices requires a minimum of 20 Mb flash and 20 Mb RAMmemory. Installation of the full VoiceClient application on a device running Windows Mobile requiresa minimum of 40 Mb flash.8. In VoiceConsole, create a device profile with the VoiceConsole URL.9. Export the profile from VoiceConsole to a location that is easy to remember and easy to access (forexample, the desktop or a folder you have created).10. Open the folder you created originally and drag the device profile onto the appropriate executablefile. The Installing Applications dialog box displays.11. Click Yes or OK.The executable loads the device profile onto the handheld device. When finished, the ApplicationDownloading Complete dialog box displays.12. Click OK.The English version of Vocollect Voice is installed.13. If languages other than English is used at your site, see "Setting the Default Voice on the Device."Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only208 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Installing Vocollect Voice 1.3 and earlier1. Create an appropriately named folder, either on your desktop or in a location that is easy to access.2. Place the Vocollect Voice DVD into your DVD drive and open its folder.3. Select all files (executables, .cab, .ddf, and .vrg files) and copy them to the folder you created.4. Open the folder you created, and find the .cab files for the languages at your site in the list of filesthat displays.5. Drag the appropriate .cab files (for example, XXXXXXX_VVoiceCabInstall_en_US.CAB ) onto theexecutable VocollectVoiceInstaller.exe.The Installing Applications dialog box appears, asking whether to install Vocollect Voice using thedefault application install directory.6. In the Installing Applications dialog box, click Yes to install Vocollect VoiceClient to the defaultlocation.You must accept the default location.Installation begins, and a status bar tracks progress. When installation is finished, the ApplicationDownloading Completed dialog box displays, and a progress indicator displays on the device screen.7. Click OK in the Application Downloading Completed dialog box.If installation fails, check the amount of memory available in the handheld device flash memory.Voice installation for most handheld devices requires a minimum of 20 Mb flash and 20 Mb RAMmemory. Installation of the full VoiceClient application on a device running Windows Mobile requiresa minimum of 40 Mb flash.8. In VoiceConsole, create a device profile with the VoiceConsole URL.9. Export the profile from VoiceConsole to a location that is easy to remember and easy to access (forexample, the desktop or a folder you have created).10. Open the folder you created originally and drag the device profile onto the appropriate executablefile. The Installing Applications dialog box displays.11. Click Yes or OK.The executable loads the device profile onto the handheld device. When finished, the ApplicationDownloading Complete dialog box displays.12. Click OK.Installing Vocollect Voice on Additional DevicesThese steps assume Vocollect Voice has been installed on a single device using the installation procedure.1. Remove the first device from the cradle and cradle the second device.2. Open Microsoft ActiveSync.3. Select Tools >Add/Remove Programs to open the CE Application Manager window.Note: For PTX devices using Windows 7, in Windows Mobile Device Center, select Programsand Services | more, then select Add/Remove Programs to open the CE Application Managerwindow.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyVocollect Voice on Handheld Devices | 209
Figure 163: CE Application Manager Window4. Check both the Vocollect configvrg and Vocollect Voice checkboxes. Be sure the Install programinto the default installation folder checkbox is checked.5. Click OK.Repeat these steps for each device onto which you want to install Vocollect Voice.Installing Vocollect Voice 1.3 and Later Using Other Synchronization SoftwareNote: This process is required only for initial configuration. Modifications to the device profile canbe downloaded using VoiceConsole when a device is connected to the VoiceConsole application.1. Create an appropriately named folder, either on your desktop or in a location that is easy to access.2. Place the Vocollect Voice DVD into your DVD drive and open its folder.3. Select all files (executables, .cab, .ddf, and .vrg files) and copy them to the folder you created.4. Open the folder that you created, that contains the .cab file and executables.5. Use the synchronization tool to place the .cab file onto the handheld device and extract it.6. Place the config.vrg into the appropriate folder:DirectoryDevice\Flash Disk\Psion devices running Windows CE\Storage\Psion devices running Windows Mobile (VVH 1.3 andearlier)\System\VocollectVoice\Honeywell LXEConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only210 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
DirectoryDevice\Application\VocollectVoice\Motorola\Vocollect\VocollectVoice\Intermec7. In VoiceConsole, create a device profile with the VoiceConsole URL.8. Export the profile from VoiceConsole to a location that is easy to access. VoiceConsole automaticallyassigns a .vrg extension to the exported device profile.9. Browse to the location to which you exported the device profile.10. Rename the file config.vrg.Note: The device profile you created in VoiceConsole will be retained in VoiceConsole with itsoriginal name.11. Place the config.vrg file into the appropriate directory on your device.12. Restart the voice application for the new device profile to be detected and used.Installing Vocollect Voice Using Other Synchronization SoftwareNote: This process is required only for initial configuration. Modifications to the device profile canbe downloaded using VoiceConsole when a device is connected to the VoiceConsole application.1. Create an appropriately named folder, either on your desktop or in a location that is easy to access.2. Place the Vocollect Voice DVD into your DVD drive and open its folder.3. Select all files (executables, .cab, .ddf, and .vrg files) and copy them to the folder you created.4. Open the folder that you created, that contains the .cab files and executables, and find the .cab filefor your locale (for example, XXXXXXXX_VVoiceCabInstall_en_US.CAB).5. Use the synchronization tool to place the .cab file onto the handheld device and extract it.6. Place the config.vrg into the appropriate folder:DirectoryDevice\Flash Disk\Psion devices running Windows CE\Storage\Psion devices running Windows Mobile (VVH 1.3 andearlier)\System\VocollectVoice\Honeywell LXE\Application\VocollectVoice\Motorola\Vocollect\VocollectVoice\Intermec7. In VoiceConsole, create a device profile with the VoiceConsole URL.8. Export the profile from VoiceConsole to a location that is easy to access. VoiceConsole automaticallyassigns a .vrg extension to the exported device profile.9. Browse to the location to which you exported the device profile.10. Rename the file config.vrg.Note: The device profile you created in VoiceConsole will be retained in VoiceConsole with itsoriginal name.11. Place the config.vrg file into the appropriate directory on your device.12. Restart the voice application for the new device profile to be detected and used.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyVocollect Voice on Handheld Devices | 211
Updating Configuration Files Using VoiceConsole1. Place the device into maintenance mode by either placing it in a cradle or selecting MaintenanceMode in the Tools menu.2. Select or create the device profile in VoiceConsole.3. Follow the procedures in VoiceConsole for loading the profile.4. Reload any previously loaded Vocollect VoiceApplication and operator files.Updating Configuration Files Using ActiveSync1. In VoiceConsole, create a device profile with the VoiceConsole URL.2. Export the profile from VoiceConsole to a location that is easy to remember and easy to access.3. Open the Vocollect Voice DVD.4. Place the config.vrg file into the appropriate directory on your device.5. Drag the device profile (profilename.vrg) onto the appropriate executable.The executable loads the config.vrg file onto the handheld device.Updating Configuration Files Using Other Synchronization Tools1. In VoiceConsole, create a device profile with the VoiceConsole URL.2. Export the profile from VoiceConsole to a location that is easy to remember and easy to access.3. Browse to the location to where you exporting the device profile.4. Rename the file config.vrg.5. Use the synchronization tool to place the config.vrg file you created into the appropriate directory onyour device. See Installing Vocollect Voice 2.0 and Later Using Other Synchronization Software fora table of devices and directories.Setting the Default Voice on the DeviceThe English voice (en_US_1) is installed on the device when you install this version of Vocollect Voice.If operators require a different voice, you must add the specific voice module(s) to the device.1. After installing Vocollect Voice, ensure the device has enough space in flash memory to accommodatethe voice(s) you want to install by comparing the free space in flash to the size of the voice(s).2. Place the folder containing the voice module you want accessible (located on the Vocollect Voice DVD)on the device in a folder in the flash memory. Note: Some voices may not be supported on your device.Please see the release notes for your version of Vocollect Voice for a list of supported voices.Note: Voice module folders must be kept in a location other than the Vocollect Voice directoryto prevent a failure when changing voices on the device.Note: The voice module(s) must be placed in a folder in flash. Do not put the folder in RAM. Ifplaced in RAM, the voice modules will be gone on the next device reboot.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only212 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Voice Module FolderLanguage and Voice Numberen_US_1English (United States) 1en_US_6English (United States) 6nl_BE_1Dutch (Belgium) 1nl_BE_3Dutch (Belgium) 3nl_BE_6Dutch (Belgium) 6pt_BR_3Portuguese (Brazil) 3pt_BR_6Portuguese (Brazil) 6en_GB_2English (Great Britain) 2en_GB_3English (Great Britain) 3en_GB_6English (Great Britain) 6fr_CA_2French (Canada) 2fr_CA_6French (Canada) 6cs_CZ_3Czech (Czech Republic) 3cs_CZ_6Czech (Czech Republic) 6da_DK_3Danish (Denmark) 3da_DK_6Danish (Denmark) 6fi_FI_2Finnish (Finland) 2fi_FI_6Finnish (Finland) 6fr_FR_1French (France) 1fr_FR_3fFrench (France) 3ffr_FR_3mFrench (France) 3mfr_FR_6French (France) 6de_DE_1German (Germany) 1de_DE_6German (Germany) 6el_GR_3Greek (Greece) 3el_GR_6Greek (Greece) 6hu_HU_6Hungarian (Hungary) 6it_IT_2Italian (Italy) 2it_IT_6Italian (Italy) 6es_MX_2Spanish (Mexico) 2es_MX_6Spanish (Mexico) 6nl_NL_3Dutch (Netherlands) 3nl_NL_6Dutch (Netherlands) 6no_NO_3Norwegian (Norway) 3Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyVocollect Voice on Handheld Devices | 213
Voice Module FolderLanguage and Voice Numberno_NO_6Norwegian (Norway) 6pl_PL_3Polish (Poland) 3pl_PL_6Polish (Poland) 6pt_PT_3Portuguese (Portugal) 3pt_PT_6Portuguese (Portugal) 6ro_RO_6Romanian (Romania) 6ru_RU_3Russian (Russia) 3ru_RU_6Russian (Russia) 6sk_SK_6Slovak (Slovakia) 6es_ES_1Spanish (Spain) 1es_ES_6Spanish (Spain) 6sv_SE_1Swedish (Sweden)1sv_SE_3Swedish (Sweden) 3sv_SE_6Swedish (Sweden) 6tr_TR_6Turkish (Turkey) 63. Place the following parameters under the[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Vocollect\CONFIG_PARAMS\DIAG_FILE] registry setting in theconfig.vrg file:• "VVHModuleLocation"="path to folder you created in step 2"• "defaultVoice"="voice name language code"Upon startup, Vocollect Voice searches the folder for voice modules and begins with the specifiedvoice. See VoiceConsole Online Help or Release Notes for Vocollect Voice for your device for moreinformation on these parameters.Note: If the default voice on the device needs to be changed, repeat this process but with thenew voice name language code set in the defaultVoice parameter.Starting Vocollect VoiceBefore you turn the voice engine on, make sure that there is a charged battery connected to the deviceand that you have put on a properly connected headset.Note: For Intermec devices only: To create more available memory, Vocollect recommendsclosing or uninstalling applications that are not in use prior to running Vocollect Voice on Intermecdevices. The following programs must remain on Intermec CK3 devices to run Vocollect Voice, butthese programs are not required for Intermec 70-Series devices:• Data Collection and Intermec Settings• Bluetooth (only when Bluetooth devices are in use)• IDLRuntime• Power ProfilerConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only214 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
• Additional Files (Intermec specific files)See the device's documentation for information on how to uninstall or remove programs from the device.Note: For Intermec devices, the application will not appear in the Start menu upon installation.The first time you launch the application, browse to Start >Programs , and select the VocollectVoice application. The application will now appear in the Start menu.1. Tap Start on the device screen's main menu.The Vocollect Voice window displays.2. On the drop-down menu, tap the Vocollect Voice symbol .The Vocollect Voice version number and your device ID display beneath the logo.3. Tap the play/pause button on the device screen.The voice engine says "Current operator is Operator Name. Please keep quiet for a few seconds." Aftera pause, the voice engine says "Please say zero" to initiate the noise sample.4. Complete the noise sample.After a brief pause, the voice engine says "Please wait." After another pause, the voice engine beginsasking questions or providing instructions according to your site's installation.Exiting Vocollect Voice1. Tap Tools >Exit or Start >Exit on the device screen.A message displays, asking if you wish to exit the application.2. Tap Yes to exit the application.Caution: You must exit the voice application before you change the battery (if necessary) or youwill lose the data that you have collected. Do not remove the battery until the status indicator isoff. Tap No to return to the voice application.Note: You should not exit Vocollect Voice if the status indicator is blinking red, unless it hasbeen blinking red for several minutes. If a device is turned off when the status indicator is blinkingred, the voice engine may not be ready to use when it is turned back on.Template Conversion ToolThis is a tool for converting templates created for use on Vocollect hardware (T-Series devices) intotemplates for use on handheld devices. To convert templates, you must edit specific variables in thebatch file, and then run the batch file to perform the conversion, by performing the following steps:1. Locate and open the ConvertTxTemplates folder on your Vocollect Voice DVD. You must have thisfolder and its files in the same directory or path of your version of Java.2. Right-click on the file _ConvertTxTemplatesForIntermec.bat in the folder, and select to open thefile in a text editor.3. Enter details specific to your instance of VoiceConsole in the fields mentioned below. Specify thesedetails in the first instance of these fields in the batch file, which is directly below the comment"Specify the host name (or IP address) of the VoiceConsole installation and the port through whichit can be accessed."Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyVocollect Voice on Handheld Devices | 215
•set VC_HOST_NAME_OR_IP: Specifies the host computer on which VoiceConsole is running.The VoiceConsole host computer name appears in the VoiceConsole address bar at the beginningof the URL. Example: http://EXAMPLE_HOST_NAME:9080/VoiceConsole/•set VC_PORTNUM: Port on which VoiceConsole is listening.•set VC_USERNAME: Username required to log into VoiceConsole.•set VC_PASSWORD: Password required to log into VoiceConsole.•If the site name is not Default, change rem set VC_SITENAME=--sitename Default to setVC_SITENAME=--sitename.4. Specify the operators.a) If using VoiceConsole 2.4 or earlier, specify the range of operator primary keys (PK) that shouldbe imported to convert. To find the PK for an operator, go to the Operator View in VoiceConsole,and click on the operator. The PK appears in the address bar at the end of the URL.Example: If using VoiceConsole 3.0 or later, specify the range of operator ids that should be imported toconvert. To find the operator id for an operator, go to the View Operator page in VoiceConsole forthe operator. The operator id appears in the address bar at the end of the URL.Example: Enter details in the following fields:•set MIN_OPER_PK: Identifies the minimum operator PK/operator id to be converted.•set MAX_OPER_PK: Identifies the maximum operator PK/operator id to be converted.Note: If only converting one operator, you must specify the same value for minimum andmaximum.5. Save your work.6. Close the text editor.7. Run the file _ConvertTxTemplates.bat.Your templates convert and are ready for use.8. To confirm templates have been converted, select to manage the operator's templates in VoiceConsole.If the conversion was successful, there will be two sets of templates, each with a different version,for the operator's template you converted.Loading an Operator's Templates onto a Handheld DeviceYou need a device with a charged battery, headset, and any other equipment (belt, bar code reader) youare going to use. You must be within radio range. Make sure the device is on or sleeping. The LEDindicator should be either solid green or blinking green (A500, T5-series and T2-series) or solid green(T1).1. On the device screen, tap the operator button.The voice engine says "Current operator is operator name. Select menu item."2. Tap the + button or — button until the voice engine says, "Change operator." Then, press the operatorbutton.The voice engine says "Please wait." It may take a few moments for the voice engine to retrieve a listof operators and teams.3. Wait for the voice engine to say. "Select team."• If the voice engine says " . . . Change operator ," skip to step 6.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only216 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
4. Tap the + button or — button to scroll through the list of operator teams until you hear the name ofa team to which you belong.5. Tap the operator button.The voice engine says, "Please wait." It may take a few moments for the voice engine to retrieve alist of operators who belong to the selected team. The voice engine then says, "Current operator isoperator name. Select new operator."6. Tap the + button or — button to scroll through the list of available operator names until you hearyour name.• If you do not hear your name, tap the yellow play/pause button to cancel this operation and startover from step 2. When selecting a team in step 3, choose the "All Operators" team.• Consult with your supervisor if you are not listed in the "All Operators" team.7. Tap the operator button.The voice engine says, "Loading operator." The voice engine then loads your templates. While yourtemplates are loading, you will hear a beep periodically and the status indicator on the device screenwill blink red. Once it has loaded your templates, the voice engine says, "Current operator is operatorname. Good night" and goes to sleep.8. Tap the yellow play/pause button on the device screen to restart the voice engine and to begin work.Changing the Voice on a Handheld DeviceA device can store several voices, depending on the memory available on the device. By selecting a newvoice module, operators can change the voice language or voice quality that is spoken by the devicewithout having to ActiveSync, without contacting VoiceConsole, and without reinstalling Vocollect Voice.This feature is helpful for multilingual sites and for sites whose operators prefer different soundingvoices.Note: This feature is supported on Vocollect Voice 2.0 and newer.Enabling the Ability to Change Voices1. After installing Vocollect Voice, ensure the device has enough space in flash memory to accommodatethe voice(s) you want to install by comparing the free space in flash to the size of the voice(s).2. Place the folder containing the voice module you want accessible (located on the Vocollect Voice DVD)on the device in a folder in the flash memory. Note: Some voices may not be supported on your device.Please see the release notes for your version of Vocollect Voice for a list of supported voices. See Settingthe Default Voice on the Device for a list of languages and voice module folders.Note: Voice module folders must be kept in a location other than the Vocollect Voice directoryto prevent a failure when changing voices on the device.Note: The voice module(s) must be placed in a folder in flash. Do not put the folder in RAM. Ifplaced in RAM, the voice modules will be gone on the next device reboot.3. Place the following parameter under the[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Vocollect\CONFIG_PARAMS\DIAG_FILE] registry setting in theconfig.vrg file:"enableVoiceSwitchMenu"="1"Note: Ensure the VVHModuleLocation parameter is set to the correct location (\VoiceModules)of the voice module(s).Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyVocollect Voice on Handheld Devices | 217
See VoiceConsole Online Help or Release Notes for Vocollect VoiceClient 2.0 for your device for moreinformation on parameters.Changing Voice ModulesNote: The device should be in the sleep state before you attempt to change the voice module.1. On the device, select Tools | Change Voice Module.The Change Voice Module box opens.2. Select a voice. Note: Some voices may not be supported on your device. Please see the release notesfor your version of Vocollect Voice for a list of supported voices. See Setting the Default Voice on theDevice for a list of languages and voice module folders.Note: Voice module folders must be kept in a location other than the Vocollect Voice directoryto prevent a failure when changing voices on the device.Note: The voice module(s) must be placed in a folder in flash. Do not put the folder in RAM. Ifplaced in RAM, the voice modules will be gone on the next device reboot.3. Select OK or press Enter.Vocollect Voice restarts with the new language and/or new voice type.Vocollect Voice: Warning MessagesVocollect Voice displays the following screen messages, when appropriate. You also may hear warningmessages through your headset.License Not AvailableApplication cannot obtain valid license from VoiceConsole. Please move to a better radio coverage areaor see your supervisor.This message indicates your device cannot obtain a valid license. Move to an area that you know hasgood radio coverage and try again.Low BatteryYour battery is critically low. To prevent loss of data, the voice application has been stopped, and alldata has been safely stored. Please change battery or cradle device now.This message is issued when the device battery's charge drops to a critically low level. The voice applicationshuts down; all data is stored, but you must change the battery to continue working or cradle the device.Critical Startup ErrorVocollect Voice could not start. The following critical modules were not found: * Vocollect VoiceApplication* Vocollect Licensing Vocollect Voice will now exit.This message is issued if the voice application cannot find information it needs to run. See your supervisorif you receive this message.Application Exit with Data PendingApplication data has not been sent. If you exit now, the data will be sent next time you run VocollectVoice. Are you sure you want to exit Vocollect Voice?Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only218 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
You will see this message if you tap Tools >Exit before the voice application has finished sending datato the host computer. You will see Yes and No buttons. If you tap No, the voice application will finishsending data. If you tap Yes, data will be preserved, and it will be sent when the voice application isstarted again.Headset PairingNo wireless headset found.This message is issued when the device is in pairing mode if it cannot find an available SRX WirelessHeadset. Begin the pairing procedure again, making sure you hold your headset and device so they toucheach other.About Maintenance ModeA handheld device running Vocollect Voice automatically enters maintenance mode when it is placed ina cradle and the charging state is detected.You also can place a device into maintenance mode by tapping Tools >Maintenance Mode on thedevice screen.You cannot perform voice tasks while the device is in maintenance mode.The device remains in maintenance mode until it is removed from the cradle or until you tap ExitMaintenance Mode on the device screen.Note: The status indicator is not visible when the voice application is in maintenance mode. Inmost cases, you must wake up the voice application when you exit maintenance mode.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyVocollect Voice on Handheld Devices | 219
Chapter 12Listening KitsWhen training new operators, you may want to listen in on their progress working with the voice system.Vocollect recommends specific listening kits for this purpose.Wired Listening KitsCaution: Vocollect strongly recommends the use of only approved listening systems sold by Vocollect.If you choose to use a listening system that is not approved by Vocollect, Vocollect requires that thelistening system is independently powered through its own source (such as a battery) and has aninput impedance greater than or equal to 2K ohms. Vocollect is not responsible for equipment damagethat may be caused by listening systems not sold by Vocollect.Figure 164: Radio Shack Wired Listening KitFigure 165: Marshall Demonstration Wired Listening Kit• The wired listening kit connects to Talkman devices or handheld devices and allows a number ofpeople, such as trainers or supervisors, to listen to the conversation between an operator and aTalkman device or handheld device.• The Vocollect audio adapter cable with the red connector can be used with Talkman devices.• A device-specific adapter training cable (also referred to as a "Y" or splitter cable) must be used withthird-party handheld devices.• For more information, consult the user manual provided with your listening kit.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only
Monitoring Audio on a Talkman Device1. Connect the 3.5 mm jack on the inline adapter training cable to the input jack on your listeningsystem.• Be sure to use the training cable with red connection port, unless that port on the Talkman deviceis already being used by a visual training device.• If you are using a visual training device, use the headset training cable (AD-300-1) connected tothe yellow port.2. Connect the other end of the training cable to the matching port on the Talkman device.3. Power on the wired listening kit and begin working.Monitor Audio on a Handheld Device1. Connect the 3.5 mm jack on the inline adapter training cable to the input jack on your listeningsystem. Be sure to use the correct adapter cable for your device.2. Connect the inline adapter training cable to your Vocollect SR-Series headset.3. Connect the other end of the inline adapter training cable to your handheld device.4. Power on the wired listening kit and begin working.Samson Wireless Listening Systems (TR-605-x)The Samson TR-605-x wireless listening kit replaces the TR-604-x kit which has been discontinued.Figure 166: TR-605-x• The wireless listening system allows trainers, administrators, or other operators to remotely listento the conversation between an operator and a Talkman wearable computer or handheld device.•The wireless listening system consists of a transmitting radio and a receiving radio which communicatewith each other over a particular radio channel. This system can be used to monitor several operatorsby setting each transmitting radio to a different channel and then changing the channel on thereceiving radio to that of the transmitter you wish to monitor.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only222 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Using the Samson Wireless Listening SystemFor best performance, attach listening devices to the red port of your Talkman device. If the red port isunavailable, or if you are using a handheld device, an inline adapter training cable, or "Y" cable, attachedto the yellow port may be used. When using the "Y" cable, be sure to connect both a Vocollect headsetand the listening system transmitter because the headset's performance is influenced by gain andheadphones level adjustments.You need the following items:• Samson listening kits (TR-605-x) with both radios configured to the same channel setting. Eachlistening system contains the following items:• Receiver• Transmitter• Plastic screwdriver• Headphones with 3.5 mm jack• Batteries (2 9V for TR-605-x)• Vocollect audio adapter cable• If you are using a Talkman A500/T5 with a wired barcode reader, you will need the TR-603-102 "Y"adapter cable which connects a scanner and a listening kit transmitter via the red port on the A500/T5device.•If you are using a handheld device, you will need the AD-300-1 inline "Y" adapter training cable whichprovides a connection for a wired Vocollect headset and an audio output connection to go to thelistening kit transmitter.• Talkman device or handheld device• Vocollect SR-Series headsetSetting up the Transmitting RadioFigure 167: Transmitting Radio TR-605-xThe transmitting radio is set up as a dedicated transmitter and is connected to the operator's Talkmandevice or handheld device.1. Insert a battery into the transmitting radio. (TR-605-x transmitters are labeled UHF BELTPACKTRANSMITTER on the bottom front)2. Connect the Vocollect audio adapter cable to the matching port on the operator's Talkman device orhandheld device.• If you are using a Talkman device, make sure to connect the audio adapter cable to the red porton the Talkman device.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyListening Kits | 223
• If you are using a handheld device, make sure to use the correct audio adapter training cable foryour device.3. Insert the 3.5mm male jack into the INPUT connector on the Samson transmitter.4. Power on the transmitting radio.5. Assure that output is enabled with the Mute/Audio switch set to the connect position.• For TR-605-x units, slide the Audio switch to ON.Setting up the Receiving RadioThe receiving radio is set up as a dedicated receiver for use by a trainer.Figure 168: Receiving Radio TR-605-x1. Insert a battery into the grey receiving radio.2. Connect a headset or powered speaker to the receiver's headphone jack.3. Power on the receiving radio.4. If needed adjust output level (indicated by #1 in yellow above).Adjusting the Listening System for Optimum Performance1. Press the Plus button on your Talkman device or handheld device until the volume reaches itsmaximum setting.You will hear “This is loudest”.2. On the transmitting radio, locate the adjustment indicated as #1 on the transmitting unit. Align asmall screwdriver tip with the slot in the control screw and use gentle pressure to fully rotate thecontrol screw counterclockwise to set the gain to its minimum setting. Use extra care if you use ametal screwdriver as metal may damage the gain controls.3. On the receiving radio, locate the control marked #1. Gently rotate the control screw counterclockwiseto set the headphone volume to its minimum setting.4. On the gray receiving radio, turn the Phones Level setting back clockwise approximately 20 degrees.5. Power on both listening system radios.6. Put on the gray receiving radio's headphones or powered speaker.7. Press the Plus or Minus buttons on the Talkman device or handheld device as you adjust the receivingradio's headset volume to the maximum desired level.8. Make additional adjustments:Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only224 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
• If the audio sounds distorted, readjust the Phones Level control on the gray receiving radio byrotating the control screw slightly counterclockwise while pressing the Plus button on your device.• If the volume is too low, even with the headphones set to their maximum level, adjust the gain onthe black transmitting radio by rotating the Gain control screw slightly clockwise while pressingthe Plus button on your device.If you are using an inline adapter training cable connected to a handheld device, it is likely you willhave to readjust the gain.9. Once the wireless listening system settings have been adjusted to maximum volume without distortion,use the volume control on the headphones, powered speaker, or the Plus and Minus buttons to lowerthe device's volume.Sony Wireless Listening Systems (UTX-B2 and URX-P2)Figure 169: Sony®UTX-B2 and URX-P2• The wireless listening system allows trainers, administrators, or other operators to remotely listento the conversation between an operator and a Talkman wearable computer or handheld device.•The wireless listening system consists of a transmitting radio and a receiving radio which communicatewith each other over a particular radio channel. This system can be used to monitor several operatorsby setting each transmitting radio to a different channel and then changing the channel on thereceiving radio to that of the transmitter you wish to monitor.Important: Ensure that you do the following before using the listening system:•Set the transmitter's Line/Mic switch to Line•Plug the monitoring headphones into the Monitor port on the receiver• Turn down the headset's volume before putting it onSetting up the Receiving RadioNote: The receiver is labeled UHF Synthesized Diversity Tuner.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyListening Kits | 225
1. Insert batteries into the receiver.2. Turn on the receiver.3. Press and hold the Set button until the display flashes.4. Press the Set button repeatedly to scroll through the settings. Stop when you reach Scan.5. Press the +button to scan for a clear channel.The channel bank will be displayed.6. After a clear channel is found, and no other buttons are pressed, the display will blink for another15 seconds then stop. This indicates the channel selection was accepted.7. You will see two digits followed by the channel bank. Use the channel bank digits to set up thetransmitter.For example, if you see 04.3101, use 3101 to set up the transmitter.8. Follow the steps to set up the transmitter.Setting Up the Transmitting Radio1. Insert batteries into the transmitter. For more information, see the manufacturer's documentation.2. Set the input switch on the top of the transmitter to Line.3. Press and hold the Set button and turn on the transmitter.4. Repeatedly press the set button until you locate the channel bank number displayed on the receiver.5. Power the transmitter off to commit the changes to memory.6. Turn on the transmitter.It will be set to the frequency that you chose.7. Verify that the tranmitter's setting matches the frequency or channel bank selected on the receiver.Connecting the Sony Wireless Listening Kit to a Talkman Device1. Connect the Talkman device to the transmitter using a Vocollect cable.2. Connect a headset to the receiver's Monitor port.Part Numbers: Listening KitsVocollect Part NumberPart DescriptionTR-605-xSamson Wireless Listening Kit, Transmitter and Receiver, CH. x, V2(x=1-6)TR-606-1Sony Wireless Listening Kit, Transmitter (UTX-B2) and Receiver(URX-P2), 566-590 MHzTR-603-101Audio adapter cable, Wireless Listening Kit, 1/8" or 3.5mm male (forSony Wireless Listening System)TR-603-102Audio adapter cable, Wireless Listening Kit, 1/8" or 3.5mm maleTR-604-101Audio adapter cable, Wireless Listening Kit, 1/32" or 2.5mm male(Worldwide)AD-300-1Adapter, Audio Splitter Cable for training to Vocollect HeadsetsChoosing Cables for Your Training ConfigurationsConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only226 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Cable ConfigurationsScannerHeadsetDeviceTR-603-102 connects:TalkmanA500/T5 •• wiredwired (connects toA500/T5 YELLOWport), or• scanner• wired listening kit or transmitterfor wireless kit• wirelessto A500/T5 RED portTR-603-101 or TR-604-101 connects:TalkmanA500/T5 •• wireless, orwired (connects toA500/T5 YELLOWport)• wired listening kit or transmitterfor wireless kit• no scannerto A500/T5 RED portTR-603-101 or TR-604-101 connects:Talkman T2x •• wired (connects toT2x BLUE port),wired (connects toT2x YELLOW port) • wired listening kit or transmitterfor wireless kit• wireless (T2xBluetooth Serial to T2x RED portAdapter connects toBLUE port), or• no scannerAD-300-1 connects:Third PartyDevice •• built-in,wired, or• headset (SR20 or equivalent)• •wireless wireless, or• wired listening kit or transmitterfor wireless kit• no scannerto device YELLOW port or headsetportConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyListening Kits | 227
Chapter 13Troubleshooting Equipment ProblemsSometimes you will not see an LED indicator change or hear an error message, but will see some othersign of trouble. Find the description below that most accurately describes what you see. Follow the stepsin sequence until the issue is resolved; start with the first option and see if that solves your problembefore moving on to the second. If none of the listed steps resolve the problem, contact Vocollect to sendthe equipment back for repair or to speak with a support representative.I Can't Hear Anything Through the Headset1. Make sure the device has a fully charged battery.2. Make sure the headset is properly connected to the device.3. Try the headset on a device that is not having problems.4. Try a different headset on the device with the problem.5. Turn the device off and then back on again.6. Reboot the device.7. If you are using an SRX headset, make sure your headset is paired with your device.8. If the headset is broken, send it back to Vocollect for repair.My Bar Code Reader Won't Scan1. Make sure the bar code reader is plugged into the device properly.2. Try a different bar code reader.3. Try connecting the bar code reader to a different device.4. If the bar code reader is damaged, send it back to Vocollect for repair.5. Verify that the task package contains the correct bar code configurations.My Headset Won't Stay On1. Make sure the headset wire is clipped properly to your clothing.2. Make sure that you are following the proper procedure for wearing a headset.3. If you are using an SRX headset, make sure the headband strap is positioned properly across theback of your head.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only
The Device Beeps Every Few Seconds1. Wait for a few minutes. The voice engine may just be communicating with the host.2. If the beeping continues beyond a few minutes, see the administrator.3. The administrator can check device logs in VoiceConsole to attempt to diagnose the problem.The Device Will Not Load a Voice Application1. Try loading the voice application again. See the VoiceConsole online help for instructions.2. Make sure the device is properly placed in a charger.3. Check for error messages in VoiceConsole.4. Make sure you are in radio range of an access point.5. Make sure the device's ChangeTaskEnabled parameter is set to 1.6. Reboot the device.7. Put the device in debug mode to look for a clue to the problem.The Device Will Not Load an Operator Template1. Make sure you are loading the operator properly.2. Make sure the operator has created a voice template.3. Make sure you are in radio range.4. Reboot the device.The Device Does Not Respond to Button Presses1. Make sure the device has a fully charged battery.2. Reboot the device.3. Send the device back to Vocollect for repair.The Device Will Not Turn On1. Make sure the battery is properly seated on the device.2. Make sure the device has a fully charged battery.3. Send the device back to Vocollect for repair.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only230 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
The Device Keeps Shutting Off1. Change the battery.2. Make sure you are placing the battery on correctly.3. Check the battery compartment on the device to make sure it is not damaged. If it is damaged, sendthe device back to Vocollect for repair.4. Check VoiceConsole for crash dump files with this device's specific serial number.Troubleshooting Guide for the Talkman A500/T5 Battery ChargerThis topic describes some of the issues that can arise with the Talkman A500/T5 Battery Charger, their causesand how you can verify the cause.If the steps don'twork...Try these steps...If this occurs...Have the chargerreplaced or repaired.Check to see if thecontacts on the deviceA device without abattery will not power upThis is not able to becorrected by a customer.and charger are clean. Ifnot, follow cleaningprocedures and retry.when placed in aparticular charger slot,but will power up inother slots in either thisHave the chargerreplaced or repaired.Examine the charger slotto determine whethercharger or anothercharger.This is not able to becorrected by a customer.there is a mechanicalalignment issue. Thereshould be little or nospace between the fronttwo plastic pegs and theedge of the pocket. If anitem like a credit-cardwill fit in this space,there may be analignment issue.Have the chargerreplaced or repaired.Verify that the device isproperly seated in theThis is not able to becorrected by a customer.problem charger slot.Verify that the devicewill charge in anotherslot in the charger.Have the chargerreplaced or repaired.Verify that the chargerAC power cable isThe LEDs on the front ofthe charger do not This is not able to becorrected by a customer.securely connected atboth ends.indicate that a charge isin progress (change fromoff to red and eventually Have the chargerreplaced or repaired.Verify that the AC wallreceptacle is receivingpower.green) when a battery isplaced in a batterypocket. This is not able to becorrected by a customer.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTroubleshooting Equipment Problems | 231
If the steps don'twork...Try these steps...If this occurs...Have the chargerreplaced or repaired.Verify that the DC powerline from the chargerThis is not able to becorrected by a customer.power brick is alsosecurely connected.Have the chargerreplaced or repaired.Have the chargerreplaced or repaired.The LEDs on the front ofthe charger do notThis is not able to becorrected by a customer.This is not able to becorrected by a customer.indicate that a charge isin progress when abattery is placed in abattery pocket. A devicewithout a battery isplaced in a slot andpowers on. This occurs inall slots.Have the chargerreplaced or repaired.Examine the charger slotto determine whetherThe battery chargerslot’s LEDs blink redThis is not able to becorrected by a customer.there is a mechanicalalignment issue. Thereshould be little or noimmediately after abattery or device with abattery is placed into abattery or device slot.space between the fronttwo plastic pegs and theedge of the pocket. If anitem like a credit-cardwill fit in this space,there may be analignment issue.Send the battery to aVocollect AuthorizedDetermine if this issueonly occurs with oneRepair Center forevaluation.particular battery whichis not excessively old andother batteries ofapproximately the sameage do not display thissymptom.Have the chargerreplaced or repaired.Check to see if thecontacts on the deviceThis is not able to becorrected by a customer.and charger are clean. Ifnot, follow cleaningprocedures and retry.Dispose of the battery.Determine if this issueonly occurs with oneparticular battery that isvery old.Have the chargerreplaced or repaired.Check to see if thecontacts on the deviceThe battery chargerslot's LEDs blink red 1.5This is not able to becorrected by a customer.and charger are clean. Ifnot, follow cleaningprocedures and retry.to 3 seconds after abattery or device isplaced into a slot.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only232 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
If the steps don'twork...Try these steps...If this occurs...If battery is underwarranty send back forreplacement.Dispose of the battery.Determine if this issueonly occurs with oneparticular battery that isvery old.If battery is underwarranty send back forreplacement.The battery chargerslot’s LEDs blink redmore than 3 secondsafter a battery or deviceis placed into a slot.Dispose of the battery.Determine if this issueonly occurs with oneparticular battery that isvery old.Have the chargerreplaced or repaired.Check to see if thecontacts on the deviceAll of the red LEDs forthe battery charger'sThis is not able to becorrected by a customer.and charger are clean. Ifnot, follow cleaningprocedures and retry.slots are flashing andwill only stop if thecharger's power is cycled.If the device is theproblem, send it back forrepairs.Replace all devices in thecharger with a differentset of devices, powercycle the charger and If the problem is abattery under warranty,have it replaced.verify if conditioncontinues.Successively remove onedevice from the charger If the problem is an olderbattery, dispose of it.and retest until thecharger no longerexhibits the problem.The last device removedwill likely be the problemdevice. Re-verify this byputting all devices backin the charger exceptthis last device.Have the chargerreplaced or repaired.Have the chargerreplaced or repaired.All of the batterycharger's amber LEDsThis is not able to becorrected by a customer.This is not able to becorrected by a customer.are flashing in a circularpatternHave the chargerreplaced or repaired.Look at the batterycharger contacts andA battery charger slot'sLEDs blink red when aThis is not able to becorrected by a customer.ensure that they appearthe same as the contactsin a working slot. Thebattery is placed into aslot, but this does notoccur in other batteryslots. battery should fit snuglyinto the slot.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTroubleshooting Equipment Problems | 233
If the steps don'twork...Try these steps...If this occurs...Have the chargerreplaced or repaired.Check to see if thecontacts on the deviceThis is not able to becorrected by a customer.and charger are clean. Ifnot, follow cleaningprocedures and retry.This is normal operationand indicates that theThe power LED on a5-bay charger is notalways green but flashesamber. "DISTRIBUTABLE"parameter has been setto "1" for the device inthe master (gray colortab) slot.There is datacommunication on theserial port of the devicein the master slot. Thispropagates the deviceconfiguration to othersin the slot so that a newdevice can be easilyaccessed throughVoiceConsole withoutserial configuration.About Sending Equipment Back for RepairsImportant:• Only equipment purchased directly from Vocollect can be returned to Vocollect for repairs.•If you purchased Vocollect equipment — for example, a headset in the SR-Series — from a Vocollectreseller, contact the reseller.• If you are using Vocollect VoiceClient on a handheld device, contact the reseller or devicemanufacturer if you have questions or issues concerning the device.Attention: Remove ear pads, mounting discs, cables, and cord clips before shipping. Theseconsumable items slow down the repair process, and units will be shipped back without theseconsumables installed.Vocollect issues RMAs for all returns regardless of the reason for the return. This guarantees propertracking of equipment, ensures proper handling, and facilitates a fast return.The Customer Service department generally issues RMAs to customers who are returning products forrepair. However, Vocollect may issue RMAs for other reasons, such as the following:• The product belongs to Vocollect. Vocollect may have loaned the product to a customer or provided itas a sample.• Vocollect requested that the customer return the item, perhaps for testing.• A Vocollect employee at the customer site has determined that the product should go back to Vocollectfor some other reason.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only234 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
• Exchange — for example, an incorrect item was shipped or the wrong size of belt was ordered.Some Vocollect customers have service contracts with repair depots to perform repairs on Vocollectproducts. Customers with these service contracts should contact their repair depot to return equipment.Follow the RMA issuance procedures to eliminate unnecessary repair costs and to ensure timely productreceipt. If you have a question about the RMA process, please contact Customer Service.Packaging Items for Return to VocollectNote: Properly packaged RMA items facilitate faster repair and return of Vocollect products.Vocollect appreciates your assistance and adherence to these policies.1. Pack items so that no items can come into direct contact with one another or with the sides, bottom,or top of the shipping container.2. Line the shipping container with at least one layer of padding, preferably anti-static bubble pack.3. Pack each item individually in a bag or wrapping, preferably anti-static bubble bags or wrapping.• If individual wrapping is not possible, place some packing material (such as anti-static bubblepack) on the bottom of the shipping container, then pack items between layers of the material.• Avoid using foam peanuts as the only packing material because they do not prevent items fromcoming into contact with each other or the walls of the shipping container. Peanuts can, however,fill empty space in the shipping container and on top of items that have been individually packedin anti-static bubble bags.Sending Equipment Back for Repairs: Return Material Authorization (RMA)Procedures1. Send an email to vocollect-rma@vocollect.com with the following information:• Name of customer contact person• Company name• Company address• Phone number• Fax number2. Also provide the following information about the items being returned:• Quantity• Description of product• Serial number• The version number of the software currently installed at your site• Description of problem or reason for return• Whether the product is covered by warranty, Extended Service Plan (ESP), or Depot Express• A purchase order number if items are not covered by ESP or Depot Express3. Include the RMA number on the shipping label, if shipping items to Vocollect.4. Package the equipment according to the packaging instructions.5. Address the shipping label to: Vocollect, Inc. 4250 Old William Penn Highway Monroeville, PA15146-1622 RMAConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTroubleshooting Equipment Problems | 235
Troubleshooting VMT ConfigurationsThe following procedures are for fault determination with Vehicle Mount Talkman (VMT) when poweredby the vehicle power system.The following procedures can be done with minimal Vocollect technical support to determine the specificmalfunction of a non-working VMT:• Be sure the vehicle battery is charged and working, turn-on the vehicle and assure it starts. If thevehicle does not start then the vehicle should be serviced by qualified personnel.• If VMT was installed after the vehicle key switch, ensure it powers on when the vehicle is turned on.Vocollect recommends the VMT be installed before the vehicle key switch to ensure it is always gettingpower when the vehicle has a battery.• If another Talkman device is available, substitute it for the non-working Talkman. If this substituteTalkman also does not work, it is likely the problem is with the VMT power system. However, if thesubstitute works, then it is likely that the original device is in need of service.• Exchange the VMT Battery Adapter from the non-working VMT with a known working BatteryAdapter. If the VMT works with the new Battery Adapter, then the original Battery Adapter is likelyin need of replacement.The following steps will need qualified Vocollect technical support to determine the specific malfunctionof a non-working VMT:Gain access to the power supply used by the VMT (this is likely mounted inside the vehicle). Removethe four () screws that attach the lid of the power supply to expose the input and output wiring asillustrated in the diagram below.• Test the input terminals to determine if voltage is being supplied and matches that of the vehiclepower system.• If the voltage supplied does not match that of the vehicle power system, professional attention isneeded to determine why the vehicle power system is not providing the correct voltage.• If no voltage is being supplied, check the fuses on the input cable, replace if they are blown. If thefuses immediately blow after replacement, determine if the input cable to the VMT power supplyhas a short circuit. If there is no short then it is likely there is a problem with the VMT powersupply.• If no voltage is being supplied and the fuses are not blown, check the integrity of the input cablefor a break. If there is a break, replace the cable. If not, there is likely a problem with the vehiclepower system that needs professional attention.• If input voltage is being supplied to the power supply, check the output voltage.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only236 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
If there is input voltage but no output voltage or the output voltage does not match 13.2V DC thenthe power supply is likely in need of replacement.•• If there is output voltage in the 13.2V DC range then the problem is likely in the cable to theBattery Adapter or the Battery Adapter itself. Try a known, working Battery Adapter. If that doesnot work then it is likely that the cable between the power supply and Battery Adapter is in needof replacement.•A Battery Adapter may be tested by checking the output of the adapter. Note that to rule out problemswith the power supply or cable to the Battery Adapter, a known, working Battery Adapter should betested first before testing a suspect Battery Adapter. The two outermost points of a working BatteryAdapter should read approximately 3.9-4.2V DC as illustrated in the figure below.Troubleshooting Problems Indicated by LEDVocollect Talkman devices, chargers and the SRX headset and its charger have LEDs that indicate thestate of the equipment. These LEDs may be on, off or blink. In some cases an LED will blink, alternatingbetween two colors.If the LEDs indicate that there is a problem, follow the troubleshooting steps to solve the problem.1. Check the battery contacts and the charger contacts for dirt or other obstructions that might preventthe contacts from connecting properly.2. Clean the contacts, if necessary.a) Use an isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol) swab or soft cloth dampened with isopropyl alcohol to cleanmetal connection points.b) If dirt or residue cannot be removed with the alcohol swab or cloth, use a soft, non-abrasive rubbereraser to clean metal connection points. You can also use a three-row toothbrush style, generalcleaning brush with natural hog hair bristles to gently brush away dirt on the contacts.c) Wipe again with isopropyl alcohol.3. Try various combinations of batteries and chargers to determine if the condition is specific to thebattery or to the charger.• If the condition is specific to the battery, give the battery to your system administrator.• If the condition is specific to the charger, disconnect the charger from its power source for aboutfive seconds, then reconnect it. Test the charger with a battery. If the same condition occurs, returnthe charger for service.About Error MessagesError messages may be of one of two types:Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTroubleshooting Equipment Problems | 237
Numbered Messages display in VoiceConsole as the numeric value of the error, followed by the textmessage that displays in Debug. If you have seen a numbered error message in VoiceConsole, see theNumbered Error Messages topic.Spoken Messages are heard through a headset. If you have heard an error message through a headset,see the Spoken Error Messages topic.Note: Not all numbered error messages displayed in VoiceConsole have a corresponding spokenmessage.Numbered Error MessagesSolutionTextNumberEvent detect initialization failed.0x020a 1. Turn the device off and then turn it back onagain.Event control failed to createshared data module.0x02032. Reboot the device.3. Reload VoiceClient.Event control failed to createshared data module.0x0203Change the battery.Battery is getting low.0x0206Battery is getting low. Changebattery now.0x0207Battery is very low. Powering off.Must replace battery after poweroff complete.0x0208—Noise sampling procedure failed.0x0602—Noise sampling procedure timedout.0x0603—Invalid operator file name.0x0605Train returned bad status toUpdTrain.0x060c 1. Turn the device off and then turn it back onagain.2. Reboot the device.3. Reload VoiceClient.—Unable to train words. Not enoughfree flash memory.0x060eSpeak failed to initialize properly.0x0802 1. Check the crashdump file. For more information,see the VoiceConsole online help.Speech-out failed. Audio systemfailure.0x08042. Turn the device off and then turn it back onagain.Dialog power-off failed.0x1201 3. Reboot the device.4. Reload VoiceClient.—Task not loaded. No task nameavailable.0x1202—OperLoad failed -- TmplSend busy.0x1203Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only238 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
SolutionTextNumber—Operator load failed.0x1204—Corrupted operator data.0x1205—Noise sample failed.0x1206—There are no operators in thisteam.0x1207—Unable to retrieve operator files.0x1208—Internal error loading operator.0x1209—Task load failed.0x120a—Self test mode set, but no scriptfile found.0x120b—No task list file found. Taskunchanged.0x120c—Software error while changingtask. Task unchanged.0x120d—Failed to load look up table. Taskload failed.0x120e—Failed to load terminal emulationconfiguration file. Task load failed.0x1210—Corrupt terminal emulationconfiguration file. Task load failed.0x1211—Corrupt task file. Task load failed.0x1212—Failed to load task Vocollectconfiguration file. Task load failed.0x1213—Failed to write the output datarecord network transport0x1214information registration file. Taskload failed.Failed to write dialog terminal-offfiles in the terminal charger aftertask or operator load.0x1215 1. Reload the operator.2. Reload the task.3. Reload VoiceClient.—Retraining word failed. Please tryagain.0x1216—Initializing operator failed. Pleasereload operator.0x1217—Failed to load task phonetic file.Task load failed.0x1218—Failed to load task audio file. Taskload failed.0x1219Communications error: Processmessage service receive error.0x1402 1. Turn the device off and then turn it back onagain.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTroubleshooting Equipment Problems | 239
SolutionTextNumberCommunications error: Processmessage service send error.0x1403 2. Reboot the device.3. Reload VoiceClient.Communications error: Processmessage service GetIdFromNameerror.0x1406Communications error: Unable toclose Vocollect configuration file.0x140aCommunications error: Unable todelete Vocollect configuration file.0x140fCommunications error: Vocollectnetwork transport informationregistration failed.0x1410Communications error:Unrecognized process messageservice message.0x1411Communications error: Unable tospawn bar code process.0x1414Communications error: Unable tospawn serial process.0x1415Communications error: Bad FTPcommand.0x1417Communications error: Bad socketcommand.0x141bError: Unable to initialize bar codeport.0x1420Display Mode host name or IPaddress bad.0x1421Display Mode service name or portbad.0x1422Error: Unable to initializeDebug/training COM port.0x1423Socket host name or IP addressbad.0x1425 1. Turn the device off and then turn it back onagain.Socket service name or port bad.0x1426 2. Reboot the device.3. Reload VoiceClient.4. Reload the task.5. Verify the task's output data records (ODRs) andlookup tables (LUTs) have correct and validsocket host and service information. If you needassistance, contact Vocollect.Unable to send file via socket.Unable to open.0x1427 1. Turn the device off and then turn it back onagain.2. Reboot the device.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only240 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
SolutionTextNumber3. Reload VoiceClient.—Invalid Terminal Manager servicename or port.0x142a—Telnet session manager failed tostart.0x142c—Telnet client process failed to start.0x142d—Telnet VT220 emulation processfailed to start.0x142eUnable to open send data file, fortelnet send.0x142f 1. Turn the device off and then turn it back onagain.Error, Unable to Initialize PrinterPort.0x1430 2. Reboot the device.3. Reload VoiceClient.Unable to print label, unable toopen file.0x1431Printer Error, Process MessageService Send Error.0x1432Comm Error, Unable to spawnprinter process.0x1433File Manager initialization failed.0x1600File Manager process messageservice receive failed.0x1601—Warning, low flash memory.0x1602—Warning, low flash memory. Youmust upload your collected datanow.0x1603Process history data initializationfailed.0x1a01 1. Turn the device off and then turn it back onagain.Process history data processmessage service receive failed.0x1a02 2. Reboot the device.3. Reload VoiceClient.Process history data processmessage service retry failed.0x1a03Process history data file descriptorstructure error.0x1a04 1. Turn the device off and then turn it back onagain.Process history data lookup tablestructure error.0x1a05 2. Reload the task.3. Reboot the device.4. Reload VoiceClient.Process history data bins torecords write error.0x1a06 1. Turn the device off and then turn it back onagain.Process history data power-offerror.0x1a09 2. Reboot the device.3. Reload VoiceClient.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTroubleshooting Equipment Problems | 241
SolutionTextNumberProcess history data processmessage service initialization datafile descriptor failed.0x1a0bVideo terminal emulationinitialization failed.0x1e01Video terminal emulation processmessage service receive failed.0x1e02—Flash failed to virtual allocate theflash device.0x2100—Flash failed to initialize the devicefor the file system.0x2101—Flash failed to virtual copy theflash device.0x2102—Flash failed because of erase blockargument was invalid.0x2104—Flash library failed during erase.0x2105—Flash failed because of invalidflash write pointer argument.0x2106—Flash library failed during write.0x2107—Flash failed because of invalidflash read pointer argument.0x2108—Flash library failed during read.0x2109—Flash library failed while deletinga file.0x210a—Flash library failed while findinga file.0x210b—Flash failed to open the specifiedfile in RAM.0x210c—Flash failed to read the specifiedfile from RAM.0x210d—Flash failed to write the specifiedfile to RAM.0x210e—Flash library failed while openinga file.0x210f—Flash library failed while closinga file.0x2110—Flash had invalid flash file imagegenerator linked list.0x2111—Flash is full. Please wait whileTalkman turns off.0x2112—Flash library failed. Out of space.0x2115Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only242 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
SolutionTextNumber—Flash library failed during reclaim.0x2116Spoken Error MessagesSolutionError MessageChange the battery."Battery is very low. Powering off. Mustreplace battery after power off complete."Change the battery."Battery is getting low."Change the battery."Battery is getting low. Change batterynow."Wait until all templates are loaded, then load the operator."Cannot load operator while sendingtemplates.""Cannot load task. Processing data." 1. Turn the device off and then turn it back on again.2. Reload the task.3. Reboot the device.4. Reload VoiceClient."Corrupt task file. Task load failed." 1. Turn the device off and then turn it back on again.2. Reload the task.3. Reboot the device.4. Reload VoiceClient."Corrupt device emulation config file.Task load failed."Reload the operator."Corrupted operator data.""Failed to load lookup table. Task loadfailed." 1. Go to an area of known good coverage.2. Turn the device off and then turn it back on again.3. Reload the task.4. Reboot the device.5. Reload VoiceClient."Failed to load task audio file. Task loadfailed." 1. Go to an area of known good coverage.2. Turn the device off and then turn it back on again.3. Reload the task.4. Reboot the device.5. Reload VoiceClient."Failed to load task phonetic file. Taskload failed." 1. Go to an area of known good coverage.2. Turn the device off and then turn it back on again.3. Reload the task.4. Reboot the device.5. Reload VoiceClient.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTroubleshooting Equipment Problems | 243
SolutionError Message"Failed to load task VCF file. Task loadfailed." 1. Go to an area of known good coverage.2. Turn the device off and then turn it back on again.3. Reload the task.4. Reboot the device.5. Reload VoiceClient."Failed to load device emulation configfile. Task load failed." 1. Go to an area of known good coverage.2. Turn the device off and then turn it back on again.3. Reload the task.4. Reboot the device.5. Reload VoiceClient."Failed to write the ODR NTIregistration file. Task load failed." 1. Reload the task.2. Turn the device off and then turn it back on again.3. Reboot the device.4. Reload VoiceClient."Firmware error while changing task.Task not changed." 1. Reload the task.2. Turn the device off and then turn it back on again.3. Reboot the device.4. Reload VoiceClient."Flash error." 1. Turn the device off and then turn it back on again.2. Reboot the device.3. Reload VoiceClient."Flash is full. Please wait while Talkmanturns off." 1. Go to an area of known good coverage.2. Turn the device off and then turn it back on again.3. Reboot the device.4. Reload VoiceClient.Change the battery."Headset battery is getting low."Change the battery."Headset battery is getting low. Changeheadset battery now.""Initializing operator failed. Pleasereload operator." 1. Reload the operator.2. Turn the device off and then turn it back on again.3. Reboot the device.4. Reload VoiceClient."Internal error loading operator." 1. Turn the device off and then turn it back on again.2. Reboot the device.3. Reload VoiceClient.Select the operator again or load a different operator."Invalid operator file name."Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only244 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
SolutionError Message"Invalid device Manager Host name oraddress.""Invalid device Manager Service nameor port.""No task list file found. Taskunchanged." 1. Reload the task.2. Turn the device off and then turn it back on again.3. Reboot the device.4. Reload VoiceClient."Noise sampling procedure failed." 1. Sample noise again.2. Go to a quieter location and perform another noise sample.3. Try using another headset and perform the noise sample.Note: If this solves the problem, the first headsetmight be damaged."Noise sampling procedure timed out." 1. Sample noise again.2. Reboot the device."Operator load failed." 1. Go to an area of known good coverage.2. Turn the device off and then turn it back on again.3. Reboot the device.4. Reload VoiceClient."Power-off error." 1. Power on the device.2. Reboot the device.Edit the task configuration file, taskname.vcf, and change theline selftest=1 to selftest=0."Self test mode set, but no script filefound.""Software error while changing task.Task unchanged." 1. Go to an area of known good coverage.2. Turn the device off and then turn it back on again.3. Reload the task.4. Reboot the device.5. Reload VoiceClient."Task load failed." 1. Go to an area of known good coverage.2. Turn the device off and then turn it back on again.3. Reload the task.4. Reboot the device.5. Reload VoiceClient."Task not loaded. No task nameavailable." 1. Reload the task.2. Turn the device off and then turn it back on again.3. Reboot the device.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTroubleshooting Equipment Problems | 245
SolutionError Message4. Reload VoiceClient."Telnet client process failed to start." 1. Turn the device off and then turn it back on again.2. Reboot the device.3. Reload VoiceClient."Telnet session manager failed to start." 1. Turn the device off and then turn it back on again.2. Reboot the device.3. Reload VoiceClient."Telnet VT220 emulation process failedto start." 1. Turn the device off and then turn it back on again.2. Reboot the device.3. Reload VoiceClient."Unable to receive input data." 1. Turn the device off and then turn it back on again.2. Reboot the device.3. Reload VoiceClient."Unable to retrieve operator files." 1. Turn the device off and then turn it back on again.2. Reboot the device.3. Reload VoiceClient."Unable to send output data." 1. Turn the device off and then turn it back on again.2. Reboot the device.3. Reload VoiceClient."Unable to train words. Not enough freeflash memory." 1. Wait for the device to go to sleep.2. Turn the device off and then turn it back on again.3. Reboot the device.4. Reload VoiceClient."Warning, low flash memory!" 1. Go to an area of known good coverage.2. Turn the device off and then turn it back on again.3. Reboot the device.4. Reload VoiceClient.5. Place the device in a charger as soon as possible."Warning, low flash memory! You mustupload your collected data now!" 1. Go to an area of known good coverage.2. Turn the device off and then turn it back on again.3. Reboot the device.4. Reload VoiceClient.5. Place the device in a charger as soon as possible.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only246 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Chapter 14Contacting Technical SupportThis section describes what you will need before contacting technical support with an issue and how togather the needed files.General Information Needed for Most Support RequestsVocollect Talkman modelDevices TypesNon-Talkman device manufacturer/modelVocollect headset modelOther headsetBar code reader typeVoiceClient version displayed in VoiceConsoleVocollect Voice SoftwareVoiceCatalyst version displayed in VoiceConsoleVoiceConsole versionVocollect VoiceConsoleHave you begun to capture device logs?Be prepared to submit these files to your technical support center.Device LogsCommon Questions to Answer when Contacting Support• Was a previous service request for the same problem / question closed as unresolved?• How many users are affected?• How often does the issue happen?• What is the current workaround?• When did the issue first occur?• How is this impacting the business?• Has anything about the environment changed?Enabling Device Logging in VoiceConsole1. Select VoiceConsole >Device Management >Devices.2. Click the name of the device for which you want to enable logging.The properties window for that device will appear.3. Enable logging for the device. Depending on the version of VoiceConsole you are running:Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only
Activate the Enable check box in the Logging section.VoiceConsole 2.xClick the Edit selected device link.In the logging section of the Edit Device page, select Enabled fromthe Logging Enabled drop-down list.VoiceConsole 3.x and newer4. After the issue has been captured in the log file, export the log file through the Device Propertieswindow.5. Save the file and send it to Technical Support, along with any other relevant information.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only248 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Appendix AComplianceVocollect®Regulatory ComplianceStatement of Agency ComplianceVocollect devices, and wireless headsets are designed to be compliant with the rules and regulations inthe locations into which they are sold and are labeled as required. Vocollect devices are type approvedand do not require the user to obtain license or authorization before using them. Changes or modificationsnot expressly approved by Vocollect, Inc. could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.Federal Communications Commission ComplianceFCC Class B Compliance StatementPart 15 (b) of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) RulesThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interferencereceived, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection againstharmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radiofrequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occurin a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to tryto correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.RadioThe Talkman®devices are nominally Class B digital devices, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Caution: Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation.• The following devices each contain an internal low-power radio: Talkman®devices and SRXWireless Headset.•The radiated output power of Vocollect®devices and headsets is far below the FCC radio frequencyexposure limits.• Nevertheless, Vocollect®devices shall be used in such a manner that the potential for humancontact with the radio antenna during normal operation is minimized. The device should not beused if the case is open or if the internal antenna is exposed. When not in use, the Vocollect®devices should be powered off. In addition, the device should be worn in accordance with theinstructions for this device.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only
Vocollect products contain one of the following radio devices. See device label.MaximumSARValue (10gramaverage)MaximumSARValue (1gramaverage)Canadian ID #FCC ID#Card Manufacturerand P/NVocollect DeviceNo dataavailable0.390W/kg2570A-TT60-50300MQOTT600-50300Vocollect Wi-Fi600-2400-032T2xModel: TT-600No dataavailable0.531W/kg2570A-TT601300MQOTT601-30000Summit SDC-CF10GT2xModel:TT-601_RWF (RoHSCompliant)No dataavailable0.471W/kgMQOTT700-10000MQOTT700-10000USI WM-BB-AG-01T5Model:TT-700-100No dataavailable0.689W/Kg2570A-TT700200MQOTT700-20000Summit SDC-MCF10GMurata LBMA46LBA3T5Model:TT-700-100_R(RoHS Compliant)0.016W/Kg0.038W/Kg2570A-TAP70001MQO-TAP700-01Summit SDC-MCF10GT5MurataMURATA-LBMA46LCS3-TEMPModel:TAP700-01No dataavailable0.056W/Kg2570A-SRX10000MQOSRX-10000CSR BlueCore3-MultimediaBC358239ASRXModel: HD-800-10.186W/kg0.254W/kg2570A-HBT100001MQO-HBT1000-01CSR BlueCore5-Multimedia Plug-n-GoSRX2Model: HBT1000-010.190W/Kg0.382W/Kg2570A-TT10011MQO-TT-100-1-1Summit SDC-MCF10GT1Model: TT-100-1-10.062W/Kg0.148W/Kg2570A-TT80011MQO-TT-800-1-1USI WM-BA-MR-01A500Model: TT-800-1-10.016W/Kg0.027W/Kg2570A-TAP80101MQO-TAP801-01Lesswire WiBear-SFA500Model: TAP801-01Canadian ComplianceThis Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Operation is subject to the followingtwo conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only250 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesiredoperation.Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada. Le présent appareilest conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence.L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:1. L'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage.2. l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage estsusceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.CE Marking & European ComplianceProducts intended for sale within the European Union are marked with the CE Mark, which indicatescompliance to applicable Directives and European Normes (EN) as follows. Amendments to theseDirectives or ENs are included.Device - T5 [MODEL: TT-700-100 and TT-700-100_R]Important Notice: This device is a 2.4 to 2.48 GHz RFdevice intended for office and light industrial use in allEU and EFTA member states with restrictions in Franceand Italy.Device - T2xImportant Notice: This device is a 2.4 to 2.48 GHz RFdevice intended for office and light industrial use in allEU and EFTA member states with restrictions in Franceand Italy.Device - SRXImportant Notice: This device is a 2.4 to 2.48 GHz RFdevice intended for office and light industrial use in allEU and EFTA member states with restrictions in Franceand Italy.Italy Restrictions: If used outside of own premises, general authorization is required.France Restrictions: Outdoor use is limited to 10mW e.i.r.p. within the band 2454-2483.5Device - A500 [PART: TT-800; MODEL: TT-800-1-1]Important Notice: This device is a wireless terminal that operates in the2.4GHz and 5GHz ISM frequency bands and is intended for light industrialuse in all EU and EFTA member states. See restrictions below.Italy Restrictions: If used outside of own premises, general authorization is required.France Restrictions: Outdoor use is limited to 10mW e.i.r.p. within the band 2454-2483.5This device must be used with Access Points that have employed and activated a radar detection featurerequired for European Community operation in the 5 GHz bands. This device will operate under thecontrol of the Access Point in order to avoid operating on a channel occupied by any radar system in thearea. The presence of nearby radar operation may result in temporary interruption in communicationsof this device. The Access Point's radar detection feature will automatically restart operation on a channelfree of radar. You may consult with the local technical support staff responsible for the wireless networkto ensure the Access Point device(s) are properly configured for European Community operation.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyCompliance | 251
Device - A500 [PART: TT-801; MODEL: TT-800-1-1 and TAP801-01]Device - T5 [PART: TT-700-100 and TT-700-100-M; MODEL: TAP700-01]Device - T1 [PART: TT-100; MODEL: TT-100-1-1]Device - SRX2 [PART: HD-1000-101; MODEL: HBT1000-01]Regulatory Approvals for Bluetooth®Radio DevicesVocollect devices that contain an integrated Bluetooth®module are designed to comply with the mostcurrent applicable standards on safe levels of RF energy, developed by the Institute of Electrical andElectronics Engineers (IEEE) and the American National Standards Institute CommunicationsCommission (FCC).The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks byVocollect is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.Made in the U.S.A.VocollectPittsburgh, PADeclaration of Conformity: RoHSDirective 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and Council of 27 January 2003Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)Products Manufactured by Vocollect®All Vocollect manufactured products shipped by Vocollect as of 1 July 2006 to destinations where theDIRECTIVE 2002/95/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 JanuaryConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only252 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
2003 (RoHS) applies are compliant with this directive on the restriction of the use of certain hazardoussubstances in electrical and electronic equipment.The parts do not exceed the maximum concentrations by weight in homogenous materials for:• 0.1% lead (Pb)• 0.1% Hexavalent chromium (Cr6+)• 0.1% polybrominated biphenyl (PBB)• 0.1% polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE)• 0.01% cadmium (Cd)or qualify for an exemption to the above limits as defined in the Annex of the RoHS Directive.Third Party products sold by VocollectVocollect has obtained verification from all suppliers of all third party products that versions of thoseproducts shipped by Vocollect as of 1 July 2006 to destinations where the DIRECTIVE 2002/95/EC OFTHE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 January 2003 (RoHS) applies arecompliant with this directive on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electricaland electronic equipment.The parts do not exceed the maximum concentrations by weight in homogenous materials for:• 0.1% lead (Pb)• 0.1% Hexavalent chromium (Cr6+)• 0.1% polybrominated biphenyl (PBB)• 0.1% polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE)• 0.01% cadmium (Cd)or qualify for an exemption to the above limits as defined in the Annex of the RoHS Directive.Vocollect®A500 Devices Declaration of ConformityWe the undersigned declare that the equipment has been designed to comply with the relevant sectionsof the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC, Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EEC & EMC Directive 89/336/EEC.VocollectManufacturer's Name:703 Rodi Rd., Pittsburgh, PA 15235, USAManufacturer's Address:Certify and declare under our sole responsibility that the following equipment:Vocollect®A500 Terminal products are used in voice directed dataacquisition. The terminals operate in the 2.4Ghz and 5GHZ ISMfrequency bands.Product description / Intendeduse:Approved for use in all EU and EFTA member states.Note: New members may be omitted or subject to change. For an upto date official list please contact the EU government offices.EU / EFTA Member statesintended for use:US, CanadaOther Country approvals:France, Italy - See User DocumentationMembers with Restrictive use:VocollectManufacturer:VocollectBrand:Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyCompliance | 253
A500 TerminalsType:TT-800-1-1; TAP801-01Model(s):Model: TT-800-1-1 and TAP801-01Standards to which theConformity is declared:EN 300 328 V1.7.1 EMC Radio Spectrum MattersETSI EN 301 489-1 V1.8.1 ERM EMC General & ImmunityETSI EN 301 489 -17 V2.1.1 ERM EMC General & ImmunityEN 62311:2008 Human ExposureEN 50371:2002 Human ExposureEN 60950-1:2006/A11:2009/A1:2010 Product SafetyModel: TT-800-1-1EN 300 440 – 2 EMC Radio Spectrum MattersEN 301 893 5GHZ High Performance RLANTechnical construction file is kept at the following address:TT-800-1-1TT-800-1-1Contact:Vocollect703 Rodi RoadPittsburgh, Pa 15235U.S.A.Phone: 412-829-8145Fax: 412-829-0972TAP-801-01Rakesh ThaparVice President, EngineeringDocument - 1002174 revision ACopyright ©1998-2012 Vocollect, All Rights ReservedVocollect®T5 and T5m Devices and Talkman T5 VMT Mobile ComputersDeclaration of ConformityWe the undersigned declare that the equipment has been designed to comply with the relevant sectionsof the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC, Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EEC & EMC Directive 89/336/EEC.Vocollect, Inc.Manufacturer's Name:703 Rodi Rd., Pittsburgh, PA 15235, USAManufacturer's Address:Certify and declare under our sole responsibility that the following equipment:Vocollect®T5 devices and battery chargers. Products are used in voicedirected wireless data acquisition devices operating in the 2.4Ghzfrequency band.Product description / Intendeduse:Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only254 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Approved for use in all EU and EFTA member states.Note: New members may be omitted or subject to change. For an upto date official list please contact the EU government offices.EU / EFTA Member statesintended for use:US, CanadaOther Country approvals:France, Italy - See User DocumentationMembers with Restrictive use:Vocollect, Inc. and Intelligent Technologies, Inc.Manufacturer:VocollectBrand:T5 Terminals and Battery ChargersType:TT-700-100_R WF, TT-700-100_RG WF, TAP700-01, CM 700-1, CM700-2, BT-710-1Model(s):For the Terminals:EN 300 328 EMC Radio Spectrum MattersEN 301 489 -1, -17 ERM EMC General & ImmunityEN 60950:2001 - SafetyStandards to which theConformity is declared:For the battery chargers:EN 60950:2001 - SafetyEmissions: EN 55022, EN 61000-3-2, EN 61000-3-3Immunity: EN 55024, EN 61000-4-2, EN 61000-4-3, EN 61000-4- 4,EN 61000-4-5, EN61000-4-6, EN 61000-4-8, EN 61000-4-11Technical construction file is kept at the following address:Contact:Vocollect, Inc703 Rodi RoadPittsburgh, Pa 15235U.S.A.Phone: 412-829-8145Fax: 412-829-0972Rakesh ThaparVice President, EngineeringDocument - 1000474Copyright ©1998-2012 Vocollect, Inc. All Rights ReservedVocollect®T2x Devices Declaration of ConformityWe the undersigned declare that the equipment has been designed to comply with the relevant sectionsof the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC, Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EEC & EMC Directive 89/336/EEC.Vocollect, Inc.Manufacturer's Name:703 Rodi Rd., Pittsburgh, PA 15235, USAManufacturer's Address:Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyCompliance | 255
Certify and declare under our sole responsibility that the following equipment:Vocollect®T2 Series devices, device charger and battery chargers.Products are used in voice directed data acquisition devices operatingin the 2.4Ghz ISM frequency band.Product description / Intendeduse:Approved for use in all EU and EFTA member states.Note: New members may be omitted or subject to change. For an upto date official list please contact the EU government offices.EU / EFTA Member statesintended for use:US, CanadaOther Country approvals:France, Italy - See User DocumentationMembers with Restrictive use:Vocollect, Inc. & Global Components CorporationManufacturer:VocollectBrand:T2 device and Battery ChargerType:TT-601_R WF, TT-601_RG WF, CM 601, CM 602, and CM 603Model(s):For the devices:Standards to which theConformity is declared:EN 300 328 EMC Radio Spectrum MattersEN 301 489 -1, -17 ERM EMC General & ImmunityEN 60950:2001 - SafetyFor the battery chargers:EN 60950:2001 - SafetyEmissions: EN 55022, EN 61000-3-2, EN 61000-3-3Immunity: EN 55024, EN 61000-4-2, EN 61000-4-3, EN 61000-4- 4,EN 61000-4-5, EN61000-4-6, EN 61000-4-8, EN 61000-4-11Technical construction file is kept at the following address:Contact:Vocollect, Inc.703 Rodi RoadPittsburgh, Pa 15235U.S.A.Phone: 412-829-8145Fax: 412-829-0972Rakesh ThaparVice President, EngineeringDocument - 1000474Copyright ©1998-2008 Vocollect, Inc. All Rights ReservedConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only256 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Vocollect®T1 Devices Declaration of ConformityWe the undersigned declare that the equipment has been designed to comply with the relevant sectionsof the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC, Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EEC & EMC Directive 89/336/EEC.Vocollect, Inc.Manufacturer's Name:703 Rodi Rd., Pittsburgh, PA 15235, USAManufacturer's Address:Certify and declare under our sole responsibility that the following equipment:Vocollect®T1 terminals, terminal and battery chargers. Productsare used in voice directed data acquisition. The terminals operatein the 2.4Ghz ISM frequency band.Product description / Intendeduse:Approved for use in all EU and EFTA member states.Note: New members may be omitted or subject to change. For an upto date official list please contact the EU government offices.EU / EFTA Member statesintended for use:US, CanadaOther Country approvals:France, Italy - See User DocumentationMembers with Restrictive use:Vocollect, Inc.Manufacturer:VocollectBrand:T1 Terminals and Battery ChargerType:TT-100-1-1, CM-100-1, CM-103-1Model(s):For the Terminals:Standards to which theConformity is declared:EN 300 328 EMC Radio Spectrum MattersEN 301 489 -1, -17 ERM EMC General & ImmunityEN 60950-1:2006 - SafetyFor the battery chargers:EN 60950-1:2006 - SafetyEmissions: EN 55022, EN61000-3-2, EN 61000-3-3Immunity: EN 55024, EN 61000-4-2, EN 61000-4-3,EN 61000-4-4, EN 61000-4-5, EN 61000-4-6,EN 61000-4-8, EN 61000-4-11Technical construction file is kept at the following address:Contact:Vocollect, Inc703 Rodi RoadPittsburgh, Pa 15235 U.S.A.Phone: 412-829-8145Fax: 412-829-0972Rakesh ThaparVice President, EngineeringConfidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyCompliance | 257
Document-1002028 revision ACopyright ©1998-2008 Vocollect, Inc. All Rights ReservedVocollect®SRX Wireless Headset Declaration of ConformityWe the undersigned declare that the equipment has been designed to comply with the relevant sectionsof the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC, Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EEC & EMC Directive 89/336/EEC.Vocollect, Inc.Manufacturer's Name:703 Rodi Rd., Pittsburgh, PA 15235, USAManufacturer's Address:Certify and declare under our sole responsibility that the following equipment:Vocollect®SRX Headset and battery chargers. Products are usedin voice directed wireless Bluetooth applications operating inthe 2.4Ghz frequency band.Product description / Intended use:Approved for use in all EU and EFTA member states.Note: New members may be omitted or subject to change. Foran up to date official list please contact the EU governmentoffices.EU / EFTA Member states intendedfor use:US, CanadaOther Country approvals:Members with Restrictive use:Vocollect, Inc. and Intelligent Technologies, Inc.Manufacturer:VocollectBrand:SRX Headset and Battery ChargersType:HD-800-1, CM 800-1, CM 801-1Model(s):Is tested and conforms with the essential requirements for the protection of health and safety of the userand any person and Electromagnetic Compatibility, as included in the following standards.For the SRX Headset:Standards to which theConformity is declared:EN 300 328 – Electromagnetic Compatibility and Radio Spectrum MattersEN 301 489 -1, -17 ERM EMC General & ImmunityEN 60950:2001 - SafetyFor the battery chargers:EN 60950:2001 - SafetyEmissions: EN 55022, EN61000-3-2, EN 61000-3-3Immunity: EN 55024, EN 61000-4-2, EN 61000-4-3, EN 61000-4-4, EN61000-4-5, EN61000-4-6, EN 61000-4-8, EN 61000-4-11Technical construction file is kept at the following address:Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only258 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Contact:Vocollect, Inc703 Rodi RoadPittsburgh, Pa 15235U.S.A.Phone: 412-829-8145Fax: 412-829-0972Rakesh ThaparVice President, EngineeringDocument-1000280 revision ACopyright ©1998-2008 Vocollect, Inc. All Rights ReservedVocollect®SRX2 Wireless Headset Declaration of ConformityWe the undersigned declare that the equipment named has been designed to comply with the relevantsections of the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC, Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EEC & EMC Directive89/336/EEC.VocollectManufacturer's Name:703 Rodi Rd., Pittsburgh, PA 15235, USAManufacturer's Address:Certify and declare under our sole responsibility that the following equipment is tested and conformswith the essential requirements for the protection of health and safety of the user and any person andElectromagnetic Compatibility, as included in the standards listed below.Vocollect®SRX2 products are used in voice directed wireless Bluetoothapplications operating in the 2.4Ghz frequency band.Product description / Intendeduse:Approved for use in all EU and EFTA member states.Note: Members may be omitted or subject to change. For an up to dateofficial list please contact the EU government offices.EU / EFTA Member statesintended for use:US, CanadaOther Country approvals:Vocollect Inc., & Intelligent Technologies, Inc.Manufacturer:VocollectBrand:SRX2 Headset, SRX2 Battery, and SRX2 Battery ChargerType:HBT1000-01, HBA1000-01, and HCG1000-01Model(s):SRX2 Headset (HBT1000-01):EN 60950-1:2006/A11:2009/A1:2010 Product SafetyEN 300 328 V1.7.1 – EMC Radio Spectrum MattersStandards to which theConformity is declared:EN 301 489-1, V1.9.2 ERM EMC General & ImmunityEN 301 489-17, V2.1.1 ERM EMC General & ImmunitySRX2 Battery (HBA1000-01):IEC/EN 62133:2002 (1st Edition)Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyCompliance | 259
SRX2 Battery Charger (HCG1000-01):EN 60950-1:2006/A11:2009/A1:2010 Product SafetyEmissions: EN 55022, EN61000-3-2, EN 61000-3-3Immunity: EN 55024, EN 61000-4-2, EN 61000-4-3, EN 61000-4-4, EN61000-4-5, EN61000-4-6, EN 61000-4-8, EN 61000-4-11Technical construction file is kept at the following address:Contact:Vocollect, Inc703 Rodi RoadPittsburgh, Pa 15235 U.S.A.Phone: 412-829-8145Fax: 412-829-0972Rakesh ThaparVice President, EngineeringDocument-1003157 Revision ACopyright ©2012 Vocollect. All Rights Reserved.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only260 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Appendix BTemplate Training OptionsAll new operators must train their voice templates in order to perform a task with the Vocollect Voicesystem. Supervisors have four options for operators to train templates when using a device.Note: Always speak in your normal tone of voice when training templates.Training with the Talkman Device OnlyOnce a new operator is recognized by a Talkman device, the Vocollect Voice system instructs him/her totrain all the words he/she will use in the task.Note: This process can be improved when used in conjunction with the section “Training Using aPrinted List of Words” as found below.Note: Your supervisor must set up the system to use the voice-only option for creating templateswith a handheld device.1. Turn your device on by pressing the Play/Pause button.The LED indicator turns red for a few moments then turns green. The device says, "Please keep quietfor a few seconds." After a pause, the device says, "Please say zero."2. Say "Zero."The device says "One."3. Say "One."The device says, "Two."4. Say "Two."The device says, "Please say the following words..."5. As the device says each word, say it back to the device. The device will prompt you with the sameword at least four times; repeat the word each time it asks. If it prompts you for phrases, say thephrase naturally, without pauses between the words.When the device has asked for all words in the task the necessary number of times, the device willsay, "Creating voice templates. Please wait." It will then beep periodically until all of the remainingvoice templates have been created. When the remaining voice templates have been created, the devicesays, "Finished creating voice templates." The device then goes to sleep. You can begin the task bypressing the Play/Pause button.Training Using and Visual Training DeviceNote: This is not supported on the Talkman T1.1. Be sure the training device is configured.2. Connect the training device to your Talkman T-Series device.3. Turn your Talkman device on by pressing the Play/Pause button.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only
The LED indicator turns red for a few moments then turns green. The training device displays, "Pleasekeep quiet for a few seconds."Note:• If your device does not say this, press the Operator button to manually perform a backgroundnoise sample.• If you cannot see words displayed on the training device screen, there may be a problem withthe contrast on the device. Refer to the manufacturer's documentation.• The Talkman device says and the training device displays, "Please say zero."4. Say "Zero."The Talkman device says and the training device displays, "One."5. Say "One."The Talkman device says and the training device displays, "Two."6. Say "Two."The Talkman device says, "Please say the following words as they appear on the screen."The Talkman device stops speaking and words to train are only displayed on the screen. Speak the wordsas they appear on the device display. Words appear in random order and are repeated at least four timesto get an accurate recording of how you speak the words. If it prompts you for phrases, say the phrasenaturally, without exaggerated pauses between the words.When the device has asked for all words in the task the necessary number of times, the device will say,"Creating voice templates. Please wait." It will then beep periodically until all of the remaining voicetemplates have been created.During the beeping, the device periodically repeats the "... Please wait" phrase to alert the user that itis still busy. When the remaining voice templates have been created, the device says, "Finished creatingvoice templates." The device then goes to sleep. You can begin the task by pressing the Play/Pause button.You can expect the device to beep for approximately two minutes after all of the vocabulary words havebeen spoken. If the operator presses any of the device's buttons during this time period, the device says,"Creating voice templates. Please wait."Disconnect the training device and begin your task by pressing the Play/Pause button.Training through VoiceConsole's DisplayNote: Supported when using VoiceConsole 3.0 or newer and VoiceClient 3.5 and newer.If you are using VoiceConsole 3.0 or newer and VoiceClient 3.5 or newer, you can view the words thedevice asks you to train on a computer screen, through the user interface, or pocket PC device screen asyou go through the training process. See Viewing Dialog Between and Device and an Operator in theVoiceConsole online help for more information.Training Using a Printed List of WordsNote: Supported when using VoiceConsole 3.1 or newer.Note: This is the recommended training method for the Talkman T1.Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only262 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
If you suspect operators may have a difficult time recognizing the words the device is speaking duringtraining, you can create a print out of the words used in the task that the device will ask the operatorsto train.1. If a current operator has previously performed the task the new operator is going to use, go toVoiceConsole and perform the steps for viewing an operator’s voice templates using the currentoperator. See Managing Operator Numbers in the VoiceConsole online help for more information.2. On the Manage Operator Templates:<operator name> page in VoiceConsole, print the list of trainedwords. See Viewing Printable Versions of List Data in the VoiceConsole online help.3. If necessary, on the printed list, circle commonly misheard or confusing words.Figure 170: Printed List with Commonly Misheard or Confusing Words Circled4. Vocollect recommends the new operator review the list prior to training so he/she is familiar with thewords that will be usedIf templates have not been trained for the task the new operator is going to use, have the supervisor orcurrent operator train templates for that task and perform the steps above. To proceed with the actualtraining, follow the detailed list of instructions in the “Training with the Talkman Only” section above.Training Using the Handheld Device ScreenNote: This is not supported on Talkman devices.1. On the device screen, tap Start.2.Tap the Vocollect Voice symbol.The Vocollect Voice screen displays. The status indicator turns red for a few moments then turnsgreen. The device says, "Current operator is <name>. <Number> words not trained. Good night."Make sure the device says your name. If it does not, check with your supervisor or trainer.3. Tap the play/pause button on the device screen. The device says, "Please keep quiet for a fewseconds."If the device does not say this, tap the operator button to manually perform a background noisesample.The device says, "Please say zero."4. Say "Zero."The device says, "One."Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyTemplate Training Options | 263
5. Say "One."The device says, "Two."6. Say "Two."The device says, "Please say the following words as they appear on the screen."The Voice Training text box displays.Figure 171: Voice Training text boxIf you cannot see the words displayed on the training device screen, there may be a problem with thecontrast on the device. Refer to the manufacturer's documentation.As each word appears on the device display, say it to the device. The device will display the same wordat least four times; repeat the word each time it appears. If you see phrases, say the phrase naturally,without exaggerated pauses between the words.When the device has asked for all words in the task the necessary number of times, the device will say,"Creating voice templates. Please wait." It will then beep periodically until all of the remaining voicetemplates have been created.During the beeping, the device periodically repeats the "... Please wait" phrase to alert the user that itis still busy. When the remaining voice templates have been created, the device says, "Finished creatingvoice templates." The device then goes to sleep. You can begin the task by pressing the Play/Pause button.You can expect the device to beep for approximately two minutes after all of the vocabulary words havebeen spoken. If the operator presses any of the device's buttons during this time period, the device says,"Creating voice templates. Please wait."Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only264 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
IndexAA500 charger152LED indicators 152A500 device35–36, 38–44, 52, 54, 56–57, 60–63, 65–68, 76, 78–79, 84–85, 89, 147–148, 180–181, 186accessories 52battery 36, 60battery specifications 36, 61charging 36, 60combination charger 147combination charger, specifications 148device cover 56, 78, 89device cover specifications 57, 79device cover, putting on 57, 79display 52inserting battery 38, 62, 84LED indicators 40pairing bar code scanner 41, 65pairing display 52pairing Honeywell LXE 8652 42–43, 66–67, 180–181pairing Honeywell MS9535 41, 65–66pairing printer 41–42, 66pairing Socket cordless ring scanner 44, 68, 186Pidion BM-170 52removing battery 39, 63, 85removing from charger 38, 62, 84shoulder harness 54, 76specifications 35A500 VMT44–45, 47–48, 69, 71–72accessories 45, 69connecting cables 48, 72installing in vehicle 44, 69positioning in forklift 47, 71accessories26, 44, 51–52, 55, 69, 76–77, 87–88, 95–96, 202, 204belts, belt clips 55, 77, 88cables 202cables, part numbers 204Pidion BM-170 display 52T1 device holster 96Talkman devices 51, 76, 87, 95, 202Talkman, part numbers 26vehicle mount 44, 69adapter cables202–203connecting headset to handheld device 203connecting listening device 203adaptive speech recognition 207adjustable shoulder harness54, 76specifications 54, 76agency compliance 249Bbar code reader problems229won't scan 229bar code readers173–174, 176–177, 182–183, 185–186, 188–190, 192, 194, 196–197, 202, 205accepting input 202accessories 205configuring for voice 202connecting to a device 196device adapter 194disconnecting from a device 197Honeywell 9535 Bluetooth 183Honeywell IS4220 182Honeywell IS4225 182Honeywell LXE 8652 176Honeywell LXE Ring Scanner 8651 176Intermec SF51 174, 176part numbers 205serial interface cable 194Socket Cordless Ring Scanner 185Socket CRS, configuring 186Symbol LS3408-ER20005 190Symbol LS3408-FZ20005 190Symbol LS4208 188Symbol RS 1 Ring Scanner 192bar code readers, pairing41–44, 65–68, 174–175, 180–181, 186, 198–201Honeywell LXE device 198Intermec SF51 ring scanner 175Intermec SF51 scanner 174–175with A500/T-Series devices 41, 65with Intermec device manually 201with Intermec device, quick connect 201with Intermec device, search 200with Psion device 198with Psion WAP G2 199batteries16, 36, 38–39, 60–64, 82, 84–86, 92–94, 115–116, 124–127charging SRX headset 115charging SRX2 headset 125charging T1 93charging, A500 device 36, 60charging, T1 device 92charging, T2x device 82charging, T5 device 36, 60handling 16inserting into SRX headset 116inserting into SRX2 headset 126inserting into T1 device 93inserting into Talkman devices 38, 62, 84Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyIndex | 265
batteries (continued)removing from SRX headset 116removing from SRX2 headset 126removing from T1device 94removing from Talkman devices 39, 63, 85specifications, A500 device 36, 61specifications, T5 device 36, 61SRX headset 115SRX2 headset 124–125T1 device 92T2x device 82warm-up time 39, 64, 86, 94, 116, 127battery safety 16, 115, 124beeping 230belt clips 55, 77, 88belts55–56, 77–78, 88–89, 96sizes 56, 78, 89, 96specifications 56, 78, 89, 96blinking 40, 64, 86, 94, 151–152, 158, 170blue 40, 64, 86Bluetooth41–42, 44, 52, 65–66, 68, 87, 132–137, 139, 186, 195, 198–201pairing 87pairing A500/T5-Series devices 41, 65pairing by VoiceConsole 137pairing Honeywell MS9535 with A500 41, 65–66pairing Honeywell MS9535 with T5 41, 65–66pairing Intermec PB50 printer with A500 42, 66pairing Intermec PB50 printer withT5-Series 42, 66pairing scanner with Intermec device 200–201pairing Socket ring scanner with T5-Series device 44, 68, 186pairing SRX/SRX2 with Talkman device 139pairing SRX2 135–136pairing SRX2 headset 133, 135pairing SRX2 headset with handheld device 134, 136pairing wireless headsets 132pairing Zebra QL printer with A500 41, 66pairing Zebra QL printer with T5-Series 41, 66button, not responding 230Ccables182, 202, 204part numbers 204RJ11 182charger stand153assembling, T2x battery charger 153chargers32, 38, 62, 84, 93, 147–154, 159–160, 162–168assembling stand, T2x battery charger 153connecting power supply 150part numbers 32removing A500 device 38, 62, 84removing T1 device 93removing T2-Series device 38, 62, 84removing T5-Series device 38, 62, 84single charger cable 163chargers (continued)SRX headset battery 164SRX wall mount 165–166, 168SRX2 headset battery 167SRX2 wall mount 168T1 10-Bay150, 159–160specifications 159T1 single 163T1 single charger cable 163T1 single charger cable, specifications 163T1 wall mount 160T2 battery 152T2 wall mount 154T2x battery 152T2x battery charger, specifications 153T2x wall mount 154T5/A500 10-bay Combination Charger 147T5/A500 combination, attaching power supply 162T5/A500 combination, installing wall mount 151T5/A500 combination, power supply specifications 149T5/A500 combination, specifications 148T5/A500 combination, wall mount 150wall mount 154, 160, 165–166, 168CK3 device200–201pair scanner with search 200pairing scanner manually 201pairing scanner with quick connect 201CK70 device200–201pair scanner with search 200pairing scanner manually 201pairing scanner with quick connect 201CK71 device200–201pair scanner with search 200pairing scanner manually 201pairing scanner with quick connect 201cleaning procedures 17CN70 device200–201pair scanner with search 200pairing scanner manually 201pairing scanner with quick connect 201CN70e device200–201pair scanner with search 200pairing scanner manually 201pairing scanner with quick connect 201cold battery 39, 64, 86, 94, 116, 127combination charger147–151, 159–160, 162attaching power supply 162easy configuration 148easy configuration, additional devices 149easy configuration, setup 148power supply specifications 149specifications 148wall mount 150wall mount, installing 151commands 26Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only266 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
compatibility124SRX2 with devices 124SRX2 with Vocollect Voice 124compliance 249configuration parameters141SRX/SRX2 headsets 141conformity 252–255, 257–259connector pins 193copyright 3covers, See device coversDdanger 16declaration of conformity252–255, 257–259devices 253–255, 257SRX Wireless Headset 258SRX2 Wireless Headset 259device covers56–57, 78–79, 89–90A500 device 56, 78, 89putting on A500/T5-Series device 57, 79specifications 57, 79T2 device 56, 78, 89–90T2x device 56, 78, 89–90T5 device 56, 78, 89device problems230–231beeping 230keeps shutting off 231won't load a voice application 230won't load an operator template 230won't respond to button presses 230won't turn on 230devices17, 35, 59, 81, 91cleaning 17Talkman A500 35Talkman T1 91Talkman T2 Series 81Talkman T5 Series 59display 52dual-cup headset 109Eearpad129replacing, SRX2 129easy configuration148–149additional devices 149setup 148electronics module123–124attaching to SRX2 headset 123removing from SRX2 headset 124equipment17equipment (continued)cleaning 17equipment problems 229error messages237–238, 243numbered 238spoken 243Ffaster 25FCC compliance 249female 25forklift44, 47–48, 69, 71–72connecting cables 48, 72installing A500 or T5 into 44, 69installing mounting brackets for device 47, 71positioning device 47, 71Ggender, changing 25green 40, 64, 86, 94, 151–152, 158, 170Hhandheld devices134–137, 207–212, 217, 219changing voices, about 217changing voices, enabling 217charging 219installing Vocollect Voice 207–211pairing SRX headset with 134pairing SRX2 headset with 136pairing status icons 135, 137setting default voice 212hard-hat headset 108hardware documentation, about 3headset109, 203adapter cables 203connecting to handheld device 203SR-40 Dual-Cup 109headset problems229can't hear anything 229won't stay on 229headset styles 27headset supplies, part numbers 29, 31headsets21, 27, 99–101, 103–112, 114, 116, 121, 126, 143–145, 196–197, 258–259SL-14 headset, wearing 101about 21adjusting 110, 143adjustment strap, SR-15 104–105care and use 109, 143choosing 27cleaning 112, 145cleaning windscreen 111, 144Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyIndex | 267
headsets (continued)connecting to a device 196declaration of conformity 258–259disconnecting from a device 197headset features 27inserting battery, SRX 116inserting battery, SRX2 126removing 111, 144removing battery, SRX 116removing battery, SRX2 126SL-14 behind-the-head 99SL-14 headset, using properly 101SL-14 light-industrial behind-the-head 100SL-4 behind-the-head 99SL-4 headset, using properly 101SL-4 light-industrial behind-the-head 101SR-10 behind-the-head 103SR-15 behind-the-head 103SR-15 specifications 103SR-15, wearing 104SR-20 Lightweight 105SR-20 Series 106SR-20-Series Lightweight 105SR-21 Lightweight 106SR-30 High Noise specifications 107SR-30 High-Noise 107SR-31 High-Noise 107SR-35 Hard-Hat 108SR-35 Hard-Hat, specifications 108SR-40 Dual-Cup 109SRX Wireless 114SRX2 Wireless 121wearing 110, 143headsets, wired99about 99headsets, wireless113about 113high-noise headset 107higher 24holster96specifications 96Honeywell IS4220 Bar Code Reader182specifications 182Honeywell IS4225 Bar Code Reader 182Honeywell LXE 8652 Bluetooth Ring Scanner 176–177Honeywell LXE 8652 scanner42–43, 66–67, 180–181pairing with T5-Series device 42–43, 66–67, 180–181Honeywell LXE device198pair printer 198pair scanner 198Honeywell LXE Ring Scanner 8651 176Honeywell MS9535 bar code reader41, 65–66pairing with A500/T5-Series device 41, 65–66Honeywell MS9535 Bar Code Reader 183–184Iinline adapter cables202–203connecting headset to handheld device 203connecting listening device 203Intermec device200–201pair scanner with search 200pairing scanner manually 201pairing scanner with quick connect 201Intermec PB50 printers42, 66pairing with A500/T5-Series device 42, 66Intermec SF51 Cordless Scanner 174LLED170T5 charger 170T5m charger 170LED indicators40, 64, 86, 94, 119, 130, 151–152, 158, 170, 237A500 40A500 charger 152SRX headset 119SRX2 headset 130T1 device 94T2 charger 158T2x charger 158T2x device 86T5 charger 152T5 device 64T5m charger 152T5m device 64troubleshooting with 237listen to audio 222listening kits221–222, 225wired 221wireless 222, 225listening systems196–197, 222, 225connecting to a device 196disconnecting from a device 197Samson Wireless 222Sony Wireless 225louder 24–25lower 24Mmaintenance mode 219male 25microphones109, 143care and use 109, 143monitor audio 222Motorola RS409 Wearable Ring Scanner 185Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only268 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
Nnumbered error messages 238Ooperator template230load 230operator training221listening to 221Ppair52, 87, 135–136, 198display with device 52Honeywell MS9535 with T2x 87printer with Honeywell LXE 198printer with Psion device 198scanner with Honeywell LXE 198SRX2 headset 135–136pair scanner 198pairing132, 174–175clear175Intermec SF51 Cordless Scanner 175Intermec SF51 Cordless Scanner 175Intermec SF51 Scanner 174–175wireless headsets 132part numbers26, 28–29, 31–32, 204–205bar code readers 205cables 204chargers 32headset supplies 29, 31other devices 205Talkman accessories 26Talkman devices 26wired headsets 28wireless headsets 31parts177Honeywell LXE 8652 Scanner 177patents 19peripherals196–197connecting to a device 196disconnecting from a device 197Pidion BM-17052pairing device 52pitch, changing 24power 193power supply149–150, 162attaching to T5/A500 combination charger 162connecting to T1 charger 150T5/A500 combination charger specifications 149printers41–42, 65–66, 193, 196–199connecting to a device 196disconnecting from a device 197pairing 41–42, 66pairing with A500/T-Series devices 41, 65pairing with Psion device 198pairing with Psion WAP G2 199Zebra QL 320 Plus 193Zebra QL 420 193Zebra QL 420 Plus 193program177, 189–190program189–190Symbol RS-1 Decoder 190Symbol LS3408-FZ2005 Bar Code Reader 190Symbol LS4208 Bar Code Reader 189setup177Honeywell LXE 8652 Scanner 177Psion device198–199pair printer 198–199pair scanner 198–199Qquick connect 201RRAM mounts 45, 69receive data 193red 40, 64, 86, 94, 151–152, 158, 170regulatory compliance 249repairs234–235package 235replace ear pad 106restore defaults176Intermec SF51 Cordless Scanner)176Intermec SF51 Cordless Scanner 176return 234–235RJ11 Connection Cable 182RoHS 252RXD 193Ssafety 16Samson Wireless Listening System 222scan problems 229scanners 42–43, 66–67, 174–175, 177, 180–181, 185See also bar code readersMotorola RS40 185See also bar code readersscreen 52search 200Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyIndex | 269
send back 234–235serial interface cable 194setting default voice 212shoulder harness54, 76A500 device 54, 76specifications 54, 76T5 device 54, 76shut down 231single charger 163SL-14 behind-the-head headset99–101specifications 100using properly 101wearing 101SL-4 behind-the-head headset99, 101specifications 101using properly 101slower 25Socket Cordless Ring Scanner44, 68, 185–186configuring 186pairing with T5-Series device 44, 68, 186softer 24–25Sony Wireless Listening System 225speaker, changing 25speakers196–197connecting to a device 196disconnecting from a device 197specifications35–36, 54, 56–57, 59, 61, 76, 78–79, 82, 89, 92, 96, 100–101, 103, 105–109, 115, 125, 148, 153, 159–160, 163–164, 167, 182, 184, 193, 195A500 battery 36, 61A500 device 35A500 device cover 57, 79belts 56, 78, 89, 96holsters 96Honeywell IS4220 Bar Code Reader 182Honeywell MS9535 VoyagerBT Scanner 184SL-14 light-industrial behind-the-head 100SL-4 light-industrial behind-the-head 101SR-15 behind-the-head headset 103SR-20 Lightweight Headset 105SR-21 Lightweight Headset 106SR-30 High Noise Headset 107SR-31 High-Noise Headset 107SR-35 Hard-Hat Headset 108SR-40 Dual-Cup Headset 109SRX battery 115SRX headset battery charger 164SRX2 battery 125SRX2 headset battery charger 167Symbol RS 1 Ring Scanner 193T1 10-Bay charger 159T1 10-Bay Combination Charger Power Supply 160T1 battery 92T1 single charger cable 163T1 single charger power supply 163T2 Series Bluetooth Adapter 195specifications (continued)T2x battery 82T2x battery charger 153T2x Bluetooth Serial Adapter 195T5 battery 36, 61T5 device cover 57, 79T5 series 59T5/A500 10-bay combination charger 148T5/A500 Adjustable Shoulder Harness 54, 76Vocollect connector pin 193speed, changing 25spoken error messages 243SR-10 behind-the-head headset 103SR-15 behind-the-head headset103–105attaching strap 105removing strap 104specifications 103wearing 104SR-20 Headset106replace ear pad 106SR-20 Lightweight Headset 105SR-21 Lightweight Headset 106SR-30 High Noise Headset107specifications 107SR-30 High-Noise Headset 107SR-31 High-Noise Headset107specifications 107SR-35 Hard-Hat Headset108specifications 108SR-40 Dual-Cup Headset109specifications 109SRX battery116inserting 116SRX battery charger wall mount 165–166SRX headset114–116, 119, 132–134about pairing 132auto pairing 133battery 115battery specifications 115charging 115inserting battery 116LED indicators 119pairing 119, 133removing battery 116screen-based pairing 134SRX headset battery charger164specifications 164SRX headset battery Charger 164SRX Wireless Headset 114SRX/SRX2 headsets137–141breaking a pairing 139configuration parameters 141Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only270 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
SRX/SRX2 headsets (continued)pairing faq 139pairing modes 138supervisor audio 140VoiceConsole pairing 137SRX2 battery125–126charging 125inserting 126SRX2 battery charger wall mount 168SRX2 headset121–130, 132, 134–136about pairing 132auto pair 135battery 124battery specifications 125charging 124compatibility 124earpad 129electronics module, attaching 123electronics module, removing 124inserting battery 126LED indicators 130manual pair 136manual pairing 134modular design 122pairing 130, 135removing battery 126screen-based pairing 136stability strap, installing 128wearing 127SRX2 headset battery charger167specifications 167SRX2 headset battery Charger 167SRX2 Wireless Headset 121stability strap128SRX2 headset 128status indicator 219strap104–105SR-15 headset 104–105supervisor audio 140Symbol LS3408-ER20005 Bar Code Reader 190Symbol LS3408-FZ20005 Bar Code Reader 190Symbol LS4208 Bar Code Gun 188Symbol RS 1 Ring Scanner 182, 192–193TT1 10-Bay Charger150, 159connecting power supply 150T1 10-Bay Combination Charger 159T1 10-Bay Combination Charger Power Supply 160T1 10-Bay wall mount 160T1 battery charger wall mount 160T1 battery single charger cable 163T1 device91–94, 96battery 91–92T1 device (continued)battery specifications 92battery, charging in 10-bay charger 93battery, charging in single charger 93charging 92holster 96holster specifications 96inserting battery 93LED indicators 94removing from combination charger 93removing from single charger 93removing the battery 94T1 single charger163cable specifications 163power supply 163T2 battery charger152–154specifications 153wall mount 154T2 charger158LED indicators 158T2 device38, 62, 81–82, 84, 90battery 82charging 82device cover specifications 90removing from charger 38, 62, 84T2 Series Bluetooth Adapter 195T2-Series devices56, 78, 89–90device cover 56, 78, 89device cover specifications 90T2x battery charger152–154assembling stand 153specifications 153wall mount 154T2x Bluetooth Serial Adapter 195T2x charger158LED indicators 158T2x device38–39, 56, 62–63, 78, 81–82, 84–87, 89–90battery 82battery specifications 82charging 82connect bar code scanner 87device cover 56, 78, 89device cover specifications 90inserting battery 38, 62, 84LED indicators 86removing battery 39, 63, 85removing from charger 38, 62, 84specifications 81T5 charger152, 170LED 170LED indicators 152Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyIndex | 271
T5 device36, 38–39, 41–44, 54, 56–57, 59–60, 62–68, 76, 78–79, 84–85, 89, 147–148, 180–181, 186battery 36, 60charging 36, 60combination charger 147combination charger, specifications 148device cover 56, 78, 89device cover specifications 57, 79device cover, putting on 57, 79inserting battery 38, 62, 84LED indicators 64pairing bar code scanner 41, 65pairing Honeywell LXE 8652 42–43, 66–67, 180–181pairing Honeywell MS9535 41, 65–66pairing printer 41–42, 66pairing Socket cordless ring scanner 44, 68, 186removing battery 39, 63, 85removing from charger 38, 62, 84shoulder harness 54, 76T5 series specifications 59T5 VMT44–45, 47–48, 69, 71–72accessories 45, 69connecting cables 48, 72installing in vehicle 44, 69positioning in forklift 47, 71T5-Series devices36, 61battery specifications 36, 61T5m charger152, 170LED 170LED indicators 152T5m device59, 64LED indicators 64Talkman26accessories, part numbers 26commands 26Talkman A500 35Talkman devices21, 26, 39, 51, 63, 76, 85, 87, 95, 202, 253–255, 257about 21accessories 51, 76, 87, 95, 202declaration of conformity 253–255, 257part numbers 26removing battery from 39, 63, 85Talkman T1 91Talkman T2 81Talkman T2 Series 81Talkman T2x 81Talkman T5 59Talkman T5 Series 59Talkman T5m 59template230load 230training221–222, 225, 261–263training (continued)listening kits 221listening kits, wired 221listening kits, wireless 222, 225templates 261–263training cable 203training cables 202training devices196–197connecting to a device 196disconnecting from a device 197training templates 261–263transmit data 193troubleshooting229–231, 237bar code reader won't scan 229by LED indicators 237can't hear through headset 229device beeps 230device doesn't respond to button presses 230device shuts off 231device won't load an operator template 230device won't turn on 230equipment problems 229headset won't stay on 229won't load a voice application 230turn on device 230TXD 193Uunresponsive device 230Vvehicle mount44–45, 47–48, 69, 71–7212-volt 48, 7224-volt 48, 7236-volt 48, 7248-volt 48, 72accessories 45, 69connecting cables 48, 72installing mounting brackets 47, 71positioning device in forklift 47, 71VMT 236Vocollect Adaptive Speech Recognition 207Vocollect Voice207–211installing 207, 211installing 1.3 and earlier 209installing 1.3 and later 210installing 2.0 and later 208installing on additional devices 209Vocollect Voice for Handhelds212default voice 212voice24–25, 202, 207, 217accepting scanner input 202adjusting 24changing gender 25Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only272 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation
voice (continued)changing on handheld devices 217changing pitch 24changing speed 25changing voices, enabling 217changing volume 24–25faster 25higher 24louder 24–25lower 24slower 25softer 24–25voice application230load 230VoiceConsole137pairing wireless headsets and devices 137volume, changing with device buttons 25volume, changing with voice 24Wwindscreen, cleaning 111, 144wired headsets, part numbers 28wired listening kits 221–222wireless headsets113–114, 121, 132, 138–139about 113pairing 132pairing faq 139pairing modes 138SRX headset 114SRX2 headset 121wireless headsets, part numbers 31WORKABOUT PRO198–199pair printer 198–199pair scanner 198–199Yyellow 40, 64, 86, 152, 158, 170ZZebra QL 320 Plus 193Zebra QL 420 193Zebra QL 4320 Plu 193Zebra QL Series printers41, 66pairing with A500/T5-Series device 41, 66Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers onlyIndex | 273
Confidential: For informational use by Vocollect Resellers and customers only274 | Vocollect Hardware Documentation

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